Chapter 351
There was still hot residual heat on the iron snake. The demon hunters grabbed the edge of the wreckage to prevent themselves from being thrown away by the fast-moving iron snake. The pain and the coldness of the rainstorm interfered with their minds. They couldn't figure out what was going on. Which link has the problem?
But then a sharp hook was nailed to the iron snake. Before the demon hunters could react, the sharp nail sword cut through the rain curtain, cutting off the flesh, flesh and bones that were blocking them.
The wound was split along the neck, and the internal section could be clearly seen in the blood splatter. The demon hunter still kept the expression of astonishment on his face, and his pupils tried to look back. What happened for a short moment, but only the galloping whirlwind of death could be seen.
The moment he landed on the iron snake, Lorenzo let go of the hook gun, holding the nail sword in both hands, and swung wind and blood at the same time.
His whole body flew hard, and the heavy rain perfectly obscured his figure. For the witchers, this was an incredible attack. They were hunters, Lorenzo was the prey, and now the prey had set a trap. , and even killed them in front of the hunters.
At the same time as the head was chopped off, another huge wound appeared on the body of another demon hunter. Lorenzo took the lead in slashing the demon hunter in front of him, which gave him a brief period of defense. He set up the nail The sword was in front of the chest, but what followed was the huge force of the blades colliding together.
The rain wet the ground, and coupled with the strong wind blowing in front of him, he lost his balance for a moment and swayed slightly, and then the force of the sword was suppressed by the violent wind and rain.
The movements were clean and neat. This was a hunt, a counterattack, and a revenge. Lorenzo didn't give anyone a chance. He kicked the headless corpse hard, letting the demon hunter roll and fall, and finally fell into the white body behind him. In the confusion.
Demon hunters also have a fatal weakness, that is, before the secret blood has fully risen, they are just mortals with extraordinary physiques. Cutting off the head can effectively kill the demon hunters at this stage, just like Luo Lorenzo was just like being hit by a carriage at that time. The secret blood had not yet been awakened at that time, and Lorenzo was just a person with a stronger physique than ordinary people at that time.
The awakening of the secret blood takes time. Although for the demon hunter, this time is very short, even a few seconds is enough, but these few seconds will become a fatal weakness.
The head full of shock looked at Lorenzo. The moment the head was severed, he had awakened the secret blood, but it was too late. The blood gushes out from the fracture. Under the strong vitality, he thought He said something, but the support of his trachea was lost, and only blood kept pouring out of his mouth and nose.
Lorenzo's fighting was reflected in his gradually dead eyes, with heavy swords striking the demon hunter in front of him crazily. This bad weather would affect everyone, but Lorenzo was getting better and better in this icy rainstorm. Quickly, the raging sword power seemed to have rolled up a tornado.
Time, Lorenzo needs time. The explosion of the iron snake has already achieved the effect of a surprise attack. During this period, he also took the opportunity to kill a demon hunter whose secret blood had not yet risen. Now his arrival has caused everyone to panic. The demon hunter's attention was that he could no longer perform a fatal blow like the one just now. He had to kill as many demon hunters as possible before the secret blood boiled.
"Go to hell!"
The demon hunter in front of him found the gap between Lorenzo's attacks. This was a fatal gap. He tried to fight back. The nail sword plated with holy silver cut through the rain curtain and slashed along the path he expected. The blow was directly It hit Lorenzo's neck, and as long as he applied more force, he could cut off Lorenzo's head.
A happy smile appeared on the face of the witcher, but then the smile froze.
The nailed sword fell, accompanied by little splashes of sparks, and the sound of metal crashing. At this moment, the strong wind blew away the covering rain curtain, revealing Lorenzo's burning eyes and the solid body covering his body. Armor.
This was a feint attack. Lorenzo deliberately sold this flaw. Under his sudden offensive, the demon hunter in front of him was under tremendous pressure. He was eager to counterattack, so he would not let go of the opening of his attack. , and Lorenzo only needs to fight back at this time.
