Embers of Embers

Chapter 364 Curse and Miracle

Chapter 364 Curse and Miracle
"Ah...is that so?"
Lorenzo turned around, his visor completely closed, and his vision was dark. However, in a state of critical breakthrough, his other senses were extremely sharp at this moment, and he could easily distinguish the actions of the witchers from the sounds.
"I would be surprised if you were killed by me so easily, Moriarty."
Lorenzo continued that he knew very well what a difficult opponent Moriarty was, so Lorenzo was not surprised at all by what happened next.
Whatever he can do, this dangerous enemy must also be able to do it, not to mention that he has the support of the new religious orders behind him.
Holding the nail sword tightly, the snakes also climbed onto the nail sword along Lorenzo's arm, entangled the two tightly. At the same time as this was happening, Lorenzo launched the offensive again.
The heavy armor brought with it the roar of the wind. Without vision, Lorenzo could only rely on sensory inferences for all his attacks, but he still remembered Moriarty's position just now in his mind.
Although he controlled the demon hunters who were dominated by fear, Lorenzo didn't actually have to fight them at all. He only needed to kill Moriarty to end it all, find him, and cut off his head. .
The nail sword struck down at the location in memory, causing howling winds.
Under this violent force, everything seemed so fragile at this moment. The steel was broken, the wood was smashed, and even the fireworks were driven away by the roaring wind. It was as if there was a great being giving orders here. In the face of instructions, all creatures can only obey his decision.
The entire ground was split open by the heavy blow of the nailed sword, the broken wood chips were ignited by the fire, and red-hot ashes flew into the sky.
A tiny crack opened on the visor, and Lorenzo was chasing Moriarty from the corner of his vision.
This sword failed to hit Moriarty. Although he was not good at fighting, he still had the physique of a demon hunter, which was enough.
Under Lorenzo's sword blow, he retreated somewhat comically, but still did not let go of the wine glass in his hand. Moriarty was indeed a crazy guy, just like the night before they started together, he had treated Lorenzo As Renzo once said.
He is a lonely monster looking for fellow monsters.
Monsters are different from humans. Things that seem extremely cruel to humans are just ways of having fun in the eyes of monsters.
Moriarty looked at the figure with nailed swords on his body and laughed wildly. At the same time, in the dream he weaved, the demon hunters roared and the secret blood continued to break through.
After the sea of ​​fire, one after another extremely ferocious figures stood up, their faces twisted but with smiles on their faces.
Critical breakthrough.
In an instant, several layers of terrifying erosion enveloped the Reichenbach again, turning it into a battlefield for the demon gods.
A dark shadow appeared behind the surging dark clouds, like a giant whale swimming in the sea of ​​clouds. The next moment it broke through the barrier and rushed out of the storm.
"The course is correct, start accelerating." someone said.
Gareth nodded, indicating for him to continue, and then shifted his gaze to the front.
The endless rainstorm washed the portholes, and no matter which direction you looked through, you could see a chaotic leaden gray, with bursts of white thunder bursting out in the thick darkness.
For a moment, Gareth really thought that he had left this world and arrived in some unknown other world, and that he could never find his way home.
"The Shattered Dome called the Navigation Dawn. The Reichenbach lost contact at its current location, and you will also be out of the range of the old Dunling. You will be on your own next."
The shouts of Broken Dome rang out on the channel, but the sound also began to become noisier as the Voyage for Dawn accelerated, until it became silent again.
Gareth's eyes were solemn. Ten minutes ago, they received a communication from Lorenzo. They didn't know what this guy wanted to do. He hijacked a civilian airship and fled directly from Old Dunling.
He would not have pursued Lorenzo originally. After all, there were enough chaos today. Gareth had to deal with the problem of Montenegro Hospital first. But just after he lost contact with Lorenzo, he received a message from the scavenger. their communications.
The disturbance of erosion gradually subsided, and they cleared away most of the monsters. At the same time, they also found the unconscious Arthur in the safe house in the scientific research area.
