Embers of Embers

Chapter 345 Deception

Chapter 345 Deception
His head felt as if it were filled with lead, and there was severe pain echoing in his mind amid the heaviness, as if a sharp knife was repeatedly cutting the nerves.
Joey was sitting on the stretcher. He wanted to cover his head to relieve the pain, but now he was wearing a straitjacket and it was difficult to move.
The effect of the medicine is still there, and he is drowsy, as if he will fall asleep in the next second. But at the same time, with the injection of Florund's medicine, his body is resuscitating, and his heart is beating violently, getting more and more... Fast, like an overloaded machine, it might explode in the next second.
This is the side effect of the medicine, which puts a huge burden on the human body, and this is after degradation. At first, the rangers faced even worse side effects than this.
"Wake up!"
Someone slapped Joey's face hard, and his vision gradually became clearer. It was Kestrel.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't have time to explain this nonsense to you. Anyway, get up quickly!"
As Kestrel spoke, he untied his straitjacket and strapped the Geiger counter to his chest, accompanied by the ticking sound of startup.
"You still have erosion on your body...forget it, there's no need to worry about it. Now each of us is contaminated by erosion."
"what happened?"
Joey's current state is very bad, and he still has to endure the physical burden in a coma, but due to the medicine, his consciousness is constantly waking up.
His whole body felt a little hot, which was a normal reaction. The medicine was awakening his body's desire to live. This feeling was really bad, as if he would die suddenly in the next second.
"A lot of things...but all you need to know now is that we need you, otherwise we wouldn't arrest you."
The kestrel carried Joey up, and if it continues, the situation will only get worse. The survivors must mobilize all their strength and fight their way to the lift area under the siege of the demons. As long as they capture the landing area, With the original sin armor, there is a glimmer of hope in the current desperate situation.
"Although according to the rules and regulations, you should take a break from work to recuperate, but there will always be some emergencies when fighting monsters, right? Just treat it as overtime."
Kestrel carried Joey forward. Joey's body needed some time to regain consciousness, but there wasn't that much time for him to recover now.
"But keep working hard. After all, only if you survive can you get overtime pay. Otherwise, if you die, you will die."
Not sure whether it was to comfort himself or to say that he was just a loser, Kestrel continued.
"Ah, no, you absolutely can't die. This damn place is Black Mountain Hospital, and not far from here is the cemetery!"
Finally, Joey was thrown to the ground, and a group of people gathered here, which seemed to be the only fighting force at present. Among them were Eve and Ovis. The two children looked like they had just been scolded. It was the same expressionless, gloomy look.
"Wait here for me. Your consciousness is not clear yet. You just need to follow my instructions in a while. Do you understand?" Kestrel said.
"You?" Joey covered his head with one hand and was half-kneeling with his other hand on the ground. "Leave my life to you? Are you serious? Kestrel."
Under the damn corporate culture of the Purification Agency, these people are not very afraid of death. In Joey's view, everyone has different values. Soldiers have the value of soldiers, and commanders have the value of commanders. He Not afraid of dying, but afraid of not dying well, especially when following a kestrel.
Kestrel had no time to pay attention to him this time. Although he said bad words, his expression was more serious than anyone else's.
Swift has been injured, Joey's condition is unstable, Arthur is the commander, and he should not be on the front line. After ruling out this, the only ones who can effectively fight at this moment are Kestrel, Robin and Blue Jade, and those ordinary soldiers.
In other words, knights like the Kestrel who are resistant to the erosion of monsters will be the vanguard. Only they can maintain their sanity and fight in that harsh situation, and only in this way can they open a way to the lift area.
Those who were still able to fight gathered together and gathered beside the temporary defense line. Gunfire continued. The soldiers' ammunition was almost exhausted, and there was not much time left for them.
"Actually, the plan is not that complicated. Kill all the demons, reach the lift area, and return to the ground."
Arthur stood in front of the defense line and said to the others.
"Who will drive that armor?" Yu Yan asked. None of the high-ranking knights present had experience in driving the Original Sin Armor.
"This is not something you should consider."
Arthur replied that he didn't want to tell them these things, otherwise from their perspective, commanders are superior to knights, and they should be the ones driving the armor.
The informed Blue Jade also remained silent, just as Arthur said, the resistance of a high-ranking knight could not withstand the erosion of a generation of armor, and only Arthur could do this.
"Where are the patients?" Joey asked.
"We can't take them away, and the erosion pressure in the scientific research area will continue to intensify. They will only turn into monsters like monsters..." Arthur said.
"Execute all patients on the spot?" Lan Jade suggested.
This is a correct and even somewhat humane decision. These patients have no hope of escape. Instead of facing the fear of demons, it is better to kill them here.
But for such a seemingly "right" reason, the psychological burden caused by the killing will still affect everyone to a great extent. Everyone is faced with depression and weak fear, and the dam of reason is crumbling at this moment.
"No, as the robin said, release them and use them to attract monsters."
