Embers of Embers

Chapter 355 The Scavenger

Chapter 355 The Scavenger
Old Dunling was protected by complex systems and institutions. Although the storm obscured the view, Black Mountain Hospital had maintained communication with the Broken Dome until the communication was interrupted a few hours ago. According to one of the disaster emergency plans, after communicating with Arthur and the entire After the Black Mountain Hospital lost contact, the plan was activated and the scavenger troops were dispatched.
As their name suggests, scavengers are responsible for finishing the actions of demons, and under certain special circumstances, they will also finish the failed operations of the purification agencies.
According to the Peeper system's assessment of the intensity of erosion at Black Mountain Hospital, and the communication between Arthur and Gawain before the loss of contact, we can know that there is a wave of demons breaking out in Black Mountain Hospital, as well as the importance and geographical location of Black Mountain Hospital. The scavengers will temporarily Arthur was considered dead in action, and the entire Black Mountain Hospital was judged to be a occupied area.
They are more like an army than a special unit that fights monsters. Most of their members are retired from the main force of the purification agency and no longer have the ability to directly fight monsters. Therefore, the scavengers mobilized Ascalon opened fire on the Montenegro Hospital, clearing the way for the follow-up troops to enter.
While the rain of fire in the sky destroyed the demons, it also destroyed the buildings one by one. Countless armored iron snakes ran along the railway tracks under the storm. A surrounding net was gradually formed, wrapping up the entire Black Mountain Hospital, never letting go of any one. demon.
"Are they trying to kill us too?"
Under the bunker, Kestrel screamed. He thought that he might be killed by the demon, but judging from the current situation, he would probably be killed by his own people before the demon killed him.
"That's how the scavengers do it, and they gave us a chance," Arthur responded.
"What chance? Evacuation warning?"
Kestrel couldn't help but curse, but this time Arthur had no time to respond to him. The violent explosion set off a heat wave. It was an extremely cold rainstorm just now, but now it seemed like he was thrown into boiling water.
The scavengers did give them a chance, but it was not a warning to evacuate. After the Black Mountain Hospital lost contact, the countdown to the start of the plan began. And after receiving no response for such a long time, the scavengers would do this. judgment.
In a sense, although the scavengers are subordinate agencies of the purification agency, unlike Black Mountain Hospital and the Perpetual Pump, they exist completely independently and are not controlled by Arthur.
This may sound strange, even shocking, but it is the truth, because the scavengers themselves are an emergency plan. When the command level is completely eroded by demons, the scavengers will be the new purification agencies. , completely purging this corroded old thing.
They are the last line of insurance for the purification agency, and they are also the sword hanging high above their heads. For this reason, they must reduce their sense of existence as much as possible to avoid being attacked and destroyed by the alienated command layer. The same is true for the scavengers. The only agency within the Purge Agency that has the authority to use antimemes.
As a commander, Arthur's understanding of the scavengers only ends here. After all, their existence is to restrict the command layer, and more information is firmly protected by the antimemetic effect.
While being cruel to the enemy, he is also cruel to himself. This is in line with the behavior of the purification agency. The others couldn't believe the rain of fire, but Arthur understood it very well and was not even surprised.
To block the demons from human cognition, the purification mechanism is the wall that spans the two. This is the ultimate creed and the bottom line that is never allowed to be crossed. In order to prevent the demons from spreading out, the scavengers may Will do more crazy things.
The roaring vibrations continued. No matter how many demons or survivors there were on the surface, they would probably be buried in the sea of ​​​​fire under this baptism. Waves of wailing roars were heard, and the armored demons were hit by heavy shelling. Under this level of firepower , even if it is wearing iron armor and is hit directly, it is somewhat unable to resist.
The armor shattered, the scorching heat spread over the body with molten iron, and the abnormally grown flesh under the huge wound was clearly visible.
Someone shouted, and at the same time, heavy footsteps sounded in this chaotic and desperate situation.
