Embers of Embers

Chapter 314 A Bigger World

Chapter 314 A Bigger World
It rained again in the gloomy sky, and countless raindrops hit the door sign of the bookstore. This bookstore has no specific name. According to Oscar, his bookstore needs a very cool name to show the talent of the owner. It's a pity that he hasn't thought about it yet.
Tick-tick, the pale water vapor surged up again.
"It looks like your Nordro plan has failed."
Lorenzo had a sullen face, as if he could not bear the long silence, and he said to Oscar.
"There is no way. After all, in business, there are profits and losses... In fact, we didn't lose anything." Oscar said, he could feel Lorenzo's complicated expression, but he didn't know where to mention it.
"The purification agency cannot be trusted, at least not completely," Oscar said. "That's why you made that request to me, isn't it?"
"The Purification Agency... Yin Erweg's secret agency to fight against demons, but in fact it is said to defend human sanity, but we all know it well. They obey the mysterious Queen Victoria... Even if you Nordro That’s true too, isn’t it?”
"That's not enough. I've said it all. The dictatorship of the monarchy is not feasible here. Although North Rodroy is based in Inlveg, Queen Victoria is only a slightly larger shareholder here. She can't completely control us, let alone Don’t talk about the organization behind Nordro,” Oscar said.
"Nation builders?" Lorenzo whispered about this mysterious organization.
Oscar is a member of it, and Nordero is just one of the external identities of this organization. If you think about it carefully, this is the most mysterious organization that Lorenzo has come into contact with so far, and he knows almost nothing about it.
"Would Queen Victoria allow an organization like yours to exist?"
Lorenzo didn't understand that Nordero's influence overseas was terrifyingly strong, with colonies spread on every coast, but such an organization was not under the complete control of Queen Victoria.
"There are no absolute enemies, only absolute interests."
Oscar squinted at Lorenzo and continued, "Isn't it the same with you and the Purge Agency? You can unite for the same purpose, but you are wary of each other because of small differences."
Lorenzo was silent. He was carrying the pseudo-Holy Grail, which was the most fearful thing for the purification agency.
“This world is very complicated, and the complexity scares me. Sometimes I think it is scarier than monsters.
The mystery of demons, the mystery of alchemy... not to mention a huge mysterious organization like you, the Nation Builders?What kind of country do you want to build? "
Lorenzo said calmly, he was just tired of all this.
"Furthermore, there are so many countries in this world, including Viking countries, Leiber, and Gaulnaro. They are more or less aware of the existence of demons, right? Then how do they fight against demons? ? These are all unknown, at least I don’t know, so what kind of organization is hiding in the same shadow? "
After a long time, he continued, "Although Shermans is dead, I have completed your North Dro mission."
Oscar nodded. The Nordero family has a great business and there is no need to embarrass Lorenzo in this matter.
"Then what we said before..."
"It still counts. If you need it, we will assist you when you feel that the purification agency is threatening you."
"Do you think this is against Queen Victoria? Isn't it treason?"
"We are a very special group of people. I mean the builders of the country, not Nordro." Oscar explained, "Just like what is written in "Utopia", we are eager to build a beautiful country. Do you think Britain Can being an Erweg bind us?"
"The reason why Nordro's influence in Inverg is so low can be regarded as a concession to Queen Victoria to a certain extent." Oscar said.
"In other words, in the eyes of Queen Victoria, you are more like a group of rebellious officials and traitors?"
An uncontrollable and huge group, larger than anyone imagined, spanning countless kingdoms and seas, with their flags on every continent, and the blazing sun never sets on their territory.
"No, it's very complicated. It has something to do with power and interests, and often this kind of thing is full of calculations," Oscar laughed, "But in the end, I'm just a bad book writer, so what does this have to do with me? What's going on?"
"Some are warriors, some are politicians, and some are just bad book writers. Just do their job and build an ideal country."
