Embers of Embers

Chapter 353 Mirror Surface

Chapter 353 Mirror Surface
Under the heavy rain, a dark blue silhouette stood on the stagnant water. His eyes were empty, but white fireworks rolled up inside, holding a hammer and sword in his hand, like a ghost with nowhere to return.
"Damn! Damn!"
The demon hunters cursed angrily, feeling angry, but the hands holding their swords couldn't stop trembling.
Only at this moment did they realize the gap between themselves and Lorenzo. The demon hunter from the old order in front of them had made all the preparations before all this happened. What was even more terrifying was that even if he abandoned those special "gifts" Folks, Lorenzo's power seems to be extremely powerful at this moment.
The body made of the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail carried the will from the night of the Holy Advent. These demon hunters who had never really experienced despair seemed so harmless in Lorenzo's eyes.
The identities of hunter and prey were reversed. In the silence of fear, Michael the Witcher could no longer bear it. The blazing fireworks rose, and at the same time, the secret blood was as hot as lava. While burning the body, it also Continuously healing the witcher himself.
Someone had to make a sacrifice now so they could kill Lorenzo instead of being massacred by him.
The initial idea seemed so ridiculous at the moment. They actually tried to capture this terrifying monster. The frightened eyes reflected the thin but powerful body.
The demon hunters couldn't figure out why the demon hunter who could be easily knocked down suddenly became so powerful, as if some kind of transformation had occurred.
But Lorenzo did not answer their questions. The burning sun began to approach, bringing high temperatures and blazing steam. Lorenzo did not rush to attack, but slowly retreated back. Then his entire figure was covered by that It was obscured by the roaring wind and rain, and as the Michael Witcher approached, the surging steam intensified the obscuration of vision.
The demon hunter Shanda Feng was in a daze at first, not understanding why Lorenzo suddenly chose to evacuate, and then he yelled.
"You idiot! Stop!"
He yelled at Michael the demon hunter, facing so many demon hunters who are capable of demonizing, Lorenzo will have a hard time fighting head-on, but with this bad weather, he is completely capable of acting like a ghost , defeating them one by one, and the rising steam just now helped Lorenzo more perfectly, making him disappear from the sight of the demon hunters.
Why did Lorenzo suddenly become so powerful? In fact, he has always been powerful, but he restricted himself for one strange reason after another.
042 exists, he exists, and Lorenzo Holmes exists.
Although it is unclear where Watson escaped to, what is known is that Lorenzo, the jailer, no longer has to adhere to the regulations he previously set for himself.
He was freed from that damn duty, that damn curse, and so the secret blood continued to rise, pushing his strength to its limit.
The blazing white fireworks became brighter and brighter. The demon hunters of Shangda Feng stared at the rain curtain around them, trying to accurately capture the potential future. As they glanced, they suddenly saw that in a few seconds, a nail sword would emerge from that place. Angle thrust out, trying to kill another witcher.
He roared, and at the same time, just as he said, a sharp nail sword pierced the rain curtain, but with the reminder from the demon hunter Shang Dafeng, this gave others enough time to prepare, but strangely There is no one after nailing the sword.
It was a thrown nail sword.
"Sometimes, the future can be misled."
A ghostly voice sounded behind him, and the next moment a sharp nail sword pierced his chest.
Demon hunter Shang Dalfeng couldn't believe it. He grasped the nailed sword that pierced his chest and tried to resist, but he couldn't do anything.
Predictions about the future need a goal, such as predicting what will happen next to oneself, and what changes will happen to the area in front of him next, but the strong wind and rain obscured Lorenzo's figure, making Shang Da's salary The witcher had lost sight of his prediction, and was so frightened that he made a decision the moment he saw the future.
"Lorenzo Holmes!"
The demon hunter Shanda Feng roared angrily, and his whole body made a dull roar in an instant. His flesh and blood wrapped around the piercing nail sword like vines, making Lorenzo unable to pull it out. At the same time, he also swung the nail sword. , slashing behind him.
