Embers of Embers

Chapter 349 Attractive

Chapter 349 Attractive
This world is a hazy chaos. Human beings live on the only remaining land in this chaos. They use all their strength to push back the [boundary] of chaos, strive for more living space, and have more opportunities for the unknown. cognition.
"Lorenzo, this is a brand new discovery. Perhaps in this direction, we will finally discover the nature of the demon." Merlin looked very excited at this moment.
"No, Merlin... please wait for this research. This knowledge is cursed. Your previous feeling was right." Lorenzo interrupted him.
"What did you say?" Merlin didn't understand.
"Knowledge is cursed. It seems that human beings have a certain [boundary] in the cognition of this world. Once we touch the [boundary] or even cross the [boundary], we will suffer disaster."
Lorenzo did not mention the existence of the Silent One. He was unable to judge the specific concept of [Border] and could only modify it in words as much as possible.
Looking at Lorenzo's serious eyes, Merlin was silent for a moment, and then asked.
"You really remembered something, right?"
Lorenzo nodded.
"You also remembered a lot of things, many things that can refresh our understanding of monsters, but because of the so-called [boundary], you can't tell me, because once you tell me, I will be attacked by some unknown attack. ,Right?"
Lorenzo nodded again, knowing clearly that he knew the hidden secret, but at this moment he could only play riddles with Merlin.
"I'm not sure the exact extent of [the border]...too many people have died because of this stuff."
Looking back at this moment, Shermans' death was already doomed, just like the fate of darkness. If he hadn't died of Cantrella's poison at that time, then would another Silencer have appeared out of thin air, waving What about the spike that killed Shermans?
"So... the night of Holy Advent is also because of that kind of thing, right? I have long felt that something was wrong, but you are the only survivor. We have to believe the information you said."
Merlin suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment. Before the Holy Night, the Demon Hunting Order was an organization far more powerful than the purification agency. How could they have fought against demons for thousands of years and the whole world could be destroyed due to an experimental accident? What about the destroyed ones?
"On that Holy Night, the Demon Hunting Order's research on the [Holy Grail] touched the [Border], so a disaster came and destroyed everything..."
This was Merlin's conjecture, and it was also a correct conjecture. Following Merlin's words, Lorenzo's thoughts couldn't help but return to that burning night, and suddenly he discovered that this seemed to be Lorenzo Medici's conspiracy. .
He was old and could no longer control the church, so he deliberately leaked the [Holy Grail] to his enemies, and while they were researching, he was also sublimating in the dry well.
A deep chill surged from my heart. This was not an accident, but a premeditation. On that night, while Lorenzo Medici was sublimating, the sublimation ceremony was also going on in the Temple of Stasis. Both sides caused a stir. In this way, Lorenzo Medici wanted to relieve the pressure on his side when dealing with the silent people.
No... More than that, the only person in the church who had a certain understanding of the silent people at that time was Lorenzo Medici. He didn't give up the [Holy Grail], the [Holy Grail] itself was a part of his counterattack, Lorenzo Zuo could already imagine the shock and fear in the eyes of those people when countless silent ones appeared out of thin air in the Stasis Temple.
Lorenzo Medici wanted to use the Reticents to directly destroy the war faction of the Evangelical Church. After they were all dead, he would return to the Evangelical Church with a new body. in hand.
It was a deep chill. It was clear that Lorenzo Medici had been dead for so long, but looking back now, Lorenzo could only feel the fear and his stubborn persistence for the golden age. .
"Probably... Maybe this is the truth of the night of Holy Advent, or a part of the truth."
Lorenzo covered his head and thought again about everything that had happened, as if he had fallen into a spider web of conspiracy, with countless threads wrapping him up.
I couldn't help but think of that old man again. He was a very interesting and peculiar man. He was so persistent in the golden age, so persistent that he could set up such a terrible plan and drag everyone into his scam. But When he knew he had failed, this guy didn't go crazy or cry.