Everything was in Lorenzo's calculations, and every step of the demon hunter's psychology was within his expectations. The armor resisted the attack, but at this time, due to the attack, a huge gap appeared in front of the demon hunter's chest. The nail swords fell like blazing white thunder, and two nail swords pierced his shoulders. Lorenzo pulled hard on the blades, and his arms were cut off bloody.
Fireworks surged up on the two of them in an instant, and the secret blood boiled in the body of the demon hunter. At this moment, he was no longer a mortal body. Although he lost his arms, under the protection of the secret blood, this blow still killed him. Can't help myself.
As he thought this way, the sound of the trigger being pulled sounded in front of him.
Lorenzo inserted the nail sword into the steel under his feet, holding the short-handled shotgun in his hand, pressing it firmly against his chest, while the other nail sword had penetrated into his neck from the side at this time.
As the trigger was pulled, the demon hunter's body trembled violently, and then blood mist arose from his back, but it was quickly washed away by the heavy rain.
Several metal projectiles shattered his heart. Without even looking at him, Lorenzo drew out his nail sword and kicked the corpse off the iron snake.
These new demon hunters are just despicable imitations. They have never seen that cruel era, nor have they truly experienced the nightmarish fighting. They have power, but they don't know how to use it.
"The courage to face death, the power to sever steel, the skill to slay demons, and the cunning to use unscrupulous methods..."
This is the demon hunter. What is powerful is never the secret blood, but the will to control the secret blood.
Lorenzo stuffed the short-handled shotgun back into the suitcase and picked up the nailed sword stuck in the iron snake. He turned his back to the violent wind and rain, and reflected the chaotic world in his cold eyes. It was also at this moment that , one pair after another of the same fiery eyes lit up behind the rain curtain.
The surprise attack ended here, and a fierce frontal battle followed. Lorenzo slowly opened his hands, raised the blade high, and formed a strange cross on his chest, like a shield.
He whispered a prayer.
"Therefore, I shall have nothing to fear..."
This time it was not for the sake of some ethereal god, but for Lorenzo Holmes himself.
In the next moment, several spiked swords pierced through the rain curtain. In order to catch up with the fast-moving iron snake, the secret blood of the demon hunters was all burning and boiling. The fiery fireworks burned wantonly with the surge of power, and the blazing fire burned on their bodies. Lit up, like the angels who came to the world, waving the burning fire wings.
Power Michael.
The scorching temperature reached the limit in an instant. Under the superposition of several powers, the iron snake with lingering smoke burned again. The metal was burned red, and the heavy rain also evaporated the moment it fell and touched, raising a thick Steam, but as soon as the steam escaped, it was torn apart by the burning evil spirits, who came with divine punishment.
Lorenzo didn't have the slightest fear, but held the nail sword tightly. The dark snakes crawled along his body, wrapped around his body, and climbed up his neck. The snakes were entangled together, biting and eating. His flesh and blood then solidified, covering Lorenzo with pitch-black armor.
Power Metanzo.
Compared with Power Michael, it does not have any direct killing ability. Judging from Power Shangda's salary, it cannot do that kind of cunning. This is a boring power. The only thing it can do is It's just putting armor on the demon hunter.
As the fireworks fell, Lorenzo was completely engulfed by the falling sky fire. The raging fire was accompanied by the sound of explosions, as if it was hit by a cannonball. The iron snake was crushed to a certain extent and rubbed violently with the rails. Moving forward, leaving a burning trail behind.
The piercing sound of steam continued, and the hot water vapor escaped in all directions. The demon hunters continued to burn and attack. The fire became more intense, as if it was going to completely burn out the evil in front of them.
But at this moment, a red-hot nailed sword penetrated the burning body. Like a demon walking out of hell, the dark knight walked out of the fireworks, with the same fireworks burning on his armor.
This is a battlefield where monsters and abominations are fought. The sharpness of the sword is never the key to determining the direction of the battlefield, but how long you, as a warrior, can persist in this nightmare.
Powerful Metanzo was born for this. The dark armor resisted the fireworks, the blade, and death. Lorenzo pushed the blade and completely penetrated the demon hunter in front of him.
He couldn't believe that steel would melt under such extreme temperatures, and iron weapons would not pose a threat to him at all, but Lorenzo still put the weapon into his body.
