Embers of Embers

Chapter 354 Disaster Plan

Chapter 354 Disaster Plan
This was a rare storm. The bad weather caused everyone to hide at home. The strange things walking on the streets were completely hidden by the wind and rain. They were obviously only a short distance apart, but The humans in those greenhouses were completely unaware of their existence.
The family members drank and chatted happily, while blood flowed like rivers in the heavy rain outside.
This seems to be the epitome of the history between humans and demons. Those who fight against demons are the [border] of human reason, keeping these abominable evils out of the door.
The Iron Snake broke through the rain curtain and headed towards the place Lorenzo had expected, which was the escape route Oscar had prepared for him, a civilian airship named Reichenbach.
Lorenzo remembered it. At that time, Mrs. Valloud was looking forward to its operation and said that she hoped to ride it back to the sky again. However, this wish will probably not be realized, or will be postponed, because now it is occupied by Lorenzo. Renzo requisitioned.
This is the raging sun of conspiracy and desire. The plague doctors come to kill Lorenzo with Lawrence's instructions. In their opinion, Lorenzo has the same power as Lawrence, the mysterious power Gabriel, and Lorenzo Renzo had been able to resurrect from the dead under the fire before, and they had their own explanations.
To Laurence, Lorenzo was Lorenzo Medici, the Lorenzo Medici who survived the Advent night with the power of Gabriel.
The plague doctors attacked vigorously, trying to capture Lorenzo at this critical moment. At the same time, the demon hunters of the new order also joined in. They were eager for the unknown pseudo-Holy Grail in Lorenzo.
Lorenzo is like a bright firework in the night, attracting everyone's attention.
A chaotic storm was rolling outside the car window. While resting, Lorenzo couldn't help but look in the direction of Montenegro Hospital. There seemed to be endless fires burning on it. On the other side of the storm, another battle was about to arrive. end.
Lorenzo didn't know what was happening there, but he could feel the heavy pain under the rain.
On the other side of this storm, minutes ago.
The cold rain washed away the bloody armor, and the pale heat was rising on it. You could see this strange steel body rising and falling slowly, as if it was breathing, and as it breathed, The steam engine reached its limit, and with a roaring noise, the hook shot towards the earth.
Everyone looked at the speeding blue shadow in disbelief. They never imagined that the mysterious Lancelot could be Ovis, let alone that he was so fragile under this terrifying armor. The body is controlling everything.
"Arthur...is he Lancelot?"
Yuyan looked at all this in disbelief. She had been taking care of Ovis during the days at Black Mountain Hospital. She knew that the boy was carrying a secret. After all, his surname was Victoria, but she never imagined that under this secret , there is still such a layer.
"You let a child take part in such a war!"
In Swift's eyes, Ovis is a poor child. At an age when he was running around, he was bound to a wheelchair by the king's curse. But such a poor child turned out to be Lancelot, the one who fought with the demon. .
"What have you done, Arthur?"
Arthur ignored Swift, but looked directly at the figure speeding under the rain curtain, and the memories of the past emerged on the existing canvas.
It was a long time ago. In the garden next to the Platinum Palace, Arthur met Ovis for the first time. It was a somewhat dull child, sitting on a chair and looking at the green lawn, a little dull There was eagerness in his eyes, he seemed to want to get up and run, but by then the King's Curse had corroded his body, and he could only rely on the servants to move.
Owes seemed to know Arthur's identity. He saw Arthur, then stood up unsteadily and staggered to Arthur.
"Purge organization? That organization that fights against demons? I know you, you are Arthur."
"You don't need to know why I know this, but... I want to join you. I have asked the Queen for permission."
"Why? I just feel that there may be... a miracle in your place?"
"Yes, Miracle, you also know about the King's Curse. As I grow older, I will only become more and more fragile, until I completely need human care to survive. They often say that this is a curse from the devil. Mortals It cannot be lifted...at least not by ordinary force, but what about miracles? Those mysterious miracles."
