Embers of Embers

Chapter 330 Oblivion

Chapter 330 Oblivion
The New Order, the Purge Agency, Lawrence's remnants...
Faces flew through Lorenzo's mind. Some wanted to kill him, some wanted to use him, some were still hesitating, and some were already dead.
Lorenzo suddenly felt a little tired.
Looking back at the past now, Lorenzo found that there were too many doubts about the events he had experienced, not only the current new cult, but also the doubts before that.
Watson and 047.
These two guys who existed in his mind like ghosts, now they have disappeared, and with their disappearance, Lorenzo has doubts about himself.
Who exactly are you?What is the nature of the False Holy Grail?What was the purpose of the new order?And the most important thing is what Shermans wrote in his notes, the [truth] of the world.
Lorenzo's current situation is very bad, and he is completely involved in the new religious order. Although the purification agency does not completely believe the other party at present, no one is sure what the mysterious Queen Victoria will do next. Of course, it will be even more terrifying. There is also Moriarty hiding in the dark.
He took advantage of Lorenzo's humanity and let Lorenzo tie him up. Lorenzo didn't know what he would do next, so he could only be more vigilant and prepare to fight.
Lorenzo is not the only player on this gambling table, everyone is constantly making plans and pushing all the chips forward for their own benefit.
This is a damn gamble, and no one can leave with dignity.
While thinking about countermeasures, the door was pushed open and Abigail came back.
"Your experiment took a little long," Lorenzo said.
"There was a little accident, don't worry about it." She answered directly without hiding anything.
Abigail knew very well that she couldn't hide it from the demon hunter in front of her. To Lorenzo, the weak erosion of the white rat was as obvious as the smell of blood in the air.
"The secret blood in your body is very interesting. After it is extracted, it is not corrosive in itself, just like ordinary blood, but when it is injected into another living body, it wakes up... You demon hunters People have the ability to make it sleep and wake up, right?"
"Maybe, it's like instinct."
Lorenzo replied that he suddenly felt that the guy in front of him was still useful. He needed the complete scientific research system of the Purification Agency to understand everything that was covered up from a rational perspective. This was a win-win situation and mutual use.
"It's so interesting. If you abandon those theological gods and gods, you demon hunters can do a lot of things beyond imagination, such as burning flames, dense iron armor, and the weird future prediction... Do you know these things? If those academic researchers find out, most of their worldviews will collapse, and then, like the two founders of the old gods, they will convert to theology, trying to find some answers in their beliefs."
"It sounds a little helpless. I can't find the answer in reason. In the end, I can only stay in the theology of disgust. Presumably the two founders also became crazy in their later years."
Lorenzo could vaguely feel the helpless madness, the hysterical madness that the path he had been pursuing could not give him the answer.
"Absolutely. Anyway, they finally died here, here at Black Mountain Hospital, due to mental problems," Abigail said and pointed to her head. After all, the scientific research area is located underground. "You can even get the result from Black Mountain Hospital." Their tombstones were found in the cemetery, but no one had cleaned them up for a long time, so they might be a little dirty.”
"But you can be considered an academic researcher, right? When you come into contact with these, won't you fall into hysterical madness like those predecessors?" Lorenzo asked.
"I am different from them. Due to the limitations of the times, their research path has come to an end in that era. Knowledge is tempting them to move forward, and when they can't find the answer, they become unscrupulous, such as Studying theology, such as conducting taboo human experiments, and such as..."
Abigail's eyes fell on Lorenzo, as if she was hinting at something.
"Study demons and usurp the power called secret blood."
Abigail burst out laughing, but to Lorenzo it was just the roar of a ventilator.
“If there are no roads, make them, no matter what the cost.”
Lorenzo was startled, and his words were short, but there was a disgusting smell of blood behind him.
"Sounds a lot like alchemists, those scholars who fell into madness for [truth]."
"Absolutely. In fact, everyone is the same. They are all guys who are seduced by knowledge. They will do whatever it takes to know the hidden secrets."
Abigail said, replacing another canister.
"Then what are you going to do next? Taking blood should be enough, right?"
Abigail just drew a large bag of blood from herself. Lorenzo felt that this guy had not thought about how much blood he expected to draw, but thought that he was a demon hunter anyway, and he would not die if he drew more. After all, he was like this There are not many cherished experimental samples.
"Just asking, I have a lot of questions for you."
"for example."