"An ideal country," Lorenzo said, "such an ideal world, I don't think you can do it."
“Of course I can’t do it, but you can’t stop doing it just because you can’t do it, right?
We have been established for a long time, at least longer than everyone imagined, but until now we have only maintained Beidro and laid the cornerstone of the country bit by bit. "
Oscar showed a mysterious smile and then said.
"It's like every story has a source of origin, but somehow, our stories are somewhat similar."
"What do you mean?"
"The story about the origin of the evangelical church in your "Gospels", to be honest, that story is really nonsense when you think about it carefully. A group of people couldn't stand this dark world, so one night, or after a hangover, they had Having some strange hallucinations, he was told the knowledge that there was hope in the North.
So these people went crazy and brought back the forbidden knowledge about the secret blood from the north a few years later. "
Oscar couldn't help but admire.
"Even knight novels wouldn't dare to write like this...but it actually happened. After all, it's been so long and no one knows whether it's true or not."
"Then what does all this have to do with you builders of the country?" Lorenzo asked.
A few decades ago, if a priest heard Oscar talking about the "Gospels" like this, it would be a complete blasphemy. The priest would probably fight the heretic on the spot, but times have changed, and Lorenzo doesn't care about that.
"Because we also originate from the north... We are very special. There are some things I can't tell you," Oscar pretended to be mysterious. "But it's very similar to you. A few homeless people set sail from the north. They want to To build an ideal country...and so the story begins."
Lorenzo's expression changed suddenly, and his eyes became stern.
"So what's going on with the book "Utopia"?"
Books are a very wonderful thing, a miracle. It is such different miracles that are piled together to build a great human civilization.
The emergence of books has made knowledge no longer affected by time. It can continue to be passed down in the hands of generations. It is also because of the emergence of books that human beings can record everything about themselves, thus giving birth to "history".
Lorenzo thought that a group of people were influenced by "Utopia" and went to build that ideal country, but now it seems that they appeared earlier than that book.
"'Utopia'? Plato is also one of our members. Although he has been dead for a long time, his works have indeed strengthened our ideas." Oscar's voice suddenly became depressed, "Of course, this is why I am the only one who Those who write bad books are the reason why they are honored to be a member of the Founders, they have always hoped that I can also write something..."
Perhaps out of shame, Oscar did not continue what he said.
"Your recruitment criteria are indeed a bit strange..."
"Are you interested in joining?" Oscar suddenly asked.
Lorenzo was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Oscar to say that suddenly, and then Oscar continued to ask.
"Anyway, you have betrayed the Evangelical Church, and now the purge agency is a bit rude. Why don't you switch jobs and come to me?"
Lorenzo looked at Oscar's serious face, and after a long time he smiled.
"Forget it, I'm a foreigner and don't belong anywhere. This country is still... too great for me."
"Isn't it great to kill monsters?"
Oscar asked rhetorically, then patted Lorenzo on the shoulder.
"Lorenzo Holmes, you are actually a great person. Although you are unknown, you have always been on the front line of fighting against demons. This has been the case from the past to the present. You have prevented many tragedies from happening. "
Lorenzo didn't feel happy about Oscar's appreciation, he just felt insignificant.
After reading Shermans' notes, Lorenzo realized that he had changed. Although the time was so short, Lorenzo had been thinking at home in Buscaro, on the moving iron snake.
What do you want to do?
Lorenzo knew exactly what he was going to do.
Eradicate all demons!
So... how to do it?
Yes, how to do it?Before that, Lorenzo had always been filled with burning rage. He had not thought about the deeper and more complex worlds. He just wanted to swing his sword angrily and kill all the monsters.
Seliu was right, he was a madman walking on the road of destruction, but the endless hacking and killing could not solve any problem, and the monsters would still appear continuously.
It wasn't until he saw Shermans's notes, tracing the origin of the mystery of the demon, and looking for the root of it all. From that moment on, Lorenzo thought more deeply about all this, and he realized that there was more to the world than what he saw in front of him. Of these, there are also things that I can't see.
