Embers of Embers

Chapter 323 God's Enemy

Chapter 323 God's Enemy
As the wings slowly opened, the fourth guest, an unknown guest, was welcomed into the Temple of Stasis.
The neutral face is stiff, without any emotional fluctuations. The skin is pure white, like a jade-like handicraft. As the consciousness gradually takes control of the body, deep crackling sounds are made from under the body. The interlocking bones began to stretch, until the wings with gray-white edges were fully unfolded.
It was an image called an angel in the Gospels, but everyone present knew very well that the thing in front of them could never be an angel. Under that pure appearance was something taboo, something evil, twisted, and rancid. .
Lawrence took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. The strange erosion had gradually spread. Although his will could resist it, something strange had appeared in his cowardly mortal body. He could clearly see the arms of his temporary body. Below, the originally red blood vessels began to turn dark red, like dead branches, with teeth and claws dancing.
This is a scene that overturns the previous understanding. The so-called [Holy Grail] is the image in front of me, but it is dead, or in other words, the body is dead, and the will is missing.
So the angel-like existence in front of us now is the [Holy Grail] that escaped and was lost on the night of Holy Advent?
Or... another [Holy Grail].
Thin bloodshot eyes filled Lawrence's eyeballs. His heart was beating violently to transport blood to his brain. He tightly grasped the weapon in his hand. Even though erosion and fear were hitting his will forcefully, he still did not move. He opened his eyes and just stared at it, as if he wanted to imprint that sacred and evil face into his eyes forever.
It was almost, Lawrence was almost close to the so-called [truth], and so was everyone present.
The new pope fought with the angel, and the nailed sword brought out a curtain of blazing flames. It was obvious that the new pope did not know that the inside of the sacred coffin was the angel he was fighting, nor did he know that he had been killing him, but The weirdness that has made a comeback is the [Holy Grail] that the Evangelical Church is vigilant about.
The gray wings looked soft, but in fact they were as strong as steel. Like a movable shield, they withstood the attack of the new pope. However, the new pope did not attack with all his strength because of this. He knew very well how terrifying this ghost thing was.
The wings are so strong, and the edge is as sharp as a sword blade. Every time it is swung, it is not only a strong shield, but also a thousand swords.
The angel did not move. It had just been "born" for less than a minute, and the will residing in it had not yet completely controlled the new body.
When the attack failed, the new pope jumped back hard, keeping a safe distance from him, and then looked at Lawrence and the woman hiding in the dark.
The new pope didn't know what to call this thing, so he had to temporarily name it an angel because of its sacred gesture.
Angels are like this. They seem to be invisible ghosts at first, just like the woman on the side, and just like the woman's words. The will of nothingness cannot interfere with reality, so they create bodies that look like angels out of thin air to fight.
The new pope didn’t know what all this was about, but what he knew clearly was that as he dug into the past history of the church, the mystery of demons, and even the mystery of the entire world, he encountered this angel who appeared out of thin air. them.
Like Shermans, the new pope touched the unknown boundary and tried to glimpse the true face of the gods under the curtain, so divine punishment fell.
Shermans failed to survive the strange divine punishment, but the new pope endured it, and not only endured it, he also fought back.
"Alchemy...the exchange of equivalents."
A woman's voice sounded, she had no form to look directly at, and could only judge her position from the trajectory of the dust falling.
Like Lawrence, she has been keeping a close eye on the angel since he appeared. It seems that this is the purpose of her trip. She wants to observe this unknown existence at close range in order to know the hidden truth from it. secret.
Part of the entire ground was annihilated by the arc, forming a semicircular terrain that sunk downwards. But in the woman's eyes, it was not annihilation, but exchange.
From a rational point of view, matter cannot appear out of thin air, and the same is true for the weird angel in front of him. In that short and twisted arc, the matter on the ground was extracted and exchanged. The angel used this as a basis to create something out of the disappeared matter on the ground. He uses this movable body to interfere with reality.
"Are you going to evacuate?"
That was a man's voice, the fifth guest today, but a guest who actually didn't exist.
