Chapter 333
"According to records from previous years, the rainy season in Old Dunling will end in the near future, but it is often when it is nearing the end that the rain is the most intense. Please pay attention to your safety, all citizens of Old Dunling..."
A man's voice came from the midnight radio station. The voice was transmitted through machinery. Perhaps the heavy rain and thunder interfered with the signal. His voice had a somewhat noisy electric sound.
Lorenzo lay quietly on the bed. The purification mechanism did not restrict his freedom too much. Maybe they also knew that if they did not cooperate, any restrictions they had would be useless, and if they continued to be tough, they would only arouse their own conflicts. each other’s contradictions.
Wearing a white hospital gown, those deadly weapons were put away. According to Arthur, tomorrow will be the official study of the pseudo-Holy Grail. This unknowable thing may be clearly displayed for the first time. In everyone's eyes.
But Lorenzo felt vaguely uneasy, and he couldn't explain it. Lorenzo was also curious about the nature of the pseudo-Holy Grail. To a certain extent, he had reached an agreement with the purification agency, but those guys had not yet shown what would happen next. Intention, the New Order is not a good person, he will not do good deeds without asking for anything in return. They must be planning something as well, as well as Lawrence's remnants.
That unknown woman, the incarnation of the False Holy Grail, has disappeared from his consciousness along with 047 for a long time.
Lorenzo is a little scared, but also happy. If the existence of the False Holy Grail is verified in tomorrow's test, then Lorenzo will still be the excellent jailer and still holds the door of darkness until now, but if the False Holy Grail does not exist , escaped at a moment that Lorenzo could not remember. Although it was a dereliction of duty, Lorenzo could rely on this condition to counterattack Moriarty and prove himself.
The fireworks of revenge are burning in Lorenzo's heart. He will not give up easily. He must make Moriarty and the New Order pay the price. Perhaps he is so accustomed to using force that many people have forgotten Lorenzo. Zuo Yuan is also an extremely cunning guy.
Every player is ready, and Black Mountain Hospital is the final gambling table.
There were sounds of movement outside the porch, and from time to time there were mechanical sounds and the patient's screams.
Lorenzo is not sure about the specific classification of Montenegro Hospital, but judging from the way the medical staff look at him, he should be in the highest level, and the other patients on this floor are the same as Lorenzo At the same level, these patients are extremely aggressive due to mental breakdown, but for the sake of research, doctors cannot perform prefrontal lobotomies on them and turn them into fools.
If nothing else, Shige and Joey were also imprisoned here.
Thinking of this, Lorenzo got up from the bed and was about to leave, but then someone knocked on the door. After a few knocks, the man opened the door and walked in.
The eyes behind the lenses shimmered, and he smiled harmoniously but strangely.
"You look good, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
In an instant, secret blood surged, and Lorenzo stood up like thunder and slammed into Moriarty's body, strangling him by the throat.
"Not a hallucination?"
Real warmth came from the palm of his hand, and there was no erosion from the body of the man in front of him. It was unimaginable that the treacherous Moriarty actually appeared in front of him.
But Lorenzo didn't want to think so much and poured out all his anger.
"how dare you……"
Lorenzo gritted his teeth and whispered. It was because of Moriarty's trick that everything became what it is today, and he also involved those innocent people.
"Are you going to strangle me to death like this? Don't you think it's boring to end this game like this?"
Moriarty smiled, not resisting at all, and his voice was even somewhat calm when facing the furious Lorenzo.
The two of them were in a stalemate for a long time, until Lorenzo slowly let go of his hand, his eyes were cold and his blood was boiling.
"What is your purpose this time? Moriarty."
James Moriarty, this may be the most difficult enemy Lorenzo has ever come into contact with. Unlike Dean Lawrence, Lorenzo cannot see his purpose clearly. He is like a madman in a mental hospital or a wild man on the streets. A dog, all his actions are chaotic and unpredictable.
Even now, Lorenzo can't figure out what he wants to do. If it comes to serving the new order, he has a better solution, but for some bullshit game, he doesn't mind complicating it all, and even said to show up in person. Before Lorenzo's eyes.
"Ah... it really hurts, but it's okay. The secret blood is really powerful. If I were an ordinary person, you should have my neck broken by now."
He rubbed his blue neck, then sat on the table beside him, looking at Lorenzo with a strange smile.
"But you are in very good shape now. You have been able to suppress your anger instead of killing me directly."
"I don't mind killing you directly, but I want to know what exactly you are going to do." Lorenzo said calmly.
Moriarty is a cunning guy, he has woven a nearly perfect conspiracy to control everything about Lorenzo, and now this guy has appeared in front of him defenseless, which has to make Lorenzo vigilant, perhaps In the darkness, something else is slowly fermenting.
"Game, this is a good game...but I like a fairer game, but unfortunately the new cult doesn't want me to do that." He said with a sad look on his face.
"Fair game?"