The [Disease] is called the [Demon], and the [Patient Zero] is called the [Original Demon].
This world is covered by mysteries and falsehoods, no matter how sharp the nail sword is, it cannot cut off all these.
Lorenzo didn't say anything, just lowered his head and remained silent.
"The North... Although I don't know the reason, it seems that your origin is the same place as the origin of the Evangelical Church." Lorenzo said.
Trace everything back to its source.
"I don't know, I just heard other members say this...but, you have been hiding in the old Dunling for too long, Lorenzo, how many years, seven years?"
Facing the sad Lorenzo, Oscar said with a smile.
"Actually, the stories I wrote are all true... at least partially true."
Under Lorenzo's questioning gaze, Oscar finally changed his mind.
"Well, apart from those artistic processing, I have really traveled to many places with Nordro's fleet. None of them are as advanced as the old Dunling, and they are not as powerful as Yin Erweg, but they are different places, and they are wonderful there. Extremely.
I have witnessed whales churning on the sea, huge glaciers calving, fought with cannibals in the rainforests of fertile lands, and passed through countless countries. I even said that for a moment I wanted to set sail. , towards the east, although it is far away, although it may never return.
Lorenzo, this world is very big, very big, so big that there are still too many things that we haven’t understood yet. Although Old Dunling is advanced and bathed in the glory of science and technology, in the end it is just a city. "
Oscar really looked like an explorer at this moment. He had witnessed with his own eyes all the scenery that was only left in books.
“Old Dunling is a microcosm of the world, but only a microcosm, not the real world.
In this city, you can’t find all the truth, just like the stories people sing...and my words, these are all things that have passed through others, and have been more or less artistically processed, so they have lost their original meaning. , sometimes you have to see it all with your own eyes. "
Oscar's eyes were fixed on Lorenzo's gray-blue eyes. Although Lorenzo didn't say it, he could feel that Shermans' death was not that simple. There was something hidden, but maybe due to some reasons, Lorenzo's death was not that simple. Renzo didn't want to tell him.
"If the Purification Agency finally decides to join forces with the New Order to violently contain the false Holy Grail in you, we Nordro and the Nation Builders will provide you with assistance. I have designed an escape route. As long as you leave Yin Erwei Within the territory of the grid, just leave it to us."
Oscar is surprisingly confident in this regard.
"Route, what route?"
Lorenzo was a little curious. The purge agency in Old Dunling was strictly controlled by different systems and facilities. If they wanted to hunt him, Lorenzo was not sure whether he could escape alive.
"You will know when the time comes. We, Nordro, have also invested a lot in this thing."
Lorenzo thought briefly. After all, he had been a detective for many years, so Lorenzo still had this acumen.
"Civilian airship?"
The main transportation between Old Dunling and the outside world is the railway, and the Atrium Snake System has long been firmly in the hands of the purification agency. It can be said that when the purification agency set its sights on Lorenzo, he wanted to rely on It was almost impossible for the railway to leave Old Dunling.
Then there is only the recently emerging civilian airship. As a new civilian thing, the purification agency needs time to control it. This is the only loophole.
Before Lorenzo could confirm his suspicion, he stood up and prepared to leave.
"What are you going to do?"
"What do you think I can do?" Lorenzo said nonsense, "The great Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, of course, went to kill the monster. Even if he didn't kill the monster, he was probably on the way to kill the monster. "
Oscar looked at him and said bad things.
"Then can I write a knight novel based on you?"
"The Mysteries of Lorenzo Holmes"?
"Actually, how about I want to call it "Legend of Hunting Demons and Slaying Demons"?"
Lorenzo laughed, and he didn't know whether he was amused by the damn name or because of something else. He ignored this strange writer with leaps of thinking, opened the door and disappeared into the rain.
(End of this chapter)

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