Embers of Embers

Chapter 331 Wildness

Chapter 331 Wildness
Accompanied by the severe pain in his mind, the dusty door in the memory palace flashed before Lorenzo's eyes. Lorenzo heard the sound of stone rubbing, the old dust fell, and behind the gap there was a dazzling The light comes on.
It was almost there, Lorenzo stretched out his hand, and he was about to touch the open door, but in an instant everything became calm again, sweat flowed down his cheeks, he sat on the chair, and grasped the armrests with both hands.
The machine was still roaring nearby, but judging from the constantly flashing red light and the constantly beeping Geiger counter in the ear, the results of this test looked a little bad.
"It's really interesting. According to the test results, you are now in the third stage of being eroded, the third stage that cannot be reversed. According to this, you should now become a demon." Abigail said.
Medical staff removed the electrodes from the back of Lorenzo's head and disinfected the wound.
"What kind of existence are you demon hunters? It's so strange, sometimes I even have a strange guess."
Abigail watched Lorenzo carefully. In his eyes, this man was divided into countless pieces of flesh. His eyes seemed to be able to see through the skin and see the organs hidden behind the bones. .
"Are you interested in talking about it?"
Lorenzo asked. He was still wary of all this, but he also believed that these people might really be able to help him find the answer.
"You are no longer a human being. To be precise, you are a higher existence than humans, or...evolution."
"Yes, I can think of this from one of our enemies. He is called the epidemic doctor. His specific name is unclear and his whereabouts are strange. But every time he appears, he is accompanied by the death of a large number of people, and those people are basically It was used by him for experiments... He seemed to be studying demons as well.
The Purge Agency almost captured him, but still let him escape, but we found some of his experimental notes, and this theory is based on his notes. "
Abigail recalled those and then said to Lorenzo.
"He believes that demons are a kind of evolution. They are so powerful, they are creatures superior to humans, and they are also the inevitable next stage of human evolution."
"Lost your mind? Evolved into a monster?" Lorenzo couldn't believe it.
"Who knows? Even now, we still don't know the full picture of the demon, right? Who can guarantee that such a strange creature is really irrational? Or maybe the demon is also rational, but we haven't discovered it yet."
Listening to Abigail's words, Watson's face suddenly flashed in Lorenzo's mind.
"And Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, in what form does the pseudo-Holy Grail exist in your body?" Abigail asked again.
"Come on, try to think about it. The so-called scientific research means thinking and action coexist. Please think about it carefully. In what form does the unknown pseudo-Holy Grail exist in your body?"
"What form of existence do you think the pseudo-Holy Grail will be?" Lorenzo asked.
"It all depends on you. Obviously you don't have any 'extra' parts on your body." Abigail walked around Lorenzo and looked at him carefully.
"Is the False Holy Grail an artifact? Or is it some kind of alchemical matrix, or something more special?"
"It...may be a concept...a memetic contamination, but as long as I don't pass it on, it will remain trapped in my consciousness..."
Lorenzo tried to think about that, but it was all empty space and he had forgotten it.
"That is to say, the Pseudo Holy Grail does not have a specific material form, right? How about we assume that it is some kind of nihilistic existence, something that is invisible and untouchable," Abigail said, "But it always exists by your side, following you closely..."
"Like a ghost..."
Lorenzo said mysteriously, and then he raised his head, with a little surprise in his eyes.
"Perhaps, this is another way of existence of demons, ghosts...or it can be called spirit bodies."
"The spirit body that carries the will."
Lorenzo repeated it again. He was vaguely touched by something, but he couldn't think of it clearly. Too much information was rushing through his mind, as if to tear his brain apart.
Just like cognitohazard, he realized too many things in a short time and his will could not sustain it.
But...but what kind of information is this?It's just a new understanding of monsters.
"Spiritual body?"
Abigail said with some uncertainty.
"Spiritual body, spirit, will, in the final analysis these things seem to represent the same thing."
As a rational scholar, she never believed in the theory of ghosts and gods, but at this moment, when she doubted the existence of the false Holy Grail, she seemed to have thought of something.
"Perhaps...human beings really have souls? They are like ghosts that reside in the body of flesh and blood."
"Arthur, you need to come."
Someone was knocking on the door, it was a woman's voice, it sounded like Blue Jade, she was now Arthur's deputy, responsible for assisting Arthur.
"Wait for me a moment."
Arthur was about to leave when he heard Blue Jade's voice, but before leaving, he glanced at Ovis and asked him.
"I have no problem. It's very safe here, at least for now." Owes said.