"For example, this group of people have been pursuing the pseudo-Holy Grail. Are you interested in telling me what it is?"
Abigail moved a chair and sat across from Lorenzo. At the same time, other medical staff also moved. They pushed a trolley equipped with the machinery to detect the degree of erosion.
In a blink of an eye, a group of people surrounded Lorenzo, and Abigail then continued.
"It may hurt a little. These restraint devices are just for decoration at the moment. If it hurts too much, I hope you can restrain yourself and not hurt others."
"What is this for?"
Lorenzo remained calm, but to be honest, after going through various tests of the perpetual pump, he was really worried about the Montenegro Hospital, which is also a scientific research institution.
"Test the extent of your erosion, and then please talk to me about the pseudo-Holy Grail when you are being tested. This will help you stay awake during the test."
"Is that so..."
Lorenzo looked suspiciously at the medical staff who surrounded him. They lifted Lorenzo's hair, took out scissors and cut along the back of his neck. With slight pain, the electrodes were pierced into the skin.
The detection machine was placed beside Abigail, with her hand resting on the switch, and she decided on the start and intensity of the detection.
"here we go."
She said, pressing the switch, and a faint stinging sensation spread along the back of her neck.
"What exactly is the False Holy Grail?"
"I am not sure as well."
"You don't know either? How is this possible?" Abigail asked.
Lorenzo hesitated for a moment, but thought that he might not be able to find out the truth of all this. He needed to use Montenegro Hospital to conduct research.
"I forgot, as they say, that my memory was confused, that there were gaps in my memory of the Night of Advent."
"Exactly the part about the False Holy Grail, huh?"
Lorenzo is a liar, good at cunning deception, and he has reservations about Abigail's words, such as the part about the false Holy Grail.
He knew some information about the pseudo-Holy Grail, but this information was also fragmentary. Lorenzo knew that Watson was alienated from 016, but he could not remember the reason for the alienation. When Lorenzo's sanity When he wakes up, Watson already exists in his own consciousness and has become an existence called the False Holy Grail.
It's such an uncomfortable feeling. Your old friend has turned into an unknown monster, and it happens to be hidden in the deepest part of your consciousness.
"That's not good..."
Although he couldn't see Abigail's face, Lorenzo felt that she probably had an annoyed expression at the moment.
"what happened?"
"Don't you think it's a coincidence? You have lived for so long and have a lot of memories in your brain, but you have forgotten the most critical part."
Abigail said as she took a model of a human brain from the shelf on the other side and started rubbing it.
"This is Black Mountain Hospital, a research institution specializing in mental health. To be precise, memory loss is called amnesia. There are many reasons for this symptom, such as brain trauma or taking some strange drugs. Of course, this world is colorful, and there may be some reasons that lead to this.
But these regulations make an exception for you, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes. "
"What do you mean?"
Lorenzo became serious. The Purification Agency wanted to know what the false Holy Grail was, and so did Lorenzo. At this moment, the interests of the two had temporarily reached an agreement.
"Don't you realize?" Abigail looked at Lorenzo in surprise, "You are a demon hunter! Even if you are struck by a sword, penetrated by a bullet, or even drink poison, as long as you still Keeping the secret blood boiling, all of this can be cured for you as long as you have enough time and a clear mind.
In other words, even if you have a brain trauma, as long as most of your brain is not cut off directly, you can still heal, right? "
"I don't know. Generally speaking, when a demon hunter reaches that level, he will soon turn into a demon. The power and the price are mutual." Lorenzo explained.
"So it's theoretically possible. If someone wanted to make you lose your memory, why would he do that and carefully cut off your brain? You might die with just a shake of his hand.
Right, that's not necessary, and the poison can be eliminated here. On that damn Holy Night, I can't think of any reason why you would drink a large dose of poison, and the trauma this poison will cause you, Even secret blood is difficult to cure. "
Abigail suddenly came over, pressed Lorenzo's head, put her fingers on the upper and lower eyelids, and forcefully opened them, exposing the gray-blue eyes.
"Unless you don't want to think about it, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
Lorenzo forgot the pain caused by his eyeballs for a moment, and looked at Abigail with bloodshot eyes.
"What did you say?"
"With your secret blood, it is difficult for the outside world to interfere with you. I suspect that your memory is hidden by your psychological defense mechanism."
Abigail let go, then opened Lorenzo's other eye and looked carefully.
