Embers of Embers

Chapter 347 Bad Children

Chapter 347 Bad Children
"Ding Ding Dong, she ran away from here."
"But her father took her love away and betrothed her to the wrong man."
"She just waited for who knows how many years."
"Ding Ding Dong, she has been waiting all her life."
"When her father died, she dug out the grave for her husband."
"Old and golden, she went to find the one she loved."
"Run! Girl! Run! Girl!"
The girl's singing echoed in the heavy rain. Arthur remembered that a long time ago, a girl sang this song to him softly. She said that she liked this song from Leiber very much.
Arthur asked her what the meaning of this song was, and she said that it was probably a father who made his own decision and betrothed his daughter to the wrong person. He thought he had correctly planned the girl's life, and the girl could not resist and followed it. She Waiting quietly, waiting for her father to die, waiting for her husband to die, at that moment, the old and beautiful woman was finally free and could freely pursue what she wanted.
The girl said that she also wanted to do this, but she would not wait as long as the girl in the song did. She did not have such good patience. She said that she would find a way to escape, and if possible, she would use some unconventional means. In the end She also reminded Arthur to lock the door when sleeping.
The freezing rainstorm, the suffocating wind, and the physical pain were not enough to affect Arthur, but at this moment he seemed to have seen something horrifying. After a brief moment of fear, he asked in confusion.
"You promised me..."
The red shadow hummed the song from Leiber and roared without looking back.
"Yes! Good boys don't lie!"
She didn't know where she learned it. The sharp blade struck the demon's head with a backhand. Perhaps she wasn't strong enough, and the blade got stuck in the flesh, but she then kicked her legs hard and fiercely. He kicked the demon's joints, forcing it to kneel down, and then split its entire head open like wood.
"But I'm not a good boy!"
While Eve roared, the jackknife pierced the demon's heart, but the tough muscle entangled the blade and could not go any further.
She held the handle of the knife tightly with one hand, and kept banging the end of the handle of the folding knife with the other hand. With a dull sound, like a blacksmith hammering metal, she sent the folding knife into the demon bit by bit. inside his body, nailing it to the ground bit by bit.
The erupted blood completely stained her red, and the cold rain washed away all the filth.
After Arthur's suggestion, Lan Jade briefly spent time with Eve to try to heal the bad relationship between father and daughter. At that time, Lan Jade told Eve a lot, including the story that changed Lan Jade's life. Snowy night.
This feeling was really bad, like a puppet on strings, letting other people's will be manipulated at will. Eve didn't like this, so she came back.
"So in the final analysis, what I did was just to prove something to you, right? Whether it's a police detective or a demon, I just wanted to prove something, right?"
Eve seemed to be asking Arthur a question, and seemed to be talking to herself.
This is a bad day, but thanks to this bad day, many things that Eve has not been able to understand have become much clearer today.
"I just, I just don't want to listen to your arrangements anymore! Who wants to go to some damn island! And marry a strange man? I will really kill him! Just like this monster! Cut into pieces Break the pieces into pieces and feed them to the fish!”
Eve roared horribly, as if venting her anger, and slashed down with a sharp knife. Her strength may not be very strong, but the power that had been dormant for a long time was awakening in her body.
In fact, she is the final product of the Ranger Plan, and the most perfect product. Her heart beats violently, like a powerful pump transporting the hot blood to her whole body. All her senses are sharpened, although she is far from the demon hunter. People are so powerful, but this is also the limit that this mortal body can reach.
"I'm an adult now!"
Bad words, bad plot, happened in this bad situation.
Arthur didn't know what to say for a moment. It was obviously a nightmare-like battlefield, but in the end it turned into a place like a family ethics drama. He just half-knelt in the water and looked at the man waving a folding knife. figure.
Like the red dancer, he never thought that Eve had such a side. She was still very naive and had not yet realized the horror of demons. She would be timid in the face of difficult choices, but she was already strong enough. Although Among these people who are experts in fighting monsters, she is not good enough, but at least she can protect herself.
"So stand up! Old man!"
Eve yelled at him.
For some reason, Arthur suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and he couldn't figure out why.
No one knew how many weapons she had hidden on her body. The sharp lancet cut through the rain and penetrated into the demon's limbs and joints. Although it could not kill them, it could affect their actions to some extent.
