Chapter 363
Huge dark clouds rolled up above Jiudun Ling, as if the entire sky had turned into an inverted funnel, and all the rain and clouds were drawn into this vortex. From time to time, lightning struck in it, and there seemed to be a blazing white light. The scorching sun rises above the clouds.
The Reichenbach is like a solitary whale, helplessly moving through the roaring sea of ​​clouds. After experiencing a series of designs by Lorenzo, several explosions have caused problems for this civil airship. Its whole body is slightly tilted, but fortunately the huge air bag has not been damaged, and it is flying in the wind like a fallen leaf.
In the burning ballroom, the endless fire continued. The blazing flames continued to burn upward along the falling crude oil. The pipes hidden in the ceiling were also ignited. The wooden structure carbonized and fell off, revealing the red-hot skeleton. , and the fire continues to spread, seemingly without end.
The demon hunters wailed, the raging fire could not kill them who had awakened their secret blood, but the heart-piercing pain was still unbearable for them.
The skin dried up, cracked, and fell off after being completely burned. However, under the powerful vitality of the secret blood, new skin covered the flesh and blood, and so on.
In this sea of ​​fire, Lorenzo walked forward like an evil ghost. Disturbed by the fire and severe pain, the demon hunters were unable to stop Lorenzo at the first time and could only allow him to continue his violence.
The nailed sword was lowered and raised again, and one figure after another fell into the sea of ​​fire, no longer making any sound.
This is the slaughterhouse for the new order. As the demon hunter of the old order, Lorenzo is far crazier than they imagined.
But this kind of suppression did not last long. The forbidden power of the secret blood could not be burned out by fire. The dense iron armor broke through the sea of ​​​​fire. Medanzo the demon hunter raised his nail sword and faced Lorenzo. The head was chopped off.
Lorenzo was not surprised by this sudden attack. In fact, he never thought that he could kill all the demon hunters with just this method. However, he also knew very well that he had to be quick and must not fight with These demon hunters started to fight, and once they were dragged down, the "surprise attack" advantage he had created before would be evened out.
Lorenzo took a deep breath, and the hot air poured into his mouth, causing bursts of burning pain, and then he turned sideways to avoid the blow.
After missing a hit, Medanzo the Demon Hunter did not continue to pursue. In this short battle, he had clearly realized the gap between himself and Lorenzo. He could not attack rashly, rather than find a way to kill him. Lorenzo, what he needs to do more is to hold Lorenzo back.
Boiling fireworks burned and rose between the two of them, and the strong wind that came from nowhere blew up and scattered countless sparks, like stars scattered in the sky.
In a trance, it seemed as if all this was really in hell, fighting with the returning dead. Against the backdrop of the fire, the demon hunters Metanzo and Lorenzo were equally ferocious, and neither side had a way to retreat. .
The nailed sword was slightly drooped, which was a familiar sword posture. Both sides made the same movement, and then the dragged sword blades curled up in flames.
This is a battlefield that is difficult for mortals to set foot on. The sword light quickly turned into twisted white light. The sparks were caught by the swaying air current. All that could be seen was that the entire air was distorted by the high temperature and slashes. Countless sword sounds and Starlight burst out of thin air.
The last time the two swords came into contact, both Lorenzo and Medanzo the demon hunters put away their sword blades at this moment and retreated, but this was not a retreat, but a preparation for the next more ferocious attack.
He raised the nailed sword full of gaps and without any hesitation, stabbed at the enemy in front of him.
The two sharp nail swords hit both sides of the war, but they were also hindered by the dense iron armor.
The snakes entangled themselves on Lorenzo's body. They closed their scarlet eyes and solidified into hard iron to protect Lorenzo. The same thing happened to the demon hunter Medanzo.
It seemed that the two of them would continue to be in a stalemate like this, but at this moment a change occurred. Lorenzo did not accumulate strength to prepare for the next blow, but stepped forward directly, shortening the distance between himself and the demon hunter Metanzo. At a distance, the nail sword slashed again, but was caught with the backhand after it was useless. The next moment, the hilt of the sword hit the solid face armor hard.
"Insidious and cunning!"
Lorenzo was extremely excited. This blow could not hurt the demon hunter Metanzo, but the strong armor could not withstand the impact.
In the era before fire guns appeared, the battlefields were still dominated by iron armor and war horses. In front of those heavy armors, it was difficult for sharp swords to break through those defenses. Therefore, the best way to fight against these iron wall-like defenses was to use blunt weapons.
