Embers of Embers

Chapter 315 Game Start

Chapter 315 Game Start
The city under the rain curtain was divided into different shapes by different desires. Lorenzo was walking on the street holding the umbrella he took from Buscaro's house.
There is a shop door open on the street, and the sound of the radio station is heard inside. Some people are singing, some are commenting on current affairs, and some are broadcasting the forecast of the next weather. These sounds are mixed together and become a pleasant song, echoing in the raindrops. with.
Looking at the pedestrians, their faces were obscured by the rain curtain. Each person was like a moving shadow, isolated by the heavy rain. The sweet singing continued. Some people speculated that the rainy season was about to end. , followed by the joyful drum beat.
Lorenzo relaxed a little in the coolness. The host of the radio station should be a handsome girl. She said that according to the solar terms in the old Dunling calendar, the rainy season should end within a week. After the rainy season, the civil The airship will begin its first trial operation. At that time, everyone can book tickets and take to the sky together.
As Lorenzo moved forward, the girl's voice gradually faded away until it was drowned by the heavy rain, but then another man's voice sounded, coming from the restaurant beside him.
The man was analyzing the recent current affairs. The envoys from the Viking countries had a lively chat with Queen Victoria. Some people speculated that after this visit, a safe new route would be opened between Inverg and the Viking countries for trade. .
This felt a little strange, and Lorenzo also somewhat understood what Oscar said.
With the development of communication, with the old Dunling as the source, various advanced communication technologies are also constantly expanding. People can get news from another city, or even another country, from newspapers and radio stations. The inaccessible place is presented to everyone in the form of words.
But the world exists outside the door, at the end of the country, not in this city, nor should it be on paper.
For a moment, Lorenzo's heart was moved, and he wanted to go to a place other than Old Dunling, not because of the danger that might arise in the future, but simply because of his inner desire.
The Iron Snake slowly stopped at the road sign, and Lorenzo entered the carriage with the pedestrians. The old Dunling was very large. After so many years of continuous expansion, the Iron Snake has become the main mode of transportation in the city.
There was a small sound, which sounded like the snap of fingers, but was quickly covered up by the roar of the iron snake. Lorenzo grabbed the armrest and crowded with the passengers.
Because of the rain that fell again, the car windows were covered with tiny drops of water. Looking from inside the car, the outside world was hazy, and everyone in the car swayed slightly as they walked on the rails.
As an iron snake running in the city, it does not have a fixed track. If you want, it can move to different tracks through the operating lever in the car.
"The old Dunling is really good..."
A clear voice sounded, seeming to be talking to himself and to Lorenzo.
Lorenzo turned his head and saw a passenger standing next to him. He had a unique temperament, like the warm rising sun. He always felt comfortable when facing him.
The man also looked at Lorenzo with a smile, and Lorenzo's serious face was reflected in the lens.
"I just came to Old Dunling not long ago. Apart from the necessary work, I like to ride the iron snake around the city... This is a scenery that I can't see in my hometown."
The man chatted with Lorenzo on his own. To his surprise, Lorenzo didn't feel much repulsion towards this kind of behavior. Instead, he was willing to chat with this guy before getting off the car.
"Almost, when I first came to Old Dunling, just like you, I felt that this city was like a maze, and I couldn't finish exploring it. The Qing Dynasty’s tunnels and steam pipes are all over this land...it’s really beyond ordinary people’s imagination.”
Lorenzo grasped the armrest tightly, and vaguely recalled in his memory that everything was new to Lorenzo.
"Have you lived in Old Dunling for a long time?" the man asked again, like a visiting traveler, asking Lorenzo everything about this place.
"That's it."
"It's great, but it's a pity that I can't stay here long." The man said.
"Is it because you're here for a trip?"
Such travelers are destined to leave; they never stay in one place for long.
"No, I just came here because of work and some small hobbies of my own. After I'm done, I should leave." The man looked at every corner of the city with a look of reluctance in his eyes.
“It’s so nice here. No matter what kind of person you are, you can fit into this city perfectly, even me.
Good guys, bad guys, strangers...we all find our place in it. "
“We are similar, but different.”
The man continued, "Compared with here, our hometown is too old and backward. There is only room for ignorant believers."
Lorenzo realized something and looked at the man hesitantly.
"Feileng Cui, isn't it?"
The man said casually.
The crowded and hot compartment became silent for a moment. Lorenzo put a hand in the blind spot of the man's sight and grasped the handle of the folding knife tightly.
From the corner of the detective's eyes, he observed the situation in the carriage. There were many passengers, and the crowding made it difficult for Lorenzo to take out the knife quickly, and if he did, he might accidentally injure other people.
Lorenzo didn't care if he accidentally hurt other people. Even if it was a moral repentance, it should be done in the dead of night, not now.
His eyes were cold. After a series of encounters in the past few days, Lorenzo felt that his vigilance had reached its peak.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
The man said kindly, and then stretched out his hand, and that amiable demeanor, in Lorenzo's eyes, had turned into a terrible threat at this moment.
"who are you?"
Lorenzo didn't react too much, just asked coldly.
"You can call me Moriarty."
Seeing Lorenzo like this, Moriarty took his hand back, and then looked at the hazy world outside the car window.
"A new order?"
Lorenzo asked, he and Moriarty had the same hometown, Florence, and Lorenzo could only deduce that he was from there.
Moriarty didn't hide it, and nodded directly,
"what are you going to do?"
Lorenzo couldn't feel any abnormality from him. He was just like an ordinary person. But after Lorenzo saw through his disguise, that strange feeling of uneasiness kept swirling in his heart and refused to leave. .
In fact, this is also nonsense. Lorenzo knew very well what the new order wanted, the illusory pseudo-Holy Grail that even Lorenzo didn't know much about.
