Embers of Embers

Chapter 340 Pure Humans

Chapter 340 Pure Humans
They were laughing, and although no sound came from under that cold and delicate face, 042 could feel it when he looked into that empty gaze.
These unknown guests, angel-like beings, are laughing at themselves and everyone who resists here.
"It's always like this, these guys are always so aloof, as if we are livestock raised by them."
The old man looked up at the angels, and the burning light illuminated his face.
"But it's different now. Are you surprised too? You were once hunters, but now you are hunted by the weak us."
The sharp screams continued, and the demon hunters of Shangda Feng had already seen the appearance of the angels, and hunted them before they had fully formed their bodies.
Blood-stained corpses continued to fall, and the withered blood spread into a majestic rain curtain, baptizing everyone from top to bottom.
042 watched all this in horror, and then moved his eyes to the old man with difficulty, and the old man seemed to feel his gaze and showed an ugly smile to 042.
"They're those guys, right?"
The boy asked. In the face of that terrifying erosion, he was not even as good as the casual old man in front of him. His body was shaking violently, and every nerve was wailing in pain.
"Yes, a kind of guy that we don't know yet, but what is certain is that these guys are related to the origin of demons, and most of the time, they exist in a ghost-like form, peeking They touch everything in the world, which is why we have never discovered them, because they are not visible."
The old man patiently explained to 042, gently shaking the wine glass. As the angel died, its body was disintegrating into dust, and the blood in the glass was also rapidly evaporating.
It was as if there was an unknown force exerted on these bodies, constantly erasing their existence.
"However, the will of nothingness cannot interfere with our decision-making. They need an entity to act, but similarly, with an entity, they can be discovered and captured..."
He said meaningfully. Underneath his somewhat crazy expression were extremely clear eyes. The old man had never been sober before and maintained absolute sanity.
But the more rational the old man became, the more uncontrollable fear 042 felt, not because of these sudden strange things, but because of the old man who was still smiling in front of him.
Although he failed to gain power, secret blood flows in his body, and his will has withstood the beating of [Baptism of Divine Favor], which is enough to resist erosion. But even so, 042 still feels like a dead leaf in the storm, being beaten by countless others. The clear air flow was tearing it apart, almost collapsing.
But even in such a doomsday, the old man, as a mortal, still remained awake and even said he could smile at 042.
"It has an angelic appearance, but it is a hateful false god. I usually call them the Silent Ones."
The old man raised his index finger to his lips and spoke softly.
"Shh, keep quiet. Anyone who tries to wake up the hidden things will be killed by them."
There were wails and sword swings. In addition to the corpses of fallen angels, there were also corpses of demon hunters. The preemptive surprise attack indeed suppressed the angels, but as time went by, the cowardice of mortals was completely revealed.
Like hell, severed limbs and internal organs mixed with broken bones fell to the bottom. Only then did 042 realize that the underground structure was like a deep well, with all the flesh and blood piled at the bottom, and the blood had already flowed over him. His ankles swallowed him up bit by bit.
"You have planned all of this, right? This is a hunting, a hunting for the silent ones."
042 looked at the loathsome things, the black arc was still flashing, and the newborn angels appeared one after another. The old man deliberately told himself everything that was hidden, so as to attract these silent people to come.
In the past, they would secretly kill all those who knew about it, but this time these terrible nightmares faced Lorenzo Medici, who had already calculated all this and sent Shandafen witchers to guard here.
The demon hunters gathered in this deep well, burning with power, until they saw the arrival of the Silent One in the future and launched a surprise attack.
"Yeah, how ironic, the hunter becomes the prey at this moment."
The old man said as he kicked open a delicate head and wandered into a pool of blood.
"No... this is not just your goal, right? The demon hunters may be able to resist for a while, but they cannot kill them completely." 042 shook his head. The old man in front of him had never been stranger and more terrifying.
"Yes, I guess they are a kind of spiritual being. We just killed their bodies, but as long as they want, they can create new bodies again and continue to fight."
The black arc light was still flashing, and the bodies that kept falling were piled up around the old man. For a moment, the two of them seemed to be standing on a mountain of corpses.
"So what exactly do you want to do?" 042 asked puzzledly. It all happened too fast for him to think too much.
It seems that except for Dean Lawrence, all the demon hunters of Shanda's salary have gathered here to resist the Silent Ones. However, as the war situation goes by, the demon hunters will not be able to sustain such a battle, and they will die one after another until there is no one left. , until he and the old man were also killed.
042 I can’t figure out what the old man wants to do, is he seeking death?Taking so many witchers to his death?But isn’t he going to lead the golden age?If not to die, what does he want to do now?If this continues, everyone will just die here.
