Embers of Embers

Chapter 360 Betrayal

Chapter 360 Betrayal
The whole world is like a chaotic nightmare, as if a sea has been dumped into the sky, accompanied by lightning and thunder, washing everyone on the earth.
Lancelot, who was in the original sin armor, raised his head slightly. The thunder reflected the figure of the plague doctor into a dark silhouette, but the blood of the Holy Grail in his hand released an alluring red color, like a flowing ruby.
"Have you thought about it? Child."
The epidemic doctor asked again. He didn't seem to be in a hurry and looked calm.
For him at this moment, the Lancelot in front of him was extremely tempting. He couldn't wait to study the secrets of him. If possible, he would soak the dead Lancelot in formalin and become him. One of the rare specimens.
Lancelot was silent, and for a moment his angry thoughts were stagnant in front of the "miracle" given by the epidemic doctor.
He knew very well that even if he survived, he would still become an experiment. In order to save the royal family and break the king's curse, he dedicated the rest of his ridiculous life.
Even so, Lancelot didn't have much hope for all this. He didn't even think that this vicious curse would be shaken off so easily. As a member of the royal family, he knew many things that Arthur didn't know, just like the king. The study of curses.
He had heard from those old guys that the research on the King's Curse was actually not the first time. Every Queen Victoria had tried hard, but after so many years, the King's Curse still existed, and they The corpses were piled up into a hill.
This is a path with little hope.
So do you believe in epidemic doctors?This enemy, this evil monster, is the cause of all this sorrow.
Maybe... there is hope?
Monsters are the source of all weirdness and evil in this world, but humans have also obtained miraculous powers from these abominable guys that are unimaginable to mortals.
The Armor of Original Sin, Secret Blood, Alchemy... these "miracles" that transcend mortals are all closely related to this deepest darkness.
Maybe...maybe the King's Curse also comes from demons?
There seemed to be a shocking crash in his mind, and Lanlost felt that he had vaguely glimpsed something.
Yes, everything in this world is reasonable, except for demons, who seem to appear out of thin air and suddenly join the evil in this world. All extraordinary powers seem to be related to them.
In this case, do you want to accept the mysterious blood of the Holy Grail?Lancelot witnessed that brief experiment with his own eyes. Abigail injected her own blood and Lorenzo's blood into the body of the mouse. The king's curse was easily covered. With the blessing of the secret blood, White mice have an almost uncanny vitality.
This thing can indeed heal the King's Curse, the only thing I have to think about is whether I can maintain my sanity under the erosion of secret blood.
The evil voice kept replaying in his mind, and for a while his thoughts were completely occupied by it all, until cold rainwater flowed on his face through the mask.
Feeling the bone-chilling cold, Lancelot trembled in his heart. He suddenly realized how terrible he was. He actually hesitated in front of this question. What he should have done was to directly pick up the sword and kill the epidemic doctor. Instead, he didn't Consider here the "miracle" he gave.
how should I do it?Lancelot, will you die like this for your honor, or will you fall into darkness for the freedom you have always pursued?
In a trance, Lancelot saw the green field. The boy was running freely and without any worries. He didn't have to worry about the pressure on his body or worry about bleeding after falling. He was not bound by any curse. Like an ordinary person, he can leave his footprints in every corner of the world.
That is really a beautiful wish, but is the price of sacrificing one's soul for this wish too high?
Under the rain curtain, everything fell into a long silence, and the silence seemed to condense into eternity.
"Are you really... willing to give everything you have to this?"
Suddenly, the doctor asked, the eyes behind the lenses were looking at Lancelot, as if he knew why Lancelot was sad.
"After all, what can your death do for this world? You must know that over the years, the number of people who have died fighting against demons is enough to fill the valley. Even if there is one less of you, or one more of you, this What can be changed?”
He lifted the entire visor, completely exposing Lancelot to his eyes. He looked at the child's face, his somewhat dull eyes filled with doubts and confusion.
