Chapter 361
Outside the porthole, the strong wind smeared the rain on the transparent glass, and the field of vision was filled with a leaden gray storm. Under the thick dark clouds, faint bursts of lightning could be seen, as if some ancient beast was roaring at the heart of the storm.
Lorenzo held the aviation manuals that Oscar tore to him in one hand, and pressed them back and forth in front of the complicated control panel with the other hand. After trying countless times, Lorenzo finally got this The big guy started moving.
The giant steel whale traveled through the storm. Since it took off, the violent shaking has not stopped. It seems that there are countless big hands beating on the airship. If it hadn't carried enough counterweight, this civilian airship might have been destroyed. The moment it takes off, it will be rolled up by the storm and torn into pieces.
This is an extremely risky behavior, but for Lorenzo, he is used to it, as if walking on the dark seabed, he can only roughly judge the direction according to the compass, but looking down from the porthole, he can see The whole of Old Towning was swallowed up by the storm, and the Thames overflowed the banks and flooded the streets, as if the whole earth were sinking and swallowed by the raging sea.
People were hiding in their homes, enjoying the rare warmth, while workers were laying bricks on walls to prevent the cold rain from pouring into the furnaces.
Lorenzo could still see the ignited rain of fire. In the direction of Montenegro Hospital, in the beautiful ruins, the fire was still not extinguished.
I don't know if the demon tide there has been completely resolved, but... there's nothing to worry about.
Lorenzo thought about this and looked towards the back of the cabin. It was dark with no lights on.
He has taken on the most dangerous job, and this is Lorenzo's last gift to the city.
After thinking about it, Lorenzo took out a cigarette and smoked it, then picked up the wine glass next to him.This civilian airship is essentially designed to provide passengers with entertainment, and drinks are all provided.
"They say I'm worthless, cold and uncaring, nobody cares, they say I'm hopeless, heartless and hopeless."
Swallowing smoke, putting his feet on the console, humming a strange tune, surrounded by the apocalyptic scenery, Lorenzo felt a strange feeling for a moment, like an emperor, feeling He controlled everything in this disaster, but in fact he couldn't control anything, he just felt a little cool.
His eyes were slightly narrowed, as if he was about to fall asleep, but the old man's face couldn't stop appearing in his mind.
In the fierce battle before, Lorenzo still had time to think about these things, but now he finally had some breathing space. These things were following him like a nightmare.
Maybe he was too shocked, or maybe he was shocked enough, but there was no big ups and downs in his heart.
It turns out that everything is like this, it turns out that I am like this.
"Dunling Tower is calling the Reichenbach. You have not received permission to take off. Please land immediately!"
An impatient voice sounded from the channel, interrupting Lorenzo's thoughts.
Lorenzo was a little confused as to how the communication could contact him. After a brief daze, he suddenly realized that the tower also had the function of regulating air routes. It seemed that war airships were usually controlled by it.
The owner of the voice sounded very excited. Maybe he didn't expect that in this damn weather, there would be a madman flying an airship into the sky, let alone a civilian airship.
In this harsh scenario, once a civilian airship crashes, it will cause huge disasters. If it accidentally crashes into a factory, it will be even worse.
He couldn't figure out what this guy wanted to do. There was no need to choose this day to seek death, right?
"This is Captain Lorenzo Holmes!"
Lorenzo responded, with great interest.
"Heading north! Full thrust! Still rising!"
He didn't even want to give a serious answer.
The giant whale accelerated through, and the strong wind greatly hindered its progress, pushing its huge air bag, but this could not stop it, just like an escape, Lorenzo was moving in the direction away from Old Dunling.
"Please return to the port and land immediately!"
The voice seemed to still have some hope and continued to roar.
But this time Lorenzo changed his excited attitude and spoke to him in a lower tone.
"I can't go back, friend. I am the ferryman of the dead. I have to send these guests to hell before I can return to the world of the living."
He pretended to be relaxed again.
"After all, you do what you do and love what you do, right?"