There is nothing to hesitate. In this case, only a critical breakthrough and the beginning of demonization can confront Lorenzo.
But what followed was the sound of metal clashing. Lorenzo did not defend against the blow, but let it fall. However, the nail sword failed to hurt Lorenzo, but was blocked by the dense armor.
"It shouldn't be..."
The demon hunter Shang Dafeng didn't understand that Lorenzo had already taken off his armor at that time. Then his pupils tightened. The armor was being peeled off at the location where the nail sword hit. This was a temporarily generated armor. Although it is fast, its strength is low. It only withstood one attack before it began to break.
This is Lorenzo's application of power, covering the armor at a specific position before the attack falls, sacrificing strength but gaining faster combat and the ability to mislead the enemy.
Lorenzo raised the armor-piercing hammer high, and in his burning eyes, the future of dying overlapped with the present moment.
I don’t know whether it was fear, anger, or the desire to survive. The demon hunter Shang Dafeng gave everything to the devil hidden in his blood. Therefore, his body became hideous and weird, and countless futures kept in his mind. flashed, destroying his sanity.
The demon hunter Shang Dafeng roared, like a child just born in this world, and let out a sharp cry, but the cry was covered by a low explosion, and the armor-piercing hammer hit it heavily. On top of his head, he was not the demon hunter of Medanzo, and he did not have that strong armor. Under Lorenzo's power, his head split open instantly, and the hammer head was nailed into the flesh.
This was not the end yet. The force caused by the ignition of the lacquer antimony pushed the hammer downwards, and even violently hammered open his entire head and chest.
Only half of the entire head is left. After being demonized, the demon hunter has begun to approach the demon. Under the strong vitality, a little flesh and blood is barely connected to the remaining head, and the chest area is completely exploded, and the pale bones are The hot flesh and blood are clearly visible underneath.
The heart pierced by Lorenzo began to beat again under this power. From the hideous wound on the chest, a piece of flesh and blood could be seen rising and falling regularly.
"Lorenzo! Lorenzo! Lorenzo Holmes!"
The flesh and blood twitched, and the trachea riddled with holes made a twisted sound, like some kind of curse.
The body of the demon hunter Shang Dafeng in front of him was shaking a little. After being demonized, the demon hunter's reason will continue to decline until he is eroded into a demon.
From the hideous wound, you can see that Lorenzo's brutal blow just broke his spine, but he was not paralyzed because of it. Instead, the proliferated flesh tightly bound the spine and straightened his body. stand up.
"Lorenzo! Lorenzo!"
Demon hunter Shang Dalfeng continued to roar. Under the erosion of demonization, he could no longer say a complete sentence and could only curse the name continuously.
He pulled the nail sword out of his body and wanted to kill the demon hunter in front of him, but all he could do was make meaningless slashes.
Demon hunter Shang Dafeng can no longer see Lorenzo. This is his first attempt at a critical breakthrough, but as a demon hunter of the new religious order, he has never experienced real despair and does not understand the horror of secret blood. , at this moment, it is like a child has been given a heavy sword blade, and he cannot control this power at all.
Power began to lose control, and countless futures flashed in his eyes, like overlapping mirrors, and he could no longer distinguish illusion from reality.
"It's so pitiful..."
Lorenzo said as he put away his armor-piercing hammer, took out his shotgun, and stabbed along the wound on his chest.
These demon hunters were nothing more than servants of the new Pope, haphazardly formed for the new Pope's will, never realizing how heavy the price of this power was.
Pull the trigger, and a fiery flame bursts out from the wound, burning blazingly.
There were footsteps one after another behind him. Lorenzo turned his head and looked around, only to see one ferocious figure after another, as well as the extremely crazy power.
Under the threat of Lorenzo, all the demon hunters chose a critical breakthrough. In order to keep Lorenzo here forever, this power continued to rise until the bodies were twisted into monsters.
No, these guys obviously don't have the consciousness of death. Something must have interfered with them.
"Is that you? Moriarty!"