"This is the torrent of the times. Individuals are like fragile young grass under the torrent of this era. They will only be rolled up ruthlessly and rush towards the trough together with those torrents. You can't change all this. There is nothing you can do. In this case, why How about being less selfish?"
"Be selfish..."
"Yes, be selfish. You are still so young and have worked for the cleanup agency for so long... By the way, are they hiring child labor?"
The epidemic doctor laughed, and there was a twisted weirdness in his laughter.
"Think carefully about Lancelot. There are so many beautiful things in this world that you have never seen. Power, wealth, the New World...even an unforgettable love affair. There are many things in the world that are worthy of you. Selfish, isn’t it?”
Lancelot's eyes widened, and his pupils were covered with fine bloodshot eyes. He didn't know whether it was sweat or rain. They crossed his eyes and his vision was blurred.
Severe blood loss and erosion interfered with his judgment, and his once firm will began to weaken. As the epidemic doctor told him, more and more pictures emerged in front of his eyes.
I don’t know when, only the wheelchair was left in Lancelot’s world. He was imprisoned on that ridiculous chair and needed someone to accompany him no matter what he did. Although he was a knight commander and had the surname of Victoria , but as the epidemic doctor said, he has too few things.
Being imprisoned by the King's Curse, I have never been to the distant place of my dreams, nor have I seen the beauty that people talk about, let alone any unforgettable love affairs.
Yes, the epidemic doctor is right. The world is too cruel to us, why not choose an easy path?As long as you accept this forbidden miracle, you can survive and get rid of that damn wheelchair like ordinary people...
I really want to... I really want to stand on another continent in person and see things I have never seen before...
Lancelot raised his head and looked at the plague doctor. As long as he said those words, as long as he asked this devil for a miracle.
Someone was shouting his name, and the sharp lancet hit the doctor in front of him through the rain curtain. Eve had tried her best to aim at the doctor's head, but due to the interference of the strong wind, it was still deflected a lot.
The large lifting platform has reached the surface, and the survivors are all here. Looking at them, Lanlost's heart suddenly twitched, and his consciousness became clearer.
"Do not."
He growled and tried to move, but only then did he realize his miserable state. Lancelot no longer had the strength to drive the Original Sin Armor. His face was pale, and the Geiger counter had already turned red and emitted a high frequency. scream.
"Oh? I thought you would accept this?"
The epidemic doctor said with great interest, he lowered his body, and Lancelot's pale face was reflected in the mirror.
This is really interesting. Just like human observation experiments, it is now more than just the study of the King's Curse. The epidemic doctor wants to know whether human will is reliable and whether the proud knight will lower his head in the face of survival.
"Or are you unwilling to accept all this in front of them? This method can be solved easily. I can help you kill them all, so that no one will know that Lancelot betrayed the purification agency."
The epidemic doctor seemed to see clearly Lancelot's thoughts. As he spoke, he moved, picked up the smashed lancet, and slit his wrist directly.
The scarlet blood slid down the original sin armor and melted into the water-covered ground. The blood seemed to have magic power, and its sweet taste attracted the demons. In the rain that finally calmed down, the roars of the demons rang out again.
"No no no!"
Lancelot was hysterical, his pupils bloodshot. He tried to stop all this, but the armor he trusted most at this moment stopped moving. The steam engine had stopped at some point, and sharp scales penetrated into it along the gaps. , The crazily growing demon flesh and blood has already entangled the core heavily.
Not sure whether it was tears or rain, Lancelot felt the cold liquid scratching his cheek, and his angry roar finally turned into a low wail.
He hammered feebly until he pulled the valve, and a gap opened in the entire armor, and hot white gas surged out from it. Then, as if dead, the tall armor fell down, killing Lancelot. After vomited it out, his body was covered with dirty blood, and the flesh and blood were still stuck together, like chains connecting him to the armor.
The black shadow enveloped him, and the plague doctor looked at him from above. The powerful knight finally turned into such a ridiculous look, and everything he insisted on was crushed into powder and scattered on the ground.