His voice seemed to be heard only by women, and it was unclear where the man was. He seemed to be everywhere, and it seemed like he was right next to the woman, but the figures overlapped, making it difficult to identify.
"No, I need to see more."
The woman refused. If she persisted in this stasis temple for a second longer, she would be one step closer to the secret that had been deliberately concealed.
The eyes in the void were locked on the angel's body, as if he wanted to dissect it carefully.
The battle suddenly stopped. After the new pope stopped attacking, the angel stayed where he was. Under the jade-like skin, scarlet blood could be seen rushing, along the slender blood vessels, extending from the heart to the body. all.
This spread is still continuing and has covered most of the body. Presumably, after it has completely spread to the whole body, the angel will have the ability to take initiative.
"You've seen this thing before, right?"
The new pope looked at Lawrence's frightened face, his eyes were completely bloodshot and scarlet, like a wild beast.
"How interesting. You are obviously the same kind as them, but you are afraid of them?"
He analyzed it all keenly and put the broken clues together.
Seine Lothair was never a stupid person. On the contrary, he was extremely alert and sophisticated. He was a demon hunter who was once named Raphael. Like Lawrence, he was a weaver of cobwebs in the dark. Terrible person.
The night of Holy Advent destroyed everything for him, so he used his power and strategy to destroy the Evangelical Church and usurp the sacred crown. He was eager to know the cause of all this, so he used all means to find the answer that did not exist.
He carefully observed Lawrence's expression. Although this was not his body, the emotions generated by his will were perfectly expressed on this fragile body at this moment. Lawrence wanted to hide it all, but as the angel continued Wake up, the terrible erosion is gradually exerting pressure.
Lawrence, like the angel, also exists in the state of a ghost, but he does not know everything about this power, nor the existence of the angel. Lawrence is like a ignorant newborn at this moment, and no one teaches him all this. I can only dig out all this slowly by myself.
In the shadows, the woman stopped talking, but the new pope could feel the presence of that gaze.
Angels are not absolutely united.
This is the answer that the new pope analyzed in an instant. There are also divergent people among the angels, and there are also people who do not understand all this. For example, Lawrence in front of him. From his reaction, it can be seen that he is aware of the existence of angels and feels for them. fear.
But Lawrence had completely different ideas in his mind.
Is this the [Holy Grail] that escaped from the sacred coffin?In other words, the so-called [Holy Grail] may exist in the plural. There is more than one [Holy Grail] in this world. They grind their teeth and suck blood, and there are as many as a sea of ​​sand.
Speaking of which, what happened to that carnival day that heralded the victory in the war against the demons?
The Demon Hunting Cult captured the last demon, the so-called [Holy Grail], thinking they had defeated the demons...
Why did the evangelical church make such a judgment at that time?
Lawrence's mind was in chaos, and he suddenly realized that all he remembered about that carnival day celebrating victory was a brief sentence.
It seems as if he has deliberately forgotten it. This shouldn't be the case. I won't forget it!
The nails cut into the flesh, and the scarlet eyes seemed to be dripping with blood.
That's right, when I captured the [Holy Grail], it was during my tenure as the headmaster of the Demon Hunting Sect, why didn't I participate in all this?
This world is a little too distorted, as if there is a hand of God, which is controlling everything at will, hiding the "truth" that everyone desires behind a layer of curtains.
Everything in the Temple of Stasis is just like the name of this palace. It seems to have fallen into absolute silence and stasis, almost losing all sounds, and those people who still have breath are like sculptures, forgetting to breathe. .
Thoughts were rushing in their minds. The new Pope, Lawrence, and the woman who had been watching were working hard to sort out the collected information. They wanted to dig out more information from others, but they were wary of each other until The jade-like body finally moved.
The angel moved slowly, detonating the calmness. At this moment, the only person with direct combat power was the new pope. He temporarily stopped thinking and clenched the nail sword in his hand again.
Lawrence did nothing. The new pope's gaze could not escape Lawrence's perception. He knew that this mysterious man had read a lot in his reaction. He did not want to expose more to this mysterious existence, just like the shadow in the shadow. Woman-like, watching indifferently.
