Embers of Embers

Chapter 346 Scarlet Red

Chapter 346 Scarlet Red
The steam engine roared. In the fierce battle before, although the original sin armor driven by Percival was fiercely attacked by demons, with her rich combat experience, she avoided many fatal injuries. Although the armor is now The Original Sin Armor is covered in bruises, but it still has combat capabilities, and it is a first-generation armor in itself. The demon's flesh and blood is gradually healing over time.
"Although I haven't tried it, as long as we are not directly knocked down and killed, with the resilience of the first-generation armor, we can guard a suitable terrain to kill all these monsters... But before that, we need to deal with that guy."
Percival's voice rang out from the communicator, and she also heard Arthur's battle orders. As the person most familiar with the battle situation, she made a suggestion.
"Are these the only ones left of you now?"
Arthur asked, in order to prevent possible accidents, this time the purification agency invested a lot of force, but even so, accidents still happened.
"I don't know, that guy is very scary. He led the monsters to attack our team. We were scattered in the heavy rain. I don't know about the others, but at present... Ye Xiao and I should be the only ones left."
The ferocious armor slowly raised its head and looked up at the black figure standing on the edge of the dome. In the lens of the beak mask, the people struggling in the blood were reflected.
"That guy... is the epidemic doctor, a guy related to demons that we have been hunting. It seems that he is the remnant of Lawrence."
"Plague doctor..."
Arthur remembered this name. He was a mysterious and strange doctor who conducted research on humans and demons in various places. His methods were cruel and he left many "experimental products" after each experiment. Therefore, he was noticed and hunted by the purification agency.
"What are his abilities?"
Arthur asked, can easily defeat the original sin armor, to some extent, the epidemic doctor is more terrifying than Lawrence.
"No, it's not him who is powerful, but those demons..."
Whether it was the erosion affecting the signal, or Percival's fear, her voice began to tremble in Arthur's ears.
Looking through the rainstorm, at the other end of the lift area, a red light has lit up on the armor. The flesh and blood inside the armor began to erode Percival's body, sticking together, painful but powerful.
A generation of armor can continue to fight, but Percival, as a mortal, cannot. Her consciousness is already on the verge of collapse, and may be eroded and destroyed in the next second.
"Don't worry about me. There are still three Florund potions in the armor. I can still hold on for a while."
As the voice sounded, Arthur felt that Percival on the other side of the rain curtain seemed to be looking at him, and countless red lights were like a hundred scarlet eyes.
The flesh and blood were tight, and the armor raised its arm. The big sword covered with blood and gaps pointed at the center of the lifting platform. There was a huge corpse lying there, covered with iron spears and big swords, and those The weapon was burned red by the high temperature, and the falling rain stirred up a burst of white mist.
It was as if a monster from some kind of nightmare had been nailed to the spot. The flesh and blood were hideous and terrifying, and the bones were deformed and protruding like a wolf spider. They were stabbing out along the spine and nailed into the steel. The gaps in the wounds were still burning. The white fire evaporates the rain and raises the raging mist.
But the mist failed to cover the taboo body, and it was dispersed by the strong wind, exposing the abominable body to the rain.
Everyone who saw it felt slightly suffocated the moment they looked directly at it.
There is a human head on top of the bloated and weird body. His eyes are angry and ferocious, as if he is roaring, but people can't hear his roar because he is already dead.
The great sword and the molten spear penetrated his heart and severed his head, while the molten iron still held his body together.
"Is that...a demon?"
Arthur also couldn't believe what he saw before him. The blazing white fireworks had not yet been extinguished, and the boiling blood could not calm down under the cold rain. There was an unconventional human head on the body of a monster... or Said that this is what he originally looked like.
"To be precise, it is a demon transformed by a demon hunter."
Percival said with some fear.
"It was this kind of demon that was the main force that defeated us... Should we say that we are really worthy of being demon hunters? They are so powerful even when they become demons. Moreover, after they become demons, they seem to be able to activate their powers, which seem to be unquenchable. Fireworks are the power of the witcher."
"I'm guessing that these are the demon hunters of the New Order. After they realized that there was a problem with us, they also chose to join the battlefield. The target should also be Lorenzo, but unlike this plague doctor, they don't seem to be clear about the situation in Montenegro Hospital. Inside, so the squad spread out.
And these demonized demon hunters were the unlucky ones who encountered the plague doctor, and we spent a lot of effort to kill them. "
Most of the three generations of armor were destroyed in the battle with these monsters, and then the wounded armor was besieged by those ordinary monsters, and was eaten away bit by bit.
"Are you saying that the plague doctor defeated these demon hunters, and even said that it was so terrible that those demon hunters had to demonize them. After they completely lost their minds, they were used by the plague doctor to attack you." Arthur asked.
