Embers of Embers

Chapter 352 Critical Breakthrough

Chapter 352 Critical Breakthrough
Like a reflection in a mirror, a cavalryman similar to Lorenzo stood in front of him. The heavy rain washed away the dark armor. As Lorenzo watched, he raised the blade of judgment high.
The force dragged the steel, and the sharp edges tore through the moist and cold rain curtain, and then a sharp wail sounded in the air, as if there were ghosts who died under the sword crying.
A series of sparks erupted from Lorenzo's armor, and then the sword blade nailed into the ground under his feet, causing a splash of water that was half a man's height.
The two kept a close distance, and almost at the same time when the sword blade fell to the ground, the two nail swords crossed and struck on the helmet of Medanzo the Demon Hunter. As Lorenzo swung the sword accurately, the nail hit the ground. The slender front end of the sword cut directly into the gap in the helmet.
The sword blade was raised again, shaking Lorenzo's nail sword away. The two of them opened up a slight chance, but it was obvious that Medanzo the Demon Hunter did not want to give up the opportunity to attack. The sword blade was shaking Lorenzo away. Then, he swung up fiercely, and then swung down again, each blow whipping up a biting cold wind, trying to defeat Lorenzo's armor.
Stepping back, barely avoiding this fatal blow, without giving him any chance to breathe, the demon hunter Medanzo raised his sword again and stepped forward to slash. Lorenzo tried to avoid this rock-like sword. However, it was hindered by the surrounding Michael demon hunters.
The demon hunters surrounded him. Although he had already prepared to be surrounded and suppressed by the demon hunters, Lorenzo couldn't help but feel a burst of pressure when it really came.
Under the pouring rain, Lorenzo looked at this familiar power and felt a strange sense of nostalgia, but also felt an unspeakable sadness.
The power is channeled through the alchemical matrix engraved on the body, so Lorenzo was ready to be hunted down by demon hunters with different powers, but he really saw this familiar power that was the same as his own. At this time, Lorenzo was still a little dazed for a while.
It was as if that guy was standing in front of him again, but this time they were no longer friends, but mortal enemies facing each other with swords drawn.
"It's really troublesome..."
Lorenzo whispered as he dodged the attack.
In order to deal with the demon hunters of the new sect, he had thought about this plan for a long time, and even made corresponding weapons for the demon hunters of each faction to fight against them, such as the hard-to-melt nail sword.Oscar said that these nail swords are made of a metal called cypress, which has a very high melting point and is very strong.
But the Metanzo demon hunter in front of him is obviously beyond Lorenzo's expectations. He really understands this power too well, and because he understands this power so well, he knows very well that it is difficult for him to defeat it with his current methods. rout.
This is a shield, an indestructible shield. When they appear in front of you, the dark armors are spliced ​​together to form a wall of despair.
The shouts of witchers came from the storm. On the edge of the battlefield, there were witchers who kept a close eye on Lorenzo. They were Shang Dafen witchers. They saw Lorenzo's actions after that.
As they shouted, Medanzo the Witcher didn't even look at Lorenzo, but swung his sword blade towards the predicted position. The heavy sword blow successfully hit Lorenzo, knocking him all over. It flew out and fell into the standing water.
After rolling a few times, Lorenzo slowly climbed up from the water. The area where he was hit was already covered with cracks, but it was quickly replaced by new hardness, and there were still blazing white fireworks between the gaps in the armor. swaying.
This is really an unpleasant scene. After the initial surprise attack, Lorenzo fell into a disadvantage in the frontal battle. The demon hunters completely surrounded him. Lorenzo could not see their faces clearly under the heavy rain, but from that faint In the silhouette of light, one can see shadows like ghosts one after another.
He raised his eyes and locked onto the demon hunter Medanzo who was gradually approaching him. The dark iron wall was also covered with the same cracks, especially the position of the visor. Lorenzo stabbed him with his sword in that cross blow. Through the gap in the visor, a burning eye can be seen in the broken part, and blood is constantly pouring out from under the eyelid.
"The cooperation is good. We have been practicing for a long time, right?"
Lorenzo asked, but no one answered him after the rainstorm. The witchers remained silent, like the silent grim reaper.
In the surprise attack just now, they were deeply aware of Lorenzo's terror. He was precise and deadly, and killed two demon hunters in an instant. If Medanzo hadn't arrived in time to block Lorenzo's attack, Attack, the casualties may continue to increase.
But now that the hunting net has been surrounded, Lorenzo has no chance to expand his advantage. As long as the Medanzo witchers can continue to delay Lorenzo, these witchers scattered around will eat away at Lorenzo little by little. , until he is rendered powerless.
Lorenzo also knew what they were thinking. The greatest advantage of Mighty Metazord is this terrifying defense. For Metazord demon hunters, fighting is a very simple matter. Either when the enemy defeats his own armor, Kill him before or be killed by him.
Facing this solid armor, none of the other demon hunters have any armor-breaking attacks that are effective enough. Even though Michael the demon hunter can use the high temperature to directly burn the flesh and blood behind the armor, but with the special nail sword Lorenzo then had every chance to chop off his head before he burned himself to death.