Amidst the falling rain and rising steam, a rugged knight broke through the barrier. The steam engine was overloaded. From the gaps in the armor, you could see the sun-like red color. The hot white steam had not yet dissipated. In the air, the body was pulled into pale white threads due to the rapid speed.
At this doomsday moment, Percival rushed out of the bunker holding a big sword. Confusion, fear, sadness...all the emotions were diluted without a trace under the heavy rain of reason.
This is a perfect opportunity. If you don't take this opportunity to completely kill this troublesome monster, with the terrifying vitality of the secret blood, this monster will become even more troublesome.
What responded to her was the falling thunder. The hook pierced through the chaos and directly hit the soft flesh and blood under the wound. Previously protected by the iron armor, Lancelot's hook had been difficult to nail into the demon's body. This time he had a chance to attack and kill.
In an instant, the armor turned into a blue ghost and fell, and the sharp double swords were nailed into the wound. The armor could protect against attacks from the outside, but it could not resist the tearing from within.
Stab, slash.
The wound expanded into a cross scar, and the crack burst out with hot blood along the path traced by the metal.
Lancelot could smell the blood, and the feeling at this moment was so wonderful, even though he was in hell.
Arthur was right, he was a born knight, with an iron will that surpassed all others, and a desire so greedy that even demons could not corrode and devour him.
The desire for freedom.
As soon as he had memories, Lanlost learned about the mysterious King's Curse. At first, he was naive and didn't know what it was. It was like a child's joke and he didn't take it to heart.
Such an innocent dream lasted for a long time, until one day he fell on the lawn while running, blood gushed out from his knees uncontrollably, and he woke up from the dream.
He witnessed the death of those royal family members. They were bloated and unable to move, and their whole bodies were embedded in exquisite strollers. Their pale faces were crying meaninglessly. They could clearly feel the blood flowing under their skin. But with the internal bleeding deep inside the body, no one was able to do anything.
It was a slow funeral. Lancelot watched him die slowly. It was not like what the priests said. When a person dies, he will walk to his resting place with a peaceful face. His ferocious and painful face remained until his death. It did not melt away at the last moment, and was forever engraved on the pale skin like a sculpture.
Someone said to Lancelot that this would also be his fate, the fate of every Victoria.
"so good……"
There was a faint voice under the armor.
Lancelot felt a little cold, the heavy rain drenched him, and the dampness continued.
The space inside the armor was limited, and his field of vision was completely limited to his faceplate. He could not see the condition of his body, but he knew very well that he was about to die. Not only was this rain of fire in the sky, but also these troublesome things... Although the sound was very soft, Lancelot could hear the sound of blood surging.
The wound on his knee hurt slightly, and blood couldn't stop gushing out along the gaps in the armor.
But now he has no fear of death, but is extremely happy. He has broken that dark fate. He will not die like a baby in that ridiculous stroller, but will die as a knight captain on the battlefield against the monster. .
After a brief period of pain, the demon began to fight back. It had lost its mind and acted entirely on instinct. Its entire body became bloated and clumsy due to the ever-growing armor. Its swings also seemed extremely slow at this moment, with joints The squeezing between them caused the armors to hit each other, making a shuddering sound.
"Go on! Lancelot!"
Percival cut down his sword and blocked the demon's attack, buying time for Lancelot.
The light under the gap became increasingly red, and within the armor, Percival was almost completely wrapped in the proliferating demonic flesh and blood.
The size of this monster is really too big. Due to the abnormal growth, its shape has become very blurry. Lancelot quickly stabbed the sword under the flesh, but no matter how he attacked, it seemed that it was difficult to Touching the heart wrapped in layers of flesh and blood, let alone cutting off the head.
The wailing howls gathered together, and countless monsters rushed under the rain of fire, heading under the dome. They also realized this disaster scene, and their instinct drove them to escape here.
The originally safe area became more dangerous. Kestrel and the others had to continue to fight against the appearing monsters, otherwise, these monsters would bite them to pieces before the fire rain could kill them.
"What's going on? Joey!"
At this time, at the end of the passage, Joey, who had just organized people to evacuate into the scientific research area, turned back.
