Embers of Embers

Chapter 334 Connection

Chapter 334 Connection
As the morning came, the air was filled with freshness and moisture. Eve raised her head, letting the thin raindrops fall on her face, dissipating the heat. She stared at the lead-gray clouds, which seemed to be alive. , twisting slowly.
Eve was the only one in the activity area. She stood alone on the grass, letting the wind and rain fall. Many people couldn't figure out what this girl was going to do, but in her own opinion, the things she did just felt good. .
Yes, it's very cool. Even if it's so pure, it still seems a bit nonsense.
The wind surged around him, as if invisible hands were holding him, and it seemed that he would rise into the sky like a swift in the next moment.
"A heavy rain is coming."
He whispered as a shadow fell over the boy's face.
Ovis did not expose his whole body to the rain like a girl, with a bit of foolishness. Instead, he sat in a wheelchair and hid behind a building to take shelter from the rain.
Behind him was a silent nurse, whose face was completely obscured by a mask and could not be seen clearly.
"Let's talk. Wouldn't it look silly for me to talk to myself here alone?"
Owes made a rare change of indifference and proactively asked for communication, which surprised the nurses. To them, Owes was just a delicate and fragile glass doll, and glass dolls could not speak.
Most of the time, the boy is silent. No matter what you say or do to him, he remains silent, like a stiff, dead thing.
"What is your code name? Do you work exclusively at Black Mountain Hospital?" Owes asked next.
The nurse was slightly shocked, but the boy turned to look at her with a smile.
"I thought I hid it well," the nurse said.
"It's not bad. Although your appearance is blocked and I can't tell who is who, I can feel that there is a specific person following me every time."
"Well, you don't look like a nurse. Although the disinfectant on your body smells very strong, I just don't feel like you."
"Is this some kind of intuition?"
"Probably, so you also know my identity?"
The nurse nodded and continued.
"Codenamed Swift, appointed directly by Arthur to protect you... Actually, I didn't expect that the mysterious Lancelot would actually be a child."
"Very surprised?"
"Admirable to be precise."
The two of them talked to each other and stayed in the shadow of the building. The drizzle of rain fell. The girl covered her head and ran under the building. Her long bright red hair was so eye-catching in this gray world. Like dancing firelight.
"Then what do you want to ask? You should have discovered my identity early on." Yu Yan asked.
"Yes, but is something going to happen at Black Mountain Hospital? Although you concealed it very well, I felt the subtle vibration on the earth last night..." Ovis said.
"You have no right to know yet."
"Is it the Original Sin Armor? You mobilized a lot of armor to come here, right?" Ovis said directly.
Yuyan looked at Ovis with some suspicion. Since Owes entered the Black Mountain Hospital, except for the fact that his title of "Lancelot" has not been taken away, he has basically been completely cut off from the purification agency. And he is Where did you get such information?
"It is indeed the Original Sin Armor..."
Obviously Yuyan didn't make any reaction, but Owes seemed to have read her thoughts.
"How do you know?" Yu Yan felt a little weird. She had obviously been looking after Ovis for a long time, but at this moment Owes was filled with an unknown feeling.
"Have you ever piloted the Sin Armor?"
Ovis asked with a smile, while Swift shook her head. Before the appearance of the third generation armor, it was extremely dangerous to drive the original sin armor, and only knight captains were qualified to drive it.
"It's a very wonderful feeling. The Original Sin Armor is the body, and the driver is the brain. The consciousness is connected to the body through armor technology...
I really like the moment when my nerves connect with the armor when I drive it. I can clearly feel that my body has been stretched out. It is no longer this fragile mortal body, but a creation of steel and flesh. "
Ovis gently turned his palms. His pale skin was like crystal, with faint cyan lines underneath.
"At that time, I felt that my soul was free and broke away from this weak body. But when I stepped off the armor, I was imprisoned again, and since then I have always felt a strange feeling. a feeling of.
