Embers of Embers

Chapter 321 The Enemies

Chapter 321 The Enemies
"Do humans really have that so-called... free will?"
Arthur's voice was not high, but it was so clear. He seemed to be asking not only Lorenzo, but also Anthony beside him.
This is a somewhat strange combination. Three people with different identities, different positions, and different interests are now discussing... philosophical things for overlapping purposes. And a few minutes ago, the three of them almost... Drawing their swords against each other, fighting broke out in the streets of Old Dunling.
"In fact, regardless of our various positions, we all have at least one common purpose, that is, we all want to find out what a demon is, right?"
Arthur continued.
"Our purification agency has been studying it from a rational perspective for a long time, and we found that the erosion of demons seems to be related to the so-called spirit, and you also know this information Lorenzo.
They did an interesting experiment, which was probably an extension of 'conditioned reflex'. This thing is called 'operant conditioning'. They locked a mouse in a box that was completely free from external interference. , train it to press the red button to get food.
However, as the experiment progressed, they made the feedback of pressing the button longer, perhaps more than a dozen times, before the food was released once. In this case, the mouse gave up these, and it no longer pressed the button, but when When the distribution of food became random, the experimental results changed. The mouse did not know how many times the food was pressed, maybe it was a few times, or it could be dozens of times or hundreds of times, but this time it did not give up. Just keep pressing the button. "
Except for the pouring rain and the roar of the iron snake, only Arthur's voice was left in the iron snake at this moment. He softly told about the strange experiment. Lorenzo's face was still expressionless, but Anthony was expressionless. With a somewhat curious expression, in Emerald Cui named after faith, the so-called rationality is heresy.
"The result of the experiment is very interesting. Every time the mouse presses the button, it is a kind of reinforcement, and the belief that 'as long as you press it, there will be food' is continuously strengthened. The mouse has no intelligence, but only instinct, and it will The power to accomplish what goes against instinct is attributed to instinct...
Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, don't you think this is similar to us humans? "
The air inside the sealed iron snake became dull and oppressive. It seemed that ever since Arthur told about this experiment, the three of them had become mice in a box, trapped inside.
"Why do we do so many stupid things, knowing full well that they will not be rewarded, but we continue to persevere in vain?"
Anthony's expression also became serious. As the current leader of the religious order, he knew very well that so-called faith was just a tool to control the ignorance of the lower classes, but in Arthur's story, he heard something different.
"Yes, in fact, this kind of thing can also be changed. We become mice in a box. From time to time, iron spears will fall from outside the box and kill other mice. We are very scared, but as long as we continue to press the red button, the iron spear will not fall.
In fact, it should no longer be called a button at this time. It should have a more detailed distinction. The action we press is to worship, and the squeaking sound is reciting holy scriptures. As long as we look at the thing called "God" ' button, the iron spear will not fall..."
There was only dead silence in the carriage. No one understood how Arthur would interpret the so-called "faith" in this way. But after hearing this experiment, not only Lorenzo, but also Anthony had no words to refute.
It's so similar, it's frighteningly similar.
Isn’t that button a so-called god to the mouse trapped in the box?
"Of course, the conclusion drawn from this experiment is that humans do not have free will. We are all trapped in a box and are affected by different things, even ourselves.
Do we really crave food?Or is it the hunger of the body that drives our actions, as well as the power and wealth... After all, we are all prisoners of the box, controlled by different desires. "
Arthur smiled mid-sentence and rejected everything he said before.
"But who knows about this kind of thing? We have lived in this world for so long, and all laws and regulations must be explored by ourselves, establishing what we know, and then when our cognition breaks through the boundaries, we can Overthrow everything that came before.”
This is the history of mankind. Kingdoms are established, kingdoms are overthrown, and new kingdoms are built on the ruins of kingdoms. Destruction and rebirth are constantly reincarnated.
"Good interpretation."
Anthony said in the silence.
"I thought your faith would collapse." Arthur smiled.
"how could be?"
Anthony said meaningfully.
Then his eyes fell on Lorenzo, who had been silent. This is an interesting story, Lorenzo said.
"So, do you defend yourself? Arthur."
Sometimes people are so strange. Lorenzo can understand Arthur's dilemma. After all, he is under the command of Queen Victoria, but even if he understands, it doesn't mean that Lorenzo won't feel angry.
"No, this is not my excuse. I don't need to justify anything. In fact, this experiment is mainly for you, Lorenzo."
Arthur finally pointed the finger at Lorenzo. Lorenzo's appearance was reflected in his cloudy eyes, and then a storm of chaos rolled up, pulling Lorenzo's appearance into chaos.
Arthur asked accurately, as if he had seen through Lorenzo.
