Chapter 342
The blazing fire was burning, rushing wildly in the narrow corridor, and the emergency lights were on, guiding the direction in the chaos. But now it seems that these lights of hope are so weak. For these people, such instructions are simply not possible. like water off a duck's back.
People are already in hell, and no matter which direction they run, they are just spinning back and forth in hell, like a trapped wild animal, roaring and roaring helplessly, and finally die of exhaustion.
But Eve didn't want to die so helplessly. She reached out to her leg ring, took out the lancet she had secretly hidden, and hid it under her wrist.
Now she is in a safe house that is not considered safe. The narrow room is full of patients at the moment. Most of them have been injected with sedatives by the medical staff and fell asleep. Showing a violent side, some were stunned by physics, and some were bet their mouths, and could only whimper softly.
Although the lights above her head were dim and Eve couldn't see the expressions of other people clearly, she could feel that the atmosphere in this narrow space had become dull, mixed with fear and tension.
Slow and heavy breathing echoed slightly, and then in this long calm, there was a more frightening sound. It sounded like something sharp rubbing against the ground, making a piercing scream. In this silence It was so clear inside, and the firelight illuminated the shadow of the strange thing extremely ferociously, like a monster walking out of a nightmare.
Eve leaned her back against the wall, suppressing her breathing as much as possible. She could feel the strange stickiness, like a person dragging a heavy sarcoma, leaving a bright red blood trail behind him.
It was a monster, and there was only a wall between her and the monster.
Ever since the alarm sounded 10 minutes ago and everyone hid in the safe house, the nightmare began. The roaring explosion shook the earth, and fierce fighting sounds rang out all around, until everything calmed down again. It didn't take long, but for everyone Personally, it's like a nightmare scenario.
Whether it was Eve or the medical staff, everyone knew what happened and what the gradual disappearance of the sound of fighting meant.
The strange feeling of depression in my heart has not gone away, and the demon is still lingering around the safe house, hungry for fresh blood and flesh.
The soldiers who fought with them didn't know whether they died or evacuated. Now there is an isolated island with only a few soldiers guarding the safe house. Judging from their expressions, their willpower is also being swept away by the storm. .
This is the terrifying thing about demons. Steel and armor cannot protect everyone. In the face of terrible erosion, these solid iron walls are as fragile as thin cardboard... No, not even as thin as thin paper. At this moment, this safe house is a prison. Cage, if you continue to stay here, you will only be affected by the erosion of the monsters. But if you leave here to face the monsters, you will only die in terms of the current firepower.
It's so sad, and for everyone, the ruminating anxiety adds to the corrosive impact.
Her breathing became slightly faster, and the temperature in the room became hotter. Eve's forehead was already covered with sweat, and her long fiery red hair was stuck to her skin, like a small animal soaked by heavy rain, looking extremely embarrassed. .
"Hey! Admiral Eve! You are in good condition!"
The voice of hell sounded from the side, and a stinky guy approached him in the dark. Old Cole showed his sweaty cheeks and showed his white teeth at Eve.
"what's wrong with you?"
Looking behind Old Cole, Gavin and Delen were also squatting in the corner with him. Gavin still looked a little dull, his hands gently touching the metal ground from time to time... This guy can't Do you still want to dig trenches when you arrive?
Delen was still trying to remain elegant, picking up the corner of his clothes and wiping his sweat, but in this case, his elegance looked extremely funny.
Eve felt a little terrible for a moment, this was simply adding fuel to the fire, and weren't these lunatics tied up?
Old Cole seemed to know what Eve wanted to ask. He pointed to the back and saw that these iron beds, stretchers and other things were piled together, like a small fortress, with soldiers with weapons hiding behind them. If the demon If we break through the gate, relying on this simple method of fortification, we can probably... maybe hold on for a few more seconds?
At this moment, Eve didn't even know whether she should sigh that she would die at such a beautiful age, or go completely crazy in order to escape the suffering at this moment.
She looked at the old Cole who was leaning over, and for a moment she actually envied these lunatics. In their opinion, the current despair was just a special game. Eve sometimes wanted to be like them and just play this game. Treat everything as a ridiculous game, and after the game is over, I will wake up on the big white bed.
Unfortunately, Eve couldn't do it. She was very sensible and too sensible to lie to herself.
"We have to figure out a way."
The sound sounded, and the robin came from the darkness. He was responsible for the evacuation of these patients, but the alarm sounded as soon as he entered the safe house. He stayed as ordered to protect the patients, but it was obvious that everything It's out of control.
"What's going on?" Eve asked.
