Embers of Embers

Chapter 344 Miracle

Chapter 344 Miracle
Everyone stood still like sculptures. It was obvious that the enemy was more difficult than imagined this time. Not only did they come prepared, but they also used swift methods.
"During the battle, the power supply line was destroyed. In order to restore the power supply, many people died, and Swift was also injured. Arthur was trying to establish contact with the outside world, but due to erosion, the signal was interrupted. Now he can only rely on We’re left alone.”
Kestrel said and motioned for Eve to follow. Under this sudden attack, they temporarily transformed the safe house into a fortress to fight against the wandering monsters.
"According to Arthur's speculation, the enemy should belong to Lawrence's family. After all, they are the only ones who possess the Book of Revelation and can produce inferior secret blood that turns people into monsters. What's more, the enemy should be the same as Lawrence. , has extremely strong single-player combat capabilities... Maybe he is also a demon hunter, a demon hunter who defected with Lawrence."
Kestrel has always been very nervous, but at this moment he couldn't help but be extremely serious, and became unusually serious.
"Only in this way can the enemy sneak into the scientific research area under our layers of defense, and he should be carrying low-quality secret blood with him to turn the patients in the scientific research area into monsters."
"The most troublesome thing is more than that. For this operation, we have done enough defense. Why can this enemy sneak in so easily? If we don't have any traitors, he should still be extremely powerful, possibly no less than Lawrence, only in this way can he perfectly hide his whereabouts and even kill everyone who might see him."
The enemy is far more complex and powerful than they imagined, and Kestrel has yet to reveal the worse part.
If all this is really as speculated, then what is the purpose of that person?And if that enemy is still lingering in the scientific research area, given his strength to do all this, it is difficult for the current weapons to fight against him. But now that he has not come to kill Kestrel and others, what is he doing?No one can give an answer.
The gunshots continued, and at the same time it was gradually weakening.
This is the scientific research area of ​​Black Mountain Hospital. In the final analysis, it is just a medical research institution. It does not have sufficient armed reserves like the Perpetual Pump. Most of the people working here are just doctors, and the weapons currently used are also during deployment. , carried by the soldiers.
There are worse things that everyone knows about, but no one talks about.
The Black Mountain Hospital itself does not have strong enough defense power, but it is protected by antimemes. Under the long-term operation of the scavengers, endless heavy rain washes this city called Old Dunling, which is related to the Black Mountain Hospital. Everything is being erased from people's minds.
It can be said that except for the inside of the purification agency, people outside have no idea about the location and internal conditions of the Black Mountain Hospital. But this time it is different. The enemy obviously knows this place and is very clear about its structure. On the surface, it is a feint attack, but in fact it reaches directly. Scientific research area.
Eve was silent. There was no need to say these words to her, but Kestrel said them anyway, as if something was waiting for her next.
Crossing the makeshift position, Eve saw the man sitting in the corner. He looked so tired at the moment, but he still stared at the design drawings in front of him, trying to find the answer in this intricate scientific research area. A slight possibility of survival.
Kestrel shouted softly.
Arthur slowly raised his head, and when he saw Eve who was safe and sound, his cold expression relaxed slightly, but soon solidified again.
Eve's survival is only temporary. If no other plan can be thought of, everyone will die here.
"The energy supply has been restored, and the entire area is still blocked. We are not sure about the enemy's location yet, but judging from the firefight just now, most of the demons in the scientific research area should have been attracted. The energy supply has been restored. , the large lifting area can be reused, where we can reach the ground directly, and judging from the distribution of defense forces, there is an unmanned armor on standby."
Kestrel reported the situation. Although everyone is likely to die here, some people should not die here, such as Eve, who is of great research value, and...
Looking to the side, in the view of the kestrel, a partition has been made not far from here. Ovis is sitting in a wheelchair watching all this quietly, while a doctor is trying to Wake up another patient.
That was a silent child, but judging from the protection Arthur gave him when commanding, he was no less valuable than Eve. But the Kestrel had heard of Eve's value, but who was this boy?
He had never seen this boy before, and what was even weirder was that he obviously didn't know this boy, but every time he saw him, Kestrel felt a sense of familiarity, as if he was an old friend.
"We don't know the situation on the ground, but at least it's better than staying here, isn't it?" Kestrel's words were as relaxed as possible, "It's like stepping from a narrow hell into another wide hell...at least on the surface. The air is much cleaner, right?"
Arthur seemed to be amused by the kestrel, smiled, shook his head, and continued.
"I understand, organize the equipment...give us some private time."
Kestrel nodded. He understood Arthur somewhat now. This was a damn time, a time when soldiers and monsters fought to death, but now the drama of father and daughter meeting was being staged. If this was some kind of drama, then It's really bad.
