Embers of Embers

Chapter 329 King's Curse

Chapter 329 King's Curse
After the appearance of the steam engine, Inrwig won the century-long glorious war, and with the end of the war, Inrwig took the dominant position in the western world... This is the history that many people are familiar with, but just now In this history that people take for granted, there are hidden things that are deliberately hidden.
Victoria royal family.
The royal family is the supreme ruler of Yin Erweg, but the strange thing is that they seem to deliberately avoid the eyes of the people, and the administrative power is coordinated by other departments. This kind of hiding is so deliberate that sometimes people forget where they are. The country has a queen.
What is even more coincidental is the history. With the coming of Victoria I, Inrwig entered the Victorian period, and it was also at this time that the Glory War broke out. Along with the outbreak of this war, there are also those things that are now known, such as steam engines, nets, etc. In addition to the mechanism, the snake in the atrium, the original sin armor, the Dunling plan...
The emergence of each of these things is a great process in history, but they all appeared concentratedly in the Victorian period. It is as if from the time Victoria I put on the crown, the history of Inverge was pressed on the accelerator button. Everything went by quickly.
"I still remember those rumors. This is what Merlin once told me. However, with the royal family's seal of secrets, few people know these things anymore."
Abigail leaned close to the glass cabinet and looked at the mouse that had been injected with two kinds of blood. It looked very painful, nestled in a corner, and kept shaking.
"There is a curse in the blood of the Victorian royal family. They say that Victoria I was a child born to her mother and the devil. She has the blood of the devil in her body, so she can easily get what she wants, but in exchange, she and her Later generations also suffered from the curse.
Are you really the children of the devil?Ovis. "
Abigail turned and looked at the boy in the wheelchair.
Arthur scolded that the royal family had blocked information very early, and now fewer and fewer people knew these secrets.
"Don't get excited, I'm just a little curious. After all, I am a doctor and Ovis is a patient. I should know why he became like this, right?"
Abigail approached Ovis, and through the goggles, the boy could see the woman's eyes behind the mirror.
"Blood is difficult to coagulate, just like an anticoagulant. As long as there is a slight wound, you will bleed. The wounds on the surface are okay, but what is more deadly is the bleeding in your body... I don't know how to call you brave. Totally stupid, with such a curse, you actually dare to fly the Original Sin Armor, if you are not careful you will die in the cockpit."
In Abigail's eyes, Ovis is an exquisite glass doll, which can be crushed with a little force, but such a glass doll that needs a wheelchair to move will become many people after wearing the original sin armor. Man's nightmare bears the name of Lancelot.
It's really hard to believe that a piece of armor can change so much and make such a huge contrast to a person.
"But what's even more weird is that the king's blood also has a 'withered' characteristic. If the wound is not treated for a long time, the flesh and blood on the edge of the wound will wither and rot like a plant, and your blood still has the characteristic of "withering". Extremely active, almost like boiling blood, and its other characteristic is resistance to erosion, is that right? Arthur." Abigail asked.
"The above can be determined. As for erosion resistance, I don't know. After all, Ovis is the only known royal family member who can leave the Platinum Palace. He is our only experimental sample."
Arthur said that he was not only the head of the purification agency, he was also the Duke of Phoenix, so with his special status, he knew more about these things.
"The Victoria royal family had a tough attitude towards the King's Curse. After realizing this, the Victoria royal family pretended to recall all the members with royal blood, gathered them in the Platinum Palace, and put them under house arrest. It must be said that Queen Victoria is ruthless. In order to prevent this curse from spreading, she used the sacred palace as a prison to imprison all the royal blood, and it remains so to this day."
"This is a restraint, but also a kind of protection. Otherwise, given how terrifying this king's curse is, we might fall and die from internal bleeding."
Owes said at this time, he looked at his pale and withered arms, he was not the most miserable. Compared with the royal family members who were trapped in the platinum palace forever, he at least had a short period of freedom, driving the original sin. The armor moves through the old Dunling, which is something that those members of the royal family have never experienced in their lifetime.
"It's so sad that you enjoy the most supreme power in this country, but you are trapped in that ostentatious palace."
Abigail sighed and then said.
"There is a reaction."
The three people's eyes were attracted by the restlessness in the glass cabinet. The Geiger counter made a sharp sound, and they saw that the body of the white mouse began to twist, and the withered and ulcerated wounds began to swell, far exceeding the size of its body. The blood it carried surged out, but instead of dying, it became more energetic.