Lorenzo Medici chose himself. When faced with failure, he had almost no moment of hesitation. As if he had rehearsed it countless times in his mind, he handed over the fireworks to himself...
"Merlin, what is going on now?"
Lorenzo brushed his hand across the water on the ground and wiped it hard on his face to make himself feel better.
There is no time to think about that. Solving this terrible situation first is the main goal.
"The demons, the invasion of demons, we suspect it is Lawrence's remnants. Only they have the ability to create such a large number of demons... Those demons are all patients of Black Mountain Hospital."
Merlin said immediately.
"And Arthur also suspects that under such circumstances, the New Order will not let go of this opportunity. Maybe they will also take action...the target is you."
"Is that so...where is the railroad track leaving Montenegro Hospital?" Lorenzo suddenly asked.
"Yes, I arrived here on an iron snake, so where is the railroad track? I want to leave here." Lorenzo said.
"You need to escape here quickly. You can't let the new cult capture you. But the Iron Snake is not safe. Now due to the storm, the traffic in the entire old Dunling has stopped. You will be very conspicuous." Merlin supported Lorenzo. trick.
"You don't have to worry about that, Merlin."
Merlin was silent, then raised his folding knife and pointed in a direction after the rainstorm.
"Go straight ahead, that's the main entrance of Black Mountain Hospital, the way you came... But, Lorenzo, are you going to run away? Leave Old Dunling."
Merlin asked hesitantly, if he were Lorenzo, he would make such a decision. Now the purge agency and the new religious order are not friendly to Lorenzo. All Lorenzo can do is to escape far away. But with this detective's ability, Merlin doesn't have to worry about anything.
But what made him hesitate was that if Lorenzo wanted to hide, it would be difficult for the purge agency to find him. Merlin did not miss the great detective, but what he longed for was the secrets Lorenzo carried, those about the knowledge behind the [Border]. Know.
"Escape? I'm not sure, but if I really want to leave Old Dunling, I still have some things to do before that."
Lorenzo stood up and looked in the direction Merlin pointed.
"what are you going to do?"
"Counterattack, although the situation is a bit bad now, for me, the game has just begun, and didn't you also say that? Their target is me. If I leave here, I can share the firepower with you. After all, you see now Things look a little bad.”
It can be clearly felt that on the other side of the heavy rain there is a heart-stopping corrosive explosion, not just one, but several, fierce gunshots, and the huge body of the Original Sin Armor flashing.
The battle at Black Mountain Hospital has begun in full swing, and the unbearable smell of blood is revealed in the cold rain.
"Can you do it alone then? Merlin."
Lorenzo then asked, he was going to do something very risky, he couldn't take Merlin with him, and it was too dangerous for him to stay here.
"no problem."
Merlin waved the folding knife in his hand, which was still stained with blood. No one knew how many ulterior secrets this mysterious alchemist had.
"But, Lorenzo, if you don't come back..."
"If I don't come back, I will write to you about that cursed knowledge, but I hope you can be prepared, Merlin, because if you really want to continue exploring, there is a good chance that you will Create another...Night of Advent within the old Dunling."
Lorenzo also found it difficult. In dealing with the [Border], he also fell into the predicament of the Forerunners. The truth is right in front of him, but once he fails, it will drag everything into the burning nightmare. middle.
"Is that so... I understand, but if there is really a terrible nightmare behind this door, will you continue to explore it? Lorenzo Holmes." Merlin asked.
"Of course."
Lorenzo said without thinking.
The two looked at each other and said nothing more. Lorenzo turned around and rushed into the rain curtain. At the same time, the secret blood was stimulating, and the boiling fireworks burned as he moved forward. The hot temperature evaporated the cold rain curtain. , the raging steam wrapped around him and entangled him.
The secret blood is constantly awakening until it reaches a critical value.
Critical breakthrough.