"That may be the case. The epidemic doctor didn't make a move from the beginning to the end. We don't know his ability."
The unknown enemy is the most terrifying, and this kind of information can't help but add to this despair.
The entire lifting area is a messy battlefield. Blood and rain have accumulated here. Corpses and broken bones are floating in it. The remains of armors and demons are like tall stone sculptures. Looking up, endless rainstorms are falling, and the sky Completely occupied by gloom, like the dark night.
Percival began to move slowly, and Night Owl got up at the same time as her. The performance of the third generation armor was greatly reduced compared to the first generation armor. Fortunately, Night Owl had enough driving experience, and Percival shared most of the burden. Although his armor is broken, he still has a certain combat capability.
They approached Arthur, while the doctor on the dome watched all this silently.
Arthur had a gloomy face, thinking about how to find a glimmer of hope in this despair. Before, he thought he would be directly attacked by the plague doctor, but now it seems that the plague doctor is not in a hurry to attack, just as if he pities them, and gives them enough time to discuss tactics, or pray before death.
The current main forces are Percival and Night Owl. Although their armor is broken when facing monsters, it is still an important fighting force. The rest is up to Arthur himself.
Although the rain curtain and water vapor obscured his sight, Arthur still saw the armor, which fell at the other end of the large lifting platform.
The blue paint on it is clearly visible, and the overall body is as thin as a light ghost. It can be expected that it will move as fast as thunder.
This was Merlin's suggestion. He believed that the first generation of armor had some strange characteristics, such as a strange connection with the driver. This can be felt from the relationship between Lorenzo and the Black Angel, but Lorenzo is a special case. Obviously not suitable for research, he became ready to use Ovis as his present to study the connection between him and the first generation of armor.
What no one noticed was that Ovis, who had been lying on the back of the kestrel, also raised his head at this time. He couldn't see clearly what was behind the rain curtain, but at this moment he felt a strange palpitation, as if there was something. Calling, behind the rain curtain.
The heavy rain continues to pour. If you want to leave here, you have to activate the large elevator to send everyone to the ground. But currently, the situation on the ground will only be worse than expected. Before Arthur can make a decision, Judging, there was a strange sound from above.
It was the demons. One after another, the demons appeared on the edge of the dome like hungry beasts. They bared their teeth and claws and had weird shapes, completely surrounding the people in the cage.
The epidemic doctor was not pitying them. He was waiting for the monsters scattered around to be attracted by the breath of the living people.
This is not the most terrifying despair. What really makes people's hearts sink to the bottom is the demon standing behind the epidemic doctor. The bones and flesh of the body are proliferated by the power of secret blood, and it is covered with dark iron armor. And like this Iron armor is still growing out of the gaps, covering this ferocious body like sharp sword blades.
The demon hunter's face could no longer be seen clearly, and all he could see was the bloody mouth opening on the mask-like black armor, hungry for blood and flesh.
"So-called demon hunters can't resist the erosion of the blood of the Holy Grail..."
The plague doctor sighed in a low voice. It is actually very simple to do all this. Defeat the demon hunter and inject him with the blood of the Holy Grail before killing him. Live in this terrible taboo until you become the same monster.
He let go of his hand and dropped the suitcase. In order to do all this, the epidemic doctor had consumed all the low-quality secret blood he carried, and now these things were useless.
He carried out all this in accordance with Lawrence's orders. Although he could not find Lorenzo Medici who had used the power Gabriel to survive, he was able to behead Arthur who had purged the mechanism here. For their next actions It will also be more convenient.
Heavy rain and erosion have blocked all connections. Fires can be seen in the direction of the mild disease area. Gawain's defense line has not yet collapsed, but when they noticed the abnormality here, the epidemic doctor felt that all this should end. .
The remaining demons swarmed over. They jumped off the dome and walked towards Arthur and others. The plague doctor sat down along the edge of the dome. He was not in a hurry to leave to find Lorenzo Medici's whereabouts, but instead Watching everything in front of me with interest.
This is like the epitome of the confrontation between humans and demons. All selfish desires, distractions, and ideals are gathered underneath this cage-like cage. It is almost like a human observation experiment.
The iron-armored demon also began to move. After completely losing its mind, the secret blood will only continue to awaken. Without the restraint of the silver bolt, these demon hunters of the new cult will become endlessly powerful after being demonized until they die.
The armored demon turned its head, and there seemed to be scarlet eyes in the gaps in the armor, leaving only its bloodthirsty instinct to observe the epidemic doctor.
The Plague Doctor is very strange. He has reason and a human body, but in the eyes of the monsters, the Plague Doctor seems to not exist. Or maybe... the Plague Doctor is a kindred spirit of the monsters, so he is ignored by the monsters.