The deformed bones pierced out from under the skin. It took on a ferocious appearance and hit the glass cabinet hard. In an instant, the solid glass cabinet was covered with cracks.
Abigail shouted that their experiment was still too risky, and Arthur opened fire immediately. The bullet penetrated the glass cabinet and the mouse's head. The thick blood exploded and spread evenly on the Abigail was splashed with blood on the surrounding equipment.
But this didn't seem to be the end. After the headless corpse paused for a while, it became agitated again. Oweis' pupils tightened, and he knew exactly what was going on.
"The demon...Arthur, you didn't kill it completely!"
In a short period of time, the secret blood not only restrained the curse of the king's blood, but also transformed the white mouse into a demon.
The demon is an extremely terrifying creature. If the heart is penetrated, the violent will can still drive the body to continue fighting. But if the head is only cut off, it will not die immediately, but will follow its instinctive bloodthirst.
This is also the reason why demons have to destroy their heads and hearts. Only in this way can they be completely powerless. This is Arthur's negligence. He never thought that the alienation would be so fast and so thorough.
When he was about to fire the second shot, the little white mouse had already arched its body and leaped in an extremely fast way. Its sharp claws directly cut through Abigail's protective clothing. Fortunately, she wore enough It didn't hurt her. It was at this time that Owes stood up from the wheelchair and grabbed the lancet beside him.
He was a child, and he was also Lancelot. The crash of steel sounded among the lightning and flint, and the lancet accurately hit the little white mouse in mid-air, penetrated its heart and nailed it to the wall.
Ovis leaned forward. Fortunately, Arthur supported him in time, but even so, there was still a large amount of blood flowing from his arm.
He suddenly stood up and pulled off the needles, and Abigail hurriedly treated his wounds to stop the bleeding.
Ovis gasped heavily, the feeling of blood loss was really bad, like a bottle full of water, he was being emptied little by little, as if his soul was also passing away with the blood, until a dry body was left behind.
This is the King's Curse. As he grows older, this corrosive effect on the body becomes more intense. When Ovis was still young, he could still run hard on the grass. After being blessed with the Original Sin Armor, he became more and more fragile. Even walking for a long time might cause his joints to wear out and bleed, so he could only sit in a wheelchair.
The same is true for the royal members in the Platinum Palace. Everyone's souls are imprisoned in this sad body. This is why Queen Victoria is so tough this time. The new order has brought some hope. In the face of this hope Lorenzo is not worth mentioning.
"That guy...Lorenzo Holmes is so scary..."
Abigail asked with palpitations as she tried to stop Owes from bleeding.
"Has your purification agency been cooperating with that kind of guy?"
"what happened?"
Arthur also helped and helped Ovis back to the wheelchair.
"Secret blood, such terrifying secret blood, turned a little white mouse into such a weird thing in such a short period of time..."
Abigail said and glanced at the crucified white rat. Although it had been rendered powerless, the abominable flesh and blood was still slowly squirming.
"Lorenzo's whole body is filled with this blood, and this blood is changing him little by little as he grows older."
"Do you think the secret blood can cure the king's curse?" Arthur asked.
"Maybe, at least it does invalidate the King's Curse."
Abigail got up and examined the body of the white mouse. The wound healed extremely quickly, and the anticoagulant property of the King's Curse had completely disappeared.
"Wait for Merlin to come. He is an alchemist. The work of refining the secret blood should be left to him."
The two of them were talking while dealing with the mess in this place. The erosion of demons is a kind of memetic pollution that can be transmitted between different media. Although the effect will be greatly reduced, this may be a warning. Now this place is full of pollutants. , must be dealt with as soon as possible.
Owes made no sound. He didn't know whether he couldn't feel the pain or was already used to it. He looked at the crucified white mouse and asked after an unknown amount of time.
"What if you succeed in researching the King's Curse and restart the Ranger Project?"
"Then the Victoria royal family can be freed from the curse, and you will no longer be bound by the Platinum Palace."
Abigail said without looking up.
Owes was still staring at the little white mouse. The docile body was no longer there. It had become ferocious and terrifying, just like the monsters Owes had killed.
"But is this really right?"
"What are you thinking, you brat? We are saving your life!" Abigail yelled.
"No... I just think it's like replacing one curse with another."
Ovis lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.
"Another...even more vicious curse."
(End of this chapter)

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