During these days in Black Mountain Hospital, Eve was not all singing and dancing with those crazy people. She also read a lot of books about medicine, such as the structure of the human body.
This was the influence of Lorenzo. After all, the first game she played against Lorenzo was because of insufficient knowledge reserves, and she was played by that detective.
Gunshots rang out, and everyone who had been knocked down stood up, picked up their weapons again, and opened fire at the attacking demons.
This time there is no extraordinary power, just pure fighting between humans and demons.
Another black shadow fell, but it was caught by the robin who had just climbed up from the ground. After experiencing such a fierce battle, the robin was also a little weak and caught the Night Owl after being thrown by Percival. , the two of them fell into the water again.
The gunshots began to intensify. Since the march of the attacking team was interrupted, the monsters took advantage of this gap to surround them, but they no longer felt any fear at this moment.
Lan Jade pulled up the fallen Arthur, and the two looked at each other. In this desperate situation, Lan Jade actually had a smile on his face.
"What did you say to her?"
"I didn't say anything, it's just what she thought...it's not bad, isn't it?"
Arthur was silent, and after a long time it seemed to be relieved, there was no more sadness.
"But...but I still can't allow her to die here."
He said that even so, he could not accept this.
Thousands of raindrops slapped on everyone's body, and thunder flashed across, turning people's faces into a sickly pale color. Countless ferocious silhouettes roared.
Arthur let out a long sigh, and then took the folding knife from Lan Jade's hand.
He may have understood Eve, but he still couldn't accept it all.
Arthur raised his head again, no longer as depressed as before, like a mad patient, obsessively believing in something, believing that the despair in front of him could not kill human beings.
If so, kill them all.
Kill all the monsters.
"Victorious grand master!"
At this exciting moment, a joyous voice sounded, followed by dozens of burning tracks that penetrated the rain curtain and hit the monsters.
After such a long period of fighting, the ammunition of the thermite rifles was basically exhausted, and everyone used cold weapons to fight.
Is it reinforcements?
Arthur looked in the direction of the trajectory, and saw a group of patients rushing towards them singing and dancing with their thermite rifles held high.
Everyone saw it. I don’t know if it was the rain or some other reason. In this damn situation, these guys’ eyes were actually a little wet.
They were running like wild monkeys in the park, holding things snatched from tourists in their hands, and firing thermite bombs in strange postures. The hit rate was impressive, but such a ridiculous group of people, At this moment, it seems like a thousand troops.
"The meeting was successful! Captain Eve!"
Old Cole, who was rushing at the front, shouted excitedly.
Eve also stopped slashing and looked at the group of people in surprise. She thought they were dead, but now they appeared in front of her again, talking about nonsense like joining forces.
In fact, that was just what Eve used to deceive these guys. I didn't expect these idiots to really take it seriously... But they are indeed a group of idiots.
Eve didn't know whether to cry or laugh.
"After re-examination by the Strategy Department, we believe that the ghost-catching operation is not suitable for us. Blindly escaping will only make the enemy underestimate us!" Old Cole yelled.
"So we decided to fight back! If we kill all the enemies, we don't have to run away!" Gavin, who had been silent all this time, also roared.
"Charge! Charge!" Delen also shouted.
This guy also became more psychotic, which Eve didn't expect, and Delen seemed to notice Eve's confused gaze, and then he yelled loudly, just like a soldier's report.
"After the in-depth teachings of my comrades, I deeply realized the shamefulness of my behavior during the war! Here I apologize for my past actions and am willing to sacrifice my life for Inverg!"
Listening to Deren's speech, the old Cole looked relieved, no one knew what this group of psychopaths did to Deren during the time of parting.
"These are...patients?"
Kestrel got up from the ground, looking at these guys, he also looked surprised, but what was even more surprising was that they were familiar with how to use weapons.
"I have never seen such fierce patients."
Joey stretched out his hand and pulled the embarrassed colleague up.
"Because they were once soldiers and knights of the purification agency, but their sanity was affected by erosion, and they ended up staying in the Black Mountain Hospital."
Swift came over and explained to them that, as a high-ranking knight serving in the Montenegro Hospital, she knew this very well.
"Is that so..." Kestrel didn't expect such a reason.
"It looks like we'll be one of them one day," Joy said.
"You almost died, Joey. It's just an emergency now. If you can leave alive, you still have to return to Black Mountain Hospital for treatment." Yu Yan reminded.
