Embers of Embers

Chapter 328 Snake

Chapter 328 Snake
The current scene was a bit subtle. There was a rusty metal ceiling above the head, and dim lights were arranged in a row. At the same time, he was sitting on a chair similar to an electrocution chair. He might be roasted to char by the electric current in the next second.
Lorenzo's hands were imprisoned on the chair. Although this thing could not limit the power of the witcher, it was basically a decoration, but under the strong request of these medical staff, Lorenzo still put it on reluctantly, using their In other words, they knew this thing was useless, but Lorenzo wearing it at least gave these medical staff some sense of security.
So sometimes human beings are really wonderful things. They are obviously useless, but as long as they can add a little sense of security, they can face these disturbing dangers.
"Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, professional witcher and detective..."
The nurse stood in front of Lorenzo in a crisp white coat. She lowered her head and her entire face was covered by the documents she picked up, making it difficult for Lorenzo to see her clearly.
She carefully read the information related to Lorenzo in the document, and Lorenzo was also within the current range of movement, observing this woman.
She is not very tall, and her whole body is protected by strict medical supplies. She is as bloated as a fat penguin, with eye-catching patterns carved on the corners of her clothes.
A sharp lancet stabbed along the gap between the left and right brains and penetrated the corpus callosum connecting the left and right brains. On the split left and right brains, the sulci of the brain were like a tangled group of snakes, which made people feel uneasy.
"Do you...sci-fi writers like snakes so much?"
Lorenzo couldn't help but ask, the symbol of the perpetual pump is also like this, the infinitely looping ouroboros.
"No...at least I don't like it. As for why, this has something to do with your evangelical church."
The woman put down the document in her hand, looked at Lorenzo through the goggles with a somewhat depressed look, and then stretched out her hand.
"Abigail Branlin, the current director of Black Mountain Hospital, I will be responsible for your next experiments."
Lorenzo looked at her strangely, as if he didn't expect that the woman in front of him was the mysterious dean, but Abigail still looked slumped, holding out her hand to hold the air, as if this was a peace. Lorenzo shook hands, and she then put on the sterilized respirator hanging around her neck, and there was a low sound of breathing from it.
"The Evangelical Church was once the overlord of the Western world. Under the protection of the Knights Templar, those missionaries spread your faith to every corner of the Western world."
Abigail said and walked aside to put away the utensils, not knowing what she was going to do next.
“So in the beginning, everyone was your believer, but with your decline and the localization of your faith, everyone started to think of these as believers.
However, our first-generation Dean Heishan and the technical chief of the Perpetual Pump were all rational defenders at first, but as their bodies grew older, they began to believe in gods, and in the end they even became fanatical believer.The Perpetual Pump and the Black Mountain Hospital were founded during the feverish days of their later years. "
Abigail said and walked over, rolled down Lorenzo's sleeves, picked up a needle and took blood from his wrist.
"It's interesting, right? The defenders of reason turned into servants of gods in the end. No one knows exactly what happened to them. After all, they have been dead for a long time.
The part of the snake was decided when they studied theology. In the Gospel, the snake tempted humans and led to being expelled by the gods. In the interpretation of many priests, they regard the snake as the devil, the sinful desire in the human heart, because of it, humans They were expelled from the beautiful paradise, but the two old men interpreted it with completely different meanings. "
Lorenzo asked with some curiosity. He had been a pastor in an evangelical church for a period of time and was familiar with those in the Gospels. He also knew a lot about strange interpretations. He was a little curious about the founders of these institutions. How to interpret.
"They regard the paradise of human life as a cage, and the gods are demons who imprison humans. The snake, which is regarded as a devil, is an angel who brings hope. It brings the fruit called 'rationality'. Imprisoned by the illusion of paradise.”
Abigail's voice became rumbling after passing through the ventilator. Maybe she thought it was too slow to draw blood in this way. She took out a blood bag and hung it on the edge of the chair. Maybe she also saw Lorenzo's weird look. , this time she asked first.
