343 Lucky
The entire corridor seemed to have been invaded by unknown monsters. The long and narrow dents spread forward several meters along the iron wall, and the lines and pipes underneath were completely exposed, accompanied by the sharp sound of steam. , hot steam gushes out from the gaps and fills the entire space.
The smell of blood and rust mixed together, coupled with the diffuse steam, gave people an unspeakable sense of suffocation. There was also a layer of water dew attached to the surrounding metal, and there was the sound of liquid dripping behind the mist. No one could It's clear whether it's blood or water droplets.
"The game has begun..."
Eve said softly and couldn't help but clenched the lancet in her hand.
This thing posed no threat to the demon's body at all, and it was even not a weapon at all, but it was the only thing Eve had now, so she held it tightly.
The soldiers protected the medical staff as they evacuated, and the robin led the team at the front. Everyone's footsteps were very soft, and they stepped on the water on the ground, making a slight sound of water.
It seems that the scientific research area has indeed been attacked by something. The energy supply to the entire area has been cut off. The rumbling fans have stopped running long ago. The unreleasable water vapor envelopes everyone, obstructing their vision. Behind this strange fog, the light of the emergency indicator light was blurred into a large curtain of light.
Everything in front of him was so weird, and under the influence of demons, the human mind fell into deeper depression.
Walking among them, Eve felt like she had fallen into some bizarre nightmare.
The patients were also released. Although they lost their minds, they still had the instinct of the creature. Under this frightening erosion, the previously restless patients fell silent. They could feel the power, Some kind of scary monster is around.
Some patients refused to leave the safe house, huddled in the corner like a child having a nightmare, while others ran into the fog in terror after a brief silence. Eve could only watch them leave, Until the mist completely buried their figures, until the sound of the splashing water from their steps continued to fade away.
More patients showed a state of confusion. They were scared and confused, like mice that were pulled out of their caves, standing in the sun and looking around in panic, not knowing where to go.
However, those happy lunatics seemed to regard all this as a game. Old Cole and others organized a group of patients and took them away sneakily. After a brief appointment, these patients were named Different military ranks, fighting for Yin Erweg.
When leaving, Old Cole excitedly gave Eve a thumbs up. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he seemed to be saying, "Let us meet in victory at the rear."
Eve was a little dumbfounded, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only watch them leave.
Advancing slowly, the soldiers carrying weapons followed the team in front and behind, protecting the medical staff inside, while the robin walked at the front, alert to the surroundings.
Holding the thermite rifle in one hand and the communicator in the other, Robin kept checking the signal after leaving the safe house. Escaping here did not mean he could survive. Only by joining Arthur and other main forces could he survive. It's considered safe.
But there was still noisy current sound in the communicator. Under the silence and erosion, the chaotic current sound was distorted into some kind of evil howling sound, as if there were endless monsters on the other end of the channel.
This place is still affected by the erosion of demons, and the Geiger counter pinned to his chest is also making frequent sounds.
Robin suddenly raised his hand to signal the team to stop, then he lowered his body and gently touched the water under his feet.
Under the mist and light, the objects within sight in the corridor were dyed with a strange color and lost their original appearance. After walking for so long, many people just thought they were stepping on ordinary water. That's all, but judging from the feeling of the robin's touch, it was not the condensed water of steam, but blood, thick and smelly blood.
Slowly standing up straight, he looked solemnly at the endless fog in front of him. He put his fingers on the wall and wiped the water droplets while also touching something sticky. He continued to move forward, one after another. The ferocious dents, with the residual heat remaining on them, burned the robin's fingers.
I had already envisioned that scene in my mind. The demons were flying from the corridor. The soldiers opened fire. The burning projectiles melted the walls, leaving dents one after another. Unfortunately, they could not kill them quickly. Those demons were approached by him, and then he cut them in half.
Blood was spread evenly everywhere, and the flesh was devoured by those greedy bodies.
"how do you feel?"
Robin's eyes fell on Eve. As the final product of the Ranger Plan, Eve was a natural Ranger. The specializations that the upper-class knights now undergo are just a degraded version of the Ranger Plan. In this situation, Eve's instinctive intuition may be useful.
"It's okay, I just feel a little weird." Eve looked at the Geiger counter on the robin. It was still ringing and making an annoying sound. "The monster's erosion exists, but we haven't encountered it yet. To the demon.”
"Yes, these bloodthirsty demons will never give up hunting the living people after smelling their scent, but until now...there is nothing."
The robin also felt a little uneasy. These patients he released not only attracted demons, but after they fled in all directions, if they encountered demons, the robin could use their screams to determine their location. But now... it's so quiet, so quiet that it's as if they are the only ones left in the world, and this maze that they can never get out of.
The momentary sound broke the calm. For a while, the dim lights were extinguished one by one, and everyone fell into darkness. But before they had time to be afraid, a brighter light lit up from the top of the corridor, and the silent fans also At this moment, it started to rotate again, roaring, sucking out the rotten and smelly air.
In the blink of an eye, the diffuse fog dissipated a lot, and the vision gradually became clearer. At the same time, chaotic sounds sounded, as if what Eve and others had just experienced was just a blurred illusion, and now they were connected with the real world.
"Re-energization successful!"
A familiar shout came from the end of the corridor, followed by fierce gunshots.
Eve and the robin looked at each other without any words. The robin commanded the team, and the medical staff stayed at the back, acting according to the situation, and were protected by a few remaining soldiers, while the remaining soldiers All follow the robin.
"You have to stay here too!"
Just as he was about to take action, Mockingbird discovered that Eve was also following him.