Joey didn't say anything. Although the arrival of these psychopaths somewhat inspired everyone, in fact they could not change the situation of the war, nor could they change the dark fate that followed.
The roaring iron sound continued, and Percival was still struggling to fight against the black-armored demon. It seemed that it was a monster transformed by a demon hunter from Medanzo. The strong iron armor withstood most of the attacks. So far, Percival has not caused effective damage to it, but she herself is gradually collapsing under the erosion of a generation of armor.
Arthur looked at the crazy leader and couldn't help but said at the familiar face. He never expected to see him here, but thinking about it, this guy has always been living in Black Mountain Hospital.
Old Cole also saw Arthur, his excited face suddenly froze, and he walked towards Arthur excitedly, just like two old friends he knew well.
"Her Royal Highness! I didn't expect you to come to the battlefield in person."
Old Cole knelt down on one knee in front of Arthur.
Arthur was startled, but then he laughed helplessly, talking to himself.
"Yeah, you've gone crazy."
After the helpless smile, Arthur's expression became serious, and he also chose to join in this funny performance, issuing orders.
"Prepare for battle, Mordred."
This long-lost title did not awaken old Cole's mind much. He was still immersed in the beauty he had woven, and excitedly opened fire with his thermite rifle.
Fools are not afraid, and fools do not realize how bad the situation is. In this bad situation, they are the best weapons.
The firepower network was restructured. Although there were not many remaining ammunition, it was enough to support Arthur's progress.
Eve and others covered the evacuation of the medical staff. The girl no longer obeyed Arthur's arrangements. She chose her own path and did her best, just like the nonsense words Arthur said at that time, he was Ying Erwei. Captain Ge, Eve shouldn't be much worse.
Arthur acquiesced to her willfulness this time, and he also moved towards the sleeping armor. He wanted to kill all these monsters and end the battlefield here.
But it was also at this time that heavy footsteps sounded, accompanied by a deafening roar, and the original sin armor was knocked to the ground. The ferocious palms were tightly clasped on the visor, dragging it forward, stirring up the ground. Intense sparks finally threw Percival hard.
A generation of armor fell in front of Arthur, blocking his path. The two terrifying monsters were still fighting, but it was obvious that Percival was at a disadvantage.
She was already too tired, and this high-intensity battle had left her on the verge of breaking her will.
Before Arthur arrived, she took the remaining subordinates and tried her best to kill the two monsters transformed from the demon hunters. The armor was already scarred, and blood could not stop pouring out from the wounds. At this moment, Percival It's the end of the road.
The armor's counterattack began to be slow, and finally became weak, and Arthur and the others had no way to help her. The existing weapons could not hurt the armored demon at all, let alone the secret blood in its body, which was already stronger than other demons. It is even stronger, and the current firepower cannot help Percival share the firepower at all. Once he shows a slight weakness, the hunting demons will break through this fragile defense line.
The battlefield was instantly divided. Fortunately, Eve and the others were at the entrance and could evacuate at any time, but Arthur had no way to return and he could only move forward now.
"Run! Arthur!"
Lan Jade, who followed, yelled at him. As the only insider, she knew exactly what Arthur was going to do. Now she must use all her strength to help Arthur reach the armor. The longer they delayed, the more difficult it was for those who evacuated. There is time to escape. Although this may only prolong the time of death, it is also the only resistance to death that can be done at present.
The burning track crossed the top of his head, clearing the way for Arthur. Looking back, behind the rain curtain, the kestrel snatched the patients' weapons. He really couldn't bear to let these guys waste the weapons.
"Fire! Fire! Cover Arthur!"
Although it is not clear what Arthur is going to do, Kestrel knows that as a soldier and a knight, all he can do now is to believe in his commander and believe that he can bring hope of life. After all, Kestrel is really I am looking forward to the colorful life after retirement.
Arthur began to run wildly and passed Percival, who was fighting the monster. However, once he crossed here, he would be covered by the armor and the monster, and the firepower from the rear could no longer support him.
"Percival! Help me!"
This time, Arthur shouted directly at the armor. In an instant, the hot and turbulent steam blew away the rain curtain, almost blowing Arthur down.
The joints of the armor began to bend strangely, and the engine roared and worked. It stood up little by little and pushed the demon's huge body until it was pushed away hard.