Lorenzo carefully observed his surroundings. He was confident of killing Moriarty with one blow, but he didn't know what would happen after that. Moriarty must have some back-up plan.
Both of them are cunning gamblers, and no one knows what the other will do before the desperate situation comes.
"Yeah, I'm... that thing is called the Iron Snake, I've already reminded you, but unfortunately you still failed," Moriarty said, "I've read your profile, the former you It was so perfect, but now you have begun to be lumped in with those guys and become invisible to everyone."
"A demon hunter should be ruthless and kill every enemy efficiently, but look at you now, Lorenzo, you have become like a street gangster... You actually support those orphans, do you really think you Is it human?”
At the end, Moriarty suddenly laughed, his secret blood hadn't awakened, and the surroundings were not peaceful either.
"You took such a big risk to see me just to say this?"
Lorenzo was not disturbed by his words. There were not many things in the room that could be used, but Lorenzo was confident that he would kill Mighty Raphael before he was captured.
"More than that, I'm just curious about how you became what you are now."
"Do you think I'm supposed to be a monster?"
"Isn't it? We are the same kind of people, but we just happen to have human bodies... But in fact, we are not human beings."
Moriarty's amber eyes seemed to glow under the dim light, and his approachable temperament became terrifying at this moment, with chaos and violence.
"What a pity, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, that you didn't realize all this?" he asked.
"Well, I can't blame you. In fact, it took me a long time to realize this... We are different. It's a bit hard to understand, but that's it. We are different from other people, not just in our bodies. Whether there is secret blood is like this, but the will is different."
He knocked his head hard, and there was obviously no corrosion, but Lorenzo could feel a strange madness from Moriarty's body. He could clearly detect the uneasiness and restlessness in his heart. He wanted to kill him. There was this weird guy in front of him, but deep inside he was ready to move.
“We’re smart, smart enough that we see through this fiction and realize that we are monsters, but we have human skin.
As a monster, we know very well that we are born monsters and can never become humans, but because of our human skin, we cannot become real monsters.
It feels really bad to be caught in the gap. "
Moriarty's voice was very soft, but it seemed to have magic power. Everything would be disrupted and turned into chaos in this voice.
"Can you understand? Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, you can't really blend into the crowd, but you can't find fellow monsters."
"So, when I first saw you, I was so happy. I was not alone, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
Moriarty walked over excitedly, Lorenzo's face was reflected in Amber's pupils, as if to hug him.
"This feeling of loneliness is really hard. You know your differences clearly, but you can't tell others, and those people can't understand you. After all, in their eyes, you are the same as them, and they are the same kind. All are human.
Your distress is just madness in their eyes, and your words have turned into weird gibberish... This is how they usually treat us, imprisoning us here. In old Dunling, we should be called mental patients, but in Fei We are also called heretics in Leng Cuili. "
He spoke faster and faster. It was rare. For the first time, Lorenzo felt that Moriarty was losing control of his emotions. What was happening now was not a trick or a conspiracy. It seemed to be his true feelings, which was scary. of true feelings.
"Can you understand? Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, I also know that this is an inescapable dilemma. I need something else to save myself, such as religious belief, power and wealth...
But isn’t that the saddest thing?It is precisely because I am so 'smart' that I have recognized the nature of my own monster. How could these false religions and beliefs, wealth and power deceive me? "
Moriarty grabbed his shoulder, and his words were filled with fiery anger. For a moment, Lorenzo actually forgot to resist, and instead recalled the old man who died because of his words.
Sometimes Lorenzo would always think of the dying figure, and Shermans' answer echoed in his ears.
"People always have to write something to deceive themselves."
But Moriarty couldn't deceive himself. Those things echoed around him like a spell until he met himself.
"I'm not alone. I'm not the only monster."
Moriarty was so excited that he grabbed Lorenzo's face and held it tightly, causing Lorenzo to look directly into his eyes.
This is a dangerous posture. Moriarty's chest is completely exposed in front of Lorenzo. Lorenzo has every chance to inflict severe damage on him, or even kill him, and Moriarty's eyes are also in line with Lorenzo's eyes met each other. This was a prerequisite for Power Raphael to activate. Once the secret blood rose, Lorenzo would be dragged into a crazy hallucination in an instant.
But neither of them acted rashly. They were both extremely dangerous monsters. No one would take action rashly before they were absolutely sure. After a long silence, Moriarty suddenly became sad, and he let go in disappointment. He grabbed Lorenzo and backed away.
"It's a pity that you are no longer a pure monster, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes. You have become sentimental, more empathetic, more like... a human being, but this is really ridiculous. Ah, you should know that you cannot become a human being, you are just stubbornly pursuing something that you can never get."
"So you're trying to turn me into a monster? Moriarty."
Lorenzo suddenly felt that everything was so ridiculous, but he also felt the deep madness. The world was so distorted, and everything was distorted into a monster.