"The demons are heading here, and Ascalon's bombardment destroyed the passage... and half of the people are still at the other end."
Joey responded. Now that things have happened, it is difficult for him to have any emotional fluctuations.
Lan Jade waved to them, and they gathered around the remains of the third-generation armor. Relying on the angle between its remains and the building, it became a temporary fortress.
What really bad news, not only is the escape route cut off, but as the rain of fire falls, the surrounding demons are gathering here. Soon this will become the final battlefield, and both humans and demons will win here. burden.
The wailing sound is approaching, the demons are biting forward, and the thermite rifles are basically empty. Now everyone has entered into close combat. Some people can even get a folding knife, but more people have it. Fighting with the broken metal debris on the ground.
"Eve! Go to Blue Jade! Everyone evacuate there!" Arthur shouted.
Following Arthur's order, everyone moved again, and Eve chopped down a few more monsters with a jackknife. She tried to reach the area where Blue Jade was, but was stopped by monsters one after another.
A vicious murderous aura rose, and a demon quietly arrived at Eve's side under the cover of the heavy rain. Just as he was about to jump up, a heavy metal fragment came down fiercely, directly smashing the demon's head into pieces. .
Eve turned her head and saw Delen with a proud look on his face. His white hospital clothes had been completely soaked with blood and stained red. It seemed that he had also been injured. It was probably because he was a patient. These patients faced Demons often have two extremes: either they are completely unaware of these horrors and are difficult to be affected, or they are tortured by nightmares in their hearts and are easily eroded and swallowed up.
Derren was obviously the former, and then made an elegant gesture to Eve. Eve was not sure what this mentally ill man was doing for a while, until he also realized that Eve did not understand what he was doing, he said.
"Lady first."
Eve was dumbfounded for a moment. She didn't know whether she was praising Delen's gentlemanly behavior or saying that he was indeed a psychopath. At this time, she didn't know what was going on in his mind.
"Thank you!"
Shouting loudly, Eve rushed directly towards the path opened by these psychopaths.
The rain of fire threatened these survivors as well as the demons. Arthur looked at the large lift platform washed by the heavy rain and blood. Ascalon's cannonballs bloomed on it. The scattered molten iron and impact defeated most of the demons. , which relieved a lot of pressure on Arthur and others, and brought some hope.
Arthur didn't know the specific actions of the scavengers, but fire support had arrived. As long as they held on, they might survive.
Most of the people had already evacuated to the location of the remains of the third-generation armor, and Arthur was about to leave. When he turned around, he found Cole and Gavin standing there blankly, soaked in the rain.
In fact, the battle has come to an end. All he needs to do next is to survive. Arthur tried to call these patients to take refuge together, but when he thought of their muddled thoughts, Arthur didn't know if he could persuade them. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Cole say.
"Ah...it's such a long-lost feeling..."
Cole rubbed his eyes and observed the world carefully again.
Arthur was in a daze. He tried to say something, but he couldn't say anything at the moment. Looking at the old face, Arthur couldn't believe it.
Cole turned back to look at Arthur at this time, and his cloudy eyes became clear again. It had been so long, but in Cole's eyes, it all seemed like just yesterday.
"Long time no see! Arthur."
Arthur almost suffocated. He didn't know if it was a flash of light or something else. As the erosion intensified, the things that had been taken away by them were gradually coming back.
Some of the patients are like Cole, like newborn babies, looking at the end of the world with rational eyes.
"Co...Cole, come with me! We can't stay here any longer!"
Arthur felt a twitch in his heart. He had many things to ask, but in the end this was all he could say, but Cole refused. He slowly raised his hand and said with a complicated expression.
"I can't go on living. All those doctors did to me was postpone this stuff, and now it's here."
Some of the old arms have begun to undergo alienation, just like the familiar demons, and the bones have been slightly deformed.
These patients have never gotten rid of the erosion, and now the damage caused by the erosion has been aggravated again with the arrival of the demons.
(End of this chapter)

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