Chapter 319
Lead-gray clouds covered the city, and the gloomy iron curtain blocked most of the light, making the alley at the corner extremely dark.
Lorenzo was leaning on the side of the street, holding the folding knife unabashedly in his hand. Rain was falling. Fortunately, due to the narrowness of the alley, compared to the street, it was barely raining here.
"Xig, you have been corrupted."
Lorenzo said indifferently that he originally wanted to solve the problem of Sigurd at home, but then he thought of everything he had with Mrs. Valloode, and Lorenzo finally gave up on it all.
She said she wouldn't bring trouble home, so Lorenzo wouldn't kill anyone at home.
"What is erosion?"
Sigg had lost the strength to stand, and his body and mind were tortured by strange pain, but the illusion in front of him gradually became clearer with the pain. The closer he was to death, the more beautiful it became.
"It's more troublesome to explain to you. It's probably... you're going to die and become a monster." Lorenzo said.
Sigg was not surprised by this result. He still remembered everything Moriarty said to him at that time. This was a deal with the devil. Whatever he got, he had to pay.
"So Lorenzo, were you hunting monsters before?"
There is no need to hide anything from Sigur now, Lorenzo said directly.
Sigg looked at the strange figure, his tone was very light, yet so heavy.
"Then you seem to be a hero..."
No one would have imagined that the two people with such a big difference would have their first sincere conversation at this time. Higg also felt a little surprised. He always thought that there was a mafia next door to him, but he turned out to be an urban hero.
Damn scenes, damn conversations.
Lorenzo laughed suddenly. He thought it would be a fight full of unbearable and sad, but in the end it turned into a conversation under the rain. He picked up a cigarette, sheltered from the wind and rain and lit it, faintly Smoke rose.
"It's not your fault, Higg, because of me, you were discovered by the dark, and you were also targeted because of the so-called 'phototaxis'. In fact, I have been avoiding all this from happening..."
Lorenzo suddenly fell silent. He did not look at Sigg. With his rich experience, Sigg could not escape his pursuit. However, Lorenzo was a little sad and self-blame at this moment.
During his long life in Old Dunling, Lorenzo knew very well what he was. He was neither a pure human nor a pure monster. He was between the two, a traveler between morning and dusk.
During this time, Loren has been avoiding contact with others, so he has few friends, rarely talks to Mrs. Van Rude, and is also very cold towards Sigg as his roommate.
Because Lorenzo knew very well that there was secret blood flowing in his body. This forbidden blood ignited a blazing fire in the darkness, not only illuminating himself, but also illuminating the people around him, allowing those strange monsters to see them. The presence.
Lorenzo knew this as early as when Seleucid was targeted by Lawrence. Seleucid was too close to him and was illuminated by the sinful light. Fortunately, Lorenzo saved everything in the end and made the tragedy It didn't happen, but this time he failed. He failed to save Sheeg, and he was corrupted by Moriarty.
In fact, without Moriarty, Hig would have been targeted by another lunatic. Of course, it could also be a demon. It is even said that Mrs. Van Rude might be the one who encountered all this...
Yes... they were too close to me. They were originally protected by the unknown darkness, but they were illuminated by their own light.
"Am I too carried away?"
Lorenzo looked at the vast whiteness on the street and asked himself.
He killed Lawrence and got a new life in the fireworks. It was really a good new beginning. Lorenzo had a pretty perfect birthday. The usually violent landlord also became gentle, and the cold roommate I also chat with myself and get to know some people who are not too unreliable, but quite interesting, although their code names are all a bunch of weird bird names.
This is a good new beginning, a new life, just like what 047 often said to himself in his memories, go to Old Dunling, make a name for himself, and start a new life.
Lorenzo thought he had lived a new life, but he was still too complacent, and the monsters in the darkness came again.
Just like that, all the efforts were in vain, and everything returned to the beginning, such a life, day after day.
"So Hig, what does Moriarty want to do?"
Lorenzo's heart gradually became stronger, as cold as that iron stone. He looked at the fallen Sigg, and his blood vessels began to turn blue, as if they were tree-like tattoos, climbing along his neck.