"Only when you are in a desperate situation will you realize your true nature, right? I realized this in the hospital in Feilengcui. The doctors used a lot of treatments on me, such as electric shocks, prayers, medicines... It was really a period. The better times, the more miserable I am, the clearer I know who I am.”
Moriarty replied, his voice filled with nostalgia for the past.
"I'll kill you, Moriarty."
Lorenzo's face was hidden in the darkness, and only the cold voice echoed in the room.
"Here? You wouldn't do that, Mr. Holmes," Moriarty said with a smile.
"Because we are the same kind. I know you. Monsters also have the arrogance of monsters, don't they?" he replied.
After the silence, Lorenzo also laughed, and his laughter was chilling to the bone.
"Yeah, I can only kill you here, but I can't defeat you."
Lorenzo wants to destroy him once and for all, destroy James Moriarty, from his favorite game.
"The game should be fair. If it is not equal, it will just be one party hunting the other. Mr. Holmes, the new cult is ready. Everyone is already eyeing you. This is a warning to you. I hope this time You can beat me in a round." Moriarty was extremely satisfied with Lorenzo's reaction.
"It seems like you don't care about the New Order at all, do you?" Lorenzo asked. Moriarty was a pure lunatic who exposed all the actions of the New Order just to make the game fairer for himself and him.
"Yes, I am an outlier, and the same is true for them. Nothing can affect our game."
Listening to Moriarty's words, Lorenzo felt a deeper pressure. From the very beginning, he was misled. He thought it was a game between the new order and himself, but no, it was just Moriarty With their own game, the New Order may not have expected their seemingly reliable demon hunters, but this is actually their thinking.
"047 or 042, or Lorenzo Medici?"
Moriarty suddenly spoke words that Lorenzo couldn't understand, with madness and longing in his eyes.
"I am a monster with no secrets, but you are different. You are a scarier monster than me, but you try to become a human. Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, who are you?"
"What are you talking about?"
Lorenzo's eyes tightened. He knew there was a mystery surrounding his identity, but he didn't know why Moriarty suddenly mentioned that name, that old man's name.
"This is part of the game, part of the mystery, and I really want to know what the answer is, but don't be too impatient, we'll find out soon."
He said this, then opened the door and left. Lorenzo tried to chase him, but for a moment the vision in front of him became chaotic and blurred. After it was completely shattered, he suddenly woke up from the bed. His clothes were soaked with sweat, and he lifted up his clothes. At first, Moriarty's figure had long disappeared, leaving only the door that had not been closed, indicating that someone had just come.
Everything is under Moriarty's control. He is not good at swordsmanship and fighting. The only thing he can control is the blurred illusion, cunning and cunning. Lorenzo doesn't even know when he looked at him. , caught in that illusion.
Heavy rain and thunder intertwined, and the howling wind carried the fallen leaves and hit the window. Lorenzo slowly walked to the window and looked at the dark night.
The Navigation to Dawn carried the last weapons and flew over the Black Mountain Hospital. A huge iron cabinet fell from it, and a huge black umbrella flower opened in mid-air, slowing down its landing.
The personnel who were in place in advance began to recover the iron cabinet after it landed. Unlike the original sin armor that had been released before, there was no knight driving this armor.
The robin was soaked in the heavy rain, and the warm white air surged with his breath.
"Why are we transporting this thing here?"
Night Owl asked, standing beside Robin. As the pilot who is most familiar with the third generation armor, he is the backbone of this defense.
"I don't know, I only know that thing is very scary... Galahad almost killed me when he drove it." Robin said with some palpitations, and at the same time couldn't help but touch the hideous scar on his chest. .
"Then I apologize to you for my behavior, Mockingbird."
A long-lost voice sounded from the other side of the rain curtain, and a somewhat rickety figure walked over. The robin couldn't believe that the handsome guy had become like this, but he was more grateful.
"Ga...Galahad, you're still alive."
Galahad has disappeared since the Black Angel lost control. Although the Purge Agency did not announce his death, based on Mockingbird's understanding of the Purge Agency, he estimated that Galahad was probably imprisoned. Somewhere in the Black Mountain Hospital, little by little, he became the same lunatic as those patients.
"Still alive, although much worse than before."
Galahad showed an ugly smile, then hugged and separated from the robin.
"But why are you here?" Ye Xiao asked. Given Galahad's condition, he should be receiving treatment.
"Because I am the Knight Commander, it's that simple."
Galahad said as he walked towards the pitch-black iron cabinet. The cold rain poured on it, spreading over the carved veil of ghosts and gods on the surface.
"This is your armor..."
"It used to be, but it's not anymore." Galahad touched the cold surface with a nostalgic voice.
"This is the cargo that Merlin requested to transport. Now unpack and inspect it. After inspection, it will be transported to the underground scientific research area."
Following his order, the surrounding knights opened the iron cabinets. As the restraints were lifted, the dark angel stood in the rainstorm. The cold rain slid down along its wings, and the flashing thunder reflected the ferocious figure. silhouette.
(End of this chapter)

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