Embers of Embers

Chapter 350 The Legend of Demon Hunting and Demon Slaying

Chapter 350 The Legend of Demon Hunting and Demon Slaying
A terrifying tornado rolled up in the sky above Jiudunling, as if a huge finger dropped from the sky, carrying heavy rain and strong winds trying to touch the ground. White thunder light danced and roared in the leaden cloud gaps. The sound echoed in it, like craftsmen hammering steel, smelting something in the center of the storm.
"This is really a once-in-a-century weather... I saw such weather when I fell on the sea when I was young. The storm engulfed our ship, and the whole world shook violently, as if we would sink to the bottom of the sea in the next second. , I was so scared at that time, thinking that my legendary life was about to end in this ghost place.
However, the Vikings on the boat were extremely happy. They thought that Odin had come to pick them up and lead them to the sacred Hall of Valor. So the captain roared excitedly and headed towards the thundering storm. Drive away. "
Oscar looked out the window at the bad weather, and in a daze he seemed to be dragged back to the past by the cold rain.
"But maybe it was some damn Odin's protection. We rushed into the center of the storm. There were no terrible winds and waves. Instead, it was unexpectedly calm. The whole sky was extremely clear, and at its edge, there was The track of that storm.
We rushed into the eye of the storm and luckily survived, and I still remember kneeling on the deck in excitement, shouting about Odin with the Vikings. "
"So this is something you've experienced personally? You're not bluffing me?"
Looking at the cunning old guy in front of him, Lorenzo doubted his words.
"If you don't believe me, you can read my "The Life of Oscar Wilde". I remember it was probably in the fourth volume, but I've done a lot of artistic processing, but that's not important, right?" Oscar said with a smile. Said.
Lorenzo was too lazy to pay attention to the guy in front of him. He rolled up his clothes vigorously and squeezed out the rainwater on the ground.
This is the cooperation between Lorenzo and Oscar. When he realized that the target of the new order was himself, Lorenzo reached a cooperation with Oscar just in case, and now everything is moving according to Lorenzo's ideas, the game The initiative was back in his hands again.
"There are dry clothes in the back." Oscar reminded.
"Forget it, changing clothes is very difficult, and you will get wet after a while anyway."
Lorenzo knew exactly what was going to happen next and said nonchalantly. His eyes fell to the seat next to the seat, which was a black suitcase.
"Out of risk considerations, I asked Seleu to leave first. After all, this cruel battlefield is not very suitable for her. As for Hercule, after guiding us here, he said that he had done his job." Oscar said .
"It's useless for the two of them to stay here. All I need is the resources of you and Seleu, as well as Hercule who can guess the specific location of Montenegro Hospital. Just leave the killing to me. You should be here. left."
This was all Lorenzo had planned before, and he looked at Oscar.
"Are you all ready?"
Lorenzo said, picking up the suitcase and placing it on his chest. The entire carriage shook slightly as it moved forward. During the shaking, he opened the suitcase.
"Yes, the design of weapons and some links... Actually, although your plan looks good, it will be very difficult to implement. After all, your enemies are demon hunters, not a group of demons who only act on instinct. Traps and such Things will be easily seen through by them," Oscar said.
"I know, but you have to know, Oscar, their target is me, so even if I jump into the fire pit, they will jump down with me."
Lorenzo reached out and took out a nail sword from the box. This nail sword was different from the nail sword of the Demon Hunting Order. It was a weapon that Lorenzo commissioned Oscar to order from someone. Although the folding knife is portable, But its effective attack range is only the blade tip.
The custom-made nail sword does not have holy silver plating, but uses stronger materials. In addition, the nail sword is the weapon Lorenzo is most familiar with. Picking up this imitation made him feel a deep sense of familiarity. .
There were many more such nail swords in the suitcase, and a shotgun was stuck on the other side of the seat. Noticing Lorenzo's gaze, Oscar picked up several specially made warheads from the back of the carriage. These were all Lorenzo's. One of Renzo's needs.
"This is the best escape route I can mobilize for you. You will arrive at the dock on the Iron Snake. The civilian airship parked there has been fully equipped.