But Eve didn't say anything. This happy girl was extremely silent now, and her expression was more serious than ever before. This reminded Robin of the damn words Arthur said when he talked to him before.
Arthur always said that Eve was a heartless wild child, always happy, and it seemed that she never saw any sadness and seriousness in her. Arthur also said that if one day Eve stopped smiling, she would no longer be like Being like a wild child before, this will make Arthur feel that something is wrong, although Arthur has always hoped that Eve can be like a lady, less wild and more dignified.
Robin said nothing more and seemed to acquiesce to the girl's actions. He more or less knew Eve's character. In this case, she would not listen to him.
The pace was fast, and the sound was close before his eyes, and then a dazzling fire flashed across, with residual warmth and blood, nailed to the iron wall.
The space suddenly opened up. Judging from the impression in my mind, another safe house was at the other end, and at this moment someone was fighting a demon.
Robin immediately set up the thermite rifle and prepared to fire. Through the crosshair, he could clearly see the two sides fighting.
Groups of bloodthirsty demons poured out from another passage. The soldiers set up a fire net to temporarily resist the demons' attack, but this was only temporary. Most of them were injured, and it was unclear. How long is the ammo left?
Before the robin could continue to observe, the intensity of the firepower network suddenly weakened a bit. Some soldiers had emptied their ammunition and were loading. However, this weakened firepower gave the demons an opportunity to take advantage of them. Pounced forward one after another, almost rushing out of the channel, the robin pulled the trigger at the critical moment.
Thermite bombs weaved into red lines of fire, all converging on the passage. The spilled molten iron soaked the demon's corpse, forming a ferocious statue.
Someone shouted in surprise, and saw the lunatic Kestrel holding a thermite rifle and firing with one hand, while waving at the robin with the other hand. Judging from his blood-stained clothes, it was obvious that he was Just experienced a fierce battle.
Behind the defense line, you can see that the door of the safe house is half open, and there are many patients and medical staff behind it.
It seems that Kestrel and the others have the same idea as Robin, and they are not ready to sit still and wait for death. But unfortunately, Kestrel's side encountered the demon first.
"How is it!" asked the robin.
"Due to the impact of erosion, our communications have been paralyzed. Now we can't contact other people at all. As for the scientific research area... it has been invaded by demons. The good news is that Arthur blocked this area in time. After the gate fell, the demons They are all locked up here, and currently they have no way to spread to other facilities. The bad news is that we are also locked up with this group of monsters."
With the addition of new power, the current pressure has been relieved a lot. The kestrel can now take a breath and talk to the robin.
"What's more, Arthur is also trapped here with us."
The robin was startled and didn't understand what was going on.
"Shouldn't he be the first priority to evacuate?"
"To be precise, the enemy's attack was too fast, and we were trapped here." Another voice sounded, and the injured Swift came over.
Looking at the somewhat puzzled look of the robin, Swift continued.
"The upper knight, codenamed Swift, mainly serves the Black Mountain Hospital."
Before the robin could ask any more questions, the swift continued.
"We were testing Lorenzo at the time, but Gawain suddenly reported that a wave of demons was approaching, from inside the Black Mountain Hospital.
According to speculation, it was judged that they were Lawrence's remnants who used low-quality secret blood to alienate the patients in the mild area. However, the defense line established by Gawain blocked the attack of the demons. At the same time, Percival was also returning to the scientific research area.
Arthur guessed that the enemy's target was Lorenzo. Of course, they could also take advantage of the situation and kill all the senior officials of the purification agency here. Out of consideration, Arthur Merlin and others evacuated through different routes. "
"So this is Arthur's route?" Robin asked.
Yu Yan nodded and continued.
"There are many important patients here. We need to evacuate them...or kill them. According to Arthur's plan, we have time to evacuate, but it is obvious that we underestimated the enemy."
"Everything before was a feint attack. Whether it was a wave of monsters or something else, it was just a feint attack by him. The enemy arrived at the scientific research area long before we discovered the wave of monsters. He released the monsters. In order to prevent these damn things from spreading, we They can only be locked up with us.
But fortunately, Merlin should be with Lorenzo, while Shrike covered Abigail to leave from the ground... He used the second-generation original sin armor, and he was the only one who had piloted the second-generation armor among the high-ranking knights. people. "
The robin was silent. During the long silence, his expression became a little ferocious, until finally he took a long breath, as if he had taken off all his weapons.
"So...it doesn't look too bad..."
"Yeah...it's not that bad."
The kestrel also agreed, but unlike the robin's face of relief, his expression was a bit miserable. Although he was ready to die, when he was about to die, he was still a little reluctant to leave. After all, this world It's so colorful, and the flowers are so colorful that it makes people forget to leave.
Eve was a little puzzled, and even said that they were crazy. The robin kestrel and the injured swift had different expressions, but they all seemed to be expressing the same meaning, as if some mission had been completed. .
Is this not bad?
Eve couldn't understand that everyone she looked at was going to die and be killed by monsters, but Robin and the others didn't think it was so bad.
After a long sigh, the robin turned around and looked at the cold-looking Eve. Complex emotions surged on the girl's face. For a moment, the robin seemed to see his former self.
Everyone goes through this process when they come into contact with monsters. He knows exactly what the girl is thinking.
"Important personnel who master the core technology have been successfully evacuated, and the entire scientific research area has not been too severely damaged. After repairs, these facilities can be reactivated in a short time. We still have many knight commanders surviving, and the command will not be lost. …”
The robin said terrible things.
"Unfortunately we may die, but fortunately the purification agency has not lost yet."
(End of this chapter)

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