Under Lorenzo's brutal force, a dent was forcibly smashed on the visor, countless cracks spread along the dent, and pure white flames rose from the gap.
The roaring sound echoed in the ears of the demon hunter Medanzo, and the entire field of vision shook with this blow.
Lorenzo once again had the upper hand, the smell of fireworks and blood stimulated his nerves, and his smile became more ferocious.
It twisted and deformed, turning into a monster-like abomination in the eyes of the demon hunter Metanzo.
Gripping the hilt of the sword tightly, raised the spiked sword again, and dropped it like a landslide.
With the wailing sound of metal, the nail sword shattered into countless pieces. Medanzo the Witcher tried to block with the nail sword, but the defense was so weak in front of the furious Lorenzo, and was easily destroyed. Cut off.
But the fatal blade failed to fall, and several identical nailed swords were thrust out of the sea of ​​fire and placed in front of him, resisting Lorenzo's sword blow.
More than these.
More nail swords broke through the sea of ​​fire, piercing Lorenzo's joints, piercing his back, and some almost penetrated his heart.
Like a knight at the end of his life, he was struck by several swords.
Medanzo the witcher succeeded. He held Lorenzo back and gave the other witchers a chance to breathe.
In order to increase his agility, Lorenzo did not cover his entire body with armor, but instead proliferated the armor in key areas. The demon hunters also knew this. In previous battles, they discovered Lorenzo's power. Proficient, as long as he is given time to predict, he can arrange armor at the injured position in advance.
But this time the attack was launched from different angles and at different times, and Lorenzo was immersed in the fight with the demon hunter Metanzo, which gave them an opportunity to take advantage of.
Lorenzo's expression was startled, and even the furious fireworks were stagnant, but then he laughed, maybe a nail sword penetrated his trachea, his laughter sounded strange, it was An indescribable sound.
Lorenzo was dead, in the eyes of the witchers. They gripped the nail sword tightly, and they could cut the damn detective in front of them into pieces with just a slash.
The witchers captured Lorenzo, but Lorenzo also captured them.
"This is the real demon hunter..."
The raging white flames followed Lorenzo's whispers and surged out from the gaps in the armor.
The snakes wrapped around Lorenzo's body surface, solidifying together with Lorenzo's body surface and the nail swords pierced into his body. The demon hunters tried to pull out the nail swords, but found that it was firmly embedded in it. After entering the armor, they could no longer hold the hilt of the sword.
In fact, Lorenzo himself noticed this. After being resurrected from the dead, his body was also mixed with the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail, or... the flesh and blood of the Silent One. That kind of strange and powerful power has long been lurking in his body , and he didn't know it before.
But now Lorenzo has realized all this. He is a demon hunter, but he is more powerful than a demon hunter. Just like the despair that Lawrence gave him at that time, Lorenzo has unknowingly reached Lawrence's class. A sick and terrifying power.
Lorenzo moved, and the nail sword pierced into his body was also moved by him. This power beyond ordinary demon hunters made them unable to grasp the hilt of the sword and restrain Lorenzo's actions. At the same time, At the same time, they all felt that weird feeling.
It seemed as if something was squeezing his heart, as if a cold hand was reaching down his throat until it burst out.
Each witcher paused in his movements and retched uncontrollably.
Erosion, strange erosion shrouded their will in an instant.
Critical breakthrough.
Just like what Lawrence did to himself at that time, Lawrence also transplanted the flesh and blood of the Silent One, which directly strengthened Lawrence at the physical level, just like it strengthened Lorenzo now.
Lorenzo immediately broke away from the restraints, with the bright day rolling in his eyes. At the same time, the nail sword he raised high fell again, hitting the dent made before.
Medanzo the Demon Hunter had no time to defend himself. For a moment, he also wanted to try to make a critical breakthrough and step into the weird demonization, but he couldn't do it. I don't know if it was the interference of fear or erosion that made his brain so confused. There was a moment of blankness, and it was this hesitant blankness that determined the day of his death.
The nail sword was slashed down, completely shattering the unbroken mask. Countless fragments were cut into the bottom of the head, and the sword blade left a shallow scar.
Power Metanzo.
The pain made him wake up, and the snakes greedily bit into his head, constantly recasting and strengthening the visor, but the fallen sword blade did not cut again.
No...this is not the end.