The game has started. This is also a part of the game, a level. Moriarty doesn't like to torture ordinary people because he doesn't think it's interesting. So he also has a certain purpose in attacking Sigurd, and that purpose ultimately points to The direction is yourself.
Lorenzo walked slowly towards Sigg with a gloomy face, but at that moment, he seemed to realize something and stepped into the white rain curtain on the street.
Quiet, so quiet.
At some point, all the cluttered sounds disappeared. No other pedestrians could be seen on the street, and no iron snakes or carriages passed by.
Lorenzo couldn't see clearly the buildings behind the rain curtain. All the windows and doors were closed, trapping Lorenzo here like a gray-black city wall. A light came on behind the rain curtain, and the light was blurred. It was as if a huge monster was watching him after the heavy rain.
Then there was a sudden sound of wind that broke the calm. The sharp sword light cut through the rain. The demon hunter fell from the sky. Thousands of huge forces were exerted on the nailed sword, and it fell like a guillotine.
The body tilted back, and the sword slashed fiercely on the ground, causing heavy splashes of water. Then came Lorenzo's counterattack. The folding knife raised a semicircle, bringing up blood and rain, and hit the hunter. The demon forced him to retreat.
"A witcher of the new order?"
Lorenzo asked, but the demon hunter seemed to have no intention of replying and just remained silent. He raised his nail sword and faced Lorenzo like a tiger.
The rain was pouring down, and Lorenzo had no time to care about Sigurd's life or death. Compared with the demon hunter, an alienated monster was less threatening.
But at the same time, Lorenzo also had doubts. Is this also part of Moriarty's game?But what’s the point of this part?Send a demon hunter to sneak attack him... Lorenzo is now fully armed. If he wants, he can even blow up this street.
It is difficult for such a single demon hunter to pose a threat to himself, perhaps...
He thought this, almost at the moment when the witcher took action, he pulled out the shotgun under his coat and fired in another direction. The blazing fireworks disappeared fleetingly under the rain, but the brilliant light was still short-lived. It stayed for a while and formed a burning fire snake.
The demon hunter's sword struck the air. Lorenzo was faster than him. Ripples erupted from the stagnant water. Along the cover of the fire snake, the folding knife penetrated the white rain curtain, intersected with the nailed sword, and then penetrated. In the chest of another witcher.
There was still a little confusion on his face that was wet by the rain, as if he didn't understand how Lorenzo found him.
"Erosion...the rise of secret blood is accompanied by erosion, and this exposes you."
Lorenzo whispered in his ear, then turned the knife to further widen the wound. In the meantime, he put the shotgun back under his clothes and grabbed the witcher who was stabbed by him, as if hugging a close person. Like a friend, Lorenzo held him and hit the blind corner of the wall, using his body as a shield to block Lorenzo's body.
He leaned against the wall in the corner, using the unlucky demon hunter as his shield. Lorenzo held his head so that his sight was only limited to the corner of the wall, and he could not see what was behind him.
"Don't move around, if you continue to stimulate the secret blood, believe me, my knife is very fast."
Lorenzo warned that he hoped that the threat of death could control the witcher, otherwise, if he was desperate to raise the secret blood, with the current situation, Lorenzo was really not sure that he would be powerless in a short time.
The rain was too quiet, until the faint flowing erosion exposed it all. As Lorenzo saw through all this, the demon hunters no longer concealed themselves. Countless erosions were exposed in this heavy rain. Spreading, chaos is intertwined in everything, there are gray-black shadows slowly coming from behind the rain curtain, like dead people digging a grave.
Lorenzo did not act rashly, but quickly analyzed the situation.
The game begins, or rather, the hunt begins for Lorenzo Holmes.
This is the old Dun Ling, and these demon hunters appear in front of him without concealment. Are they no longer afraid of the purification mechanism?Or was it that the purification agency finally reached some kind of deal with them, and Lorenzo was a part of that deal?
Sure enough, these bullies can't be trusted. After all, they are all guys working for the mysterious Queen Victoria.
Everyone is in the same camp because of different desires, and when those desires diverge, unity will collapse.
Could it be that this is Moriarty's purpose?He felt that the time was ripe, so he took action at this moment.