The Snake System in the Atrium has been developed for many years, and ground traffic has been firmly controlled by the purification agency. If you leave the ground, you will definitely leave a trail for them to chase, but using a civilian airship is different.
Coupled with the damn weather, all those war airships have dived. When you take off, they have no chance to chase you. They can fly wherever they want. With your physical strength, you will definitely not be able to fall to death. "
No one expected Oscar to be so generous and actually use a civilian airship. Although this thing is still in the trial operation stage, it sounds a bit strange at the moment. According to Lorenzo's expectations for Oscar, Lorenzo originally thought At most he would call himself a train.
But now there is no need to worry so much. When Lorenzo was planning this evacuation plan, his imaginary enemies were the purge agency and the new religious order. Now it seems that the purge agency is not a threat to him.
"But I can't drive that thing," Lorenzo said.
"I remember that you learn things quickly, right?" Oscar said and handed over a manual. "This is the aviation manual. You still have a long time before arriving at the dock, so you can study it temporarily."
"Of course, in the final analysis, the great Holmes is just an excellent liar, not a genius academic master. It is still too much for you to learn such a thing in such a short period of time."
As Oscar spoke, he opened the aviation manual, glanced at it, and casually tore out a few pages and handed them to Lorenzo. The remaining pages were thrown out of the car window by him and swept into the wind.
"According to your needs, just learn these."
"What do these refer to?"
"Start and move forward... These two operations should be enough for you to escape from the old dunling, right?" Oscar said with a smirk, "But if you want to completely disappear before the eyes of the purification agency, this is a must. Just jump down where you want, and the airship will continue to move forward, attracting their attention."
Lorenzo took the torn and crumpled pages. After a brief silence, Lorenzo asked curiously.
"Oscar, what do you really want? What price do I need to pay for helping me so much?"
"There are many reasons. A strange teacher-student relationship? Or a mutual affinity? And I admire you very much? Who knows? But I do have some selfish motives in it." Oscar answered.
"Because of Queen Victoria?"
Lorenzo recalled the words Arthur whispered to him in the birdcage.
"King's Curse..."
Hearing this word, Oscar's eyes were a little surprised.
"King Curse...you actually know those things."
"Sounds like something bad."
"So is this the reason why Nordro has no influence in Yin Erweg? You are wary of Queen Victoria, and she is also very afraid of groups like you that are beyond her control."
At this moment, Lorenzo once again felt the complexity of the world. There were more than just the players on the gambling table, and their camps were not what Lorenzo expected.
"There is nothing you can do about it. If you were Queen Victoria, would you let such a giant thing that is not under your control continue to grow? But there is nothing she can do. As long as the curse lasts for one day, the Victoria royal family will be trapped. In that exquisite Platinum Palace.
Without Nordro, Yin Erweg's power would be difficult to spread outside the territory due to the King's Curse, but now with us... they need Nordro's power, but they are unwilling to let this power leave them. control. "
Oscar smiled slightly, and there was not much disdain in his voice, but deep helplessness.
"I'm not treason. Anyway, I will only contribute to my ideal country. As for the present, it's just cooperation with her."
"You need the Victoria royal family, but you don't want her to lift the so-called king's curse, right?" Lorenzo asked.
"More or less, we at Nordro just want to maintain the status quo, but that queen doesn't think so. She probably wants to find a way to get rid of the king's curse from you."
"So you want me to escape from here, thus defeating her purpose," Lorenzo said.
This is also the reason why Oscar helped Lorenzo so generously. Compared with the nonsense he said before, this is his real purpose.
"But...what if one day I turn to assist the Victoria royal family? Oscar, will we become enemies?" Lorenzo asked.
There is no camp that is absolutely united, only overlapping interests. When interests diverge, it is time to become enemies.
"I'm not sure about this. After all, we are not a monarchy. Speaking alone does not count. But there is no need to think so far now. Lorenzo, let's solve the matter at hand first."
Oscar said as he looked out the window. A terrifying scene formed in the sky. The entire Old Dunling came to a standstill due to the bad weather. The bumps in the carriage never stopped from the moment it set off.
"If you ride on an iron snake, you may be intercepted on the way. So what are you going to do? Kill all the way?"
"Just to my liking."
Lorenzo didn't say anything more about this, but directly picked up the shotgun and nail sword, and he was fully armed at this moment.
