Embers of Embers

Chapter 318 Rootless Man

Chapter 318 Rootless Man
Everyone was horrified, blood and rain mixed into a dark red turbid current, and the shrill screams mixed with the sound of rain, turning into a prelude to chaos. Lorenzo stood on the cold stage, He tightened his grip on the folding knife in his hand.
He couldn't find Moriarty under the rain. It stands to reason that he wouldn't let Lorenzo discover his traces. This is a dangerous man. He has been eyeing Lorenzo from a long time ago, and for Capture Lorenzo and create a series of "games" for him.
Lorenzo's hand gently stroked the back of his neck, the place where Moriarty had just attacked. Lorenzo never imagined that Moriarty would dare to appear in front of him. Truth was mixed with falsehood, even if it was Lorenzo. Zuo, a veteran of fraud, was also deceived.
But Moriarty still gave him the feeling that he was playing a game. He never regarded these as a fight or a war. In fact, the game was over at that moment. If Moriarty had played The blade, that blow could very well have decapitated Lorenzo, but he didn't.
He was proving himself, taking a terrible risk to prove to himself the ability to kill himself, but if he really did this, it would be too boring for Moriarty. What he liked was games, this damn game.
The corpse was hit by the running water, the whistle of the mounted police echoed faintly, and the sound of horse hooves sounded, they were coming.
There is no time to think about the rights and wrongs of these. Lorenzo has killed many monsters and many ordinary people. It is not that he has no regrets, but that he feels that repentance should be left until his death. Do.
The game has begun, and Moriarty must have some tricks up his sleeve. Lorenzo could not sit still and wait for death. Without any hesitation, he ran through the water and quickly fled the scene.
He has a firm heart and can fight against all nightmares, but before that Lorenzo needs weapons.
Returning to 121A Cork Street, Lorenzo did not stop and rushed directly into his room, bringing all the weapons he had prepared in advance.
Winchester was completely destroyed by the bombing, and the nail sword that Lorenzo brought away from the Evangelical Church was basically destroyed, so he has been using the standard weapons provided by the purification agency recently. Because of frequent replacement, in Lorenzo had a lot stored under his bed, like a small arsenal.
Shotgun, hook gun, folding knife... Without affecting his flexibility, Lorenzo armed himself as much as possible. For a moment, he looked at the cold weapons on his body, and even felt that he would Just shout the Holy Word and go to the east.
It is a pity that the Eastern Expedition was hundreds of years ago, and the old order also burned out in the night of the Holy Advent, and Lorenzo was alone. At this moment, he was fully armed and murderous.
But after doing this, Lorenzo did not take any further action. Instead, he rested, sat on the bed, and listened to the monotonous sound of rain outside the window.
He had no intention of escaping. Hercule was Lorenzo's secret chess, Lorenzo's communication network. This strange rat king had no actual combat effectiveness. If Lorenzo found him, he would probably be killed. Exposed, as for Oscar... the game has just begun, Lorenzo has not lost yet, there is no need to use the escape route at this moment.
It seemed that everything was back to the past. Lorenzo rarely used his brain instead of slashing directly with the nail sword. After all, his enemies now were no longer the demons who only followed instincts, but were more cunning than them. Extremely Moriarty.
The tragedy on the street cannot be hidden from the cleanup agencies. They must have got the news now. On the way to and from Cork Street, Lorenzo thought hard. He is a detective and a criminal at the same time. He is good at balancing between the two. Switching, as he had done when working for Shrike, now all he had to do was think about what Moriarty would do next.
His rash actions will only make the Purge Agency more and more suspicious of him, and this is exactly what Moriarty wants to see. Lorenzo's cooperation with the Purge Agency is the biggest obstacle to the New Order's recovery of the False Holy Grail. , they need to make the purification agency give up on themselves.
If this is the case, the way to achieve it is very simple, as long as they become unable to control even the purification mechanism, but what are they going to do?
Expand the killing?He was misled by Moriarty's hallucination. He could mislead him once, but never a second time. Moriarty should also know this, so what would he do?
Do not……
Lorenzo woke up suddenly, he couldn't put all his attention on Moriarty and the New Order, and that damn letter, Lawrence's remnant party was wandering in Old Dunlin, and he still had The purge agencies were distracted by the new cult and ignored them.