Arthur gave the instructions coldly. Under this instruction, everyone's heart fluctuated slightly. Some people fell into deeper depression, while others breathed a sigh of relief.
They did not have to kill those patients. Although they were destined to die, at least they would not die by their own hands. They comforted themselves in this way and persisted with difficulty in this despair.
"Is this the case again..."
A faint voice sounded, someone sighing softly at all this.
This is a contradictory question. The purpose of the purge agency and demons is to maintain human sanity, but now in order to maintain sanity, they have to sacrifice those people.
The train rumbled, and Arthur knew very well that Blue Jade and the others were very sharp weapons, but he was the only one who could hold the weapons. They only executed orders, and Arthur was responsible for the rest.
No one said anything, everyone silently followed Arthur's instructions and began to act. Joey, who had just recovered, still didn't know what was going on, but judging from the chilling atmosphere, it seemed that everything had come to a critical point moment.
Give up on the patients...
Joey's head hurt a little, his eyes lingered on the kestrel, and then drifted past.
A few minutes ago, he was also one of the patients, lying on the stretcher and falling asleep. If it weren't for the Kestrel, he might have been one of the abandoned ones. Of course, it was also possible that Arthur didn't want to give up any possible power. He called himself up again.
No one knew what was going on, and there was no time to confirm it. Seeing Joey waking up, others were a little shocked, but before they could say anything, Lan Jade threw a thermite rifle at Joey. , it was still stained with blood and looked like it had just been taken from the corpse of a certain soldier.
No words of defense were needed. Under such severe circumstances, everyone acquiesced in Joey's return.
"Eve is the first human being to be innately strengthened by her mother after the Ranger Project. It can be said that she is a natural Ranger..." Arthur said.
"Sounds like the offspring of two witchers... Can witchers be fertile?"
Kestrel couldn't help but talk bad things. Arthur ignored this guy who kept talking bad things. Although Kestrel said it very easily, based on everyone's understanding of him, this guy was a bit like Lorenzo. The more frightened he became, In order to comfort himself, this guy became more and more talkative. Now it seems that Kestrel is almost going crazy due to depression.
"The Queen decided to restart the Ranger Project and continue to study Eve's characteristics. She must survive. Maybe the era of knights will end in the future, and the Rangers will replace us and continue to fight against the monsters."
Arthur said in a deep voice, and then his eyes fell on Ovis.
"And he... he is related to the royal family. His main protection targets are Eve and Ovis. He will give priority to escorting them away."
The others nodded and took action.
The upper knights opened the way in front, and the important targets were protected in the middle. Because Ovis had difficulty moving, he was carried on the back of the kestrel. This boy was like an exquisite doll, saying nothing, but keeping his eyes fixed. Staring straight ahead, Kestrel didn't know what he was looking at.
Joey took one last look at the safe house before leaving, and the patients came out staggeringly, like ignorant children, not knowing what happened at all.
Sigg should also be there... Joey still remembers the last scene he saw at that time. Before the doctor injected him with a sedative, he saw Sigg wearing the same hospital gown. At that time, his body had already shown alienated features. state……
Shaking his head vigorously, Joey gritted his teeth to prevent himself from thinking about those strange things. These thoughts would only interfere with the next actions.
Yes, I should be like a weapon. Weapons have no so-called emotions at all. Only in this way can we do cruel things that ordinary people can't do without any scruples.
Just like Lorenzo, just like the demon hunters, perhaps the original concept of the demon hunting order was not to control the demon hunters. In that era before steam engines appeared, in the era of armor and blades, perhaps in that incomparable In these difficult and dark times, only in this way can the demon hunters continue to fight.
Give up everything and become a monster, become a weapon.
The gunfire rang out, and the burst of roar shattered Joey's thoughts. Without any pause, the team began to move quickly. The demons came galloping at the end of the corridor. The dense thermite bombs temporarily forced them back, and the team did not stop. , keep moving forward.
They could not be held back. Once they were held back, they would not be able to reach the lift area before the ammunition was used up. The sound was twisted together in chaos.
The operation went smoothly. According to calculations, as long as we crossed the long corridor in front, we would arrive at the lift area. Everyone was a little happy. They thought they would be strongly attacked by demons, but they never expected that everything would go so smoothly. , so smooth that it makes people feel a little uneasy.
Even though he was being carried on his back, the violent jolts also made Ovis feel a lot of pain. His eyes were a little dull, even a little humiliated.
He hated this. The free soul was trapped in this cowardly body due to this inexplicable curse. No matter what Ovis did, he needed help from others, just like a breathing dead thing, or he was called A pet of honor and honor.
This feeling is really bad, terrible, but fortunately Ovis can pilot the Original Sin Armor, and he can experience the feeling of freedom again on that evil creation. From then on, he is no longer a need The waste that relies on others, but Lancelot, the nightmare of monsters.
He is Lancelot, the powerful Lancelot, the youngest knight commander of the Purification Agency...
