Embers of Embers

Chapter 322 Angel

Chapter 322 Angel
There seemed to be something squirming slightly in the air. It was something invisible, but as it moved, it caused heavy ripples, affecting the surrounding things, so that human eyes could barely distinguish it when they concentrated. Outline it.
The priest looked at the blank space in front of him with some palpitations. In the deserted void, he could see the silhouette of a human being, as if it were a ghost.
As one of the very few left in the Stasis Temple, responsible for the maintenance of this huge remains, the priest has long been accustomed to all the strange things in the Stasis Temple. After all, some people once said that this is the origin of the demon hunter. It was here that the Evangelical Church refined the secret blood and launched a counterattack against the demons.
These are myth-like stories, but the priest doesn't know much about them. He doesn't hold a high position in the evangelical church, otherwise he wouldn't be transferred to this dead place.
He backed up uneasily until he leaned against the ancient stone pillar, and there were many such stone pillars under this huge space. One after another, they supported the dome, and the ends extended into the endless darkness. .
It is very difficult for an ordinary person to live in the stasis temple. The new pope seems not to want the news to spread here. Since he was transferred here, the priest has never left. Sometimes he even feels that he is dead. It was buried deep in this deep underground.
But what he experienced before and what he encountered now are simply not worth mentioning.
He tried hard to calm his breathing, but his heart was still beating violently. The priest could clearly see the dust falling from the darkness above his head. He could also clearly see that the dust that was falling freely seemed to be falling in the process. Encountering something, the falling trajectory was slightly distorted, and a strange human shape was outlined in the air.
It's as weird as a ghost.
He pulled out a dagger from under his robe. This was the weapon prepared by the new pope for them. The blade was plated with a small amount of holy silver. It was said to be for the priests to defend themselves, but in fact they all knew that if there really was The priests were unable to resist the so-called strange appearance, and their spirits were tense to the extreme, but the vague ghost disappeared in the next second.
It was like suddenly collapsing in the air and returning to nothingness.
Hallucination?Or something else?
The priest was also in a daze, but then a feeling of suffocation came to his heart. It seemed that something was strangling his throat, preventing him from even screaming. He struggled hard, but his resistance was meaningless, and his face gradually changed. He became livid, and finally seemed to be dead, with his head lowered and half leaning on the stone pillar.
This silence lasted for a few seconds, the priest raised his head slowly, but there was a completely different look in his eyes.
Lawrence raised his head and looked at this palace that was so familiar in his memory. Seeing how dilapidated it was now, he was a little distracted. It seemed that he did not expect that his rebellion was really successful, nor did he expect that he would survive to this point. , and even said that it almost drove the evangelical church to a dead end.
But he didn't come to the Evangelical Church today just for nostalgia. He lowered his head and looked at his palms. This kind of real reality made him feel very good.
With the in-depth study of Power Gabriel, Lawrence became more and more aware of the strangeness of this power.
Not only the power to usurp other people's lives, but even more mysterious is its unknown mode of operation, which Lawrence has never seen before...
But today he didn't come to study this. Lawrence put away the drawn dagger and moved forward in this empty stagnant temple. Today he ventured here with only one purpose.
It was a dark well, as if all light would be sucked into it, and pure darkness rolled inside.
Lawrence didn’t see anyone else along the way, but that’s how the Temple of Stasis was. During the many years under the control of the Evangelical Church, it had been built as the last fortress, and it had been continuously expanded and dug over the long years. Like the Cathedral of San Naro, few people know the full picture here, and it is possible to get lost and starve to death in it.
Standing in front of this deep well, Lawrence's eyes were solemn. Long before he betrayed the Evangelical Church, during his continuous exploration of the truth, he realized the strangeness of the well of sublimation.
According to the regulations of the Demon Hunter Order, every dead demon hunter will eventually have their body thrown into this deep well. This has been the case for thousands of years. It is hard to imagine how many corpses have been piled up under this deep well. It’s hard to imagine that these remains with secret blood would really die peacefully like this?