"The new cult is ready to attack you. We will not allow the false Holy Grail to wander outside."
Moriarty did not answer Lorenzo's question, but said something else.
"So this is what you came here to say? Warn me before you kill me. It sounds so arrogant."
The secret blood was about to move, Lorenzo stared closely at the man's face, the atmosphere was obviously so calm, but he was full of pressure.
He has too many enemies, the New Order, the remnants of Lawrence hiding in the dark, the "curse" written by Shermans, and the lingering demons... It seems that the whole world has become his The enemy, and this time the purification mechanism is no longer his solid backing. He only has himself and the sword in his hand.
"Yeah, just to remind you, after all, we are similar people. I don't want you to die so simply."
The Iron Snake stopped, as if it was only stopping for Moriarty. The other passengers did not move. Only Moriarty walked off. He stood on the platform and looked at Lorenzo in the carriage.
Steam surged from the machine, and the iron snake was about to move. Moriarty was wearing a black umbrella. He took off his glasses, picked up the rainwater that fell from the edge of the umbrella, and combed his drooping bangs. Showing a white forehead.
"But there is another thing, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, it's just my job to serve the New Church, so there's nothing I can do about it, after all, it's a job."
In a trance, he seemed to become another person, without the cover of the glasses, his eyes were extremely clear, and the amber pupils seemed to be shining, like treasures embedded in the flesh and blood, but immediately the previous friendliness and peace disappeared , his eyes were as sharp as knives, with a hint of madness.
His smile gradually became fanatical, exuding violent madness. For a moment, Lorenzo seemed to see himself in him, the same madness, the same anger, and the fireworks continued to rise.
"They say you're a detective and good at 'fraud' right?"
Lorenzo was silent and tightened his grip on the pocket knife.
"Actually, I'm also very good at 'fraud'. Let's play a game, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes. It's just a game between you and me."
When the sudden heavy rain fell, Moriarty's figure was like dye in the water, and disappeared instantly in the wash. Lorenzo was about to get out of the car to check, but at this moment, the iron snake's door closed suddenly, trapping him in the car. Inside.
Lorenzo whispered the name, and the iron snake started to move slowly, moving along the rails, splashing water, but the further it went, the more intense the unspeakable strange feeling became.
Weird fear penetrated Lorenzo's mind. His face turned pale, and he threw out the folding knife almost at the same time. The sharp steel was held in his hand like shining thunder.
Gone, all the passengers disappeared.
Lorenzo stood alone in the empty carriage, and all the previously crowded passengers disappeared with the disappearance of Moriarty.
"what happened?"
Lorenzo's eyes were gloomy, his secret blood was activated at the same time, and extraordinary authority was bestowed on this body at this moment.
But he couldn't see anything.
All the windows were covered by the majestic rain curtain, and the visible distance was no more than three meters. At the same time, the entire carriage shook violently, and accompanied by wailing screams, countless palms stretched out from the rain curtain and exerted their strength. He pounded on the car window, and could see countless ferocious and monstrous faces from the blur.
Lorenzo was surrounded, surrounded by countless monsters in the urban area of ​​​​Old Dunling.
As a demon hunter, Lorenzo is not afraid of monsters, but he is afraid of the unknown. All this weirdness happened so fast that even Lorenzo was puzzled.
He didn't notice any erosion, but in an instant, the demon appeared in his field of vision. The car window was shattered, and his ferocious palms passed through the broken glass, like moths flying towards the fire, and they headed towards Lorenzo One after another.
The jackknife pulled out a pale arc of light, and all the outstretched arms were cut off. The blood mixed with the rainwater, turned into a cold and foul turbid stream, and fell along the edge of the steel.
The torrential rain and thunder mixed together, bombarding this steel city under the gust of wind.
The whole world seemed to be drowned by heavy rain, and it was difficult for pedestrians to stand on the street. He looked for a place to take shelter from the rain, but there was a sharp cutting sound from behind the rain curtain.
Across the carriage, the jackknife repeatedly pierced through the body of the car, piercing through one head after another of monsters. Their erosion strength is not high, they are just the most common monsters, and Lorenzo can kill them with ease.
The iron snake was moving crazily on the rails, and countless monsters grabbed the outer wall of the steel and hung on it like barnacles, but no one could see all this.
Pedestrians taking shelter from the rain could only see something vague moving in the heavy rain, and the wails and screams were obscured by the falling thunder. Lorenzo was so close to these ordinary people, but that was it. The distance is like two worlds.
It seemed that there was a sound coming from behind the rain curtain, but the more violent impact tore everything into pieces. Under the impact of the monsters, the iron snake derailed, rolled and hit the side of the street, and the steel was torn apart by the sharp sword light.
Lorenzo held his jackknife and stood vigilantly on the spot. Behind the hazy rain, countless black figures were slowly approaching. They exposed their fangs and sharp claws, and human remains remained on their alienated bodies. Clothes, a few minutes ago they were ordinary humans, but now they have all been infected by the disease called demons and have become this weird existence.
"Monsters, demons, there is no end..."
The blazing white flame was burning, even the strong wind and heavy rain could not extinguish it, driving away the cold, the raindrops were evaporated by the hot temperature before they fell, and the faint steam filled the air, and the eyes below it were like the rising day.
The folding knife bathed in fire easily cut off the demon's body. The blood and rain were evaporated by the fireworks, and the cold air was filled with a frightening smell.
People can only see the light shining behind the rain curtain, like thunder leaping on the ground.
On the other side of the rain curtain, Moriarty quietly stared at the "real" world, his pupils burning with a strange blazing white color, but soon the blazing white fireworks went out, and he rose towards the light. place to say hello.
"Have a good time! Mr. Lorenzo Holmes!"
(End of this chapter)

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