The epidemic doctor placed the syringe containing the blood of the Holy Grail in the pool of water in front of him, allowing him to make the final decision. At the same time, the remaining demons approached. Although there were only a few, they were This is also extremely stressful for these exhausted survivors.
Eve looked at the fallen armor. She couldn't hear what they were saying due to the sound of wind and rain, but judging from the situation in front of her, Ovis had lost his combat effectiveness.
"So Lancelot is called Ovis? Or is he a child?"
Kestrel couldn't help shouting, and at the same time he waved his folding knife to chop down the approaching demon.
The state of the Kestrel feels great now, like an overloaded machine, full of power but on the verge of collapse.
"It's incredible..."
Kestrel sighed, and cut off the arm of another demon with the jackknife in his backhand.
Eve looked at the Kestrel beside her with some confusion. Just now under the dome, this guy didn't show such fighting power, but now it was like some strange awakening, with full firepower.
"So were you conserving your strength just now?"
Is this obviously unreliable guy actually conserving his strength?Eve didn't quite believe it.
"To be precise, it's a raging desire to survive!"
Kestrel screamed.
"The situation was so bad just now. I thought that if I died, I would die. It would not change the situation anyway. But who would have thought that I would survive? I finally crawled out of hell! I finally had a chance to live! In the end, there was another The monster is out!"
Kestrel shouted as he slashed and tried to get closer to Lancelot.
"So I found that I am still very afraid of death! I have seen the colorful flowers in this world, and I have to live even for those messy colorful flowers!"
The jackknife slashed wildly, and the Kestrel looked like a god of war for a moment. Eve didn't know how to describe this guy. He didn't have any lofty ideals. What supported him until now was just some nonsense reasons.
"So hold on! Lancelot! The commander is coming to save you!"
Kestrel said as he headed in the direction of Lancelot. The survivors behind him were protected by Robin and others. Although everyone was exhausted, they could still survive temporarily under the attack of the demon.
He had already envisioned the next scene, first cutting down the weird plague doctor, and then rescuing Lancelot. As for what to do next, Kestrel hadn't figured out yet.
Of course, Kestrel is also a mortal, an ordinary person who is not good enough. He is still very afraid of death, but he is now the commander appointed by Arthur.
So sometimes things like professional titles can really give people a lot of motivation, but more of it is Kestrel's requirements for itself.
Lancelot, a child worked so hard for everyone to survive, how could he let death come!
After cutting down another demon, Kestrel's pace stopped. His hands had gradually lost touch due to the low temperature and fighting. He tore off his belt and entangled his hands with the folding knife.
"Is he trying to save you?"
The epidemic doctor looked at the kestrel who was trying to get closer. The mortal figure was so small under the heavy rain.
"Just an idiot."
Lancelot whispered, the plague doctor looked at him, and saw him kneeling in the stagnant water, holding the blood of the Holy Grail with both hands.
Under the beak mask, the face was twisted into a ball, perhaps due to excitement.
"That's a nice human observation. He wants to save you, but he doesn't know that you're about to betray them all."
The epidemic doctor gave out a twisted smile. To be honest, this feeling of dragging people into despair is really good, just like some kind of bad taste that makes people happy.
Lancelot was silent and responded with action. He wiped his arm and without any hesitation, like a cold machine, he inserted the needle under the skin.
The epidemic doctor was extremely satisfied. He once again proved his point of view. The so-called human beings are just creatures full of bad natures. As long as their anger dissipates and they understand this cruel situation, no matter how noble they are, they will do the same thing. Make the most despicable decision.
Therefore, human beings need an evolution, a great evolution, to get rid of all kinds of despicable natures and sublimate to a better existence.
His eyes turned to Kestrel. His hands were wrapped with his belt, and the folding knife was tightly tied in his hands. He was already out of breath, but he still looked like a ghost.
The Plague Doctor walked towards the Kestrel, and it was time to end the battle here. Although it was unclear where Lorenzo Medici had escaped, for the Plague Doctor, this operation still gained a lot.
The distance between the two gradually shortened, and the kestrel ran with all his strength, charging towards the death.