"That name, the name Lorenzo Holmes..." Arthur continued to explain the weird experiment. "Every time the mouse presses the button, it is a reinforcement, strengthening the behavior and increasing the desire for the result. .”
"Every time you say this name, isn't it a kind of cognitive strengthening for you? You are like self-hypnosis, making yourself 'Lorenzo Holmes' instead of the so-called May Danzo, 047."
"What do you want to say?"
The name was a wish, a belief, and every time it came to it, Lorenzo became furious.
"You are not free, Lorenzo. You have been influenced by the pseudo-Holy Grail, just like a mouse in a box. In the box, it doesn't even realize how ridiculous it is.
Haven't you noticed your weirdness yet?People cannot be resurrected, nor can they control the Original Sin Armor in... an almost weird way. "
There was another long silence, and after a long time Lorenzo said slowly.
"You don't trust me anymore, do you?"
"Maybe. In fact, I have begun to believe in those things that Merlin often talks about, what...cursed knowledge, this thing is really damnable. After learning this, I sometimes doubt everything that exists, and feel that everything is Unbelievable, this has bothered me for a long time.
But who cares? "
Arthur showed an unattractive smile. In Lorenzo's eyes, he was like a person imprisoned by layers of chains. Those chains were called Arthur, Duke of Phoenix, and father.
No, it’s not just Arthur, everyone is bound by different chains. They are so heavy that it makes it difficult for the person carrying them to walk. And now the chains are wrapped around Lorenzo’s body, pressing him down and making him almost breathless. .
"I suspect that you have been corrupted and affected by the False Holy Grail, and the so-called name of Lorenzo Holmes is the reason. Under the influence of the False Holy Grail, it has been distorting your cognition, making you never 047 becomes the non-existent 042, the so-called Lorenzo Holmes."
Anthony intervened in the conversation. As Lorenzo's opponent, he didn't have Arthur's previous hesitation, and said directly and coldly.
"And the False Holy Grail is still gradually eating away at the people around you, Lorenzo."
Lorenzo was keenly aware of the uneasiness. This was Anthony's purpose. The damn experiments or strange stories before were all foreshadowing everything now.
The script of this hunt has long been set, and Lorenzo is forced to march on it, unable to find any breathing space for resistance.
Killing those innocent people and the Queen's orders are not what really make Arthur so tough. What really makes Arthur become like this is his own threat, or in other words, what Moriarty deceived...
"You saw your roommate, too, who was corrupted... by you," Anthony said.
"But you didn't even see him just now, why do you know this?"
Lorenzo looked at Anthony. When the witchers attacked, he left Sigg in the alley. Anthony had never seen Sigg at all, so how could he be sure of Sigg's condition?
But soon Lorenzo felt ridiculous for his slowness. This was not a war of words at the negotiating table, but a premeditated hunt. Anthony must have his own reasonable excuse.
"Because we have been targeting your roommate long before that, he was corrupted, and according to the data of the purification agency, the area of ​​Cork Street has not been corroded in the past few days, only you, the false holy grail Unknowable erosion, maybe we are shrouded in your erosion right now, maybe.
Sigg was corrupted and fell into madness. He killed all the members of the mutual aid association, as well as the poor psychiatrist... The purification agency detected the erosion anomaly, and after dealing with Whitechapel, decided to contain you urgently . "
Facing Anthony's words, Lorenzo was not surprised. This was what Moriarty did. He must have caught an unlucky ghost somewhere to replace him and fell into suspended animation. As long as he continued to hide in the dark , Lorenzo cannot prove this. After all, in the eyes of the purge agency, "Moriarty" does not exist. Even if there really is a person named Moriarty, he has already died in Whitechapel. inside.
"Emergency containment? Mobilized all the demon hunters, even the Original Sin Armor... I even thought you were going to start a local war in the old Dunling."
Lorenzo thought Anthony's words were ridiculous. The cleanup agency had a quick response team to deal with emergencies, but they couldn't block the entire block in such a short time. Lorenzo and the enemies were the only ones on the street. .
"Because Joey was also corrupted by you, Lorenzo." Arthur said slowly.
Lorenzo was startled, and then couldn't believe it.
"What did you say?"
"Joy, he was detected to be corroded a few days ago, but he has been staying in the old Dunling and stationed at the stronghold recently. He has not come into contact with any demons, nor has he been dragged to do any experiments by the eternal pump. And he is When we decide on your contact person, the thing he usually comes into contact with the most and is closest to a demon is you.
Joey is a high-ranking knight of the purification mechanism. After spiritual specialization, although he is not as good as the knight captains, he also has a certain resistance to erosion. But even so, he was still corroded. At the core of the purification mechanism, Among the old Dunling. "
Arthur whispered about the invisible fear.