"What else could it be? Demons are invading, but this time there is something strange, even scary. There is a defense line on the surface led by Gawain. At the same time, Percival is also quickly returning to protect the scientific research area, but the demons still arrive. Here, so quickly... You must know that we have invested a lot of Original Sin Armor, even if the New Religion attacks, it is impossible for the scientific research area to fall so quickly."
I don’t know whether it’s the tension or the sweltering heat. More sweat flooded the robin’s cheeks. Due to the impact of erosion, there is only a noisy electric sound in the communicator. The only connection with the outside world has been cut off, and everything can only be seen by oneself.
"how is this possible……"
Eve was also a little confused. It seemed like there was no hope at all. She looked around nervously. Under the dim light, behind the transparent goggles were a pair of eyes filled with fear. Maybe she hadn't waited for the demon yet. Break through the gate, and the inside will be bloody.
"You can feel it too, right? You are more sensitive than us when it comes to dealing with monsters." Robin said to Eve, "Maybe you and I are the only ones here who can resist the erosion of monsters."
"Me? More perceptive?"
After listening to Robin's words, Eve couldn't help but think of all the abnormalities in her body before, and what the hell was the female captain Yin Erweg. She really wanted to continue questioning and ask Robin if she knew anything, but now this situation is very serious. It's obviously not appropriate to talk about this.
"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Do you have any ideas?"
As Eve spoke, she also showed off the lancet in her hand. Although the weapon was small, it also became extremely dangerous under her wild temperament.
Robin was stunned for a moment, a little confused as to what was going on with this girl, but there was no time to think about this.
"If you continue to stay here, the erosion of demons will sooner or later drag these patients into madness. Moreover, these patients are a group of lunatics and have suffered the effects of erosion to some extent. They may be more easily transformed into demons than normal people. "
"In other words, if we continue, will these guys turn into monsters and kill us first?"
As Eve spoke, she glanced at the patients on the side. These guys were completely unaware of the appearance of fear, but from the perspective of some other patients who gradually became irritable, the influence did exist and was still intensifying.
"Although it is not clear what happened, the demon did arrive at the scientific research area. Thinking about the worst outcome, all the ground troops were wiped out, or they were unable to protect themselves." Robin said.
"Then how do you save yourself?" Eve asked.
"Just a few of us can't get out. This is the No. [-] safe house. At the end of the corridor is the No. [-] safe house. Judging from the previous voice, the door of the No. [-] safe house has not been opened. If possible, we We need to meet up with the people at Safe House No. [-], I remember Kestrel is in charge there.”
The robin planned what was to come.
"What about these patients? Leave them here?" Eve asked.
These patients will definitely not cooperate, but if they are left here, if there are monsters that continue to wander around, they are likely to transform into monsters.
"If I could, I would kill them all. Staying here will only turn them into monsters." Robin said without mercy.
This answer obviously shocked Eve, but she was even more shocked behind her.
"But forget it this time. If we kill them all here, just a few of us will waste energy and ammunition, and may even cause a counterattack..." Robin's eyes fell on the nervous medical staff, " Those in white coats, although they often dissect living things, they have never seen a real slaughterhouse. In this case, in this small space... killing will only increase their psychological pressure."
"Then what are you going to do?" Eve felt a little uneasy.
"Let them out," answered the robin.
"Let it out?"
"Yes, let it out. We don't know what the situation is outside now, and we don't know how many monsters are nearby... In the end, we, the high-ranking knights, and you, Eve, we are just better than ordinary people. Just a little bit more courage, and less likely to die.
It is difficult for us alone to fight against the demon. Only by uniting together and gathering into a torrent of steel can we fight against despair. And judging from the current weapons, it is a miracle that we can escape. "
Robin said as he picked up the weapon in his hand, an unfired thermite rifle. This weapon can effectively kill monsters, but no one knows how many monsters there are outside.
"Let these patients out and use them to attract the demon's attention to buy us time."
Eve was stunned. She turned her head stiffly, looked at the happy lunatics, and then at the serious-looking robin. She was about to say something, but was seriously interrupted by the robin.
"Don't talk about cruelty or ethics. We are fighting against demons and despair. Unfortunately, we are not demon hunters, and we do not have the powerful armor of original sin. All we can do is give up something. , so that we can cross the ice floe as thin as cicada wings."
Robin said, waving to the soldiers behind him. It seemed that he had already made plans, and now he was just here to inform Eve.
"Eve, I often hear Arthur mention you, saying that you always want to know what is going on with your abnormality, and he is very confused about it... In fact, he cares about you too much, and is afraid that you will be affected by some so-called shock, or something. Wind and rain are all isolated by him."
In the darkness, several thermite rifles were ignited, emitting blazing heat, and the dim light illuminated the faces that were either frightened or serious.
