Embers of Embers

Chapter 359 Choice

Chapter 359 Choice
With the death of the armored monster, this long battle seemed to have come to an end. Most of the monsters were killed in the suffocating fight. Only a small number of monsters were still panting in the corner, but with Judging from their current numbers, it is difficult to change the situation of the war.
The purification agency won, a somewhat painful victory.
Percival's armor was completely immobile, and sparks were shining in the gaps in the steel. After ensuring safety, the Kestrel, who was handed over to the command, jumped out, picked up the jackknife and pried the deformed board vigorously. First.
"Come and help!"
Kestrel's face turned red, but no matter how hard he tried, the steel wouldn't budge.
"let me."
A dull sound sounded, and Lancelot stood up again. In the explosion just now, he and Percival were at the center of the explosion. The thin armor was covered with sharp metal like steel nails. These were the scales of the armor. The explosion hit him like a speeding bullet.
Fortunately, the original sin armor was powerful enough. Although it did not cover that much armor, it had good malleability due to the demon's flesh and blood, and the metal fragments were embedded in the flesh and blood.
The entire armor seemed to have been beaten to pieces, broken into pieces and smelling of burning.
The Kestrel moved out of the way, and the shaky Lancelot picked up the long sword full of gaps and thrust it into the gap. The Original Sin Armor slowly exerted force and pried open the cockpit with force.
"Be careful."
Kestrel stood aside, watching all this while saying.
If Lancelot is not careful, he may kill Percival with one sword... Of course, Percival may have died long ago. After the explosion, she lost consciousness, and the Original Sin Armor no longer made any Any reaction.
A driver losing consciousness is an extremely dangerous sign.
Armor technology originated from Jiuxia in the Far East. In the final analysis, this technology itself is a mechanical combination of demons and steel. The demon itself is regarded as an engineering material and used in armor. In order to achieve extremely strong controllability, It retains most of the nerve conduction, but the original position of the brain is replaced by the driver.
Human will dominates the demon's body. Similarly, while the driver controls the armor, the demon's power is also eroding the driver, and the two influence each other.
When the driver loses consciousness and is severely affected by erosion, as everyone knows, the driver will be corroded into a demon. It is even said that she may combine with the Original Sin Armor and become another more terrifying demon.
It can be said that they are saving Percival, but it can also be understood that they are trying to eradicate the birth of another demon.
With the force of the armor, Lancelot's broken armor pried open the twisted plate armor, and the smelly blood and rising heat surged out of it. The kestrel climbed up directly, and then almost vomited.
The entire armor was completely covered with scarlet flesh. They were like vines, growing wantonly on the steel. Fuzzy human shapes could be seen underneath. Kestrel endured the smell and cut open these miscellaneous bodies with a folding knife. The grass-like flesh and blood gradually pulled Percival out of it.
She was in a very bad state at the moment. She had lost consciousness and her body was covered with wounds. Most of her body had been adhered to the demon's flesh and blood during the dragging process. Kestrel could only use a folding knife to roughly cut it open. , I don’t know if it was the blood of the demon or Percival’s blood, but half of Kestrel’s body was dyed red.
"And breathing!"
Swift briefly checked Percival's injuries. As a high-ranking knight working at Black Mountain Hospital, her medical knowledge was much better than others.
"What's the extent of the erosion?" Kestrel asked anxiously.
"I don't know. I don't have the conditions to check her now...Geiger counter. Give me the Geiger counter."
As Swift shouted, Robin came over and handed her the Geiger counter.
After this hellish fierce battle, the demons in the lift area were basically defeated. At the same time, the burning fire rain also stopped. Perhaps reinforcements will arrive here soon, and during this period of time , Robin and others were guarding the surroundings.
Swift held the Geiger counter close to Percival and judged her status from the high-frequency sound.
"What a miserable victory..."
Heavy rain was still pouring on the land. Under the bunker, Eve looked at the mess and sighed emotionlessly.
After experiencing all this, the girl's mind is now unable to stir up any more ups and downs. She even said that in her own opinion, she was already dead at the moment when the demon's attack was the most violent, and what she has now is from the God of Death. The new life snatched from the hands.
The tight thoughts finally relaxed a little, and Eve felt a little exhausted. She slowly sat down holding on to the wall and soaked in the dark red water.
She no longer had the energy to think about anything else, so she slowly raised her hand. The palm of her hand was pale, and there was a deep red mark on it because she held the handle of the knife too hard.
How is Arthur doing?How many people are still alive?What to do next?
Eve tried her best not to think about those things. At this moment, she was like an extremely tired shell, her eyes became a little dull, until someone walked over through the stagnant water.
"Well done, Eve, much better than I was before." Lan Jade said to her.