There are also those voices that often ring in his mind, the voices originating from the Heart Network. In his research on Power Gabriel, Lawrence can confirm that the Temple of Stasis is a large demon with an extremely The huge [gap] connected all the demon hunters.
But the problem is that the evangelical church has done this. The more it digs into past history, the more clearly it can feel the distortion and chronology of this world.
Standing at the edge of the well, looking at the solid darkness, during the brief gaze, Lawrence felt his vision being distorted in a trance. The pictures in front of him began to rotate, twisting together like a vortex, and finally swallowed him.
"The Well of Sublimation..."
Lawrence stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch this strange thing, but a sudden strange feeling came from his heart. It was an inexplicable nauseating feeling, as if he had touched an invisible wall, which was resisting and rejecting himself. Enter.
For a moment, there was a stinging sense of fragmentation. It was obvious that the will of this body had been destroyed by himself, but now Lawrence felt an extremely clear sense of rejection. Something was attacking his will, pulling him away from this body. Drive away.
He backed away suddenly, not daring to approach the Well of Sublimation rashly.
"Don't you know? You can't get close to it. It's your restricted area."
The man's voice sounded along with the footsteps. Lawrence turned his head suddenly, but saw a steel mask. The new pope was wearing a sacred robe and a noble crown as usual. Inside the steel mask, Eyes are obscured by darkness.
He stood not far from Lawrence, with a little curiosity in his voice.
"Your actions are getting more and more confusing to me. You wouldn't do such meaningless things before."
The new pope recalled the previous battle with Lorenzo. He didn't know Lorenzo's identity, and he just classified him as those "things" that the new pope knew well. Those things have always been known for their efficiency and ruthlessness, and they rarely do Those superfluous things.
His eyes narrowed gradually, recalling the news he had received from the old pope, Lorenzo Medici's plan seemed to be successful, and the new pope seemed to realize something.
"Cardinal Medici?" he asked softly.
Lawrence was silent. Although this was not his own body, this mortal's body had been alerted to its limit, but more of it was the fear in his heart.
This is not a fear of a new pope but a fear of the unknown.
In just a few sentences, there is too much information revealed.
The new pope knew that he couldn't touch the Well of Sublimation, but this was the first time Lawrence arrived here in this way, or could it be said that before Lawrence, the new pope had already encountered many people who used the power Gabriel, and also A dispute was raised with the Well of Sublimation.
Yes, this is reasonable. According to Lawrence's speculation, in the history of the Evangelical Church, Power Gabriel was sealed for some reasons. So what about the Gabriel demon hunters before he was sealed?This kind of power is far more troublesome than Power Yanar. It shuttles between different bodies and lives in the shadow of history.
In this way, the body is constantly changing, and it continues to this day...
Joy, fear, and complex emotions surged into his heart. Lawrence looked at the new pope, the mysterious man who suddenly usurped the throne. He was also curious about the identity of the new pope. Lawrence needed to dig out more secrets.
"Cardinal Medici? He is not."
Another voice sounded, it was a woman, but under the empty dome there was only Lawrence and the new pope confronting each other. There was no trace of the third one, but they soon saw it.
In the shadowed corner, old dust continued to fall, outlining the outline of a human figure in the darkness. The woman did not occupy anyone's body, but only maintained the form of a ghost. The voice rang directly in her mind.
"It has been a long time since the Stasis Temple has welcomed so many guests at once... guests who are still alive."
The new pope laughed strangely. It was obvious that the two people in front of him were completely different from the things he knew. The new pope found new clues to explore the "truth" of this world.
"So, guests, if you are not here to kill me, what do you want to do?"
The new pope is used to fighting such strange ghosts, and he seems very confident.
"Confirm something," the woman said.
"You seem to know a lot?"
Lawrence asked, looking at the unrecognizable void, where the fallen dust was twisted and scattered.
"Yeah, so-so, but not as much as you know, right?" There was a smile in the woman's words.
Lawrence's eyes were gloomy. The woman's words seemed to mean that she knew him, but he was occupying someone else's body, so how could he be recognized?And ostensibly, Lawrence is dead, having died in a deadly fight with Lorenzo.