For a moment, it seemed as if a huge boulder fell into the calm lake, causing huge waves.
The rising breakthrough of the secret blood only lasted for a breath, and then calmed down again. But in this short period of time, the rushing erosion continued to spread, sweeping through most of the nearby areas, and the heart-stopping current was Power spreads to everyone affected by Lorenzo.
Like fireworks burning in the dark night, Lorenzo was completely exposed to the eyes of those prying eyes. As expected, those guys should have changed their direction and headed here, although it is not known whether they can clean up. How much firepower will be shared by the agency, but Lorenzo knows that that guy will never let this opportunity go.
This is no longer a war between a witcher and a monster, this is a fight to the death between Lorenzo and him. It is easy to kill someone, but what Lorenzo wants to do is to defeat him, in the place where he is most proud. The place.
Under the heavy rain, everything in sight became chaotic, as if Lorenzo had come to another world. There was a huge ocean upside down on the sky by the power of God, and thousands of water were falling, and in At the end of the line of sight, a man was waiting beside the railway track for a long time, holding an umbrella.
"Ah... so tempting..."
Looking at the figure gradually disappearing behind the rain curtain, Merlin said with a somewhat envious tone.
The truth that all alchemists have been chasing all their lives. Now Merlin can feel that he is getting closer and closer to him. He has a premonition that the door to the truth is behind the so-called [boundary]. , as long as he steps forward, as long as he dares to face the threat of death.
In a daze, he also figured out a lot of things. Alchemists were once brilliant, but as time went by, there were fewer and fewer alchemists, and the so-called truth was always covered by a hazy curtain.
What if... there was actually an alchemist who touched the truth a long time ago?He also crossed the [boundary], so the moment he realized the truth, he also died.
In this way, all the chronology of knowledge and the lack of technology seem to have reasonable explanations. There are people in this world who are deliberately influencing the direction of the world.
Merlin couldn't help trembling, on the cliff in his heart, countless Merlins stood on the edge of the cliff.
They are afraid, but also happy. The truth they have been chasing is right in front of them. They do not want to continue to fight for the sanity and continuation of mankind. At this moment, a somewhat "selfish" idea slowly arises.
It is better to take a look and take a look at that beautiful truth, even if the price is your own death.
No, I can't die yet, the war between humans and demons is not over yet, Merlin can't die so selfishly.
On the cliff, the Merlins became restless, but suddenly there was the sound of heavy footsteps. Before the Merlins knew what happened, they were slashed to death with swords. They cried and screamed, but they could not stop it from happening. The Merlins He was killed, thrown under the cliff, and fell to a bloody pulp on the solid rock.
It was the sane Merlin. He held the blade and continued slashing wildly until he had killed all the bad thoughts and selfish thoughts that would interfere with his own thoughts. In the end, only the sane Merlin was left on the cliff. He looked towards Under the cliff, countless corpses piled up into a sea.
"No, I can't do that yet."
Merlin murmured softly, suppressing his desire and giving up those thoughts in his heart. He couldn't be so selfish. The eternal pump still needed him, and the purification mechanism still needed him.
At this time, footsteps sounded again behind the rain curtain, and the strange creature came with blood that was hard to be washed away by the rain. Merlin's eyes slowly moved to it, and then he clenched the jackknife tightly.
Merlin looked at the monster that followed the breath of a living person. Almost at the same moment Merlin saw it, the monster launched an attack. It was also at this time that the steel cut through the rain curtain, and the metal rang out in the burst of light. Whisper.
Blood and bone shattered, huge and hideous wounds exploded along the demon's chest and abdomen, the heart and the spine connected to the head were shattered together, and the steaming internal organs were scattered in the cold water.
Merlin slowly put away his folding knife, his face expressionless. Many people had never seen the age of alchemists. At that time, in order to study truth and miracles, many materials required alchemists themselves, such as hunting. demon.
(End of this chapter)

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