Arthur is in good condition. Although he fell into a coma due to erosion and was scarred, he is still alive. The only person who can be said to be dangerous is the guy staying in the safe house with Arthur. That is a patient. When everyone When he found Arthur, he was holding Arthur's head and chewing on it.
Gareth should have stayed in the Broken Dome to take charge of the situation, but because of someone's insistence, he had to set sail in the bad weather to chase the fleeing Lorenzo.
"So, what is this all about, Merlin?"
Gareth looked at Merlin beside him, his tone full of doubts.
Things happened one after another. After discovering Arthur, Merlin returned to the Broken Dome. His whole body was wet and covered with blood. Merlin looked extremely embarrassed, but there was a rare light in his empty pupils. Flashing.
After learning of Lorenzo's actions, Merlin asked for the Dawn to set sail.
"He must not die for Lorenzo Holmes, who is the key to all this."
Merlin's voice was low, and he stared straight ahead. The endless rainstorm was washed away by the Sail to Dawn and fell along the solid hull.
"I don't understand what you are saying, Merlin...but I believe you." Gareth said after a short silence.
This is a risky move. The storm is not over yet, and Black Mountain Hospital is not completely safe. There are still many hidden enemies in this huge old Dunling.
Surrounded by this pack of wolves, Gareth chose to trust Merlin and set sail with his troops.
"Lorenzo...Lorenzo has probably discovered the [truth], the [truth] about the demon."
Merlin kept whispering, as if he was crazy.
After parting ways with Lorenzo, Merlin couldn't help but think of the conversation under the rain curtain and the cursed knowledge.
At that time, Lorenzo warned Merlin not to continue searching. At that time, Merlin had a strange feeling, and when he knew that Lorenzo was driving the airship to escape from Old Dunling, that strange feeling broke out completely.
Maybe... maybe Lorenzo has been lying to himself. In fact, he has already glimpsed the [truth], the cursed knowledge, and he must know what the [curse] is, so he warned himself.
What about now?
Lorenzo already knows the [truth] and has been [cursed]. Just like history repeats itself, Lorenzo will die, taking those secrets with him completely, and the door to the [truth] will be closed again. .
"Is that why you warned me like that?"
Lorenzo knew very well what the [curse] was. He thought that this [curse] would kill everyone, so he kept the secret secret.
"No, that's too selfish, Lorenzo Holmes."
Merlin grabbed his head hard, as if he wanted to tear his head apart, and then a low and hoarse voice sounded.
"No... Lorenzo, you can't die yet, you can't die with those secrets."
The purge mechanism needs the cursed knowledge, only in this way can they figure out what the monster is and how to end the nightmare that has lasted for thousands of years.
"We can't find the Reichenbach," someone said.
In such bad weather, let alone chasing another airship, it is extremely difficult to distinguish the direction. The Navigation Dawn seems to have rushed into an alien world. No matter which direction it goes, it is the same lead. grey.
Gareth had the same gloomy look on his face. If this continued, it would be difficult for them to find their way back. At this moment, Merlin, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood up.
"No...enable all Geiger counters!"
Merlin looked at Gareth, now the captain.
"You mean..."
Gareth felt something was wrong. He suddenly understood what Merlin was thinking. Following his order, the sound of the Geiger counter filled the cabin.
Along with that monotonous sound, the cabin fell into silence, and in the next moment, it seemed like countless evil spirits were screaming in the cabin. They filled the cabin, wandered around everyone, and screamed with all their strength. roar.
This is an extremely bad situation. Even a new employee knows what this means. In this high-altitude storm, there is a pollution source with extremely terrifying erosion intensity.
"The Reichenbach..."
Gareth whispered, feeling his heart go cold. No one knew what was happening on the airship at this moment.
"Now, there's a clue, Gareth."
Merlin said to him, Gareth looked over and saw that Merlin's eyes were bloodshot.
"What happened, Merlin?"
Gareth felt nameless fear, but Merlin smiled in his eyes.