The armored demon staggered a few times and stood firm again, but before it could attack, the armored demon launched the final charge. It picked up the sword and put it on its chest, pushing it continuously with all its strength. Far.
At present, the most threatening person in the battlefield, apart from the epidemic doctor who has been watching, is the terrifying monster in front of him. Percival needs to take him away from Arthur as much as possible. Only in this way can Arthur have enough time to board. Put on the armor.
Soon, Arthur will touch the armor soon, everything will usher in a turning point.
The pale light made a sound of breaking through the air, and then penetrated Arthur's calf. He couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, and then fell into the dark red water.
"You're really unwilling, aren't you? We almost succeeded."
A muddy voice sounded, and the doctor squatted down, Arthur's embarrassed face reflected in the mirror.
"It's really a good biological observation. I've always wanted to put humans and demons together in a large ecological box like this to see if there are any strange reactions."
The epidemic doctor played with the lancet in his hand. This simple medical tool became extremely deadly in his hands, and a casual throw could easily penetrate a fragile human body.
"It's really interesting how humans react when faced with despair. Some people fall into more extreme fear, some collapse, but others become more courageous."
His eyes swept randomly among the crowd behind the rain curtain, and finally fell on Eve.
"I really want to make you a specimen."
Arthur gathered his strength and swung the folding knife. The plague doctor did not dodge and allowed the fatal blow to fall, cutting deeply into his neck.
"It hurts..."
The epidemic doctor said, and then stood up slowly. He looked at Arthur's frightened eyes and was extremely satisfied.
The flesh and blood were healing rapidly. Even the blow Arthur had just cut off his head could not completely kill him. Even Lawrence didn't know what kind of body was under the thick clothes.
"It's time to end, I have to go find Lorenzo Medici."
Everything in front of him seemed like an impromptu game to him. This surprise attack was perfect. With the beacon left by Lawrence's previous [gap] shuttle, the antimemetic defense of Black Mountain Hospital was easily bypassed.
Taking out the folding knife that had cut into the flesh, Arthur was unable to resist in front of him, but just when the fatal blade was about to fall, the plague doctor stopped.
There was a charming smell under the rain curtain. It was a smell that the epidemic doctor had never smelled before. It was mysterious and very interesting. He looked along the direction of the smell, but he only saw a residual blood stain on the ground. The blood stain was very long. , spreading from the entrance where Eve and others were, to behind him...under the armor.
The plague doctor turned his head suddenly, only to find that a boy had arrived under the armor at some point.
Kestrel also saw all this behind the rain curtain, and only then did he realize that Ovis had also been thrown out in the impact just now. He was not aware of this at all because of the demon's attack.
Stretching out his hand, he struggled to crawl on the ground, because King Curse Ovis had long lost the ability to walk freely and could only sit in a wheelchair. But fortunately, he still had his hands and he could continue to crawl forward. .
The blood gushed out unstoppably, but he seemed to feel no pain, with joy on his face.
Soon, he will return to that warm embrace. Only in that armor can he truly be alive, and he can move freely with his own will.
Just like Eve said at that time, she was a bad child. She went against her father's wishes and did what she wanted to do. Owes also wanted to live as a bad child. He didn't want to be a guinea pig and be imprisoned. In an elaborate cage, he doesn't want to live sadly in a pram like those royals.
It seemed that the whole world had stopped, leaving only the stubborn boy crawling hard. For a moment, the epidemic doctor also stopped moving. The eyes under the beak mask were full of joy and expectation of discovering new things.
"Ovis in a wheelchair can't do anything, can't change anything."
The voice turned into a crazy murmur, and in his eyes only the armor that was still sleeping was left.
"But as long as you put on the armor..."
"Just step into it..."
Flesh and blood wrapped around the strong armor, swallowing the boy like an evil ghost. The steam engine roared, and hot steam gushes out from the gaps in the machinery, as if it was burning.
"Ovis Victoria was a wretch...but I'm not him anymore."
The Original Sin Armor slowly stood up, and its thin body drew out two slender sword blades. It looked like a swordsman at the end of his life under the lightning.
"I am...Lancelot."
A ghost-like voice came from under the machine, rang in the communication channel, and echoed in the apocalyptic storm.
 Song title Das Mdchen und die Liebe
(End of this chapter)

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