"The blood-forming ability of the demon hunter is relatively strong. You won't go into shock easily, right?" Abigail sounded like she was asking, but she didn't wait for Loren's reply and started taking action directly.
"So under the interpretation of those two old magicians, snakes are a symbol of wisdom for us, forbidden wisdom, wisdom cursed by gods."
"Interesting, isn't it?"
"Indeed, it's interesting."
Lorenzo replied calmly, in the interpretation of many people, God is sacred, but in the eyes of people like the Purification Agency, it is the other way around. God is evil, paradise is false, and humans need reason. To escape from ignorance, even if it means falling into hell on earth.
"Ah... wait a minute."
Abigail suddenly stopped what she was doing, unplugged the filter canister on the ventilator and replaced it with a new one. Logically speaking, this thing can be used for a long time at a time, but in Abigail's view, Lorenzo seemed to be Like some kind of giant virus, her wariness and disgust towards Lorenzo can be seen from her outfit.
"Am I a virus?"
"Huh? Viruses? Viruses are non-cellular microorganisms. You are so big, you can't be counted."
Abigail answered, and Lorenzo could tell that she was answering very seriously and seriously, which made Lorenzo wonder whether she was really answering seriously or making fun of him.
"Oh, is this my protection?"
She probably reacted, and this reflex arc made Lorenzo doubt her professionalism.
"According to Arthur's information, you are the last demon hunter of the old order, carrying a stable secret blood and false holy grail in your body, according to our estimation, your current potential threat is extremely high.
As for why.You have to know that the corruption of demons can actually be regarded as a kind of 'memetic pollution'. "
Abigail explained.
"The erosion of demons can be passed on and left behind, just like the books or paintings that record the knowledge of demons, it will affect rational creatures through different media.
What I have done is to isolate myself from you as much as possible to avoid being affected by you. After all, Arthur's information said that the erosion of the pseudo-Holy Grail seems to be undetectable by the Geiger counter. You must know that humans can take steps to fight demons. The first step in the fight is to use a Geiger counter to know their existence. "
"So how are you going to test me?"
Lorenzo asked, the New Order has not yet participated in the testing of himself, but Lorenzo believes that they will not give up so easily, there must be something waiting for him.
"We have to wait for Merlin to come. Because of your special nature, the research on you this time is carried out by the Perpetual Pump and Montenegro Hospital, but I am the main person in charge, and the Perpetual Pump is only responsible for assisting."
Picking up the extracted blood bag, Abigail did not stop Lorenzo from bleeding. She looked at the needle hole wound. Almost within seconds after she took out the needle, the wound stopped bleeding quickly. After wiping away the blood, there was no wound under the skin. trace.
"Wow, that poor little guy next door must be very envious of you."
Abigail muttered something, but Lorenzo couldn't hear clearly due to the presence of the ventilator. He could only feel a restless machine spinning around him.
"Wait for me here, I'm going to do a little experiment."
"Aren't you afraid that I will run away?"
Lorenzo asked, there were only a few medical staff assisting Abigail in the room at the moment, not a single guard, and the only weapon that could be used to kill was the fragile lancet.
Judging from Lorenzo's expected plot, when Abigail was experimenting on herself, there would have to be a few fully armed Original Sin Armors guarding the side, but now the defense here is simply the same as no one at all.
"No, Arthur said, this is a... trusting relationship? The purification agency doesn't want to give up on you, otherwise the person holding the knife now will be someone from the new religious order. We are all maintaining fragile trust."
As Abigail said, she pushed open the door. She didn't go far. The place where she was going to experiment was next door. When she pushed open the adjacent door, Arthur and Ovis had already been waiting here.
"He seems to be quite cooperative," Abigail said to Arthur, "If you want to monitor him, why don't you use the supervisory office and instead need me to run errands to deliver the news."
"Because the witcher is far more perceptive than you think, he will notice this, and it will only make him uneasy."
Arthur's expression was deep, and his emotions were far more depressed than they appeared.
"I think I know Lorenzo relatively well. He won't be so easy-going..." he said and laughed. "The new cult is planning something and has secretly contacted the Queen to put pressure on me. But Lorenzo Isn't it the same? He is not a peaceful guy, he is also planning something."
