Embers of Embers

Chapter 362 Hunting

Chapter 362 Hunting
The entire Reichenbach has been completely plunged into darkness, and Lorenzo is like the god of death in the shadows, quietly moving through it, looking for traces of his prey.
Old Dunling was complicated. If those demon hunters wanted to escape, Lorenzo simply did not have the ability to hunt them all down. Therefore, he used himself as bait to attract their arrival. On top of this speeding airship, they did not escape. The possibility, as Lorenzo said, is that only one party can leave alive.
Of course, more importantly than these, the environment here can perfectly limit Moriarty's power.
The activation of Power Raphael requires a prerequisite, which is to look into the target's eyes. In the outside world, the storm provides a perfect release environment for Moriarty's power, but it is different here.
It is closed and dark. Once the demon hunters activate their powers rashly, the burning eyes will expose them to the darkness. They are so bright that Lorenzo has enough time to predict the situation. And the danger of circumventing it all.
But as mentioned before, Lorenzo really planned to use it to escape, and even planned the subsequent route. He crashed the airship on a certain coast, and then moved along the coast. If he was lucky, , He will hijack a few merchant ships, or other ships, and then with the help of Beidro, he will reach the Viking countries all the way.
Lorenzo didn't joke with Gareth, he was really going to see the Aurora, but all this was changed by Moriarty's actions, and he succeeded in irritating Lorenzo.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
This principle is simple and easy to understand.
There was a sharp sound of wind in the darkness, and then the bones and flesh were torn apart, the chest was roughly split open, and the heart that was still beating hard was completely shattered.
Blood spurted out from the wound in his throat, and he didn't even have time to scream. The dull gunfire erupted along the ferocious wound on his chest, shattering his entire head.
Above the broken body, Lorenzo whispered.
This is a perfect hunting ground. The demon hunters do not need to awaken the secret blood, but in this case their physiques are only stronger than ordinary people. As long as they attack quickly enough, they can still be killed. But if the secret blood is awakened, they will be strengthened. If they were to use their own bodies, their blazing white eyes would expose them to the darkness.
Breathing out a mouthful of foul air, this feeling is really good.
Lorenzo will always be bound by some strange things, but this is normal. Once people have contact with other people, they will be bound by other people. Although Lorenzo has tried his best to avoid all this, his The effort is minimal.
Although he didn't want to admit it, he was always worried that one day when he returned home, Mrs. Van Roode and Sigg would die tragically at home. There was no fatal friendship between the two of them, but as Mrs. Van Roode said, even if If you keep a dog for a long time, it will become more or less affectionate.
So Lorenzo always strikes cleanly and never brings any trouble home, but this time he failed.
He was worried about something strange. He was afraid that the battle with the new cult would hurt innocent people, people who he could barely call friends. After all, Lorenzo didn't have many people he could call friends.
If the sword is broken, it can be recast, and if the gun is broken, there will be a new one, but when a person dies, there is nothing left.
But this time is different, this time Lorenzo will not be bound by anything, he can do it freely, even if he leads everyone to hell, no unlucky person will die inexplicably because of Lorenzo.
He was extremely happy. This was an airship heading to hell. The passengers here were all prisoners of heinous crimes. As the righteous captain, he vowed to send these evil spirits back to the burning devil's cave.
"This is Captain Lorenzo Holmes! Welcome aboard! Members of the New Order!"
Lorenzo's voice echoed through the radio in the dark cabin.
The sneaking demon hunters stopped their actions one after another. It seemed that they did not expect that they had been exposed, but they were more confused. This time there was no cover from the heavy rain. Under the encirclement and suppression of so many demon hunters, Lorenzo had nowhere to go. He could run away, but from his voice, it sounded like this guy was not only not afraid, but also extremely excited.
The smell of blood came from the darkness, and the deep smell of blood made them alert. This time, the demon hunters did not disperse. After experiencing the fight in the rain, they had clearly realized what they were facing at the moment. Such a monster.
A monster that survived the night of Advent.
"Come on!"
A joyful voice sounded from the end of the darkness, and his eyes were blazing like bright lights.