The angrier he is, the happier the doctor is. He wants to know what Kestrel's expression will be when he sees Lancelot, whom he wants to save, standing on the opposite side.
Thinking like this, another sound of running sounded under the rain curtain. It seemed that he hadn't run with all his strength like this for a long time, and his steps stumbled.
The pale palm grabbed the epidemic doctor's mask from behind, and then the lancet stabbed into the epidemic doctor's throat.
"Well done! Lancelot!"
Kestrel roared, and came with two swords, stabbing directly into the chest of the epidemic doctor. Then like a crazy butcher, he slashed with two swords in a series, stirring up blood and meat.
It was full of momentum and overwhelmed the evil doctor in an instant, but they were still mortals after all. Monster-like power rose, and the doctor directly stretched out his hand to grab the fallen folding knife. No matter how hard Kestrel tried, it As if cutting into a block of iron, the jackknife remained motionless.
Then Kestrel was directly grabbed by the epidemic doctor and thrown away. He rolled several times on the ground and fell into the water, making no sound again. Around him, blood-thirsty demons looked at him.
"So you want to prove something, Lancelot? And who are you going to prove it to?"
The epidemic doctor turned to Lancelot. He carried the King's Curse and basically had no hand-to-hand combat ability. The sneak attack just now was all he could do.
Taking out the lancet that was pierced into the throat, the doctor threw Lancelot to the ground hard. There was no blood left to vomit. He curled up and retched.
The horrific injuries were healing rapidly, and at the same time, the doctor's body was also slightly distorted. It seemed that something weird was slowly crawling under the clothes.
"Are you angry? Epidemic doctor, you are superior and treat us as ridiculous guinea pigs. But the guinea pigs did not follow your ideas and bit you back."
Lancelot's voice was weak, and he tried to laugh like a hearty laugh after victory, but he no longer had the strength.
"I know that those guys in the Perpetual Pump are more angry than scolding them when the experiment doesn't go according to their expectations. You are the same way, right?"
The doctor didn't say anything. He picked up Lancelot's head and lifted him up high. The boy's eyes were already blurry. He was about to fall asleep, but the lancet cut open his eyelids. He had to look ahead.
It was Kestrel. He was lying in the water in a ridiculous posture, surrounded by demons that were constantly approaching.
There is no need for any dialogue between the two at this moment. The epidemic doctor wants to completely defeat Lancelot and let him watch the kestrel being eaten up by the demon with his own eyes. As they often say, it is eaten everywhere. The internal organs and bones were shattered on the ground.
But at this moment, Lancelot laughed. No one knew what he was thinking, and he didn't even need to describe the ghost. He clenched his fist for the last time, and the broken glass pierced the palm of his hand. , and at the same time there were drops of scarlet blood.
"I am...Lancelot."
He whispered.
The plague doctor smelled it, and so did all the demons. The hot blood, the boiling blood, the blood containing miracles.
Those monsters who were trying to attack the survivors and were about to eat the kestrel stopped, and then their hideous heads looked in the direction of the plague doctor.
Blood of the Holy Grail.
Under the extreme desire, the demons suppressed their instinctive commotion. They came towards Lancelot like a pack of wolves, just to lick the liquid miracle.
The situation was reversed in an instant. The epidemic doctor was surrounded by numerous monsters. They waved their fangs and claws like a wave of death. However, this was not enough to kill the powerful epidemic doctor. It was even said that they could not even force him back. .
Therefore, a fiery track bursts and burns from the end of the rain curtain, as if the mythical dragon appeared, pouring its angry breath towards sin.
The firelight illuminated Lancelot's face, and also illuminated his dark heart. He finally betrayed, but not his position as a human being. He betrayed his own desires and completely obliterated what he had always longed for. Lose.
For some reason, he suddenly remembered Merlin at this moment. The alchemist had taken care of him for a long time and told him a lot about his life insights, such as the cliff of reason.
At that time, he just thought these words were the crazy remarks unique to alchemists, but now Lanlost understood it more or less.