The killing is about to begin, and the monsters fall onto the large lift one after another. This place is like a duel field, a duel field between humans and monsters. The only spectator in the audience is the epidemic doctor.
It was hard for Arthur to think about anything. The armored demon was obviously the product of demonization by the demon hunter. The strange body was still constantly alienating while traveling. The power of this demon depended on Percival's intelligence. It can be seen that with the current strength, only death is waiting for them.
If you want to leave, the only way to break through the siege is to raise the platform and reach the ground. But if you do this, you will inevitably fight these monsters, and even the mysterious epidemic doctor.
What about retreating?If they return to the scientific research area, they can still resist for a while due to the maze-like terrain. They may even find an uninhabited corner and just deceive themselves and hide.
What about opening the blockade?As long as the blockade is opened, they can escape from Black Mountain Hospital elsewhere, but in this case, the demon will completely penetrate the entire scientific research area, and Black Mountain Hospital will officially fall.
"Arthur, Gawain hasn't failed yet. If we can persist until he solves the demons in the mild area, we still have a chance to survive." Percival's voice sounded again.
"Blue Jade! Kestrel! You take Eve, Ovis, and others to evacuate here, return to the scientific research area, and find a way to survive. We and Percival will fight against the monsters here and kill them all. ...or be killed by them."
Under extreme circumstances, this was the only thing Arthur could think of.
Black Mountain Hospital is different from the Perpetual Pump. Its main scientific research direction is the human brain spirit, not machinery. The long corridors and corridors of the Perpetual Pump are all designed in advance, and there are guide rails that can make the original sin armor move, and the scientific research area No, the Original Sin Armor cannot go deep into the scientific research area, they can only stay here to fight.
"Robin! Swift! You lead the soldiers to cover me and find a way to escort me there!"
Arthur stretched out his hand again and pointed at the blue-painted armor at the end of the rain curtain.
Everyone took action. Night Owl, who had been silent all this time, also drove his armor to half-kneeling. The leg machinery had been damaged by the monster's bite, making it difficult for the armor to stand up.
This is the Sword Dancer from the previous battle with Lorenzo. Night Owl pointed the still intact part of the external armor forward. The entire armor was like a temporary fortress, protecting the soldiers behind him and allowing them to stay within his own reach. Fire after steel.
Then he took out the last armored gun from the weapon rack behind him, and waited for the opportunity to fire.
Percival also took action. As a knight commander, the generation of armor he drove became the most powerful combat force at present and the only chance of victory.
After the Eternal Pump developed Lacquer Antimony, this substance was used in many directions, one of which was the armor's propulsion system. The fuel tanks carried by the Sword Dancers contained Lacquer Antimony.
There was no need for a high-mobility breakthrough now. The monsters would rush towards her without Percival charging. Perhaps in order to reduce the weight of the armor, she removed the only two fuel tanks left on the armor.
It was also at this time that there was a violent earthquake on the road coming from behind, and the roar of a demon could be heard in it.
Attacked from both sides, the monsters in the scientific research area also followed the scent of living people here.
"Change the route! Move forward!" Arthur shouted immediately.
There are several roads leading to the lifting area. The escape team cannot go back the same way, but they can proceed from other intersections, but there are monsters ahead.
Everyone made the appropriate decision. Night Owl, who had just crouched down, quickly stood up. His armor was shaky, but he still struggled to grab the remains of the armor and put it on the path Arthur came from. The road to invasion by demons is blocked.
The team ran towards another exit, and at this time, the fallen demons had already crossed the center of the large lifting platform.
A sharp wind sounded, and a heavy black shadow passed over everyone's heads. The fuel tank was thrown into the group of demons, and then a thermite bomb accurately hit it. The fuel mixed with paint antimony was detonated, and the explosion exploded instantly. The sea of ​​fire that started swallowed up most of the demons, and the air waves carried the high temperature and dispersed the rain, almost knocking everyone down.
Behind them, the first-generation armor still maintained its throwing posture. Under the tall figure, Robin held up the thermite rifle.
"Keep running!"
Percival's voice sounded in the communicator, and then a generation of armor dragged the sword towards the center of the large lifting platform. The blade dragged, sparking dazzling fire, and then slashed down like thunder.
The sound of tearing metal mixed with the sound of gunfire, and the whole situation seemed to have turned into a big melee. Countless warheads with burning flames traced red trajectories and intertwined together.
Just like the end of the world, the top of the head is rolled up into gray and black, and the cold rain pours down from it.
Blue Jade and Kestrel were at the front of the team. They had to find a way to transport these two important people out. They were getting closer and closer to the intersection. This should be a scene of life and death, but Arthur didn't even look at Eve.