Lorenzo said this and looked to the side. The weapons were neatly arranged together, including armor-piercing hammers, nail swords, shotguns, etc.
Sometimes he would think of the world he saw in [Baptism of the Gods], and remember that there were things from the famous video game in that world. In that game, before every battle, the protagonist would read a message in the save point, Then face the final enemy fully armed.
From this point of view, things like save points are really everywhere, but from my own perspective, this should be the last one.
"what are you saying!"
The other party felt more and more that Lorenzo was a lunatic.
"Oh, it's okay. If we chat a little longer, you and I will be the only ones in this hellish place. Who knows what will happen next?"
Lorenzo's autobiography.
"I have to say, this job is really high-risk. You might die in a corner... Of course, you might not die. After all, I am the invincible Lorenzo Holmes, but... "
The old man's death appeared before his eyes again. Even though he had calculated so much, he still could not escape his destined fate. Under the ominous light, he collapsed and decomposed.
"But, there are always such things as accidents in life. Have you ever thought about it? Friends, for example, when you are suddenly knocked over by a carriage on the way to work, say goodbye to this wonderful world."
"But people can't live in such fear all day long. We must reduce the risk of these accidents as much as possible, such as walking on the sidewalk honestly, and paying attention to our surroundings when crossing the road."
Lorenzo rambled on, as he was sometimes like this, always saying strange things out of the blue.
"But some accidents are unavoidable, such as monsters. Such things are unreasonable. They are like evil and twisted entities in the world. They are suddenly added to this world. You can avoid being hit by a car, but you will always You’re going to encounter these damn things out of nowhere.”
Lorenzo said, growing angry.
"Demon... demon?"
The voice on the channel seemed a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Lorenzo to know the existence of this thing.
"Huh? Do you know this thing?"
Lorenzo was also a little surprised. He was ready to face all this alone, but he never expected that the channels were connected together at the end, nor did he expect that the stranger also knew about the existence of the demon.
"Who are you?"
The voice questioned again.
"The great Mr. Lorenzo Holmes!"
Lorenzo repeated again, this time stunned by the different voice.
"and many more……"
At this moment, he suddenly felt that the name became familiar, and then he said.
"Wait for me!"
There was a loud noise behind the channel, and it looked like the guy was doing something in a hurry.
Lorenzo was not in a hurry. There was still half a cigarette left and some bottom in the wine glass. He still had time to chat with strangers.
"I confess, there is a hole in my chest, stemming from what I have done in the past and the gun in my hand..."
He continued to hum, and his indifferent singing voice sounded in the silent channel.
At some point, Lorenzo had put down his wine glass, and he picked up the nail sword, armor-piercing hammer, and the shotgun with full ammunition.
"Lorenzo Holmes!"
A sudden shout sounded on the channel.
"The Broken Dome is calling the Reichenbach. This is the Knight Commander Gareth of the Purge Mechanism!"
"Shattered Dome?"
Lorenzo was stunned for a moment, and then looked out the window. Although the storm blocked the view, the tall Dunling Tower was still in the field of vision. It was clearly visible at this moment like a torch in the dark.
In other words, the Dunling Tower is the Broken Dome?
As a detective, Lorenzo has a quick mind, but he soon had a new idea. If he drove the airship and crashed it all the way, would that count as directly destroying the purge agency headquarters?
But there was no time for him to think wildly. The voice on the channel sounded again, questioning him.
"What are you doing! Lorenzo!"
"I'm running away! Gareth!"
Lorenzo said as he picked up the map on the side with a few rough marks on it.
This was an agreement between him and Oscar, that Nordero would assist Lorenzo in escaping from Old Dunling.
Gareth was a little confused for a while, he thought Lorenzo would say something else, but he didn't expect to run away, so he said it so openly.
"Run away! Run away from this city, run away from all of you. I'm optimistic about a place. They say that you can see the beautiful aurora in the Viking kingdoms. I've been working for so long. Is it okay to travel?"