A father cannot watch his child die, and the child cannot see his father's powerlessness.
"Damn monster..."
Kestrel cursed in a low voice, and walked towards the place where Ovis was. Kestrel's eyes were on him all the time, but he didn't ask anything. When he approached, he directly passed Ovis and came to the stretcher .
The doctor was still trying to wake up the patient. During the evacuation, the patient's reaction was the most severe, so the doctor injected a lot more medicine into him and he fell into a deep sleep.
"Please let me go."
Although he was polite, but perhaps due to the erosion of his inhibitions, Kestrel pushed the doctor away angrily, picked up a Florund potion and stabbed it into the patient's neck.
"Wake up! Joey!"
It was like being punched in a sweet dream. Joey, who was tied to the stretcher, was kicked hard, and his eyes widened in panic.
The silence was long and uncomfortable. Arthur lowered his head and seemed to be looking at the design, but Eve knew very well that he was just thinking about something he didn't know yet. The two of them got along quietly, Until someone breaks the calm.
"Feel sorry."
Arthur finally couldn't bear the long calm. He slowly sat up straight, his cloudy eyes filled with bloodshot eyes. He was already an old guy, but in this short period of time, he had undoubtedly aged a lot.
"Ah... the troubles are really one after another. We have to deal with the treacherous new cult, be wary of Lawrence's remnants, and sometimes have to deal with the Queen."
Arthur was talking to himself, and rubbed his temples vigorously, but no matter how hard he rubbed, he couldn't get rid of the pain in his mind.
"I'm sorry, Eve, I still brought you into this. I have tried my best to avoid this, but just like a curse, no matter how hard I try, it will be in vain in the end. Things that are destined to happen are destined to happen. Everything is impossible for mortals. It can’t be changed.”
Arthur sighed, picked up the cigarette from his arms, and held it in his mouth.
The silent Eve was also slightly touched at this moment, not because of Arthur's words. She had heard such words many times and she had long been accustomed to them.
But Arthur rarely smoked. In Eve's memory, it seemed that the only time he sat by the tombstone and smoked quietly was when his mother passed away, and now it all seemed to be happening again.
"She died then, and I was almost like this, sitting in the corner, smoking quietly, and now it's all similar..."
Arthur also recalled that time, that time his wife died, and this time it might be her daughter who died.
"I..." Eve wanted to say something, but was interrupted by him.
"It's time to be alone now. I'm not Arthur, but your father. Such...teaching? That's it. There aren't many opportunities like this."
Duke Phoenix looked at Eve and inhaled hard. The cigarette butt shone with a fiery light, but the light was too short-lived, almost only rising for a moment, and then extinguished again.
"After you get out alive, stay as far away from Old Dunling as possible. The further away the better. I have already planned your future. It is in the drawer of my desk. Do as I say and you will spend your life safely. , As for the person to marry...ah, what a headache, you can do whatever you want on this, but I will try my best to survive, after all, you yourself are too unreliable."
Duke Fenisk was talking nonchalantly, and a rough plan gradually formed in his mind.
Eve rarely refuted him. As usual, as soon as Duke Phoenix talked about the future, Eve would interrupt him loudly, and then bring the relationship between father and daughter to a freezing point.
This didn't mean that she agreed to Duke Phoenix's arrangement, she just couldn't bear to let this old guy do any more work.
All the lives of the survivors in the scientific research area depended on his decision. This was a heavy decision. Eve felt suffocated and stressed just thinking about it.
"Okay, I apologize for what I just said. I know you don't like my arrangement for you, but... only in this way can you survive, stay away from the monsters, and live like an ordinary person. You have also seen that Is this what hell looks like? This is a true portrayal of ordinary people fighting against demons."
He held his head tightly, just like an ordinary person, the face that had always been rational and calm was full of fear at the moment.
"I...I don't want you to be suddenly killed by a demon one day. The body will be eaten in a mess, with internal organs and broken bones scattered all over the floor. I always have nightmares like this sometimes."
The voice turned into a thin murmur. At this moment, Duke Phoenix was the person with the most unstable mental state. He was the one in power and the one who made the decision. He was responsible for the lives of many people and had numerous corpses under his feet.
Duke Phoenix suddenly shouted and said to Eve with a ferocious face.
"Haven't you always wanted to know what's going on with all the weird things you do?"
Eve was stunned. This was the answer she had been looking for, but she never thought she would know it in this situation. She nodded stiffly, and Duke Phoenix continued.
"Go to Merlin... You probably don't know him, but it doesn't matter. Go to him. Merlin knows the full story of what happened that year, and he will tell you all about it."
There was another long silence, and Duke Phoenix asked again.