Eve couldn't make any sound. The fight just now seemed to have exhausted all her strength. Even now, when I think about it, I still feel incredible. Who would have thought that she could cut so well, she is simply the Valkyrie Inlveg .
Lan Jade looked at Eve and was not surprised. She helped Eve up and injected her with the Florund potion.
As the machine started, the entire large lifting platform slowly rose up. The accumulated water flowed down from the edge of the platform, and the corpses and metal fragments were also washed away.
People supported each other and looked at the dome above their heads. At this moment, everyone felt like they were surviving a disaster.
After the baptism of fire and rain just now, it is expected that not many demons will survive on the surface. Even if there are, they can be dealt with with the current manpower. Everything that follows will be like the repeated tasks before, find a safe place and wait for reinforcements to arrive. Kill those monsters and clean up the entire battlefield.
Many people have their heads lowered, or their eyes are just fixed in one direction, such as Kestrel, whose eyes have been locked in the chaotic rolling sky and dare not move away.
There were not many survivors, and he could count them with a quick glance, but he didn't see Joey in the scan just now. Kestrel really hoped that he had missed it, or that the guy had separated from the team. A shiver somewhere.
He thought this, but he also knew very well that he had personally experienced everything that was like a nightmare just now, and his own thoughts were so ridiculous in the face of this cruel fact.
Everyone was silent as the large lifting platform slowly rose.
Lanlost slowly raised his head. Now he is the only original sin armor that can still fight. Although the armor is also scarred, it is better than nothing in this situation.
This feeling is really good for Lancelot. He has killed many monsters and saved many people, which he could not do in a wheelchair.
His thoughts suddenly felt a little heavy, but Lancelot still cheered up hard, breathing heavily, like a drowning man, pouring the cold air into his mouth, but even so, that bad feeling It still kept coming... He knew exactly why.
As early as the first time he fought with Lawrence, Lancelot was eroded. That was the first time he lost. It was also that time that the high-intensity erosion made it impossible for him to continue to safely drive the Armor of Original Sin. This is true to this day. , he put on this forbidden armor again.
The erosion was corrupting his sanity, and due to the King's Curse, blood was continuously pouring out of his wounds.
Lancelot is like a leaky bucket, he doesn't even have to wait for erosion to kill him, he will die from blood loss soon.
Death was coming, but he was not afraid.
Lancelot doesn't want to take off his armor. In this case, he has no medical ability at all. Even if he has, Lancelot doesn't want to do that. After receiving treatment, he will survive and bid farewell to this glorious title forever. Spend the rest of your life in a stroller...
I recalled the appearance of those people again in my mind. They were like tumors growing on the stroller, deformed and bloated, with mouths wide open, like a group of weird chicks... living in a carefree manner.
No no no no……
Lancelot couldn't accept such an ending, he was even afraid of such an ending, he didn't want this, for him, dying in his beloved armor was the best ending for him.
"Interesting case...but it looks like you are going to die. What a pity."
A dull voice rang in his ears, and an extreme coldness swept through his body. Lancelot turned his head suddenly. Behind the visor, there was another scarlet eye staring at him through the gap.
"Are you...Lancelot? Or did you ask Ovis? I remember you. We can come here today. Do we need to thank you?"
The epidemic doctor put the half-opened mask back on again, resting his whole body on the edge of the armor, and then knocked hard on the armor.
"Can you hear me? You're going to die anyway, so why not make a deal?"
Lanlost did not respond, but twisted his body vigorously, trying to shake the plague doctor away from his armor.
When did he get close to me?Lancelot didn't notice his arrival at all, he was like a ghost.
But then there was extreme fear, and Lancelot was negligent. He thought they had solved all the current threats, but he forgot the initiator of all this.
Epidemic doctor.
The purification agency still doesn't know his name, nor what kind of face he has under the beak mask. The only clear thing is that he is a doctor, a doctor of demons. He seems to be studying something. He conducted several taboo experiments on demons and humans. It was also because of those evil experimental products that he was discovered and hunted by the purification agency.
Everything today obviously came from his hands. Although it is not clear how he controlled the demons, what is known is that the epidemic doctor is a far more deadly threat than those demons.
But I ignored him, ignored this guy who had never made a shot from the beginning to the end, everyone has not survived, and there is another more terrifying enemy on this battlefield.
"Are you listening to me, kid."
Lancelot's movements could not interfere with the Plague Doctor at all, and the Original Sin Armor itself was relatively large. Now that he was close to him, Lancelot was unable to hurt the Plague Doctor for a while, while the Plague Doctor hung tightly near his visor. The eyes behind the lenses have been peeping at Lancelot behind the steel.
"And the enemy!"
Lancelot shouted, and others had already discovered the existence of the plague doctor, but they could not help him.
All the ammunition has long been empty, and most of the weapons used by the survivors are melee folding knives. Not to mention what mysterious abilities the Plague Doctor has, now that he is entangled in the Original Sin Armor, others can't take action at all.