"Looks like it has to be this way."
Lorenzo muttered to himself, and at the same time, the secret blood rose in his body, like a restless flame, rolling and roaring until the unknown power was completely penetrated into every inch of his body.
The armor did not continue to grow, but began to fall off continuously, until Lorenzo's original appearance was exposed. He seemed to have given up resistance and took off all the armor, but the next moment he acted quickly, and in Under the interference of the rain curtain and strong wind, in the dim vision, the demon hunters found it difficult to judge the direction of his movement for a while.
[The secret blood awakens by 31%, which has exceeded the critical value. 】
The world is far more complex than Lorenzo imagined, and his once naive fantasies about Advent now seem so ridiculous.
The truth hidden by the curtain was far more complicated and terrifying than he imagined, and he shouldn't just die here. He still had too many things to do.
The road to the promised land is a fragile ice floe. Only by giving up something can we not fall into the cold deep sea.
Therefore, in order to fight against this evil unknown, human beings always have to give up something, so they take the initiative to step towards the taboo unknown and push open the door of darkness.
In an instant, the burning pure flames rose a little higher, and every demon hunter felt the eroding pressure in front of them. They were first panicked, and then shocked.
Of course they are also demon hunters and they know what Lorenzo is doing. What is more rational is that the demon hunters of the new order are not bound by the silver bolt, but the Lorenzo in front of them is different. He comes from that place. The old religious order was destroyed. He was like a dead man digging his grave, stubbornly seeking revenge on the world.
The silver bolt began to warm up and melt, bringing strength but also deep pain.
Lorenzo's eyes were calmer than ever before. He broke the shackles he had set, not only to destroy the demon hunters in front of him, but he also wanted to know what kind of existence Watson was.
The erosion expanded outward, as if he had turned into a demon-like existence at this moment.
What was he waiting for, but in the end nothing happened.
"So, Watson, did you really escape?"
The lost memories are gradually recovered, and only the last locked door is left in the memory palace. Perhaps what is hidden behind that door is Watson's secret.
But there is no need to think so much at this moment. They looked at the surrounding demon hunters with burning eyes. They were wary of Lorenzo's every move, and at the same time, they also felt a little happy in their hearts.
They knew very well what the critical breakthrough meant to Lorenzo, the demon hunter of the old order. To them, Lorenzo was like a hunted beast, making a hysterical final counterattack.
As long as they continue to delay, Lorenzo will definitely lose, and they don't have anything to fear. Without the restrictions of the Silver Bolt, the demon hunters of these new religious orders can make critical breakthroughs without any worries.
He slowly raised the two nailed swords and held them flat on both sides of his body. The metal surface was washed by the heavy rain and reflected the burning glow from time to time.
Lorenzo took on the appearance of a cross, but also a bit like a scarecrow in the field. At the moment when thunder struck and the blazing white light crossed the sky, Lorenzo moved.
After getting out of the armor, he moved extremely quickly, the wind and rain were torn apart by him, the thunder and heavy rain interfered with the sight of the demon hunters, and it was difficult for them to judge the direction of Lorenzo's attack for a while.
Shang Dafen and the demon hunters crossed their eyes, trying to peek into the short future.
But in that confused future, they couldn't see Lorenzo.
No, it’s just that Lorenzo did not appear in the future they saw. This is one of the flaws of the power of Shanda. According to the expectations of the demon hunters, Lorenzo will try to break through the hunt. In his eyes, Here, the top priority should be to deal with Michael the Demon Hunter. Although the fireworks are terrifying, Lorenzo has proven from the previous attack that he is capable of killing him.
But under the watchful eyes of the Shang Dalfeng witchers, the Michael witchers were not attacked, and at the same time the "future" became "reality".
The hot blood flowed into the rain, and the eyes under the visor were filled with fear and surprise. Metanzo the Demon Hunter never expected that Lorenzo would choose to attack him first in the end. The sharp nail sword moved along the armor. The sword stabbed through the gap, injuring the body under the armor.
The sword swung up and tried to kill Lorenzo, but now that he had taken off his armor and exceeded the threshold, his strength and speed had reached a new height, and Lorenzo himself did not realize that he The moment is different.
Under that rain of fire, what rebuilt his body was the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail, the flesh and blood of the Silent One.
The figure was swift, and Lorenzo didn't retreat. Instead, he stepped on the spiked sword pierced under the armor, and while sending the blade deeper, he got close to the Medanzo witcher and jumped high.
The nail sword slashed on the visor again. Under the heavy blessing, the majestic force bombarded, as if being hit by a heavy hammer on the head. The Medanzo demon hunter only felt a sense of dizziness, and his ears The high-frequency beep in the middle.
After a brief moment of confusion, the dense hard material connected the shattered armor again. At the same time, Medanzo the Demon Hunter couldn't help but raise his secret blood. He knew very well what this meant, and he would also fall into that... In the dark abyss, but the uneasiness in his heart at this moment forced him to make such a decision. It seemed that if he didn't do this, he would not be able to withstand Lorenzo's subsequent attacks.