"Can you promise me this? Eve, you are a good child."
Eve nodded silently. The Duke of Phoenix in front of her was pitiful as never before. Whether it was the truth or a lie, it seemed that it could make him feel at ease at the moment.
She didn't say anything, her eyes were lowered, and no one knew what the girl was thinking at the moment.
He seemed to have returned to his calm demeanor. At the same time, Lan Jade came from outside and started discussing with Arthur directly, without giving Eve any chance to speak.
She felt like a cute doll, being played with randomly and finally leaving silently.
"You are lying to her, right?" After Eve left, Lan Jade suddenly asked, "You also knew about it, but you didn't tell her here."
Arthur's expression froze, and then he said.
"Eavesdropping is not a good habit."
"But I am your bodyguard and I have to ensure your safety."
"I'm safe...do you think Eve will kill me?" Arthur said, drawing a route on the blueprint.
"Who knows? She is unpredictable, and when listening to your lectures, she always has a lancet hidden in her wrist." Lan Jade said, and then asked with some confusion, "You don't know that your daughter has hidden Weapons habit? I heard the doctors said that when she first caught her running away, she had a bunch of scalpels hidden under her clothes."
Arthur smiled when he heard this.
"Nice habit, at least she always has a weapon to protect herself... Well, I did cheat her.
This is hell. Mortals need some hope to survive in this hellish place. She longs for that secret so much. In order to know this, she must survive and leave here. This will be her motivation in despair. "
"What about your motivation?"
"Let her live."
Lan Jade looked at Arthur with a complicated expression, and then asked.
"How many people will survive."
"I don't know, but give priority to evacuating Eve and Ovis. They have research value and may be able to lift the king's curse."
"It's more than that..." Lan Jade apparently discovered something, and she stared at Arthur closely.
"I just hope she survives."
"So you're going to trick more people into dying, huh?"
"Feel sorry……"
"There is nothing to be sorry about, you are the commander, we will just listen to you, but Arthur, have you ever felt guilty?" Blue Jade asked.
Arthur hesitated for a while and then said.
“Yes, it has always been there, following me like a ghost all the time, but I won’t think about it, otherwise I will be troubled when I think about it, and the trouble will make me hesitate to make a decision.
I was in pain at first, but gradually I became numb. Maybe it was the demons. By fighting them, we became more and more similar to them. "
"Is this so...I am often troubled by the death of my father. It can be said that I killed him with my own hands. Sometimes I want to ask him many questions, but it is a pity that the dead cannot speak," Lan Jade said, "I am a little envious. Eve."
"Envy that she might survive?"
"No, it sounds stupid to envy someone who will swallow sins for her and think she is right. But if possible, I would also like to have such a person."
From the beginning to the end, Lan Jade's expression did not fluctuate much. In fact, she had always been like this. It seemed that nothing could arouse the waves in her heart, but now her eyes were bright.
"But she really should live. We are all in hell. Even if we escape, we will step into it again one day in the future and die. This is our destined future. We will die in order to eradicate the demon. In the hands of demons.”
"You should fantasize about retirement, and maybe... maybe we can all survive."
Not sure if he was lying to himself or if he really had hope for this, Arthur responded.
Lan Jade smiled at this, "It's better to tell this kind of lie to Kestrel. He has been looking forward to retirement life for too long."
Her smile turned serious, and she continued to ask.
"What's the plan?"
"We are not far from the lift area, but there are monsters between us. We have to find a way to rush there and return to the ground. Although we don't know what the situation is on the surface, there is an Original Sin Armor parked there. With it, even if we face Facing the tide of demons, we more or less have a glimmer of hope of survival, you should know this, right?" Arthur said.
"I know that at that time, Shrike and I relied on the second-generation armor to resist the demons...but it was just barely." Lan Jade was a little worried.
"No problem, that's a first-generation armor, powerful enough to help us fight out."
A generation of armor that had been gradually sealed up appeared here strangely at this moment.
"But who can drive a generation of armor?"
Lan Jade asked worriedly, the burden of driving the second-generation armor almost killed Shrike, so what terrible erosion does the first-generation armor, whose main frame is almost entirely made of demons, have on people?Judging from the current manpower, no one can resist such erosion without the presence of the Knight Commander.
"I'll drive."
Lan Jade suspected that she heard wrongly.
"I will drive the first-generation armor. I am the last product of the Ranger Project. My resistance to erosion is stronger than any of you. This kind of thing should be done by me, not others."
Arthur looked directly at Blue Jade.
"We will survive, and more people will survive."
Then Arthur murmured a laugh.
"Just like Eve, her birth is a miracle, and we will create a miracle..."
"One miracle after another is piled together..."
(End of this chapter)

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