Lorenzo traced his finger to a corner of the map marked with a red cross.
Gareth was speechless for a moment. He thought about what strange plans and tactics Lorenzo would say, but he never thought that this was what he was thinking about at the moment.
Listening to the silence on the other end, Lorenzo suddenly felt a little boring. Although he had never met him, from these words, it sounded like this guy named Gareth must be a boring person.
"Well, you may not believe it, but I am trying to save this city, Knight Commander Gareth."
Lorenzo responded and put all kinds of weapons into his pockets at the same time.
He didn't want to tease this angry knight captain anymore, he could even imagine this guy smashing the table.
"So hijacking the airship is the way to save it?"
Gareth roared angrily. As the Knight Commander who is stationed in the Broken Dome, he is very busy at the core command headquarters. A few hours ago, the entire Black Mountain Hospital lost contact, and a terrifying erosion reaction broke out. At the same time, the disaster plan was activated. Scavenger enters.
It can be said that in this storm, Jiudun Ling is experiencing a secret war that he has never encountered before. After the disaster plan is activated, as the knight commander, he can do nothing but wait for news from the scavengers.
"Lorenzo Holmes, you are now the target of the New Order. You should evacuate to a safe area immediately. And flying an airship under such circumstances, are you crazy?"
"I know, I know, what you can think of, can I not think of? I'm not stupid."
Lorenzo picked up the nail sword and thrust it hard into the gap in the pull rod, twisting it so that it was fully pulled and fully powered. Judging from the map, the airship would fly away from Old Dunling in a short while.
"I know that I am the target of the new cult, so those guys will definitely come to me, and I have a personal grudge against them, which your purification agency cannot handle."
Lorenzo told Gareth everything he had just done.
"I waited in the airport for a long time before taking off. If the demon hunters of the New Order had run fast enough, they would have all sneaked into the airship long ago. In other words, I am now locked up with those guys. .”
"You...what are you going to do?"
For a moment, Gareth couldn't figure out what Lorenzo was going to do. In fact, when he lifted off from the airship, he was struck by continuous doubts. No one knew why Lorenzo appeared here. He can also fly an airship, not to mention how he knew there was an airship there, as if all this was planned in advance.
"This is also beneficial to your purging agencies. The demon tide in Montenegro Hospital is scary enough. If there is a war with the New Church, I'm not sure whether the battlefield can be controlled in Montenegro Hospital. After all, the population of Old Dunling is also very dense. , you don’t want to spread the war to the downtown area, right?”
"Lorenzo! Calm down, you are now the target of the new cult, once you..."
Gareth wanted to say something to dissuade him, but Lorenzo ignored him and continued.
"But it's different this time. They have no way out on this airship. They can't threaten me with the lives of ordinary people like before, and they can't just hide in a building. This is a Jedi. They have no way to escape." There is nowhere to escape.
Either they kill me and stop the airship, or I kill them all and stop the airship... In fact, the result is the same? "
The words were casual, but listening to the casual voice, the other end of the channel fell into silence. Lorenzo was not in a hurry and just asked in the silence.
"Anything else to say? Gareth, the Reichenbach is about to leave Old Dunling and is out of signal range."
"I...we'll have a better solution."
"This is your way, not mine."
"What do you want?"
Lorenzo did not answer immediately, but several shadows flashed in his mind, and finally he held the nail sword tightly.
"The demons killed my friends, so I want to eradicate all the demons, and the new cult hurt my roommate and despised me because they thought they were powerful..."
Recalling Moriarty's face, Lorenzo didn't feel any anger at the moment, he just felt very happy. He couldn't wait to see the guy's fearful expression.
"Blood debt must be paid with blood. Is it difficult to understand this kind of thing? Knight Commander."
The Reichenbach left the signal range of the old Dunling, and the noisy current became calm. Lorenzo kicked open the hatch. He turned off all the lights on the airship beforehand, and then stepped into the darkness.
(End of this chapter)

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