"That was a long time ago. I encountered the Silent Ones, but the interesting thing is that I didn't die. Instead, I survived and learned about their existence."
The old man looked like a rotten man without any knowledge. He leaned against a corpse with a wine glass in his hand and started talking to himself again.
"Lorenzo Medici!"
042 roared unbearably and clenched his fists. Under this extreme erosion, it was difficult for him to contain his emotional fluctuations.
"Don't be impatient, kid, 011 is very strong. We still have a lot of time to tell those dusty stories." The old man smiled instead of getting angry.
"To put it briefly, I captured a Silent One after many experiments, and I sealed it in a coffin made of holy silver. The holy silver seemed to be very effective in preventing the intrusion of the spirit body, and then I sealed it After showing it to others, I thought they could continue to explore the [boundaries] of this world like me, but unfortunately, they refused again, and this time they were stronger than before.
Everyone started to rebel against me, and as I got older, just like I said before, I became like this. "
The old man said with some distress.
“They called it the [Holy Grail] and regarded it as the origin of demons. They spread these things and celebrated it on that carnival day, thinking that humans had defeated demons.
I thought they were crazy, but later I found out that they were not crazy, just too greedy. As the times progress and human technology develops, demons actually have less and less influence on humans, even for some unknown reason. , the demons themselves are decreasing, as if there are some existences in the dark that we don't know yet, and they are also hunting demons. "
He raised his head and looked at the fighting demon hunters with mixed emotions.
"Yeah, none of us have thought about one thing. What happens when the demons are eradicated? In fact, the demons will still exist, but this time they have become greedy humans. Those guys don't want to give up the power of the demons, nor do they want to give up all the demons. Throwing their strength into fighting demons, their main enemies now are humans themselves, those countries that are getting stronger."
"I'm so stupid, 042, I shouldn't believe those guys, I still have such ridiculous hopes for them, they are just pitiful guys who are just trying to survive."
The old man laughed at himself.
"So is this all just a scam?"
042 is vaguely aware of the events of the Carnival Day. The Demon Hunting Order captured the source of the demons and ended the history of the struggle between humans and demons. Is all this just a scam?
"Absolutely. In fact, with the development of human beings, the threat of demons is gradually decreasing. Powerful weapons such as demon hunters should be used in other places, such as war..."
"However, we did have a slight chance to end all this, and that was to study the [Holy Grail], study these [Silent Ones], and find out what kind of existence they are and what they want to do, but They refused..." The old man sighed feebly, "They don't care about the golden age, they only care about their own power and power, and they don't want to be dominated by me.
I thought I would be the savior of the world, but then I realized that in the eyes of those I wanted to protect, I was just a tyrant greedy for power. "
042 was silent, with a little sadness in his eyes, as if he could understand the thoughts of the old man in front of him, and the old man seemed to have noticed this, and then smiled at him.
"As I continue to grow old, I have become this ridiculous... I finally made a deal with the church, gave up all my power, and retired here, but before that, I had a precious time to deal with these things. stuff was studied.
I found a power somewhat similar to that of the Silent One in the Book of Revelation, a power that was sealed at an unknown time. According to the annotations in the Book of Revelation, I only know that the guy who sealed this power is called Ai Derren Levien, there are very few people in the entire history of the church who can read the Book of Revelation and leave annotations. At least only at the level of the pope can do this, but I have checked the classics and cannot find this. human existence.
It's interesting, isn't it, 042, but what's even more interesting is the power hidden by Edron Levien. "
I don't know when the fallen blood has already covered the knees. The demon hunters are still fighting hard, but it is obvious that they have fallen into a disadvantage. The dead bodies of the Silent Ones are still rotting and turning into ashes, but in adulthood Under the pile of blood, the evaporation of the blood pool at his feet was obviously much slower.
The old man walked towards 042 and spoke slowly as he walked.
“He called that power Gabriel.”
"Well, a very interesting power. It's so interesting that it is somewhat similar to the Silent One in nature, but different at the same time. But the most important thing is that it can enable people's will to shuttle between different bodies."
"Shuttle between bodies?"
"Yes, according to my research, in the description of alchemy, everyone has a strange spiritual space, called the [gap], where our consciousness, soul, and spiritual body are hidden... Actually, it doesn't matter what it is called. , this power is to shuttle and change between them.”
042 vaguely realized something and retreated slowly, but at this moment, the blood pool under his feet began to boil, and the bright light filled the well wall, with countless inscriptions shining and surrounding it.
"We don't have much time. In order to recreate the Well of Ascension and collect so much Holy Grail blood... this is the last thing I can do."
The old man said as he let go of the wine glass, all the blood mixed together, and the old man's eyes darkened. Then he held a dagger in his hand and took off his shirt.