Lawrence's remnants are the real threat. They control the "Apocalypse" and have the ability to produce secret blood. He has previously tracked down the low-quality secret blood that is still circulating.
Lorenzo's eyes were lowered, and he clenched the folding knife in his hand until footsteps sounded from the stairwell, maybe it was Mrs. Verde, or maybe it was Sig. Lorenzo should have been used to this, But today he felt a little uneasy.
This time he didn't swing the folding knife out in a cool way, but held the blade and gently pulled it long. He stood up quietly and looked at his door.
Mrs. Verrode looked at the figure disappearing down the stairs with some curiosity. It was very rare for Lorenzo to be in such a hurry. Even if he came back dripping with blood, Lorenzo would greet him with a smile, but this time Lorenzo didn't even realize she was there and went back upstairs.
But she didn't care too much. Lorenzo was an unpredictable guy anyway.
Mrs. Verde's daily life is very simple, just like an ordinary housewife, according to the schedule she has set for herself. At this time, Mrs. Verde picked up the mop and tidied up the living room.
There are only three people living here, but in fact the only one who often hangs out in the living room is Mrs. Van Roode. Lorenzo spends most of his time wandering the streets of Old Dunling, while Sigg usually stays in his room, closed in. She doesn't go out, so the place is actually quite clean, and there's no need to clean anything. But Mrs. Fanlude has nothing else to do at the moment, just to kill time.
Humming the military songs of her military service, she looked at the strategic map on the wall from time to time. The military career was a good time for Mrs. Vanlude. Unfortunately, due to the brutality of the war and the changes of time, many people she knew died. , or live in a distant place.
But at this moment, the door was pushed open, and the cold wind and rain were poured into the warm living room. The man stood at the door, paused for a long time, and did not move.
Mrs. Van Rude shouted hesitantly. There was no light on in the living room, and there was only a faint light falling in the gloomy sky outside. She couldn't see the man's appearance clearly.
This silence lasted for a long time, and the man raised his head and said to Mrs. Van Rude.
"I am back."
Sigg said and walked in. He didn't hold an umbrella and was very embarrassed by the rain.
"Why did you get wet by the rain? Hurry up and change into clean clothes..."
Mrs. Van Rude said with concern as she walked over, but as she got closer and saw Sigg's face clearly, her kind expression gradually stiffened.
"What's going on...?" asked Mrs. Van Roode.
Sigg didn't say anything, just approached her and gave her a brief hug.
There seemed to be a faint light that illuminated his face. I don't know if it was rain or tears. His cheeks were soaked with water, and his expression was a little ferocious, but he seemed to be trying to stay calm.
Countless thoughts surged in my mind, and all the sounds were covered by the same sound, the sound of falling rain, the endless sound of rain, under that endless rain curtain, that hometown deep in my memory.
Sigg was about to go back. He let go of Mrs. Van Lud and walked towards the stairs, his steps gradually staggering, as if he was in unbearable pain and a strange force was exerted on his body.
But these pains are nothing compared to the pain in the soul, the pain of loneliness.
Yes, this pain has been going on for too long. It has been so long that Sigur himself has become numb and cannot realize the root of the problem.
Until Moriarty found out everything.
That doctor, that devilish guy, he found his opening.
He raised his head to look at the familiar position, the door was slightly opened, and his white eyes stared at him coldly. The man's expression was very complicated, a little disappointed, and also a little self-blame.
"So, are you going to kill me next? Sigurd."
Lorenzo held the jackknife, and he could feel the subtle corrosion being released in Higg's body, and the reason was being stripped from this body constantly, and he was about to become a part of that madness.
Sigg did not passively accept hallucinogens, but he also longed for them. From the day he left his hometown, he was like a kite with a broken string, floating back and forth between the storm and the clear sky, a rootless person. man of.
But now Sigg got what he wanted. Lorenzo didn't know what he saw in that psychedelic hallucination, but he was sure that it was what Sigg had always longed for, and it could make him, a mediocre person, willing to fall. thing.
Lorenzo could tell, because Sigg showed a strange smile at the moment, a satisfied and sick smile.
"does it worth?"
