Embers of Embers

Chapter 341 Continuation

Chapter 341 Continuation
The holy angel fell from the sky, and the edge of the wound glowed with burning white. As the fireworks surged, the strange body scattered into ashes and withered, and there were also remnants that had not yet burned out, so the blood poured into a majestic Heavy rain fell and filled the bottom of the well.
Under this carefully imitated well of sublimation, everything is ready at this moment. All it takes is to replace the secret blood with this huge blood of the Holy Grail to carry out the sublimation of the soul.
"Thank you, 042."
The old man said in a low voice, at the same time the well wall and the alchemy matrix on the old man's body were emitting light rhythmically, the blood of the Holy Grail also stopped evaporating at this moment and was absorbed into the old man's body, so the hot Fireworks ignited on this old body.
He burns like the day that comes into the world.
The fireworks seemed to have some magic power. 042 watched all of this quietly, and suddenly he no longer felt any so-called fear.
Broken corpses fell one after another, and the demon hunters fell into the pool of blood. There was also the melting silver bolt in the gap of the wound.
They are also dead. Sure enough, it is still too difficult for humans to fight against this mysterious silent one, but there is no fear on the faces of these dead people. It has the same expression as 042, a strange yearning. feel.
This is a crude sublimation. The old man has not experienced the [Baptism of God's Favor], nor has the Silver Binding Bolt been implanted. It is even said that his original body is on the verge of collapse under this huge erosion, but in order to reach In that beautiful age, the will of mortals ruled everything.
This is also a great sublimation, and the most perfect container is right before our eyes.
Strange power roared and rushed in the blood, and this humble well of sublimation also started its final work. Under the shining light, the blood of the Holy Grail boiled into crimson steam again, pulled by invisible power, and poured into it. Blazing fireworks ignited in the old man's body, and then in his cloudy eyes.
Pressure and corrosion, the impact of erosion was like thousands of sharp knives, repeatedly cutting into the old man's will. The will was shattered, but then he was forcefully controlled by himself and continued to act.
"Is this the Witcher?"
The old man was somewhat obsessed with this great power. Although he had just come into contact with it, the joy brought by this power had already made him realize the difference between demon hunters and mortals.
Maybe... maybe with this kind of power, he can really reach that beautiful era.
The blood of the Holy Grail gradually occupied everything in his body. As soon as this was over, he could activate his power. But along with the power came a price. It could be clearly seen that the old man's body had begun to mutate slightly, and the bones Abnormal hardness grew on the upper part of the body, and under the pale skin, cyan blood vessels protruded like tangled snakes.
It's almost time. The old man has to seize the gap between when he gains strength and before he is completely alienated. He wants to seize 042's body in that brief gap. Only in this way can he be considered a success.
His eyes fell on 042 in front of him. 042 knew that he was going to die, but he still mustered up the courage to stand in the blood pool.
This time he was willing to believe in the old man in front of him and in that beautiful era.
The old man smiled happily, then stretched out his hand and tried to touch 042's head. It was also at this moment that a sharp buzzer sounded, and then a slender silver nail penetrated the old man's arm, nailing him to death. Bottom of the well.
The scene slowed down at this moment, with broken flesh and blood, scattered blood, the old man's somewhat confused eyes, and 042 who kept falling back due to the impact.
As 042 crashed into the pool of blood, his eyes swept around, and he saw the monsters above the mouth of the well.
I don't know when the battle was coming to an end. After all, the demon hunters of Shang Dafeng failed to resist the attack of the Silent Ones. Countless nailed swords nailed those angel-like bodies to the well wall like spears. They could be killed by Also crucified were the slain demon hunters.
Flesh and blood covered the surface of the well wall, and different blood mixed together, all pouring into the bottom of the well.
"grown ups!"
011's roar echoed in the well wall. He was the only remaining demon hunter. He was riding on the Silent One. The sharp wings were strangled into his flesh and blood, and he also sent out the nail sword. Pierce the heart of the silent one beneath you.
