Chapter 316
Blood and rain intertwined. Under this hazy rain curtain, the light was distorted into different shapes. The demons came one after another. They were like primitive beasts. All their actions were based on wild instincts, and they were completely unaware of Loren. Zuo was so powerful that he just kept sending deadly attacks towards him.
The folding knife slashed mechanically. While slashing, Lorenzo was also thinking about something. Looking at the faces that were soaked by the rain, Lorenzo for the first time no longer thought of the Demon Hunting Order. Taught him those to think about.
When he was in the Demon Hunting Order, the priests explained everything about demons from a theological perspective, but now that he no longer looked at it from a religious perspective and looked at it purely from a rational perspective, Lorenzo had countless questions.
Why are demons so thirsty for blood?
The priest said that these are enemies of God, evil creatures crawling out of the shadow of God, but such evil creatures only kill humans. They will not destroy other animals. This is too abnormal. They seem to kill humans. It only stems from primitive desires, and even in terms of the "phototaxis" proposed by Shermans, human beings are the light in the eyes of demons, and they want to get the light by any means.
Amidst the sobbing roars, severed limbs and bright red internal organs were scattered on the ground. Under Lorenzo's superb sword skills, these ordinary monsters were easily cut into countless pieces, and the blood rolled into the sewers with the rain. Amid this, it looks like the scavengers have work to do again.
"Moriarty...Moriarty of the New Order..."
Lorenzo whispered that name. Moriarty gave Lorenzo a very different feeling. It was difficult for Lorenzo to describe that feeling, or in other words, Lorenzo couldn't see through this person.
At first Lorenzo didn't realize there was such a dangerous guy around him, until Moriarty himself revealed his identity. Lorenzo thought he was a very vigilant person, but this time he didn't notice anything. It seemed that The damn smiling face was still in front of my eyes, but the next moment it turned into a crazy look.
There was a calling voice in the wind and rain, Lorenzo's movements froze, and he gripped the folding knife again.
All the demons were killed by him, and the corpses were piled on the ground. The rainwater under his feet was also dyed dark red. They mixed together and flowed under Lorenzo's feet.
But at the end of the rain curtain, there were vague figures calling Lorenzo's name. They walked over little by little through the stagnant water until Lorenzo could see them clearly.
It was a nostalgic attire, but now the sacred robe was wet from the rain, and he looked embarrassed.
It was the demon hunters. They came from behind the rain curtain, their steps staggering. The closer they got to Lorenzo, the more obvious the abnormality became. At the same time, the calling voice became stronger. Countless voices gathered together and struck hard. Lorenzo's eardrums.
"You are already dead."
There was no trace of pain on Lorenzo's face, just endless suspicion.
They were dead. Lorenzo killed them with his own hands. On the ship sailing away from Florence, he dealt with the last demon hunters who had lost control, completely incapacitating them. Their bodies were tied to iron anchors and thrown into the dead silence. In the deep sea, I hope they can sleep forever.
But now they are back, as if they have returned from the depths of the sea through the rain curtain. As they get closer, countless wounds burst out on the intact bodies in an instant, and sticky blood slowly flows out from them. , dyed the robes red, dyed the rain red, turned the water under the feet dark red, and this dark red color is still spreading.
As if something bad was about to happen, the restless sounds began to fade away. They fled quickly as if they were alive. In an instant, the sound of wind, rain, thunder, and all the sounds disappeared without end. Only Lorenzo's heavy breathing and heartbeat remained in the silence.
"Is it the illusion of a bad situation?"
Lorenzo saw through these illusions at a glance.
They were dead people, and dead people would not appear here, but then he realized his mistake.
This is not the so-called nightmare hallucination. Nightmare hallucinations will evoke the nightmares of the captured, but these things are not Lorenzo's nightmares, and Moriarty comes from the New Order, and he cannot be as weird as Lawrence. Manipulating demons freely... This is his power, or the power of a witcher hiding behind the rain.