I seem to be connected to the armor. "
Yuyan suddenly felt an inexplicable coldness. She looked at Ovis, and Ovis's eyes were always on the girl running happily in the rain. Yuyan thought that Ovis fell in love with this lively girl, but When I saw his eyes, their glowing eyes were full of yearning.
Owes yearned for that girl, not because he liked that girl, but because he longed, greedily, to be able to run freely like her instead of being bound to this wheelchair.
"Dean Abigail also explained it to me, saying that I might have phantom limb syndrome, feeling limbs that don't exist. And now I feel it, Swift."
"What do you feel?" Yu Yan asked.
"My armor, it's here, somewhere in this Black Mountain Hospital."
"What exactly are you going to do?"
Ovis asked in confusion, but at this moment the cheerful footsteps kept approaching, and Eve rushed under the building with moist rain.
"Good morning! Ovis." Apparently they had just met each other not long ago. Eve put her arm next to Ovis's wheelchair and started chatting with the boy.
"Oh, I don't know what happened today. Although it's a rainy day, everyone usually goes out for a walk, but no one came today."
Eve felt a little strange, but Swift remained silent. She even wanted to thank the girl for interrupting the conversation.
"Maybe I'm watching the rain in the ward."
Owes replied casually. This girl was full of energy and was incompatible with this lifeless hospital. Sometimes Owes couldn't bear Eve's joy, as if no darkness could bother her.
To put it nicely, it means that he has strong willpower and is born to join the purification agency and kill demons together. At worst, it means that he is heartless.
Ovis always heard Arthur say this. The Shrike was a representative of strong willpower. After all, not everyone can come back alive from the Silent Sea, and the Kestrel was heartless. Who would have thought that this crazy person would be the best at the beginning? This guy joined the purification agency just for the staff dormitories.
"Eve...Ovis, you are here too."
At this time, another voice sounded, and a heavily armed robin came, followed by a group of soldiers.
"what happened?"
Seeing this scene, Yu Yan felt a little uneasy.
"You two follow us to the safe house."
At this time, the robin did not make any unnecessary cover-ups, and said directly.
"Safe house?"
Eve still didn't understand what was going on, but the soldiers surrounded her and took her away forcefully regardless of what Eve said.
"Yuyan, report to the scientific research area, the experimental preparations have begun."
The soldier took Ovis's wheelchair and pushed him directly to follow Eve. The moment the two of them crossed paths, the robin took another look at Ovis. He always felt that this boy was somewhat familiar, but he didn't know where he met him. Pass him.
But these are no longer important now. The experiment is about to begin. In order to guard against possible attacks by the new religious group, most of the patients in the Black Mountain Hospital will be temporarily protected.
The entire Montenegro Hospital was in motion, steam leaked from the corners, and soldiers wore black cloaks and held deadly weapons in their hands. They may not be able to reach potential enemies, but just like the tactics used to fight monsters in those dark ages. , as long as they keep piling up lives, as long as these people can hold off for a second or two, they will provide opportunities for the original sin armors to attack.
The steam engine roared and the steel puppets slowly stood up under the rain. They completely gave up hiding their intentions and carried heavy fuel cans on their bodies. Cold rain fell along the edge of the sword blade.
Joey was tied to the iron bed in a straitjacket. He stood up vigorously. Only in this way could he barely see the rain curtain outside the window and the steel thing moving under the rain curtain.
"Original sin armor...how did it appear here?"
He murmured in a low voice, but before he had time to think, more severe pain was released from his mind.
When the secret blood reaches a critical value, the witcher itself becomes a terrible source of erosion, and Moriarty eroded Joey in this way.
Moriarty is a witcher, a witcher of the new order. What does he want to do?
Joey really wants to prove all this, but now he is a eroded madman. No one in Black Mountain Hospital will listen to him. Even if someone can prove all this, but with the power of Moriarty's illusion, Joe Yi can believe that those who witnessed Moriarty with him also had distorted perceptions.
He became a part of his conspiracy, and he still doesn't know what Moriarty is going to do.
Suddenly the door was pushed open, but this time it was not a nurse who walked in, but a soldier.