But this was not enough to kill it, and because of the long-term battle and stimulation of power, 011 was exhausted, and the Silent Ones found an opportunity to break through the defense in this gap.
He gritted his teeth and stirred the nail sword, trying to split the silent man's body with all his strength, but he didn't have much strength left, and in the end it was like a child beating weakly.
The old man looked at all this in a daze. He did not rush to take action, but looked at the wall of the well. There were still black arcs of light beating faintly in the endless flesh and blood. They were pulling the blood and bones, and new ones were forming. The silent one will be born from that evil light.
No, that was not a birth, but a return. The demon hunters have never completely killed the Silent One. All they destroyed was the body, and the will under the body has not been killed.
The light of death hovered above his head, the old man's eyes were a little dull, and he laughed out loud.
“Fighting the unknown requires the cost of trial and error.”
As he spoke, he pulled his arm hard and tore off the entire arm. With his other hand, he grabbed the spike that was nailed in front of him. Power burst out in his body. This weird spiral spike was like a spear. It was thrown by him, facing the falling Silent One above.
The hollow spike penetrated the silent man's head, and the broken body began to collapse. He lost his support and fell into the blood pool, and then climbed up with difficulty.
"grown ups?"
011 raised his head, but then there was a beating arc of light shining in front of his eyes.
A black electric arc broke out between him and the old man. The bursting arc light directly annihilated everything it touched, and the collapsed material was pulled by invisible forces, gathered at the core, and formed an angelic appearance.
Blood gushed out from the corners of 011's eyes. He was too exhausted to continue to maintain the expansion of his power, so that he did not even see the sudden appearance of the Silent One.
Power·Shangda Salary.
This is the last moment. As long as the sublimation is successful, there is still hope for everything. 011's eyes burned with anger, his power was pushed to the limit, and even the silver bolt in his body began to melt at this moment.
He wanted to see a moment of hope in the doomed future, and find a glimmer of hope in this desperate situation. 011 clenched the nail sword tightly, feeling the anger he had never felt before, and the joy he had never felt before. As long as he succeeded, everything would be All human deaths have value.
But suddenly he froze and stood there blankly, with chaotic images flashing in his blazing eyes, as if he had seen something sad, and blood flowed down like tears.
He looked at the old man behind the black arc, but no one could answer his question.
The abominable body began to form under the arc light, and the severe pain on the old man's body was also struck together. The old man seemed to be unable to believe it all, and couldn't help but question himself.
"Am I... going to die?"
At this moment, half of his body had been annihilated. When the black arc burst out, the old man was within its range, as if an extremely sharp knife had cut his body. The section of flesh and blood was extremely smooth, and the blood vessels and bones were still intact. There's steaming innards, all exposed.
In an instant, everything seemed to be moving away from him, and the beauty he held tightly in his hand grew sharp spikes, piercing his palm, trying to escape from his grasp.
Possibly because of his near death, all the sounds became clearer, including the buzzing of electric arcs, the sound of blood flowing, and the weird sound of flesh and blood weaving.
"So...did I fail?"
The old man asked himself.
"Yes, you failed."
While talking to himself, he answered his own question.
He failed.
A sharp spike pierced through the black arc light and penetrated the old man's chest.
The Silent One has not yet been fully born. It has simply built its head and arms, and its entire torso is still a scarlet spine. But even so, it struggled to deliver a fatal blow, just to kill it completely. elder.
The old man lowered his head, his embarrassed face reflected on the calm blood pool.
This feeling was wonderful, and he couldn't describe it. He obviously failed, but he felt relaxed as never before. It turned out that the "golden age" had become something like a curse for the old man. In order to Chasing it, the old man spent everything he had.
When he truly realized that he had failed, the old man had no so-called sadness, but instead felt a sense of relief as if he had escaped from a cage.
He is free.
Everything has become better, and it seems that death is no longer scary. It is like lying on a soft mattress and having a dream from which you will never wake up.
good dream……
"Lorenzo Medici!"