"I think it should be revenge. He is a guy with burning anger. He doesn't even care about himself in order to kill Lawrence. Now that the new cult has angered him, no one knows what will happen next."
This is what makes Arthur feel uneasy. The New Order is the same as him. It is controlled by a higher chess player. The purpose of the chess player is their purpose, and these purposes are easy to speculate. In the final analysis, this is Just for profit.
But Lorenzo is different. He is a stranger caught between the two. Interests cannot tempt him, so it is difficult for anyone to guess what actions he will take.
"But is what the new cult said true? Using secret blood?"
Arthur looked at the bag of Lorenzo's blood that Abigail carried. The scarlet liquid exuded an ominous aura.
"Who knows? If it succeeds, it will solve the curse that has plagued the royal family for many years. If it fails..." Abigail looked at the weak Ovis, the sound was still mechanical roaring under the ventilator, "It's just It’s just an insignificant person’s death.”
"Don't be angry, Owes, you know that's how she is." Arthur comforted Owes, but Owes didn't care at all.
"Then what should we do next? Do you want to refine the blood?" Ovis asked.
"Yes, the secret blood comes from demons. Although I don't know how the Evangelical Church did it, they successfully usurped those extraordinary powers from the demons and stabilized these highly memetic corrosive bloods. The earth exists within the body of the witcher.”
Abigail drew out some blood and looked at the light. The blood was as crystal clear as gems.
"This is far beyond what our current technology can do. Just like the Rangers project, we tried to reproduce their secret blood, but after trying, we realized the gap between us and the Evangelical Church in this regard. What a big gap there is in technology.
Lorenzo himself is the perfect vessel. Over the years, he has tamed the secret blood and softened its rage... Of course, at a low level of awakening. "
"Are you going to inject it directly into my body?" Owes asked. He didn't care about the experiment. If it succeeded, he would live for a while. If it failed, it would just advance the destined ending.
"If injected directly, you may turn into a monster, and with the presence of secret blood, you will turn into a more terrifying monster." Arthur said.
"It doesn't matter. Isn't that demon hunter next door? I think he's quite capable of fighting."
It was obviously a life-and-death experiment, but Abigail's expression was extremely relaxed. Maybe she had never been serious, or maybe this was her normal state.
"But don't worry, Ovis, you are not an insignificant person. After all, there are not many opportunities to directly conduct experiments on members of the royal family. If you die accidentally, we can't apply for another one from the Queen, right? ?”
Abigail smiled and rubbed Ovis's head again, then changed her tone.
"But, be happy. If it succeeds, you will be the first person in Victoria's family to get rid of the king's curse."
Ovis closed his eyes, ready to accept all this, but nothing happened in the long darkness. He opened his eyes, only to see Abigail injecting a small white mouse.
"Don't be nervous, it's too extravagant to experiment directly on you, after all, you are not as healthy as before."
Owes didn't say anything, he just looked at the white mouse locked in the glass cabinet with Arthur. Abigail first injected Owes' blood into the body of the white mouse, and soon the white The villi were covered with blood, and small wounds were difficult to heal from this moment on.
No, more than that, without medical treatment, the small wound began to wither and decay, as if Ovis's flesh and blood were some kind of poison.
The Curse of the King's Blood.
"Then let's see whether Victoria's royal blood is weirder or the secret blood is more powerful."
Abigail said as she injected Lorenzo's blood into the body of the white mouse. At the same time, Arthur also picked up the pistol and pointed the gun at the white mouse behind the glass cabinet.
The beast's eyes stared at the three people, and the boiling flesh and blood burned and surged in the body.
 1. Now that I have graduated, it’s time to write more words. Please subscribe more.
2. Cold knowledge (probably counted as cold knowledge) the archetype of the King's Curse is hemophilia, and in the Victorian period, Queen Victoria was a hemophiliac, and then she gave birth to many children, and these children were married to many families The marriage led to the rapid spread of hemophilia among European royal families.
(End of this chapter)

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