"Do you know?"
The new pope found things interesting, and the three guessed each other's thoughts, trying to figure out each other's intentions.
"Actually, everyone is 'connected' to each other to some extent, isn't it?"
The woman looked at the deep black well. It was obvious that she had no entity, but the two of them could feel the sight of that actual existence.
His eyes fell on the Well of Sublimation, which is the origin of the demon hunter and the origin of the secret blood.
"It's coming."
The woman's voice interrupted their thoughts. Both the new pope and Lawrence showed puzzled expressions, but soon the new pope noticed the familiarity, pulled out the silver nail sword, and acted like a tiger.
The ferocious killing intent expanded from under his body, impacting the surroundings like a substantial wave of air.
Lawrence also took out the dagger, but his fighting spirit was not high. What he now occupied was just an ordinary cowardly body, and he had no ability to fight at all when he was involved in such a battle.
"Can you detect them?"
The new pope asked, this was an ability he had never seen before.
"It's just that we are very familiar. Just like a witcher and a demon, we are rivals, we understand each other, and we have the same origin."
The woman remained elegant and calm. This terrible murderous intention did not affect her at all, and then the violent erosion began to expand in front of the new Pope and Lawrence.
In an instant, invisible gravity distorted the surrounding space. It was a twisted singularity with a black arc. Then, in the core, invisible singularity, numerous white bones protruded from it.
It was an arm, with no flesh and blood but only bones, but as it stretched out out of thin air, scarlet flesh began to grow along the surface of the bones. It was so fast that if the eyes were sharp enough, one could see the muscles in unison. Arranged, blood vessels are constantly being formed to pass through it, and finally new skin will cover it all.
As if it was some kind of taboo ritual, an invisible door was opened in this black arc. First, the arms crossed the door, and then the head and body.
As seen before, the flesh and blood stretched out over the bones, followed by an even more hideous scene.
It was a humanoid creature that appeared out of thin air. Half of its body was made up of bones, while the other half was wrapped and healed by flesh and blood. And this "creation" continued. In just a few seconds, a living humanoid creature appeared. In front of the three people.
It seems to be a little uncomfortable with its new body, its standing posture is a little shaky, and the ground under it has sunk deeply. That part of the ground seems to have been annihilated by the arc light, or maybe it is the disappeared part. The creature was created partially out of thin air.
It seemed to be used to this posture, and then looked at Lawrence and the new pope with empty eyes. The light illuminated its body. Its skin was almost sickly white, without the slightest trace of dirt. The next moment, its deformed wings spread out from behind, The seemingly soft wings are still stained with viscous liquid. They are intertwined with each other, but they make a steely sound.
Lawrence recognized this appearance. When he completely dissolved the sacred coffin, a corpse similar to this was soaked in the flowing holy silver.
But then he clenched his teeth, making a sound under the force, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. The pain temporarily woke him up, and then he realized that this was not some bullshit angel, this was the [Holy Grail].
He seemed to have touched some terrible "truth". In an instant, all Lawrence's previous guesses and ideas about the "Holy Grail" were overturned.
What is going on here?
"Have you seen it too? I thought you were one of its kind."
The new pope looked at Lawrence and said in a relaxed tone. Lawrence's expression now was extremely frightened. He thought he was calm enough, but this body could no longer bear his consciousness.
"What the hell is going on here!" Lawrence asked.
"I also want to ask you," the new pope looked away from Lawrence, and then looked at the angel.
"However, this is the first time I have seen how they are 'born'."
Seni Lothair said and walked towards the angel. Blood flowed from his hand and covered the slender nailed sword, and then the white flames raging on the steel.
The woman was still watching all this and said softly.
"When the will of nothingness has an entity, it can interfere with matter. But similarly, if it has an entity, it can also be interfered with..."
The ominous wings were waved vigorously, and thousands of steel sounds intertwined and overlapped, curling up and rising in blazing white.
(End of this chapter)

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