Lorenzo used the remaining force from the slash to jump up with his heavy armor, turned around and swung the weapon in his other hand towards the head of the demon hunter Medanzo.
Accompanied by a low explosion and the combined force of the impact, the armor-piercing hammer shattered his face armor and head together, and this was not the end. Like the march of a monster, it roughly tore at its prey and tore the poor body into pieces. They are manipulated like dolls into ridiculous looks.
Skull, maxilla, mandible, sternoclavicular joint...
The hammer fell, and fine sounds burst out together. In this burning hell, they were transmitted to the ears of every demon hunter very clearly. Their bodies began to tremble, and their minds began to be frightened.
Ribs, shoulder blades, spine... everything that supported the human body burst apart under the blows of the hammer. With their keen hearing, the demon hunters could no longer tell whether this was the sound of shattering armor or broken bones. wailing.
Until the sharp nail head pierced the heart, smashing the entire chest into a ball of blood, until the headless corpse knelt down slowly wearing heavy armor.
He stepped on the shoulder of the corpse and pulled out the arm that had been inserted into it. There was blood flowing and dripping on the rugged armor, and there was also blood that was evaporated and turned into blood-colored mist rising.
The demon hunters stopped. They had prepared many tactics, but at this moment they didn't even have the courage to swing their swords.
The fear from Lorenzo was implanted in their minds, and they could only stand there blankly, looking at the figure wearing iron armor, his body was covered with sharp nail swords, as if he was being hunted monster.
He was at the end of his rope.'s them, the New Order, who are at the end of their rope.
Only at this moment did they realize the ridiculousness of their behavior. They were not hunters, they were the prey. They were trapped into a trap by the weak hunters. They ridiculously thought that they were in sight of victory.
The monster whispered, obviously they were in the sea of ​​fire, but the demon hunters only felt a severe cold that was difficult to dispel.
Lorenzo turned around and looked at them, and slowly let go of his hand, causing the nail sword that was already full of gaps to fall. Then he stretched his hand to his back, and several nail swords stabbed him in the attack just now. into his body, but now they are bound by strong armor.
Gently brushing his hand, just like the original sin armor removing the weapon from the weapon rack, Lorenzo randomly selected one of the nailed swords that penetrated the body, pulled it out, and held it in his hand.
He shouted again, with an angry look, but no one responded.
There was only fear in the eyes of the demon hunters at this moment. They retreated slowly, but when they retreated to the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire, they realized that they had no way to retreat.
This is the Reichenbach, an airship floating high in the sky. This is the Jedi. Either they kill Lorenzo and stop this damn airship, or they are driven to death by Lorenzo.
"As expected of you! Lorenzo Holmes."
A sudden voice sounded, and on the other side of the sea of ​​​​fire, the man who had been silent walked out slowly, Moriarty applauded as he walked.
"I feel that these demon hunters cannot be your opponents. At most, they can barely contain you. But now it seems that they can't even contain you, and they are just being slaughtered senselessly."
Moriarty leaned on the high platform that had not yet been burned with a wine glass. It seemed that this guy had been hiding in the dark and peeping, and he also went to the counter to pour himself a glass of wine.
"That's right. It would be nice to get right to the point."
Lorenzo turned to Moriarty and said at the same time.
"I won't kill you Moriarty, I will gouge out your eyes first, break your spine, and then torture you slowly. Don't worry, with the physical strength of a witcher, you will live for a long time , after all, injecting secret blood into the enemy, strengthening his body and then performing torture is also something we demon hunters need to learn."
He said cruel words and strode forward.
"Then I'm really honored?"
Moriarty didn't have a weapon in his hand, and he was not good at any combat. Before he became a demon hunter, he was just a madman locked in a ward. But the crazier the madman, the better he is at dragging people into madness. .
A blazing storm rolled up in his pupils, but this time Power Raphael failed to affect Lorenzo. He raised his head, and his visor was completely sealed, leaving no gaps through which he could peek into the outside world. .
As long as you avoid looking into Moriarty's eyes, you can escape from the control of Power Raphael, and judging from Lorenzo's current state, he can definitely follow the trajectory of the voice and kill Moriarty.
"Are you surprised?" Lorenzo asked.
"No, I want to ask you instead, was it an accident?"
Moriarty smiled, and at the same time Lorenzo also felt something unusual.
He was not the target of Power Raphael. Looking back, the fearful demon hunters took action again. Their eyes were empty, with only endless fireworks burning.
(End of this chapter)

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