Not anymore.
It was an exquisite dream, but such a dream was shattered. He could no longer drive the Original Sin Armor. Like other members of the royal family, he would spend the rest of his life in a luxurious large stroller and be carefully cared for. , living in humiliation.
Countless thoughts were rushing through his mind, and Ovis had been thinking about these things since he was in that desperate situation just now.
Ovis's eyes became terrifying. For him, this was a seemingly "selfish" idea. He didn't want to devote his last remaining energy to the royal family. He wanted to die here, like a human being. , instead of becoming a poor guinea pig after getting out alive and continuing to be carefully taken care of.
So when he was in the safe house just now, he was quite happy. He was going to die, but not in a wheelchair. He would die with honor as a member of the purge agency. This was so wonderful, but such a dream It's coming to an end, his last name is Victoria, he carries the King's Curse, he is a guinea pig, and he must survive.
He clenched his fists, his nails cutting into the flesh, and the blood flowed uncontrollably.
"This shouldn't be my ending, shouldn't..."
The soft murmurs were drowned out by the roaring gunshots. Kestrel did not notice anything unusual about Ovis, but judging from the current tense atmosphere, he did not have the extra energy to pay attention to Ovis.
Throwing out the folding knife, Kestrel slashed hard, completely killing a fallen demon. The blood had soaked his clothes, as if he had been poured by heavy rain. His clothes were wet but sticky. But there was heat rising.
This is quite strange. Some people want to die, while others desperately want to live.
I don't know whether it was erosion or the red eyes. Under the extreme fear, the Kestrel was full of motivation at the moment. The door to the lift area was in front. As long as the door was opened, the escape plan would be half successful.
Yes, in fact, there is still a good chance of surviving. All the conjectures just now are based on the worst scenario. Maybe the monsters on the surface have been killed by Gao Wen and the others?Maybe the lift area behind the gate is empty, without a single monster?
In the rage, Kestrel thought as optimistically as possible, and then the door opened, and the cold wind rolled up thousands of raindrops and came towards him.
Everyone stood there dumbfounded. At some point, the dome above the lifting area had been opened. The torrential rain poured down along the hole, and a shallow layer had accumulated on the ground. A raging fire was burning on the large lifting platform. , can hear deafening gunshots collapse.
Before he could think more, the demon roared, and an original sin armor fell from the edge of the dome onto the large lifting platform. Several demons climbed onto its body, and their sharp claws repeatedly cut the external armor. It was covered with sharp scratches until a demon cut open the fuel tank carried on the armor.
A violent explosion sounded, and the entire armor was knocked to the ground. The demons were also burning with fire and were blown to pieces. After a short pause, the armor stood up slowly. The outer armor was badly damaged, and the lines and pipes were damaged. It was also fully exposed.
"Night Owl..."
Arthur recognized the painting on the armor. It was the third-generation armor driven by Night Owl, but why was he here.
The sound that sounded again attracted everyone's attention. On the large lifting platform, a fallen armor stood up with difficulty. It can be seen that its condition is not much better than another third-generation armor, but the flesh and blood on it It is healing rapidly, pressing the broken steel together again.
The engine roared, and with the constant release of steam, this first-generation armor stood up again with a big sword. I don’t know how many monsters it killed, or the trauma it suffered. The heavy rain mixed with blood along the steel Edge falls.
"Arthur, you are still alive, ah... I don't know if you are lucky or unlucky."
There was a voice. She was originally a very cheerful person, but now she also looked exhausted. At such a close distance, the voice escaped from the corrosive interference and came through.
Arthur's pupils constricted, and a situation worse than expected appeared. In fact, Percival had already retreated to the defense, but they fought an enemy on the ground. The enemy in the scientific research area.
Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Percival and the others have lost. They are retreating steadily in front of the mysterious enemy.
"What to do! Arthur!"
Blue Jade shouted at Arthur, calling him out of his stunned stupor.
Dead, everyone is dead, everyone is bound by the despair in front of them, everyone is at a loss in the face of this fear.
say something!Arthur!Say something, even if it is to lie to everyone, continue to deceive everyone, depict the only hope in despair, as long as there are new instructions, everyone will not be swallowed by despair, everyone can continue to work for that illusion hope to fight.
Deceive yourself until you die.
"No, we haven't lost yet. Someone must survive, someone must evacuate safely, continue the battle plan, and kill all these monsters!"
Arthur roared. Amidst the shocking roar, a dark figure walked to the edge of the dome. It was like a cage here. He was high above, looking down on the slaves in the cage.
"It looks like Lorenzo Medici isn't here..."
The epidemic doctor's eyes swept back and forth among the crowd, and finally he said with some disappointment.
On the surface, demons were tearing at the broken armor. Countless corpses were scattered in the water, including demons and humans. Blood gushes from the warm flesh and blood, and they gathered together to form The red stream finally poured into the dome.
(End of this chapter)

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