Heavy rainstorms hit the carriage, as if the whole world has been soaked. The Thames River has overflowed its shores, and the water on the streets has reached the bare feet.
Amidst the lightning and thunder, a dark figure broke through the strong wind. The noisy heavy rain and thunder perfectly covered up the sound of their movements. The iron snake roared and ran, and they landed gently on the roof of the car without anyone. Noticed their arrival.
Under the heavy rain, the city came to a standstill. Except for the iron snake speeding on the railway tracks, the demon hunters stared at the washed steel under their hoods.
In order not to alert the enemy, they did not activate the secret blood. Instead, they waited for the moment to deliver a fatal blow to the people in the car, and then awakened their power to the limit.
Oscar had already anticipated this, but no one expected that the demon hunters would arrive so quickly, even before they could make any decision.
A few eyes looked at each other back and forth, and they were ready for the next step. In an instant, the secret blood rose sharply, and with the rising fireworks, the demon hunter did not hesitate, and the sharp nail sword penetrated directly through the roof of the car, and connected with At the same time, a demon hunter attacked from the side and split open the carriage with a sword.
This was a surprise attack, a surprise attack that had been anticipated but still unavoidable. The entire car door was torn open. The demon hunters held their nail swords and fixed themselves to the edge of the car. They were about to rush into the car and continue fighting, but at this time Only then did they realize that there was no one in the carriage.
This train of fast-moving iron snakes was empty, but then, because the nail sword cut off the lead fixed in the carriage, the machinery was touched, and before they could think about anything, the entire iron snake exploded in an instant.
This was a gift carefully prepared by Lorenzo for the new order. In this bad weather, the mercury vapor would be blown away and the toxins would be quickly washed away, so he simply asked Oscar to add high explosives to it. The more explosives, the better Well, if it is loaded with metal fragments, it will be a dead lotus at the moment of explosion.
The high temperature and impact of the burning, coupled with the impact of the iron, directly hit the demon hunters who were closer, and some demon hunters with a lower degree of awakening of secret blood were directly killed by this blow. This violent explosion shattered the body.
The blood and debris were washed away by the heavy rain, and the still-burning iron snake continued to advance. Looking at the raging fire outside the car window, Lorenzo knew it was time to leave.
"They really fell into the trap." Oscar also looked at the fire, feeling a little surprised.
"This is natural. In this weather, carriages on the streets will be blown over. Only the iron snake can move quickly."
Lorenzo hung the suitcase on his body, opened the car door, and let the wind and rain pour in.
This was a fast-moving carriage. In order to withstand the bad weather, the carriage was weighted and the number of horses pulling the carriage was also increased. Under these conditions, Lorenzo could keep up with the iron snake without being caught. The strong wind blew it over.
"So you planned all this from the beginning?"
"It's just a matter of adapting to circumstances. Then you can leave, Oscar. I can handle the rest by myself."
Lorenzo leaned over the edge of the carriage, his hand outstretched, and raised the hookgun.
The heavy rain not only obscured the actions of the witchers, but also obscured Lorenzo himself. They did not expect or realize that Lorenzo was not in the Iron Serpent at all, but was lingering on the edge, waiting for their arrival.
"Hmm...well, I'm already old, and such thrilling things are no longer suitable for me. However, Lorenzo, actually, there is another reason for me to help you."
"Do you remember those knight novels? That "Demon Hunting and Demon Slaying"!"
Oscar shouted loudly to drown out the thunder.
Lorenzo looked surprised and felt something was wrong.
"Yes, I wrote it. Although it was only the first volume, it sold well. It seems that everyone likes this kind of novelty.
So, Lorenzo, please don’t die. If you die, I won’t be able to draw materials. After all, I’m not a witcher, right? "
Oscar finally said this. He didn't wait for Lorenzo's reply, and he didn't know whether Lorenzo heard it. He only saw him shooting the hook gun and hitting the burning iron snake, and then his whole body was like the wind. He jumped out, his eyes lit up with a blazing white light. He didn't know whether it was the fire that was ignited or the thunder that reflected the sky.
There was the sound of a sword being unsheathed in the wind, followed by blood spilling out into the rain.
(End of this chapter)

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