The sudden roar shook the old man awake, and 042 climbed up from the blood pool. He seemed to have been choked by the blood of the Holy Grail. He looked extremely ugly.
Terrible erosion was imposed on him, and his consciousness was almost in a frenzy, but 042 knew that he couldn't fall like this, so he stretched out his hand and approached the old man, as long as he took his body, as long as Lorenzo Medici could survive, as long as...
The old man opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at 042 with some confusion, and slowly raised his arm, only to find that his arm had transformed into a hateful appearance. Unknowingly, the old man had turned into a demon-like thing.
Yes, he is just a mortal. After suffering the attack of the Silent One and the blood of the Holy Grail, it is a miracle that he can persist until now.
He looked at 042 who was constantly approaching him, and his consciousness began to fall into chaos.
Who am I?
What am I going to do?
The demon looked around and seemed to have completely forgotten why he was here, but then a huge sense of hunger and desire surged from deep within his heart.
It needs blood, it needs pain, it needs killing.
"Lorenzo Medici!"
Another voice sounded, and 011 pierced the silent man's heart with difficulty, and cut off its head with great effort. 011 was about to die, and more arcs burst out on the well wall. He had no strength to continue fighting.
The demon muttered to himself, and then as if he remembered some terrible fact, his chaotic vision became clearer, and a bloody smile appeared on the demon's hateful face.
In a trance, it seemed as if there were countless big hands dragging the demon, pulling it back into the ideal cage and putting on heavy shackles.
"I am...Lorenzo..."
"Lorenzo Medici."
The demon roared and pulled out the spike that penetrated the chest, and then 042 came in front of it. As long as the demon's hand fell down and occupied 042's body, this nightmare would be over. 042 looked at it expectantly, but That ferocious arm never fell.
"I...look like I can't see those anymore," it said.
042 I don’t know what it’s talking about. It’s clear that as long as it invades one’s own body, everything can be organized, the demons will be eradicated, and mankind will usher in a golden age. So many people have died for all this, and at this time Instead it retreated.
The demon shook his head, and the next moment an illusory shadow flashed in front of 042, cutting his neck open. In pain, 042 stared blankly at all this.
Blood surged wildly, and the scar connected the entire alchemy matrix. The next moment, the bright light shone again around the well wall.
The calm blood pool boiled again, and the power was deeply imprinted into 042's soul, sublimating the mediocre matter.
The demon lowered his body and hugged 042, whispering in his ear.
"Run away, go to the Seven Hills, go to Saint Nalo Cathedral, there is a gift I prepared for you."
"Lorenzo Medici..."
042 repeated the name.
"You are my continuation."
The demon pushed 042 to let him leave. The boy moved his stiff legs. He already knew what the demon was going to do and what would happen next. The bloody steam followed him, and he slowly leaned against At the edge of the well wall, there are steps leading upward.
Lorenzo Medici is dead. He was already dead when the spike fell. Everything now is just the blood of the Holy Grail forcibly extending his life, at the cost of this old body. Demonized, reduced to that abominable monster.
Free will is thus imprisoned, with no possibility of escape.
The demon watched the boy leave with a smile. As the boy ran wildly, countless electric arcs burst out again, but this time there were also the burning fireworks on the well wall.
"Someone must survive, someone must usher in the golden age."
The demon murmured softly.
The demon hunters who were nailed to the well wall opened their eyes again, and their bodies began to alienate. The silver bolts were overheated and melted, and the abominable power was poured into the bodies that were still alive. The demons roared and returned again. The Silent Ones who appeared fought together, while the boy kept moving upwards without looking back.
The fresh air filled his mouth and nose, and he stumbled and fell to the ground. When he struggled to get up, he suddenly discovered that the sky had already fallen into night, and in his familiar direction, there were endless fires. It set the night sky on fire, like a long nightmare.
The great holiness descends on this night.
(End of this chapter)

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