No, he has no chance.
This feeling is wonderful and comfortable, all pain is forgotten, and only absolute power is controlled at this moment.
Lorenzo made a move in mid-air that was difficult for ordinary people to do. He used the remaining strength of his sword swing to turn around, and at the same time, he struck the Medanzo Demon Hunter's head with a whip leg again.
The unfinished visor cracked again, and Lorenzo attacked one point after another until it was completely destroyed.
"Back up!"
A demon hunter felt something was wrong and shouted to the demon hunter Medanzo. At the same time, other demon hunters also approached.Swinging the blade, Medanzo the Demon Hunter followed the instructions of his teammates. He tried to retreat, but the severe pain in his legs made his movements a little slower.
It was the spiked sword that pierced under the armor, and now it penetrated into the joints under the armor like a spike, and because of the protection of the armor, it was firmly stuck.
So is this what Lorenzo wants to do?While the armor protects the demon hunter, it also restrains the demon hunter. The reason why this guy took off his armor is that he needs faster speed and more brutal attacks to end this.
That being the case...
Medanzo's demon hunter's secret blood rose sharply, and the dark snakes wrapped around his body like vines. He gave up on retreating, and instead continued to strengthen his armor, as long as he was dragged away until other demon hunters approached. , Lorenzo found it difficult to continue chasing him.
But then there was a sound of breaking through the air, and then the seemingly indestructible armor shattered. A sharp and heavy metal broke through the hardness and hit the head fiercely.
"You rely too much on armor. It is just a tool we use to fight, not something to save our lives."
These were the last words that the Demon Hunter of Medanzo heard, and with a violent explosion, his entire head exploded.
Everyone was stunned on the spot, looking at the headless corpse, and they couldn't figure out how Lorenzo broke through the solid armor and killed the Medanzo Demon Hunter, but then they saw it.
At some point, Lorenzo had abandoned another nail sword, which was stuck on the ground, and there was a burnt nail hammer in Lorenzo's hand. As Lorenzo released the mechanism on the handle, The hammer head of the hammer fell off, and then Lorenzo inserted the single handle into the suitcase. With the groove fitting, the new hammer head was installed on the handle.
In order to fight against the demon hunters of the new order, he prepared a gift for the demon hunters of each faction, and this was the gift given to the Metanzor faction.
This is a weapon called the Armor Breaking Hammer, a product of the Perpetual Motion Pump. It was originally several meters long and in the shape of a long tube. They were originally a weapon assigned to the Original Sin Armor, and it was used to attack difficulties.
There is a one-ton metal spike inside the long barrel. When used, it is like pulling a trigger. The spike will be pushed out by the fuel like a bullet. It can easily penetrate steel plates several meters thick. But then this weapon It was rejected by Merlin because it was of little use and was a waste of materials.
But Lorenzo did not give up on it. In his opinion, this weapon used to attack fortresses was perfect for fighting against the Medanzo Demon Hunter. After Lorenzo's redesign, it became a disposable weapon. The highly flammable lacquer antimony is used as fuel, and there is flint inside. As long as a certain degree of impact is required, the lacquer antimony can be detonated, thereby pushing the hammer to carry out secondary armor-breaking.
This is a new era. The once powerful demon hunters can be easily killed by modern weapons, and the so-called monsters should disappear.
"Whatever it takes, never stop..."
For some reason, the face of Lorenzo Medici came to mind, that old but stubborn old man, a long-dead existence.
It's really strange. He is obviously dead, but Lorenzo always feels that he is still alive, just like a child facing a fairy tale. Even now, he still can't believe this, believing that he is really dead...
Lorenzo raised the spiked sword, stabbed along the hideous cut in the neck, and stirred fiercely until the heart was completely destroyed, until the blood of the corpse was completely cold, and the bright red liquid flowed from the gap in the armor out.
Like a ruthless Grim Reaper, he turned around and looked at the surrounding demon hunters. Lorenzo understood the demon hunters so well. While understanding their strength, he was also aware of their weaknesses.
Holding a hammer and sword, the figure moved again the next moment. The demon hunters stared at Lorenzo closely. They saw the future that would happen next, but then the chill of despair engulfed them.
After fighting with Lawrence, Lorenzo couldn't understand the power of Shanda. In the final analysis, the easiest way to fight against this power is to be strong enough. So strong that even if they see the future, they are unable to do anything. any changes.
At this time, Lorenzo seemed to be standing at the same height as Lawrence, his secret blood was boiling, and under the forbidden power, the sword blade pulled out a blazing white light strip.
The future and reality overlapped in the eyes of Shang Dafeng's demon hunters. For a while, they couldn't tell the truth from the fake. They collided together, and with a low explosion, the nailed sword was shattered, and a pale sword light fell from the broken blade.
Another headless corpse slowly knelt down, and finally fell into the heavy rain. Lorenzo mechanically replaced the hammer head, looking towards the end of the railway track. There was a faint sound of a whistle amidst the crazy sound of wind and rain. sounded.
(End of this chapter)

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