This is the true purpose of this nail sword. In previous battles, Lorenzo had already realized how difficult Power Michael was, so he commissioned Oscar to create these special nail swords. The current temperature is not enough to melt them.
Pulling out forcefully, Lorenzo slashed at the demon hunter on the other side. He seemed to be dancing in fireworks. These Michael demon hunters thought that their power could burn everything, but they never thought of Lorenzo. To be able to act under such fireworks.
The strong armor has been burned red, and Lorenzo's flesh and blood are stuck together with it. In the burning pain, the nail sword slashes sharply, and the blood revealed is like rainwater, evaporating before it even drips.
He held his breath and killed the enemy until the iron snake could no longer withstand the scorching temperature and burst apart. The dark figure broke out of the sea of ​​​​fire and fell towards the rain curtain.
Lorenzo quickly rolled around on the ground a few times, then stabbed his nail sword into the ground and stabilized his figure.
The cold rain washed away the high-temperature armor. In the diffuse steam, Lorenzo's armor began to crack and fall off. They fell into the water, with flesh and blood still attached to them. You can see from the damaged areas of the armor. The skin underneath was bloody, but soon, wandering snakes swept over the cracked places, casting new armor.
The railway track stretched under his feet, and was always hidden from the burning figure. Michael the Witcher's fire was obviously weakened a lot. Not only was Lorenzo's desperate attack just now, but also the bad weather, this was very important to him. Lorenzo is an advantage instead.
After the burning figure, there were more sounds of swords being unsheathed, and the demon hunters followed.
Lorenzo stood up slowly, looked down at the nail sword in his hand, and then stuck it on the ground. This was to fight against the nail sword specially made by Michael the Witcher. After the extreme heat, , cooled by torrential rains, just as the craftsmen do the quenching.
After these changes, the two nailed swords were no longer enough to support subsequent operations. Lorenzo opened the suitcase, which had also been treated. The outside was wrapped in fire-proof cloth and there were partitions inside to prevent it from being exposed to Michael's high temperature. Destroy them together.
Fortunately, Lorenzo didn't have much time to struggle with them. The weapons in the suitcase were still well preserved. He took out the nail sword and shotgun from it, and Lorenzo was fully armed again.
After the rain, more demon hunters came, and they completely surrounded Lorenzo.
"Where's Moriarty..."
Lorenzo's eyes swept over the demon hunters wandering around the edge. The heavy rain obscured his vision. In Lorenzo's eyes, they were just blue silhouettes one after another, above the unknown. He had fiery eyes staring at him.
The only person who can truly threaten him is Moriarty. Until now, Lorenzo still doesn't know how Moriarty did it, causing him to fall into his hallucination. Lorenzo was obviously vigilant enough. .
But they didn't seem to want to give Lorenzo more time to think, and they came with swords, and at the same time Lorenzo raised his shotgun.
Pulling the trigger, scorching flames erupted from the muzzle of the gun, and the burning trajectory passed in front of Lorenzo, briefly dividing the battlefield.
For a moment, the blazing dragon's breath bullets occupied the entire field of vision. The next moment, the sharp nail sword cut through the fireworks and rain. Lorenzo walked quickly and swung his sword through the burning path.
The two swords crossed and cut, and Lorenzo's attack was stopped by the demon hunter amidst the ear-piercing sound of the swords. At the same time, Michael the demon hunter attacked in Lorenzo's direction, like walking daylight, accompanying him The water on the ground is boiling and evaporating.
But this time they were not in a hurry to attack. They seemed to want to block Lorenzo's escape route. The next moment there were heavy footsteps. Before Lorenzo could observe, the sharp sword blade dragged down the strong wind.
Amidst the roaring iron sound, Lorenzo raised his hand and used the armor of his arm to block the blow. At the same time, blazing heat burned his body, and along with the thunder, the same ferocious iron shadow appeared. appeared before his eyes.
Power Metanzo.
The rain washed away the dark armor, and there were blazing white fireworks rising from the gaps in the steel. The knight in the armor slowly raised the blade and slashed at Lorenzo again.
(End of this chapter)

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