Power Raphael.
Lorenzo has come into contact with this power. It is the only hallucination power in the Witcher faction. In fact, it is not accurate to call it "hallucination". It seems to focus more on mental misdirection. It cannot modify you. Will, but it can change the things you see, like a weird hallucination.
"So this is what is called 'fraud'?"
Lorenzo looked indifferently at the people who had already died, and the next moment a ferocious monster burst out of his body.
This is Moriarty's fraud. Lorenzo doesn't understand his intentions. They are obviously enemies, but he has to remind himself deliberately, and from his attitude, Lorenzo can't feel the so-called kindness. , but more like the mercy of a superior.
Yes, Moriarty thinks that he is the superior, and Lorenzo is the beast in the cage. He is aloof and plays with Lorenzo's mind at will, and even thinks that he told Lorenzo the answer. Lorenzo It's like being unable to escape.
But when was he captured by Moriarty's power?
To activate Power Raphael, you need to look into the demon hunter's eyes. Lorenzo also learned about this from 016's mouth. Her power is Raphael. The blurred hallucination can not only make people step into Crazy can also make people calm.
Looking at each other is the beginning of power. It is also at that moment that the demon hunter can share the illusion with it, see the illusion seen by the enemy, and modify everything. However, this is also extremely dangerous for itself, because while the enemy falls into the illusion, The witcher fell with them.
Therefore, the witchers of the Raphael faction need something to determine the false and the true, like a "morning star".
So when did he meet Moriarty's eyes?
Lorenzo quickly recalled all this. When the demon hunter activated his power, the blazing light in his pupils would never escape his attention. However, Lorenzo could not recall it. He had no idea where he was. was captured by Moriarty.
With the fall of the last monster, this encounter finally ushered in a rest.
Lorenzo held the folding knife and stood upright in the heavy rain. He was already very familiar with these things. It is estimated that soon, the people from the purification agency will follow the instructions of the Geiger index and come here to deal with this place. of mess.
He moved forward, but then stopped. For a moment, it seemed that all his muscles were frozen and he could not move for even a minute. Lorenzo slowly turned his head, and he saw a scene like hell.
Countless corpses filled the originally empty Iron Snake carriage. From the broken windows, one could see a twisted and ferocious appearance, like a creature that was a mixture of steel and flesh. It was already dead at this moment, so there was something dark about it. Red blood continued to gush out from the gap.
Lorenzo almost stopped breathing. As his eyes slowly moved, he saw the monster's ferocious corpse soaked in the water on the ground where they had just fought. He backed away slowly, and countless emotions surged into his heart.
There are dead people everywhere, both ordinary people and monsters, all of whom died at the hands of Lorenzo.
This is a fraud from Moriarty. The best deception is always a mixture of falsehood and truth. Lorenzo was in a daze. He was also beginning to be a little unsure whether all this was true or false. He could only be alone. Standing in the rainstorm, at a loss.
Power Raphael.
This is a power that makes people crazy. Among the demon hunters, the function of the demon hunters of the Raphael faction is espionage. With this perfect deception, they can easily subvert a solid regime. Under those countless hallucinations, no one can tell whether it is true or false, and when those in power make wrong decisions, everything will be irreversible.
"No...I can't feel the erosion..."
Lorenzo forced himself to calm down. If the power is affecting him, Lorenzo will definitely feel the disgusting erosion. This power cannot be modified by Power Raphael, let alone the demon hunter. As a demon hunter, he also has extremely strong erosion resistance, and the effect of this cognitive influence on him will be greatly reduced.
The sudden heavy rain slowly stopped, and the covering rain curtain also weakened a bit, and then the hellish scenery was completely exposed in the city.
Before Lorenzo could do anything, sharp screams rang out all around. Some pedestrians threw away their umbrellas and ran away, while others fell to their knees on the ground with fear on their faces.
"So that's it..."