"You have miracles, yes, miracles. After all, you are fighting that hateful monster. Human beings cannot resist monsters unless a miracle happens."
"I believe this."
It was a brief conversation. Arthur could not convince the child with a childish look on his face. Finally, at the Queen's suggestion, the stubborn child joined the purification agency. Arthur didn't pay attention to him at first. Anyway, the Victoria royal family also Don't care about him, otherwise you wouldn't agree to let him come to such a ghost place.
But after routine mental specialization, everything changed. This child had unimaginable willpower, and his mental strength was so terrifying that he could even control a generation of armor.
The child put on strong armor, sealing the fragile body together with the vicious curse.
Arthur looked at the blood stain left by Ovis crawling. Although Ovis was just a child, he, like Arthur, like everyone else, lived for something, and would do whatever it took to get it. You can give up everything.
As the hook rope dragged the armor, the sharp sword light tore through the rain curtain. Arthur didn't know what Ovis was living for, but he knew very well that now Ovis got what he wanted.
"No, I didn't destroy him, on the contrary, I saved him, Swift."
Arthur's voice was low, and he never regretted this decision.
He gave the child a way to achieve miracles, although the end of this road was bottomless darkness and extreme cold.
Yuyan looked at Arthur's back. For a moment, she couldn't understand this guy. The others were also silent because of Arthur's words. Eve looked at the leaping armor with a complicated expression. She didn't know how she felt now. What exactly is it, but when she thinks of Ovis's somewhat dull and sad face inside the armor, she seems to be able to feel the same sadness.
"Don't worry about this for now! Find a way to evacuate!"
At this time Joey yelled that anyone can be sacrificed in this situation, there is no time to feel sad for other people, they have to find a way to survive.
"Where's the King's Curse? Ovis is carrying the King's Curse. He can't hold on for long!"
Lan Jade asked anxiously on the side.
"believe him."
Arthur also took action, he replied.
"Actually, the easiest way to solve the effect of the King's Curse on one's body is not to be attacked. As long as he is not injured, the King's Curse will not affect him."
The worst thing about the King's Curse is that the wound cannot coagulate. Once injured, the human body will be like a leaking blood bag, and blood will flow out continuously.
"Don't worry about him. Just like his previous actions, he knew very well that he couldn't be hurt, so Lanlost refused to let the enemy touch him."
Difficult problems, simple solutions, many people think this is a bit outrageous, but when the whistle sounded, the marching thunder shattered everyone's audiovisual.
Lancelot sprinted under the dome. This armor was originally designed for high maneuverability with the hook wire. He was like an elusive lightning bolt. Those monsters couldn't touch it at all, they could only feel it. An icy cold wind passed by, and as the phantom passed by, the sharp sword blade cut open their bodies.
The same generation of armor, Lancelot showed far greater strength than Percival, and he could control the armor more perfectly, like an extension of his own body.
In a short period of time, Lancelot cleared most of the surrounding monsters. The combat style of this armor is like that of a sharp swordsman. It is fast and deadly. It will never swing a second sword to kill a monster.
But at this moment, there was a restless voice from the other end of the battlefield. The armored demon gave up attacking Percival and turned to look at Lancelot.
Almost at the same time as they looked at each other, the hook hit the armored demon, but it could not be nailed in because of the dense armor. However, at the same time, a second hook shot into the ground under its feet, dragging and exerting force. Lancelot was as fast as the wind, and his light armor showed unimaginable mobility.
While spinning, the demons surrounding the iron armor slashed, and with the sound of metal tearing, several layers of burning sparks and metal fragments burst out from the rugged iron armor.
The armored demon was restricted in the movement of its joints by the proliferation of hard armor. It tried to catch up with Lancelot's figure as its twisted body swayed, but he was so fast, like a gust of wind that could not be caught. I could feel him escaping from all around.