"Don't be impatient, kid, let's talk about it, can't we?"
The epidemic doctor smiled. He seemed to have forgotten the purpose of his trip, but was attracted by Lancelot.
"You smell like death... Something's wrong with your blood?"
The epidemic doctor was talking to himself, and without waiting for Lancelot to make any answer, he shot, and Lancelot also shot with him.
Although he was struggling on the verge of death, Lancelot still made the most accurate judgment that there was still some distance before the large lifting platform could completely reach the surface. He rushed out directly with the epidemic doctor.
There were wounded people just around Lancelot. With the size of the Original Sin Armor, if he let the battle go, he would probably hurt other people. Moreover, the Plague Doctor was right in front of him, and the Plague Doctor might continue to demonize other people.
In order to avoid this, Lancelot rushed to the edge of the platform with the doctor in his arms, jumped onto the ground, and at the same time punched the doctor hard.
Facing the heavy punch, the epidemic doctor made no evasive movements for a moment, as if he was frightened.
In fact, the epidemic doctor has always considered himself a scientific researcher, a scholar, and a great explorer. The hellish battlefield just now was just an experiment for him. There was never any battle in his eyes. Therefore, he doesn't know how to fight. As a person who pursues the truth, all he does is research.
Steel slammed against flesh and blood, and the Plague Doctor's body began to twist under Lancelot's heavy punch. The entire spine was obviously deformed, and blood overflowed from the edges of the mask.
But the epidemic doctor was not knocked away. His hands were still clutching the edge of the mask, and his twisted body tightened again, as if the broken bones were reassembled in an instant.
The blood-stained mask suddenly lifted up, and under the broken lenses, scarlet eyes looked at Lancelot.
"So irritable..."
The epidemic doctor whispered, and the next moment terrible power emerged in his body. In the previous battle, the face armor that was already full of cracks was broken into a gap with his force, and as the epidemic doctor continued to use force, , the entire gap continued to grow until half of Lancelot's face was fully exposed.
"So, what's so special about you?"
There were countless bulges squirming under the gray and black clothes. The epidemic doctor took off his mask again, and half of his face was covered by scarlet, slowly squirming tentacles.
The epidemic doctor stretched out his hand, passed through the steel and into the armor, gently touched the wound on Lancelot's face, and sent the blood containing the king's curse into the beak of the mask, and carefully Tasting.
Lancelot was completely stunned, and he didn't even resist.
He has never thought about what the epidemic doctor is, but at this moment, it seems that hidden under these thick clothes is a monster that is far beyond the unknown, an inhuman existence.
Although he only glimpsed a corner of the plague doctor's face, Lancelot was still shocked by the horrifying scene until the superior plague doctor spoke again, breaking the heavy fear.
"Your blood is very interesting, a kind of blood that I have never seen before. It's a pity that you are going to die, otherwise I really want to study you...but it's not much worse with a corpse."
He muttered to himself, his voice a little troubled.
The blood containing the king's curse is a power that the plague doctor has never been exposed to, an unknown power.
Perhaps because of excitement, the whole body is squirming weirdly and constantly rising and falling. For people like the epidemic doctor, the "unknown" is too tempting. This is a deformed preference, and the greed for knowledge desire.
"However, for experiments, it is better to live on a living body..."
The epidemic doctor seemed to have thought of something. He turned his eyes to Lancelot behind the broken mask and extended an invitation to him.
"Do you... want to live?"
"What did you say?"
"If you live, you will die, child, but I have the ability to save you, and maybe I can solve your blood problem. After all, this thing really makes me curious."
The doctor said as he took out an injection, with red blood rolling inside.
"The blood of the great Holy Grail is much more powerful than the medical treatment of your purification agency. It is even said that demon hunters were born from this blood."
Lancelot stopped attacking. He looked at the epidemic doctor with distrust and anger in his eyes.
"Don't you believe it? This is the blood of the Holy Grail, the key to sublimation, a liquid miracle... You should have seen Lorenzo, the demon hunter's terrifying vitality, I can turn you into the same as him... Witcher? Yes, that’s right, witcher.
No matter what kind of disease or injury it is, it will be cured in front of this great blood. "
The Original Sin Armor moved again, waving its sharp sword and cutting through the rain curtain, forcing the Plague Doctor back.
Lancelot panted heavily, as the wind and rain poured in through the gap in the visor, and there was a chaotic torrential rain in his field of vision.
"No...this is betrayal."
Lancelot knew the price of accepting this gift.
"So what? You're dying, kid, but as long as you're injected with it, you have hope of survival. Of course, there's a price."
The doctor stared closely at Lancelot, looking at the dying child, the devil smiled.
"Life or death? It's time to make a decision, kid."
(End of this chapter)

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