Lorenzo's eyes were gloomy. He had experienced a lot, and no moral torture was of any use to him. Just like what he said to Arthur at that time, he was the guy who decided the life and death of people on the railway tracks. For the sake of human sanity, he was willing to change his mind. Become a monster.
This is Moriarty's attack. The new religious group's target from the beginning was themselves, but it was difficult for them to take action because of their connection with the purge agency. So the best way to solve these problems is to make the purge agency think so too. He is threatening.
But this is not enough. The Purge Agency itself is a crazy violent group. They are willing to take risks in exchange for strength. The current "risks" alone are not enough to make the Purge Agency give up on themselves.
This is just the beginning, there must be something else waiting for you.
Lorenzo ignored the horrified looks of the pedestrians and prepared to leave, but the next second he turned around fiercely and threw the folding knife in his hand. The steel penetrated the remains of the iron snake again with sharp light, but it was as if Everything just now was just illusion, the bodies in the iron snake disappeared, or they never existed.
Or... from the moment when Lorenzo boarded the iron snake, Lorenzo himself was captured by Moriarty's power, and since then he has stepped into a hallucination?
Lorenzo couldn't understand, but suddenly the rain stopped, everything disappeared, and the streets were empty except for Lorenzo.
"It's interesting, isn't it? This ability."
A disturbing sound sounded, and Moriarty sat on the remains of the iron snake, looking at himself with a smile.
He took off his glasses, his amber eyes burning.
Lorenzo was silent and alert, staring at Moriarty. From a certain perspective, Power Raphael is the power closest to the nature of "erosion", destroying the enemy's mind and dragging it into confusion. His hallucinations even drove him completely crazy.
Yes, from this perspective, except that it cannot transform people into monsters, this ability is so similar to erosion, or in other words, it is a controllable erosion.
Lorenzo faintly felt that he realized something, but it seemed that there was an invisible barrier preventing him from continuing to think.
"This must be an illusion too, right?"
"Of course, after all, I have succeeded in 'provoking' you, right? I'm just a liar. I'm not good at fighting, let alone facing an angry demon hunter."
Moriarty is very self-aware of himself.
"Then you should still be around here. Power Raphael also has a limited distance, just like erosion. The closer you get to the releaser, the more real and intense this illusion becomes."
"It's amazing. Can you analyze so much so quickly?"
"It's just that the demons killed more, just a guess."
To be precise, when the secret blood is activated, the demon hunter becomes a demon, an impure demon, a rational demon, and the release of these powers will inevitably cause erosion.
"Then guess what will happen next?" Moriarty asked, leaning on his chin.
"This is your power, your vision," said Lorenzo.
Moriarty's face showed a little disappointment.
"Can't you guess?"
The fireworks gradually weakened, and Moriarty put on his glasses again, and then the blazing white light disappeared. Lorenzo could feel that the noise was gradually shattering the tranquility, and the illusion was dissipating, but...but he Some don't understand.
Moriarty still maintains that damn sense of superiority, as if this is all just a casual game.
A gun barrel sounded from behind, and only a few sparks splashed, and then the jackknife fiercely cut and cut the projectile, and at this moment, the sound of wind sounded again.
"The most perfect deception is to deceive yourself."
Moriarty said this, and then hit Lorenzo hard on the back of the neck, but his power was still too weak and did not affect Lorenzo at all.
This was not an illusion. Moriarty actually sat in front of him and canceled his power in front of him.
Lorenzo has begun to wonder whether he is really so arrogant, or is everything already under his control?He didn't know clearly, but when he turned around, only his voice remained in his ears, and Moriarty had disappeared.
"You have already lost the first round, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
The voice said this, and then the heavy rain fell again. Lorenzo stood on the blood-stained street, and a strange coldness crawled up his spine. Countless severed limbs and remains were scattered all over the street. There were no monsters or anything. Moriarty, there is only one dead body that he brutally slaughtered.
(End of this chapter)

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