The blazing white fireworks rose almost at the same time as the sound. The demon hunters' eyes were like torches and they gripped the nailed sword tightly, but the light could not illuminate the deep darkness, and vague shadows squirmed in it. Without hesitation, they held it directly Arriving with the sword nailed.
Heavy fireworks were reflected on the smooth blade. The fireworks dissipated, and the horrified face was penetrated by cold steel.
The demon hunters cooperated with each other, and the crossed nail swords killed the figure that had not had time to attack in an instant. But as they got closer, they discovered to their horror that what they killed was a broken body.
His arms were cut off, blood was gushing out along the ferocious fracture, and his throat was slit, so he could only make a whimpering sound. Tears poured out of the demon hunter's eyes. He wanted to say something, but he had no chance. , the sword blades of other demon hunters penetrated his heart and spine immediately, and he collapsed like a puppet that had lost its support.
This was not Lorenzo, but another witcher he had attacked and killed.
"it's here!"
The voice came from behind, but before they could look around, violent energy emerged from the broken body, and the paint was detonated by the penetrating sword strike. In this closed and small space, red fireworks exploded, The mutilated corpse was completely torn into pieces, and the rising heat wave engulfed all the surrounding demon hunters in an instant.
A burning pillar of flame erupted from one side of the Reichenbach, destroying the solid outer wall. Before the fireworks could completely burn, due to the difference in air pressure, the fierce wind dragged the demon hunters and rolled them out of the Reichenbach. Be high in the sky.
The remaining demon hunters drove their sharp nail swords into the wall to stabilize themselves. The cold rain and strong wind poured into the cabin. They didn't even have time to care about their physical injuries. It was also at this time that they nailed the sword. The sword broke through the witcher's chest.
"I told you I was here, why are you so careless?"
A ghostly voice sounded from behind. Lorenzo's eyes were calm, and the demon hunter's gradually distorted face was reflected in the gray-blue mirror.
He did not use the secret blood from the beginning, so he was perfectly hidden in the darkness, and the demon hunters did not find any trace of him from the beginning to the end.
The witcher roared and tried to fight back, but at this moment Lorenzo drew out the nail sword cleanly, and without waiting for him to react, he quickly drew the sword again.
Like a flash of lightning, the nail sword directly cut off the sword-holding arm of the demon hunter. He was slightly dazed, and then the strong wind pushed him. His hand was still tightly holding the nail sword inserted into the wall, but the connected His arm had been cut off, and before he could make any move, Lorenzo kicked him out of the gap and was swept into the strong wind.
Lorenzo looked at the violent wind and dark clouds below. After such a long voyage, the Reichenbach has been climbing upwards. At this altitude, the demon hunter will be smashed into a pulp, even if he has the power... Medanzo , he will also be shaken by this violent impact, and his internal organs will be turned into a ball of dirty blood.
Raising his head, his eyes fell on the witchers behind the gap. The lacquer antimony hidden in the corpse detonated the entire corridor. Lorenzo was separated from the other witchers by the gap.
At this moment, Lorenzo was not in a hurry to continue the attack. He held a cigarette in his mouth, smiled at the surviving demon hunters, and then turned around and walked into the darkness again.
The Reichenbach is very large. As a civilian airship, its role is for sightseeing. Not only does it have a large restaurant, but there is also a vast ballroom in the center of the airship. This space is enough for Lorenzo to play hide and seek with these demon hunters.
But as Lorenzo moved forward, the radio sounded again.
"Mr. Lorenzo Holmes!"
Hearing this voice, Lorenzo's steps froze, then he raised his head and looked at the loudspeaker in the corner of the corridor.
"This is James Moriarty, I'll be waiting for you in the ballroom."
The sound started, then stopped, without any more fluctuations.
After a brief daze, Lorenzo laughed. He was not surprised by Moriarty's actions. This was a trap carefully planned by him. Under his premeditation, the demon hunter no longer had the advantage he had before. They scatter only to be continually dismantled by Lorenzo.
Moriarty set the battlefield there, and all the demon hunters must have gathered there. Lorenzo would have no chance to continue sneak attacks on them, and what would follow would only be a brutal frontal war.
Lorenzo didn't care about this. He gripped the sword and hammer tightly, but the direction he was heading was not the dance hall.