Lorenzo's heart sank. If the Purification Agency chooses the new cults, then there is no hope for him to fight against them, at least for now. Lorenzo knows the terrifying ability of the Purification Agency to control the city. , and also know those mass-produced third-generation original sin armors.
Suddenly, the demon hunter held hostage by Lorenzo struggled violently. Lorenzo did not hesitate and was about to draw his sword to kill him, but the folding knife was tightly imprisoned in the flesh and blood.
While Lorenzo was thinking, the demon hunter's terrifying resilience came into play, and the flesh and blood became entangled with the blade, causing a slight delay in Lorenzo's drawing of the sword.
This brief delay seemed so deadly at this moment, the kidnapped demon hunter directly broke away from Lorenzo's shackles, his hands tightly clenched the jackknife pierced into his chest, and at this time the hunters scattered around The demon came quickly with a nail sword in hand.
Lorenzo immediately let go of the folding knife, kicked the demon hunter in front of him to the side, and at the same time raised the shotgun and fired. In the pre-loading, Lorenzo only loaded one dragon's breath bomb, and then They were all ordinary shotguns. The projectiles penetrated the rain curtain, but had little effect on the demon hunters.
The sword blades interlaced with sparks of light, and they were in front of Lorenzo in an instant. Lorenzo stayed close to the blind spot behind to avoid being attacked from both sides.
The confrontation between old and new witchers begins in an instant.
Lorenzo always had a good habit. Fighting against monsters was always high-intensity, and weapons were worn out quickly. He brought several folding knives with him, and he just threw two of them and brought out the sword light.
The two knives met the sharp edge of the nailed sword, and at the same time the secret blood rose, and dense iron armor formed along the surface of the skin, covering Lorenzo's body and protecting him.
Like a dark beast, it broke through the rain curtain and brought up blood.
The demon hunters didn't seem to expect Lorenzo's reaction to be so great, and they directly activated his power, and the corresponding blazing white light also rose in their pupils.
The violent power is flowing within the body. If it is not stopped, the entire neighborhood will be turned into ruins.
A loud siren sounded, something was running wildly in the rain, and the bright lights were like sword blades, cutting through all obstacles.
The iron snake appeared on the battlefield with a roar. This was not a regular iron snake, but a reinforced armored iron snake. The armor was lifted one by one, and with the surging steam, Father Anthony shouted loudly.
"Stop it all!"
The demon hunters were familiar with this voice. As Father Anthony roared, they all stopped fighting. The violent beast also stopped swinging its folding knife and watched everything cautiously.
Everything that happened here could not be hidden from the purge mechanism. Countless large Geiger counters covered the city. Lorenzo thought it would be Arthur who came, but he did not expect it to be Father Anthony.
Everything was clear now. The purification agency had reached a cooperation with the new religious order. At this time, another person stepped off the iron snake. Arthur held up the black umbrella and looked at Lorenzo solemnly.
"We need to talk, Lorenzo Holmes," Arthur said seriously.
With the previous mental preparation, Lorenzo was not surprised by these things. The iron armor peeled off, revealing his calm face.
"Talk about what?"
"There are many things about you... dealing with the pseudo-Holy Grail." Anthony answered at this time.
"So this is what you're doing?"
The folding knife was pointed at the demon hunters, and the whiteness in Lorenzo's eyes burned quietly, showing no intention of calming down.
"If I say this is a misunderstanding, it must be ridiculous, right? So there is no need to package the words," Anthony said directly, "Yes, this is what we will handle. You are an extremely dangerous demon hunter. Familiar with all hunting methods, not to mention carrying a pseudo-Holy Grail."
Anthony wanted to continue to say something, but then Arthur walked over quickly. He was not afraid of Lorenzo at this moment. He just pressed his head and whispered into his ear.
"Sorry, Lorenzo, these are the Queen's orders."
As he said this, more iron snakes arrived at the same time, and the personnel of the purification agency also appeared at this time, and there was the sound of steam surging under the rain curtain, mixed with the sound of steel, which was a ferocious gray silhouette, Standing not far from here.
(End of this chapter)

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