He wanted to see how the new pope killed this angel and this evil thing.
For a moment, Lawrence felt a sense of absurdity. He felt that the world was extremely ridiculous and full of lies and deception.
Seny Lothair wore the holy crown. As the new pope of the Evangelical Church, he was the one who should support the gods the most, but now he picked up the nail sword and tried to kill the angel in front of him, and from then on Judging from his words, this is not the first time he has done this.
This is the most loyal believer, but at this moment he is trying to kill the servant of the god.
A sharp sound swept through everyone present. It was the sound of wings rubbing against each other. The thousands of sword blades intertwined and collided with each other as they were swung, creating dazzling sparks and hitting the divine enemy in front of them.
The angel's pure face had no expression, just like a mask. This was a somewhat difficult battle... It was like this every time, but the new pope was used to it.
In fact, there is a reason why the Stasis Temple and even the Saint-Naro Cathedral are so empty. After the new pope realized that the existence of these ghosts could plunder other people's bodies, he drove away as many people as possible, leaving only Minimum manpower is required to ensure the normal operation of everything.
He himself was lingering in front of this place, guarding it.
It was a sharp sword, with a bone-chilling chill that penetrated between the layers of wings and stabbed the angel.
It also bleeds, and the scarlet blood is so dazzling compared to the white skin. Even so, the angel still has no expression. It has always been like this, never communicating, and has no emotions at all, just like an angel. A flesh and blood machine that faithfully executes orders.
Immediately, the intensity of the erosion suddenly increased again, and the sudden pressure caused the new Pope's sword to slow down by a minute. In an instant, a dazzling white light appeared, and the air was torn away with a beast-like howl.
No one would question the strength of this sword. The angel did not roar, nor did he show any anger. There was only an indifferent verdict on the blade, as if a high-ranking judge had sentenced him to death.
At the last moment, the new pope withstood the heavy blow, but what he waved was not his wings.
The sword blade, to be precise, is a sword-shaped weapon. It looks like a nail sword. It is slender and strong, glowing with a slight white light, with spiral carvings and blood stains on it, but the new pope was not injured. That blood comes from the angels themselves.
Slender silver spikes pierced out from the angel's palm, as if they were holy silver bones extending along the bones of the hand.
A fierce attack suddenly started again, the wings and the two sword blades were intertwined and slashed. The new pope was tired of guarding, but during his parry, the fallen wings were of different lengths, some were held by the nailed sword, and some were held by the nail sword. The ones extend over and pierce into the flesh.
A faint heat rose above the wound. It was not only the freshness of flesh and blood, but also the pain of burning fire.
The edges of the wings are plated with holy silver. This was not created by craftsmen later, but a substance that was born with the "birth" of the angel.
All this cannot escape the eyes of others, Lawrence and the woman are relying on the fight between the new pope and the angel to analyze the nature of the angel.
In this weird and twisted world, intelligence is everything. They will lead people to the ultimate "truth" and can also make the enemy no longer have any secrets in your eyes.
The new pope is feeling a lot of pressure at the moment. Normally, he would not be so passive. He can use his power, Raphael, to fight against angels very well, but power is the biggest secret to him. After all, he has been exposed in the eyes of these people at this moment. up.
These ghosts who were watching were obviously not in the same camp as the angels. He had exposed his identity as a demon hunter in their eyes, and he did not want to expose his power as well.
In this world, there are no absolute allies, not to mention that the new pope does not know their purpose at this moment.
In the shadow, the woman who had been watching suddenly stopped watching and walked out of the shadow, and a man's voice sounded.
"What do you want to do?"
016, or Watson, she stared closely at the holy angel and expressed her doubts and purpose.
"The will of nothingness has taken on a physical form...that is to say, there is a mysterious will controlling this body now, right?"
"what are you going to do?"
"I want to see who is controlling all this after the Holy Queen, 047." Watson replied to the voice.
"I want to invade...its [gap]."
(End of this chapter)

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