The old man's body is engraved with the same alchemical matrix as 042's body. Similarly, the alchemical matrix on the old man's body is incomplete, and there is no secret blood in his body.
"I reflected on my failures and blamed them on the aging of human beings. Human beings are so fragile. I am already so strong, but I still cannot resist the erosion of time. This golden age does not last long. As I With his death, it will also end, so... I need immortality, child, I need to make this great golden age eternal."
The old man reached out and grabbed 042's wrist and spoke to him emotionlessly.
"You can understand, right? Like me, you also yearn for that golden age, right?"
Facing the old man's words, 042 couldn't say anything, but felt deep fear.
Lorenzo Medici was human, purely human, and had a pure will.
He is really terrible. Everything is in his plan now. As he said, he really wants to see the golden age, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve the current situation.
Lorenzo Medici was not a monster, but he was far more terrifying.
"To kill a monster, you must transform into a monster more terrifying than it is."
Lorenzo Medici said this, and then he swung the dagger and cut his neck heavily, and blood overflowed and spread all over his chest.
As he moved the blade, the carved scars connected the complicated alchemical matrix together. It was not until this moment that the alchemical matrix was truly completed, with an abnormal glow glowing on the dark lines.
"You...want to become a witcher."
By now, 042's mind was completely blank, and there was no longer any fear or panic at all.
"Yeah, but it's a pity that I couldn't perform the [Baptism of God's Favorite]. This ceremony was controlled by those guys. Otherwise, I'm really curious about what I would have seen."
Lorenzo Medici looked in the direction of nothingness and said faintly, but then he let out a hoarse laugh.
"But it doesn't matter if you don't have this part of the ceremony, right? I'm Lorenzo Medici, I don't need any [baptism of divine favor]."
042 nodded stiffly. Of course the old man in front of him didn't need it. He was a pure human being with pure will. He could give up everything for what he wanted.
Lorenzo Medici is too old, so old that his fragile body cannot bear the normal implantation of secret blood, so he planned all of this. Now the only prerequisite for becoming a demon hunter is secret blood, and Isn't the boiling blood under my feet a more powerful blood than the secret blood?
"As long as I drink these 'keys' to sublimation, I will become a demon hunter." He said.
042 Looking at the bloody old man, his voice trembled as if he wanted to vomit out all his internal organs.
"So, the next step is to take my body, right?"
042 already knows what Lorenzo Medici is going to do. His old body and mortal will can’t last long, so he can only place his hope here and use his power to get rid of the alienation at the moment of becoming a witcher Aged body, so that Lorenzo Medici will be immortal, this terrible guy will continue to chase the golden age.
"Am I going to die?"
"To be precise, your will will be annihilated by me, but judging from the annotation, your consciousness will remain more or less, and will affect me slightly, so the more bodies it occupies, the more powerful this power will be. Lose yourself,” answered Lorenzo Medici, then asked, “Are you afraid?”
"Of course, I'm going to die after all... This feels weird. Think about it, am I just a domesticated animal to you in the past two years?"
"Almost, so you want to resist me? 042."
The two pairs of eyes met each other. Lorenzo Medici's expression was indifferent. From this moment on, there was no expression at all. But in his eyes, the trembling child mustered up the courage to forcefully command Calm yourself.
The silence lasted for a while between the two of them, but now it seemed extremely long.
"Is the golden age really beautiful?" 042 broke the silence and asked.
"Maybe, after all, I haven't seen it, but...the devil has no place in that era." Lorenzo Medici replied.
"Is that so? What about my friends? If I think about it carefully, I don't have anything to worry about in this life. After thinking about it, it's only them."
"047 and 016?"
"Ah, you still remember."
"Well, of course, but... if the golden age can really usher in, then everyone's wishes may come true. After all, the demon is gone, and the church no longer needs you. What do you want to do? Do whatever you want and pursue what you desire.”
"I don't know, but what I do know is that if the demon is not eradicated, then the golden age will not come, and more and more tragedies will occur, just like that idiot.
If there were no monsters, you should be running on the banks of the Tiber River with 047 and 016 now. If there were no monsters, that idiot would not die. Maybe I could really become friends with him. If there were no monsters, there would be no There will be so many tragedies happening.
If there were no demons..."
"So killing all the demons will prevent these tragedies from happening?"
"I don't know...but you have to give it a try. If you don't give it a try, what's the difference between you and those depressed pigs?"
Everything became silent again, the boy lowered his head, his face reflected in the boiling pool of blood, sadness, fear, joy... The boy didn't know what he was thinking now, until he slowly raised his head again, his eyes The will under the eyes is as strong as iron.
"If the golden age is really so beautiful..."
The boy roared angrily, as if roaring could drink away the fear in his heart.
“Take everything you want!
Lorenzo Medici! "
(End of this chapter)

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