Arthur knew very well that if nothing unexpected happened, this might be his last look, but he just didn't dare to look back, as if he was afraid of something.
He was forcing himself to look in another direction. Due to the change of route, Arthur was getting closer to the blue-painted armor. After escorting the escape team, they could continue forward to seize the armor. , continue to fight.
"Don't you want to say something?"
While walking, Lan Jade suddenly asked Eve in a low voice.
Eve didn't understand what she was going to ask, but Blue Jade didn't look at her. Instead, she stared at the demons who were trying to get closer, using the thermite rifle in her hand to push them back.
"Just don't regret it." Lan Jade said again, seemingly inexplicably.
The destination is about to arrive, and the team will disperse here. Some will die, and some may survive. But at this moment, the harsh wind sounds, and the metal fragments are like galloping swords, cutting apart several soldiers and medical staff. In the blood and broken flesh of his body, blood-stained iron pieces were nailed into the wall, followed by an even more violent shock.
A mechanical severed arm hit the team fiercely. Under the impact, Lan Jade and others were knocked down directly and fell into the dark red water.
His field of vision was completely covered by the torrential rain, and it was extremely difficult to breathe under the strong wind.
"Night Owl!"
With the roar, the armor broke through the heavy rain and wind, and swung the heavy sword and slashed fiercely at the black figure, but it was obvious that her attack was ineffective. The sword sparked a burst of sparks, and was then shot. open.
It was the iron-armored demon. It relied on the cover of water vapor to suddenly launch a surprise attack. The broken third-generation armor was unable to resist it. The entire arm was directly torn off, and then knocked over Lan Jade and others.
Night Owl's face was stiff at this moment, his bloody mouth opened behind his visor, and he bit hard at the strong external armor. He could smell the fishy smell in the water vapor, and the sound of the armor breaking was so clear at this moment.
He was like a delicately packaged dessert, and the armored monster couldn't help tearing Ye Xiao apart to devour the fresh flesh.
The frame of the entire armor was almost broken, and half of Night Owl's arm was completely exposed. Due to the violent disassembly, the arm was bent in a weird arc, and blood was flowing down the fingertips.
The only remaining arm grabbed the armor and gun on the weapon rack, and the steam engine made its final output, roaring and running.
"Don't you love to eat?"
The calm voice was full of anger, and dazzling fire burst out from between the armor and the demon. Its whole body was protected by iron armor, and only its mouth was defenseless. The hot fire mixed with molten iron poured into the demon's mouth, causing severe pain. It finally let go of the Night Owl, but at such a close distance, the already dilapidated third-generation armor was completely destroyed, and the entire cockpit was half-melted.
The sharp sword light fell again, and Percival knocked back the armored demon with one sword, and then pulled the unconscious Night Owl out of the metal cage.
More roars followed, hitting the eardrums and causing pain. The cold rain slapped Arthur's face. The extremely cold temperature made him wake up a lot, and then he struggled to get up from the ground. .
The blow just now scattered the team. Some people died, some were still unconscious on the ground, and some picked up weapons to shoot the monsters that were trying to get closer.
Arthur raised his head and saw the girl who had just climbed up from the ground like him.
Eve looked at him with some horror, and Arthur also looked at her with some confusion.
The blankness in his mind only lasted for a moment, and Arthur picked up the weapons scattered aside with a ferocious expression.
Behind Eve was the entrance. Although she didn't know what was waiting for her behind, it was at least far better than staying here.
"You promised me."
Arthur shouted at Eve again. The girl's mind was blank at the moment, like an unconscious machine. Following Arthur's command, she turned around and started running at a very fast speed.
Seeing the figure gradually going away, Arthur was actually a little happy, and then he also started running, heading in different directions.
As long as they can drive that armor, they still have hope. As long as they hold on until Gawain ends the battle, the situation here will turn around.
Arthur suddenly became optimistic, and he didn't know where this feeling came from.
Perhaps Eve's escape made him relax his vigilance. He was not aware of the approaching danger at all. All he could see was the armor sleeping there. The sharp claws passed through the rain curtain and seemed to be cut off in the next second. Arthur's head, but then Arthur heard, a strange song sounded under the rain curtain, and he seemed to remember hearing it somewhere.
The running figure paused, and someone grabbed his collar and pulled him to a stop. He avoided the demon's blow, and then the lancet slashed along his face and penetrated the demon's body. Eyes, the sound of metal crashing followed closely.
The jackknife swung a sharp semicircle to completely cut off the demon's arm, and the blood mixed with cold rain fell like a scarlet curtain.
Arthur fell to the ground, and at the same time a red shadow passed over him.
(End of this chapter)

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