"What are you going to do?" Joey felt something was wrong and shouted loudly.
"The upper knight, Xuanfeng, is receiving treatment due to erosion."
The soldiers read his identity, and it looked like they were here to find Joey.
"Take him to safe house three."
"What safe house? What happened! What happened to those original sin armor!" Joey roared.
"He's so noisy, nurse! Tranquilizer!"
The soldier shouted, but then there was an even more ghostly sound.
"Let me go! I'm a general! I want to die on the front line, don't try to take me back to the rear!"
"So rude! So rude! Can't you be more elegant?"
There were ghostly sounds one after another, and at the same time there were the screams of soldiers.
"This old man gnawed at me! Let go!"
"You deserters! Deserters!"
"Tranquilizer! Tranquilizer! Where's the nurse!"
The whole scene was a mess, but because of the restraint, Joey couldn't see what was going on. He only felt himself being pushed around, and then a needle was inserted into his blood vessel, and his consciousness began to become heavy. got up.
It was like a ridiculous farce, until the last moment when he closed his eyes, he saw the guy who was also tied to the iron bed.
That person should be Sigg. Although his body has turned livid and his joints have been deformed due to erosion, that person should be Sigg.
For a moment Joey seemed to think of something, and suddenly he understood what Moriarty wanted to do. He carefully planned all this just for Lorenzo Holmes.
He wanted to say this very much, but there was no chance. His consciousness gradually became heavier.
"This is Black Mountain Hospital? But I never realized it existed. What's going on?"
A heavy voice sounded from under the bird's beak mask. The doctor was observing this mysterious hospital in the rain. The route he came from was so clear, but the doctor seemed to be affected by something and never realized it. The existence of "road".
"Probably some kind of antimemetic thing, right? Lorenzo Medici seems to have studied this kind of thing, but in the end he turned to the study of immortality because of the weak body of mortals."
A woman's voice sounded and she turned her head. It was a nurse. The doctor was silent for a while and then continued.
"Well...Lawrence, you make me feel a little uncomfortable."
"What's wrong?" Lawrence asked.
"Okay, it's nothing, but where is your true body now? Logically speaking, shouldn't you have come with me?" the epidemic doctor asked.
"Business with another more important thing." Lawrence said.
"Okay...but if this place is protected by some kind of antimeme, how did you discover this place?" the epidemic doctor asked curiously. Lawrence had far more secrets than he expected.
"Beacon, I have more than one beacon." Lawrence was referring to Ovis. With this beacon, he found the specific location of Black Mountain Hospital.
"Then you're going to walk in so openly?"
"if not?"
"You can just abandon this body and leave, but if I faced the main force of the purification agency, I might die here, Lawrence." The epidemic doctor said.
"Don't worry, they are currently concentrated in the scientific research area. The mild disease area we are in now has the weakest defense."
There was a glimmer in his pupils. Through Ovis's eyes, the action of purging the organization was exposed to his sight. In fact, even the New Religion was the same. When Moriarty discovered Sigg, the New Religion Tuan was also exposed to Lawrence's eyes.
"The New Order and the Purge Agency are both on guard against each other. If the stalemate continues like this, Moriarty alone will not be able to make any waves." Lawrence said.
"So we're going to help them out now, huh?"
There was joy in the voice of the epidemic doctor. He opened the iron box he was carrying. The low-quality secret blood that had been transported before was all here. The bright red blood was shining, revealing violence and madness.
"The rest is up to you, epidemic doctor. There are many patients in the mild area. This secret blood is enough to bring about a wave of demons. I believe that the new sect will not let this opportunity go."
"Then what are you going to do?" the doctor asked.
"Meet an old friend."
Lawrence closed his eyes as he spoke. All the sounds of wind and rain faded away. There was a glimmer of light in the endless darkness. He then opened his eyes and looked at the man behind the long table.
"Long time no see, Cardinal Miguel."
 When you talk about stretching your hips but fail to pull your hips, it is also a kind of stretching your hips (two-finger meditation is really tiring)
(End of this chapter)

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