"The false holy grail is corrupting the people around you with you as the origin."
In an instant, it seemed as if countless invisible hands grabbed Lorenzo, imprisoned his limbs, and strangled his throat. The New Order had planned all of this a long, long time ago, and now all the conspiracies overlap. Together, we have created what we are today.
say what?Can the words of the New Order be trusted?Lorenzo felt that such an excuse was feeble, but at this time Anthony continued to pursue, and the ferocious scar slowly twisted with the wriggling of the muscles, as if it was a centipede that came to life.
Anthony looked at Lorenzo with a smile and uttered devilish words.
"Isn't that enough proof? Or do you want to see more 'evidence'?"
It was a feeling of powerlessness, self-blame, and anger.
The gray-blue eyes tightly locked Anthony's face into those abyss-like pupils. Lorenzo knew very well that Anthony's words were both a threat and a provocation.
Moriarty is hiding in the dark. As long as Lorenzo continues to resist, he will create one "evidence" after another. This is Lorenzo's dereliction of duty. He was too complacent. After killing Lawrence, he thought he He can more or less live a normal human life, with seemingly normal social interactions, but he is a fire, a fire burning in the darkness of death. His light illuminates the people around him, making those whom Lorenzo loves so much of people are discovered by horrifying weirdness.
Those who are familiar with...
The time has come to make a decision, whether to pull out the folding knife and kill everyone and escape from here, or to just step into the conspiracy of the new cult and keep those people alive.
Become a human or a monster.
The dull air almost condensed into heavy lead stones, which filled the Iron Snake's carriage. It squeezed everyone wantonly, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.
"I accept...I accept your inclusion, Arthur."
Under the extreme pressure, the voice became blurry, but after hearing this, Arthur took a long breath and exhaled all the turbid air in his lungs. He really felt that the murderous aura that had just reached the extreme seemed to be In the next second, Lorenzo would ignite the rising pure flame and start a war in this old Dunling at all costs. But what he didn't expect was that such an unruly Lorenzo would also bow his head sometimes. I accepted it, but then he said again.
"Father Anthony."
The voice sounded.
"You are my enemy, Father Anthony."
The voice was very calm, without the slightest fluctuation, nor violent. If you didn't listen carefully, it would even be obscured by the roar of the iron snake and the sound of rain.
This should be a harsh word to threaten others, but it was so ordinary that people didn't care, and then the voice sounded again.
Arthur looked at Lorenzo, and for a moment it seemed as if someone was holding his heart. The emotion called fear spread throughout his body along with the ups and downs of his heart.
Lorenzo was normal, with a calm expression and no anger at all, but the same cold eyes as before, but this time Arthur felt a little familiar, and at that moment he suddenly remembered the first time he saw Lorenzo. .
In fact, Arthur had met Lorenzo as early as seven years ago. During the Red River Massacre, it was an unforgettable scene. The Thames River was dyed red, and the severed limbs and internal organs followed the ups and downs of the rapids. It rose, and some were even rushed onto the streets. The gangs that were raging in the lower city were all eliminated, and the empire of Order Shrike rose above it, completely controlling the lower city.
Arthur saw Lorenzo in the information provided by Shrike, on a black and white photo. If Shrike hadn't interceded at that time, Arthur would have been prepared to kill Lorenzo, but he later contacted Lorenzo. During the time, Arthur gradually forgot what he thought at that time, but now he suddenly remembered it.
Remembering why he wanted to kill Lorenzo then.
At that time, Duke Phoenix was "Arthur", leading the purification agency to fight against demons. When he saw Lorenzo, he suddenly had a strange illusion. The person in the photo was obviously so normal, but Arthur can feel the nameless violence and madness in it, as if he will penetrate the shackles of the photo with a sword in the next second, and kill everyone with a sword...
It was a demon-like person, no, to be precise, it was a human-like monster.
"You are my enemies."
The monster's eyes were empty, as if looking at an unknowable nothingness.
"The New Order."
The bright lights pierced the rain curtain, and the armor-covered iron snake moved rapidly along the rails, towards the bulging black silhouette behind the rain curtain.
 1. The mouse in the box comes from "Skinner's box", an experiment that I find very interesting. You can go and learn about it.
2. I was py'ed by a group of friends, so I recommend it.
""We Wild Monsters Don't Want to Die" travels through time and becomes a black dragon, but the world is full of players. In order to survive, gather wild monsters around you, build the most difficult dungeon in history, and strive to become the undefeatable black dragon BOSS and become the best choice for wild monsters. Great savior.”
(End of this chapter)

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