Another heavy blow. With the help of the Original Sin Armor, Lancelot's hook nailed into the dome above, and the sword blade slashed fiercely on the thick neck, but it was obvious that this attack still failed. In the end, the dense armor was still growing wantonly as the secret blood boiled.
The armored demon moved slower and slower. After being completely demonized, the unbound secret blood was releasing its power wantonly. The heavy iron armor grew like weeds, becoming stronger and more terrifying.
Lancelot tried to attack from other angles. It was at this time that Percival also took action. Her armor was in dilapidated condition, but luckily she could continue to fight. She waved her sword and tried to attract the attention of the monster. Force to create opportunities for Lancelot.
"Evacuate, take advantage of the time Lancelot buys for us, and leave quickly!"
Kestrel roared from the side, directing the medical staff and the wounded to evacuate into the scientific research area. After Lancelot put on the armor, Arthur's side had more or less hope of survival. He originally wanted to try to break out from the ground. , but there is a mysterious epidemic doctor guarding it, and no one knows what abilities the epidemic doctor has yet to show.
"This is... the scavenger... broadcasting... to all survivors."
At this critical moment, intermittent voices came from the silent channel. Perhaps Lancelot had killed most of the monsters, reducing the impact of the erosion, and the communication that had been disturbed had recovered a little.
The eyes of others lit up. As long as communication is restored, others will know what is happening here to eliminate the agency's dispatching ability. Reinforcements will arrive soon, but unlike others, Arthur is clear when he hears When the dolphins broadcasted, they couldn't help but feel a little cold inside.
The sound became intermittent again.
"What did they say!"
Kestrel shouted that reinforcements were the only hope now, and Lancelot's fighting only helped them push death back a little.
"I'm thinking of a way! I'm thinking of a way!"
Robin grabbed the communicator tightly, but then he recalled that he didn't know how to repair such a thing, and that the thing might not be broken but was disturbed again due to erosion.
He gritted his teeth and smashed the communicator hard. Under this violent repair method, the vague sound became incredibly clear. Almost everyone who heard the sound had tears in their eyes, but then the content of the words once again shocked them. Dragged into the abyss.
"The command level of the purge agency has lost contact, and the scavenger troops have taken over the battlefield. According to disaster plan No. 30 No. [-], response measures are being implemented. All survivors who heard the broadcast are asked to find a bunker nearby."
What are they going to do?
People looked at each other, but no one knew clearly. In fact, now that I thought about it, I realized that they knew very little about the Scavenger Force. They only knew that they were responsible for dealing with the disasters left by demons, and that they were a department that needed to be transitioned before retirement. .
Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be everyone's understanding of the scavengers. They are always dressed in black and always appear at the end of the incident to preside over the funeral for the deceased.
It seems that everyone's understanding of the scavengers has been distorted by something, just like the Black Mountain Hospital protected by antimemes. No one knows the deeper aspects of this department...
"Look for cover!"
Arthur shouted at this time. As a commander, he obviously knew what the scavengers were and the disaster plan.
As people in the purification agency know, in order to deal with disasters in different situations, the purification agency has different response plans, and now one of them has been activated.
Arthur dragged the wounded into the tunnel in the scientific research area. Lancelot shot out a hook and hid under the dome, while Percival hid in the corner as much as possible and picked up the pieces that had fallen off from the previous three generations of armor. External armor protects itself.
It was also at this time that a raging fire burned in the gloomy and dark sky. The endless rain of fire penetrated the heavy rain and washed the surface of the entire scientific research area, burning all the monsters.
At the other end of the rainstorm, the Ascalonians were docked on the railroad tracks in Old Dunling. Because of their own huge weight, the railroad tracks were crushed after shelling, the ground was covered with cracks, and the twisted railroad tracks were deeply sunken. Among them, scavengers dressed in black were all around it, like crows traveling at night.
(End of this chapter)

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