Longing for freedom, Lanlost stood on the cliff of reason and jumped.
The scorching fire stream instantly evaporated the cold rainwater. The heat wave was suffocating. The epidemic doctor was completely covered by this pillar of fire stream, and the air was filled with a burning smell.
Heavy footsteps sounded, and the ferocious figure gradually emerged under the heavy rain, his broken figure reflected in the water.
The man's steady breathing came from the channel. He dropped the half-melted armor and gun, took out a new one from the weapon rack behind him, and in his other hand was dragging a huge weapon. The demon was held in front of him like some weird-shaped shield.
The rain hit the iron armor on the corpse. This was also a monster transformed by the demon hunter Medanzo, but it was already dead at this moment. The entire abdomen was melted by the high temperature, and the internal organs were completely burnt. There was only a little bit of flesh and blood that was not yet dead. , still squirming slowly.
"The Epidemic Doctor."
Gao Wen's voice was emotionless, the rising heat escaped from the cracks in the steel, and behind him, there were more similarly hideous figures under the rain curtain.
The defense line against the monsters never collapsed. On the contrary, Gawain wiped out all the monsters in the mildly affected area, even if the enemy had such a thorny thing covered with iron armor.
None of this was a problem for Gawain. He directly pushed the armored firegun into the demon's wound and let it eat his body. If he couldn't kill him with one shot, he fired the second and third shots until that time. The scorching heat completely burned the demon's internal organs, and he lifted the demon's corpse, using the armor as a strong shield to fight against the demon tide.
The heavy rain washed away the bloody armor, and the silent Gawain continued to move forward.
In the endless fire, the figure of the epidemic doctor also appeared. The fatal temperature failed to kill him, but it burned a lot of his clothes. There were loopholes in many places, and there were strange things underneath. The flesh and blood are slowly wriggling.
The Original Sin Armor began to charge forward. Although it was broken, they still had the power to fight.
The iron sword tore through all the obstacles and cut off the undead demons together. In the flying blood, the figure of the epidemic doctor was knocked out. He tried to stand up, but half of his body was struck by the slash. The cracked, twisted internal organs and deformed bones were completely exposed.
"It's really endless..."
The epidemic doctor looked at those figures and finally couldn't help laughing.
Humans are really a strange species. Epidemiologists think they have studied them comprehensively enough, but they always bring interesting surprises.
He obviously has such a weak body and will, but he always pretends to be like a ghost.
The flesh and blood began to proliferate. Even with such heavy damage, it still failed to kill the plague doctor. However, the plague doctor also stopped here. The original sin armor like a city wall protected the survivors. If they continue to fight, they will only wait. More reinforcements are coming.
The epidemic doctor whispered this name repeatedly. After the extreme anger, he suddenly felt relieved, and even greater joy surged into his heart. He tried to find notes to record his current feelings, but those things were burned away by the fire.
Humans are so interesting...
"Come on, human."
The epidemic doctor thought for a while, whispered, and left without looking back.
Regardless of the falling attacks, burning projectiles pierced his chest, and sharp fragments cut into his body, but none of these could kill him. In the end Gawain raised his hand and stopped the attack.
As a knight commander who has been hunting the Doctor for a long time, he can feel that the Doctor has not given up, he just feels that it is no longer interesting. Just like how he dealt with the incidents caused by the Doctor before, he can obviously cause a larger-scale disaster. But when he realizes his research can't go any further, he gives up.
But more importantly, no one knows what kind of power the epidemic doctor still has. After all, the current almost immortal body is enough to scare people.
"Is he Lancelot?"
The Original Sin Armor turned around, and among the corpses on the ground, Gawain saw the emaciated figure.
He was also a little surprised. He never expected that there would be such a person under the armor. He was also very sorry. He didn't expect that the first meeting in person would end in this way.
In the scarlet water, Lancelot lay on the green grass, looking at the cloudless sky.
The sky is high and the clouds are wide, and the wind is singing like a song.
(End of this chapter)

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