"Do you think you really understand monsters? Do you really think they are just terrible monsters? In fact, Lorenzo killed you. That psychopath is too strong. If you stay with him, even if a group of monsters kill you, as long as you He ignited the secret blood, and the situation was firmly under control. Now that Lorenzo is gone, what you are facing now is a real battlefield. The battlefield where we purify institutions and demons is cruel and ruthless. will die."
Eve was silent, a suffocating silence.
She really wanted to find a more suitable plan to get out of the current predicament, but she couldn't think of it. It seemed that this cruel plan was the only hope.
Countless emotions were suppressed on Eve's mind. She looked at those happy psychopaths, and they were still smiling and saying something. Eve really wanted to tell them, you are going to die, but After speaking out, can they understand what "death" is?
This is a really difficult feeling. Although life in Black Mountain Hospital is not easy, it is indeed joy to sing and dance with these crazy people, and this joy is about to be shattered.
The burning firelight illuminated the robin's face, and he did not waver at all. It seemed to him that making such a decision was something he had become accustomed to.
So if a high-ranking knight is like this, what about Arthur?Has he ever made a more difficult decision than this?
Eve suddenly seemed to understand Arthur, but it was a pity that she didn't know if she would have the chance to say this to him.
"Can you give me a few minutes?" Eve asked.
Although it was unclear what Eve was going to do, the robin nodded and agreed to her action.
Eve turned around, then grabbed Old Cole and dragged these happy lunatics over.
"Hey, we're going to play a game... no, fight!"
When he heard about the battle, Old Cole's eyes lit up. As a five-star general, he was so eager to return to the front line.
"What's wrong! Commander Eve!"
There were more and more strange positions, but in this damn situation, Eve actually wanted to laugh, but then there was even greater sadness.
"Why, is the war situation getting worse?"
The weak firelight illuminated Eve's somewhat sad face, dripping with sweat, as if she had fallen into a puddle and got up with difficulty.
"No...yes, we are surrounded by enemy forces. If we continue to stay here, we will only be wiped out. But now there is a new escape plan. I named it 'catching ghosts'. After a while, the door opens. Everyone, just run as hard as you can, wherever you go, as long as you run far away, find a place where no one is around to hide, and be careful of being caught by those ghosts, is that clear?"
"Catching ghosts? It's too childish, not good at all..." Before Delen could finish his words, Eve's voice was covered.
"This guy Delen is a spy and a war criminal! Run with him and find a way to send him back to Old Dunling and have him tried by a military court!"
After Eve gave the order, Gavin locked up Delen and refused to let him go no matter how much he screamed.
"So that's it. Once the door opens, everyone has to try their best to escape and not be caught by the ghost."
The psychos nodded, still so happy, as if this was really just a game, an illusory battle.
"Are you doing this to make yourself feel better? They won't survive." The robin heard some childish words.
"There has to be some hope, right? As long as one lunatic survives, it's a great victory for human hope, isn't it?"
Eve seemed to have adjusted her mood and said seriously, "Besides, are you trying to make yourself feel better? What kind of god are you praying to?"
The robin was startled, and then loosened his grip, causing the silver cross necklace to fall down.
"Are all the guys in your purification agency so cruel?"
"It's just enough reason and awareness of death."
Robin and Eve walked side by side towards the sealed door. As they walked, Robin couldn't help but turn back and look at the patients.
"According to the evacuation regulations, the people who were given priority to be evacuated here were all soldiers or knights of the purification agency, but they lost their minds due to the erosion of demons and became patients of Black Mountain Hospital."
"In other words, most of them were your comrades in arms, right?"
"But now you're sacrificing them."
"They will understand me. Everyone knows their responsibilities. The confrontation with the demon is to set off fireworks in the dark. In order to prevent the fireworks from being extinguished, we will jump into the fire one after another. Everyone will do their best. Prepare to die."
There was a dull pain in the chest, and the robin's eyes finally stopped on the face of a patient. It was an old guy who kept shouting about war criminals and military ranks.
He couldn't see his appearance clearly, but the robin had a vague sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him before.
But don’t worry about this. Robin attributed this strange anomaly to the evil spirit. Under its influence, everyone in the safe house breathed heavily.
Standing in front of the gate, Robin took one last look at Eve beside him.
"Are you ready? Step into the gate of hell."
Eve didn't speak, she just clenched the lancet in her hand. This time, no demon hunter came to save her. What she faced was the most real battlefield with demons.
The steel door slowly rose, and the smell of blood seemed to solidify, rushing toward the face.
Behind this gate is hell.
(End of this chapter)

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