"You may not be familiar with these terms. To put it bluntly, psychological defense mechanism is the self-repression of the self. It is a subconscious... that is, a self-defense mechanism on the spiritual level."
"In this case, Lorenzo's amnesia is probably the reason for this. After all, that night of Advent was too difficult, wasn't it?"
Abigail suddenly approached Lorenzo and took off the ventilator. The clear voice rang in her ears with strange magic.
"In order to maintain a rational world, you demon hunters are willing to accept the transformation of secret blood into wild beasts. All you have is a cold and ruthless number, holding a sharp nail sword, and fighting those evil monsters all night long.
No glory, no wealth, no one will remember you.
You are just pure weapons, giving up everything for that lofty ideal. But that night, you looked back and found that the people you swore to protect had already turned into things worse than beasts.
How sad, don't you think? "
Abigail looked at Lorenzo with a smile. She thought she would be an old lady under the heavy protective clothing, but in fact Abigail looked about the same age as Lorenzo, and she had the approachable look of a doctor. temperament, but in Lorenzo's eyes at this moment, she is like a demon.
"You lost everything that night, your friends, your beliefs, your past, everything you insisted on is so ridiculous in the face of human desires.
Yeah, it's so painful, isn't it? "
The voice echoed clearly in Lorenzo's ears, pulling out all the cruel past. Bloody and broken faces flashed in front of Lorenzo's eyes one after another, and he whispered.
"To shut up……"
It was a plain voice, but there was clear anger slowly flowing through Lorenzo's body. His bloodshot eyes looked at Abigail, but the woman showed no fear at all, and instead exposed herself to Lorenzo. a smile.
She was put on a ventilator and her voice became boomy again.
"It seems that I succeeded in irritating you. The memory of the Holy Night is indeed a heavy burden for you. It's so heavy that you, who are so rational, can't help but give your will to the wild, right?"
The steel restraints on the chair were already showing signs of breaking. If Abigail had gone too far, Lorenzo might have broken free just now.
"There are not many things that can move you. This shows how terrifying the memory of the Night of Advent is to you."
"Do you think I forgot that memory on purpose because it was too painful?"
Lorenzo calmed down and his tone was still so indifferent.
Abigail nodded, she said.
"That's right, although you are a demon hunter with secret blood, you still have human parts in your body and have human inferiority. Do you remember Joey?"
"What did you mention him for?"
According to the known information, Joey was corrupted because of Lorenzo's fake Holy Grail. Lorenzo didn't believe it at first, but he felt that there was no need for Arthur to deceive him in this way, but when he remembered Moriarty, Lorenzo came to a conclusion.
It was Moriarty who did all this. As long as Lorenzo refuses to step into the conspiracy of the new order, more and more people will be "eroded" by Lorenzo.
"Before being 'eroded' by you, Joey's mental state had a period of instability. At that time, he frequently injected hallucinogens and sank into the illusion. Why would he do such a thing?" Abigail asked.
"Because Joey, like you, has an unbearable memory, but he has not forgotten that memory, and because he has not forgotten it, that damn memory has been tormenting him until he started using hallucinogens to escape from it all ." She continued without waiting for Lorenzo to answer.
"What memory?"
"This is patient privacy. I can't reveal too much, but if you cooperate with the work, I don't mind gossiping with you."
Abigail looked serious, but most of her words and attitude seemed like she was playing.
"You also have the bad nature of human beings, and human beings are so fragile that when they are tortured by pain, their instincts will exceed their will to act and survive as much as possible.
The hallucinations caused by hallucinogens are a means of escape and survival for Joey. For the sake of temporary peace, he knows exactly what it is, but still injects it without hesitation, and so do you. Mr. Lorenzo Holmes.
The Night of Holy Advent was too cruel for you, so even if you had such a steely will, you still had to heal yourself by forgetting in the end. "
Abigail paused suddenly, her voice seemed to be smiling.
"It might hurt a little."
At this moment, she suddenly pulled the valve, full power.
Electric current surged out from the machine and was released along the electrodes that penetrated into the skin. Amidst the intense pain, Lorenzo sat firmly on the chair, with a faint pain on his face full of coldness. At the same time, something appeared in his field of vision. Colorful hallucinations.
But soon those hallucinations disappeared, and behind the darkness there were things that seemed familiar.
Those are gates, gates sealed in the depths of memory.
(End of this chapter)

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