Lorenzo asked the wind, but no one responded to him, but Lorenzo didn't care about it anymore.
At this fatal moment Lorenzo suddenly closed his eyes.
Power Raphael will drag people into a confusing illusion, but there is a prerequisite for its triggering, which is to look into the eyes of the person who triggered the power.
Lorenzo never figured out when exactly he and Moriarty looked at each other before, but later he more or less guessed it.
It's the rain, this seemingly endless storm.
The transparent liquid produces a mirror-like effect. Perhaps at an inadvertent moment of Lorenzo, Moriarty can use these mirrors as a medium to connect with Lorenzo's line of sight.
But the demon hunter's burning eyes were so eye-catching in the darkness. Moriarty's best way to hide this was to use the stroke of thunder.
When the blazing thunder overlapped with the burning eyes, that was the moment when Lorenzo fell into illusion.
The rumble of thunder sounded, and Lorenzo still closed his eyes tightly. Once he opened his eyes, he would probably be captured by the powerful Raphael, but if he didn't, he would be torn apart by those demon hunters.
At this critical moment, the loud siren sounded, and it seemed that some steel beast was running wildly in this storm.
An iron snake was rumbling forward, but the line of sight was blocked by the heavy rain, and it was impossible to see the direction of the iron snake. At this time, Lorenzo took out the last weapon in the suitcase.
If his plan is right, if everything can go as he expected.
No, there is no need to doubt yourself. He is the great Lorenzo Holmes and he will not lose.
Lorenzo pulled the trigger, and the hook shot into the other end of the rain curtain. Soon after, Lorenzo was pulled with great force to move. The demon hunters had no time to intercept him. They saw Lorenzo tugging on the rope and breaking it. The rain curtain immediately fell on the iron snake.
At this time, he opened his eyes and could see a familiar figure looking at him at the end of the rain curtain.
Power Raphael also has a distance limit, and Lorenzo is out of the range of Moriarty's influence on this fast iron snake.
At the same time, red fireworks lit up the sky. Lorenzo couldn't help but raise his head and could see the burning track crossing the sky, as if it was a divine punishment. Even the violent wind and rain could not limit its progress. Finally, it fell like a meteor to the other side of the rain curtain, followed by a roaring explosion, and an even brighter red light lit up there.
Ascalon, that damn heavy artillery, someone is firing at Old Dunling... No, it's Black Mountain Hospital, someone is firing at Black Mountain Hospital.
Lorenzo looked at the burning fire in shock. He didn't know what happened in Montenegro Hospital, but he quickly gave up these thoughts. He didn't have the energy to care about other people. He had more important things. Do it.
Jumping into the Iron Snake, you can see that it is a modified Iron Snake. Except for a chair, the walls of the carriage are covered with weapons. There are also medical bags on the ground. Lorenzo sees a note posted on In the corner, it read the damn words "Co-sponsored by the Stuarts and Nordero."
Two Iron Snakes traveled in tandem on different rails. One was responsible for attracting the witchers for a surprise attack, and the other was to help Lorenzo quickly escape from the battlefield while resting and preparing for the next battle.
Although the great detective is extremely intelligent, he is still a person after all, and he will still feel tired and tired to some extent. He leaned back on the chair and gradually calmed down the restless secret blood. He lit a cigarette for himself, and the smoke rose. , picking up the pieces of paper that Oscar tore out of the aviation manual for him.
He must find a place without a "mirror" to fight Moriarty, and with the help of Nordero, this battlefield is ready.
Lorenzo was not worried that Moriarty would not fall into the trap. Just as Moriarty said to himself at the time, he was too persistent in eradicating the demon, so he gave Moriarty the opportunity to design. But from this point of view, isn’t Moriarty also like this?
He is too persistent, obsessed with destroying Lorenzo, obsessed with turning Lorenzo into a monster like him. Under this morbid obsession, Moriarty is destined to walk into the trap set by Lorenzo. In the trap, all the threads are tied together. This is the only way.
(End of this chapter)

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