Lorenzo's knife is very fast and powerful. It can cut off the demon's head in an instant. If they have any so-called pain sensation, they will die without even feeling the pain.
But in the face of Sigg, who was becoming increasingly weird, Lorenzo was unable to make a move.
He had a cold face, and the atmosphere was depressing and solemn.
Sometimes it doesn't take any extreme fear or painful experiences to make a person fall into madness. All it takes is giving him what he desires most. Just like when a person in the dark sees the only light, he will fight to catch it regardless of his own life. Live in that light, even if there are endless thorns behind the darkness.
What kind of light did Sigg see?It could make him fall into a nightmare, but still smile.
"You have to watch out for him, Lorenzo."
Sigg's voice was a little distorted. He held on to the wall. The stairs up were obviously not long, but he walked for a long time without reaching the end.
"Moriarty? That pervert, lunatic, scumbag."
His words were very relaxed, but his expression was extremely majestic, like an iron statue.
This is the word Lorenzo often uses to describe himself, and it really fits him well. Lorenzo just killed a car full of people, and maybe in a few seconds he will kill his roommate who has been with him for many years , but instead of feeling any moral guilt, he felt furious.
"He is very special... In fact, this is my own choice. He said that it is boring to play with an ordinary person, just like a tiger teasing a mouse. It is very boring... He let me make my own choice."
Sigg's voice was a little weak, and he was leaning against the wall. The abnormalities in his body were gradually revealed, but fortunately, there was no demonization that could be seen intuitively.
This was a deal, a deal with the devil. In the illusion weaved, Sigg finally got a glimpse of his hometown hidden deep in his memory, but the price was his losing sanity and his gradually deformed body.
Lorenzo walked towards Sigg with a folding knife. This was a difficult decision to make. Just like what he said to Mrs. Verde at that time, even if you keep a dog, you will still have some feelings after so many years. , let alone humans.
He once had a heart of stone, but this heart of stone gradually melted into flesh and blood under the warmth. Sometimes Lorenzo would even feel grateful for this. He could still empathize with the joys and sorrows of others. He was still a human being. Rather than pure monsters.
Sigurd and Lorenzo looked at each other briefly. Maybe it was because the light of the pure flame was too bright or something else, but their eyes crossed for a moment and then they quickly moved away.
It seems that he is not here to kill Lorenzo. Just like Moriarty said, Shige is just a mouse. How can a mouse in the gutter kill a monster?
Lorenzo also didn't understand why Sigurd came back and dared to appear in front of him. After living together for so long, he thought that this poor autistic child should be able to guess what kind of person he was. What kind of job are you doing?
Of course, things like monsters are still somewhat beyond Higg's cognition, but Lorenzo always feels that he should be an embryo-killing bully in his eyes, right?
So why come back?
Lorenzo didn't understand it very much. If Sigg transformed into a demon somewhere outside... Lorenzo thought that would be the best ending. Just like the demons that Lorenzo killed at random before, Lorenzo Zuo could kill him without caring, but now Shige was back and appeared in front of him, like a child who admitted his mistake.
The folding knife was slowly raised. Lorenzo knew what Sigg meant. He knew that he had become a monster and had done something wrong. Only Lorenzo could end this.
Lorenzo whispered that name softly, his anger boiling and burning for a long time, extremely hot.
But at this moment of life and death, Mrs. Fanlude's voice sounded.
She had taken care of Sigurd for so long, and she knew exactly what kind of child Sigurd was, and that was not his usual behavior.
Mrs. Van Rude had a faint worry in her heart, as if something bad was about to happen. She walked over quickly, but saw a scene that surprised her.
Lorenzo supports Higg, who turns his face inward, hidden by shadows.
"what happened?"
"Xig feels a little uncomfortable, maybe because he was caught in the rain. I'll take him to see a doctor."
The angry glare just now was no longer the same as usual, his face was slumped, revealing a mean smile.
He helped Sigg to the door and waved goodbye to Mrs. Verde. It was raining heavily outside, but Lorenzo did not take an umbrella. When Mrs. Verde chased him out uneasily, the sky and the earth turned white. In such a blur, everyone on the street is like a gray ghost that is difficult to distinguish.
(End of this chapter)

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