Arthur was still a little uneasy. Although the scientific research area was heavily guarded, they were dealing with monsters after all, and anything could happen.
"Okay, wait for me."
Arthur said, stuffing the pistol into the gap of the wheelchair, then pushing the door open and leaving.
Through the gap between the door and the door, Lan Jade saw Owes inside the room. He was like a glass doll, sitting in a wheelchair.
"Who is he?" Lan Jade asked curiously.
Lan Jade knew about the information blockade inside the purification agency. She wouldn't know if she shouldn't know, but she was still a little curious that the child who looked so pitiful was actually here.
This is the scientific research area of ​​Black Mountain Hospital. Very few patients who can come here can leave alive, and most of these people are knights of the purification agency. They will only be sent here when the erosion cannot be reversed. He made his final contribution to the study of monsters, so this place is also regarded as a cemetery by the knights.
Joey was lucky enough to come here. After undergoing hellish treatment, he left. But when he returned here after many years, Lan Jade was curious about what happened to this boy that led him to come here.
Not only that, although there was only one face, Lan Jade felt vaguely familiar, as if she had seen this boy before.
"You have no right to know yet, Blue Jade." Arthur said, "Tell me what happened."
"You'll know it when you see her." Lan Jade said.
"Hmm... okay, I probably guessed it."
Arthur sighed helplessly and rubbed his temples vigorously. This busy feeling was really uncomfortable.
"We caught her at the elevator on the ground. She seemed to be trying to sneak into the scientific research area." Lan Jade said to Arthur.
According to the guidelines of the purging agency, someone who did this would inevitably be punished by the criminal law, but it was a pity that the girl locked in the room was Eve Phoenix.
Although she appeared very calm on the surface, Arthur knew what kind of character his daughter was, and she must be thinking of some strange countermeasures at this moment.
This girl was born with a kind of wildness, and Arthur tried his best to tame it all in the education he acquired, but with the encounter with the monster, the wildness could not be suppressed.
"You violated our agreement, Eve. If you don't continue to investigate these, I will let you become a police detective." Arthur said.
"Encountering a demon is something I can't control myself, and isn't it because of your order that I'm locked up here?"
Eve didn't feel like she had done anything wrong at all. In fact, in her eyes, she was not wrong at all. She just wanted to know the secrets hidden by Arthur.
As humans devour the forbidden fruit brought by snakes, humans have an unquenchable desire, like a stubborn desire for knowledge.
During the days in Black Mountain Hospital, Eve felt that she was approaching something. It was an indescribable feeling. Under this strange and unknown hospital, Eve had a vague feeling that she had been here before, and The weird dreams became more and more frequent.
In the blurry picture, a woman was wailing and crying. She was in pain, and when the pain reached its extreme, sharp claws penetrated her abdomen, and blood was spread everywhere.
Eve felt very uneasy, but also felt inexplicably happy. It seemed that she was about to find the answer to all this before she knew it.
"There are still a few days left in your observation period, and you can leave after it's over." Arthur said, "Then I will send you away from here."
"Where to go?" Eve felt something was wrong.
"A place without goblins, maybe."
Arthur didn't want to say anything more. With a series of demonic incidents, their already unfriendly father-daughter relationship became even worse. He stood up directly and motioned to the doctors to take Eve back.
The girl's expression changed. She knew exactly what Arthur was going to do. He was going to send herself to a hellish island, learn the unlucky etiquette, marry a man she didn't know, and finally have several children with Phoenix flowing through her eyes. The bloody brat spent his whole life being dominated by others... although he thought it was good for him.
"You bastard!"
She angrily wanted to hit Arthur, but was stopped in time by Lan Jade.
Closing the iron door to isolate the girl's curses, Arthur's eyes were full of exhaustion. He lowered his head slightly but soon the gray robe came into view.
The alchemist looked at the embarrassed Arthur, and a smile appeared on his stiff face.
"This is the file you need, the final record of Project Rangers."
"To be honest, I really don't want to see this again if I can."
Arthur took the file and pulled out a few pages at random, and familiar information came into view.
He is considered the last product of the Ranger Project. He has witnessed the project from its inception to being sealed in a filing cabinet. It can be said that Arthur is one of the few people who are most familiar with this thing. Now it has been re-unsealed in order to solve the King's Curse.
Looking at the yellowed paper, there was a line of familiar names on it.
"I thought she would live an ordinary life."
He whispered that name, a familiar and warm name.
"Eve Phoenix."
(End of this chapter)

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