"A new era is coming, Gareth, find the Reichenbach, Lorenzo can't die...at least he can't die with those secrets."
He said and left, walking towards the hangar.
As a war machine produced by Perpetual Pump, the Head to Dawn is several times larger than a conventional war airship. Both its power and firepower far exceed conventional configurations. It is also for this reason that it can operate in this kind of situation. Set sail safely in brutal weather.
But generally speaking, the Heading to Dawn is for bombing ground operations. The so-called air combat is not possible with current technology. Even if they catch up with the Reichenbach, they can't do anything against the Reichenbach, and the speed is too high. In this bad weather, even the air cavalry could not land on the Reichenbach.
Merlin could do nothing but watch as unknown events unfolded on the Reichenbach.
Actually...it's not like nothing can be done.
Merlin stopped and stood there, looking at the armor restrained by the restrainer.
As the technical chief of the Perpetual Pump, Merlin has always believed that there is a strange connection between the armor and the driver, as if the armor is a key to an unknown door.
These unknown speculations are also reflected in Lorenzo's body, such as the time he came back from the dead.
That was an ability beyond human expectation. Even now, Merlin doesn't know what exactly happened at that time.
But can such a miracle be replicated again?
if you can.
"Then let's show another miracle."
Merlin said as he pulled the valve, and the restraints that trapped the armor were opened layer by layer. Under the dim light, the Black Angel was like a silent sculpture.
The fire had spread out of the ballroom and began to spread towards other areas. In the burning sea of ​​​​fire, huge figures bumped back and forth, fighting.
Lorenzo stood on top of a ferocious skeleton and stabbed the nailed sword down along his head and through the spine.
Blood was poured into the wound along the groove of the spiked sword, and the next moment a raging white flame ignited from under the body, burning from the inside, completely killing this demonized concrete.
With the blessing of the secret blood, the demon hunter still had some vitality even after experiencing such injuries. He wailed in pain and twisted his body vigorously, but it was as if he was being put on an execution platform. All his efforts were in vain. It was useless, he could only slowly enjoy the scorching heat from his body, until the pure white flames burned away his internal organs, leaving behind the red-hot carbonized bones.
Countless sparks rose from under the burned-out body. Lorenzo pulled out the red nailed sword and looked through the raging sea of ​​fire and smoke.
Moriarty disappeared, but he himself was a cunning poisonous snake. He was no match for Lorenzo in a head-on battle, so he used Power Raphael to dominate all the demon hunters. What kind of illusion are the demons experiencing, but what we can know is that under Moriarty's control, their secret blood is still rising.
At first Lorenzo was able to kill the demonized witchers very quickly, but as time went by they became more and more terrifying.
But fortunately they are now high in the sky, not in a densely populated city, otherwise the same Holy Advent Night will break out in Old Dunling.
"Where have you been hiding, Moriarty?"
Lorenzo muttered to himself, keeping his gaze on the surrounding environment, trying to avoid direct eye contact with others as much as possible.
"You must be watching me too, right? Waiting for the opportunity to capture me."
This cunning snake used the witchers to obscure its vision, just like he often did before, hiding in the darkness, preparing for the moment of fatal blow.
Lorenzo broke through the door, and the raging smoke poured out as the door opened, and was quickly dispersed by the cold wind.
The entire Reichenbach has already had problems due to the continuous battles. Although the fire has not burned through the entire airship, many gaps have appeared on the outer wall.
Lorenzo walked through it, and the advantage he had accumulated with great difficulty was once again equalized by the demon hunters who had demonized them. These monsters that had turned into demons were extremely difficult to deal with. Fighting these monsters head-on, Lorenzo had no advantage at all, unless Lorenzo also chose to follow the path of the demon.
But in this case, he may be able to kill all these monsters, but he will definitely not have the power to deal with Moriarty lurking in the dark.
He needed a new plan, thinking this, when suddenly there was a violent howling wind, and on the other side of the storm, the Navigation Dawn broke out of the clouds.
(End of this chapter)

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