The dim ballroom was now filled with silent demon hunters. They all wore hoods and their faces could not be seen clearly, and the most deadly Moriarty was hidden among the crowd.
This is a game between the two sides, the final chess game. Moriarty wants to know how Lorenzo will counterattack him and how he should solve the existing situation.
Lorenzo is very powerful. This is undeniable. In one-on-one situations, all demon hunters are no match for him. They will only be easily crushed, find weaknesses, and kill with one blow. But as the hunter With the increase of demons and the activation of powers, Lorenzo's strength will be controlled bit by bit, and in the end it will become a long struggle.
All the demon hunters are here at this moment, and coupled with Moriarty's own weird power, this is a lot of pressure for Lorenzo.
Moriarty doesn't know much about swordsmanship or fighting skills, but he is good at madness. The power of Raphael fits him perfectly. In his hands, this power will bring the most terrifying effects to everyone. nightmare.
Lorenzo knows this very well. Once captured by Power Raphael, Lorenzo's defeat is certain. But if Lorenzo escapes and kills Moriarty before then, everything that follows will be ruined. It's no longer a problem for him.
Whether it is Moriarty or Lorenzo, they are very clear about the chances of success in all of this, and what they have to do now is to find a way to end all of this.
The witchers stood in the darkness. They stood in a circle, with Moriarty hiding among them. They waited for Lorenzo's arrival. During the long wait, footsteps sounded at the end of the darkness.
"Welcome! Mr. Holmes!"
Moriarty's voice sounded from the pitch-black crowd, but it was impossible to judge his position based on these.
There was no response in the darkness. Lorenzo seemed to be standing not far away and watching them. For the demon hunters, the darkness was not an obstacle. With the power of the secret blood, they could clearly see the darkness. things.
So pairs of eyes burned, trying to find Lorenzo's position in the darkness, but then they heard it.
It was gunshots.
The fiery dragon's breath cut through the darkness, rolling and rolling to destroy everything in its path, but this could not kill the demon hunters. Dense iron armor covered the body surface, and Medanzo the demon hunter stood at the front. He directly resisted the flow of fire, and the red-hot scales fell off one by one, followed by burning eyes.
Swing a sword?fire?Or just rush into everyone’s eyes?
The witchers scanned the darkness and tried to see Lorenzo's next move, but then a curtain of rain fell.
A drizzle of rain fell from above the darkness, the dragon's breath bomb triggered the Reichenbach's fire alarm, and cold water poured out of the pipes, washing the entire ballroom.
No...something is not quite right.
Demon hunter Shang Dafeng's expression became frightened. He saw the next future, which was an endless sea of ​​fire. He kept adjusting his vision, but no matter which direction he looked, it was a blazing hell.
No...no...he saw it, at the end of the sea of ​​flames, he saw a vague figure, like the figure of an evil ghost.
"This...is not water."
A demon hunter raised his hand and caught the rainwater. Under the fiery gaze, the rainwater was slightly reflected, but it was gray-black and slightly viscous, as if some kind of liquid had been diluted. .
Demon hunter Shang Dalfeng roared, power will not lie, and the future will not lie. He saw the burning hell.
At the same time, the paused footsteps sounded again, and Lorenzo came belatedly from the end of the darkness with a nearly burned out cigarette in his mouth.
He looked very relaxed, picked up the burning cigarette and said casually.
"A good tactic, but a stupid tactic."
The burning cigarette butt was thrown into the drizzle of rain, and Lorenzo looked at each of the witchers indifferently.
"This saves me from having to go back and forth to find you. Why don't we just kill you all here? Moriarty."
The weak spark fell into the darkness, and the rising flames were ignited the next moment. The scorching wave passed over the accumulated water, burning everything around it, and continued to burn along the diluted crude oil, as if standing on Like a volcanic crater, the crimson color of sunset rises.
The air was instantly heated to the extreme, followed by a roaring heat wave accompanied by the roaring fireworks.
The demon hunters were struggling and wailing in the sea of ​​​​fire, just like the sinners being tortured in hell, while Lorenzo split the fireworks and heat waves and strode forward.
"I'm coming to kill you, Moriarty."
Lorenzo was so happy that he made several circles with his nailed sword, cut off a burning head, and moved forward without hesitation.
(End of this chapter)

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