Embers of Embers

Chapter 365 Winner

Chapter 365 Winner
The surging storm formed a wildly rotating hole in the sky, like a vortex opening in the sky. The two airships circled and entwined with each other, and the distance continued to get closer.
Lorenzo's eyes did not stay on the Sail to Dawn for too long. In this bad weather, let alone a boarding battle, Sail to Dawn's shelling was difficult to hit, so there was no need to expect them to do anything.
A shuddering sound sounded along with the surging wind. Lorenzo swung his sword and cut off the flesh and blood that spread. The blood mixed with the violent wind and rain.
You can see the scarlet flesh and blood like tentacles, slowly wrapping around the entire airship, like some kind of crimson plant. It grows savagely, and the ferocious flesh and blood seeps into every gap, bit by bit. Bach was engulfed.
Everywhere he looked was stained with bits of flesh and blood, and under the control of his nerves, they twisted the covering material forcefully, twisting and deforming the entire airship.
This is the power brought about by demonization. Driven by the secret blood, the demon hunter began to break through the shackles of the human form and move towards the twisted demon.
Abandon all humanity and become one of the monsters.
Power Yanar.
Endless red threads weave a spider's nest-like environment, and this happens everywhere on the Reichenbach. The flesh and blood that breaks through the body grows greedily, assimilating these substances into part of the body, like vines. Covered everywhere, connected blood runs through it, and hardness and steel are mixed together, like bones, supporting the twisted body.
The entire Reichenbach was burned by the secret blood and gradually became a part of its body.
Just like the replay of the Night of Holy Advent, in that burning night, and in the countless long days and nights after that night, the demon hunter named Yanar fought with the demons like this. Completely demonized, the proliferating and twisted flesh covered the entire Stasis Temple.
The ferocious tentacles penetrated the dead bodies, squeezing the last nutrients from them, falling down, standing up again, and repeating this process until all the abominations were killed.
Lorenzo's eyes were stern, as if he didn't expect that the demon hunter of Yanar would be so troublesome. However, Lorenzo had never made a specific judgment on the demon hunter. After all, the members of the old order Demon hunters all carry silver-binding bolts. The more power they gain and transform into monsters, the faster the fatal holy silver melts, killing the beings who break the taboo.
This is the bottom line of the old sect, but the new sect doesn't care about this.
They have entered the taboo and transformed into mortal evil spirits.
This also strengthened Lorenzo's idea that this was an airship heading to hell, and he would not let any guest stay in this warm world.
The nail sword split the walls entangled with flesh and blood, and the entire Reichenbach had been distorted into a weird appearance. He didn't have to worry about whether he could leave or not. He had to find the core of this demonization, otherwise no matter what Luo said, No matter how much flesh and blood Renzo cuts off, it will still survive.
Of course, these are not the only ones who are in danger on board the Reichenbach at this moment. There are also other demonized demon hunters, as well as Moriarty, who has been spying on him.
Just thinking like this, a roaring sound came from above the head, and the ceiling above the head shattered. There were burning flames on the broken edges, but there was a fatal edge behind it.
The mottled nail sword was covered with fine blood vessels, as if it were a combination of biology and metal. This reminded Lorenzo of the Original Sin Armor. It was the same thing, a mixture of steel and flesh, a twisted and stitched creation.
There was no time to think about anything else. The metal cut open the air and let out a harsh roar. The demon hunter with a distorted face came holding such a weird nail sword. The timing of its attack was so exquisite that Lorenzo was stunned for a moment. There was no chance to resist.
The pale light fell, and a sharp wound split along the visor, penetrating the breastplate to the ground. Then more cracks appeared on the armor, and hot blood continued to gush out from it.
Lorenzo retreated suddenly. After being demonized, the demon hunter's power was far more terrifying than he expected. While being injured, his flesh and blood began to heal, and the broken armor was recast as if it were alive.
The sword light lit up again, and the rough surface reflected the hazy firelight.
The demon hunter has seen all of Lorenzo's actions. With the excitement of the secret blood, the demon hunter Shang Dafen who has entered the taboo can see the more distant future.
Lorenzo's movements became countless ghosts in his eyes, and everything became traceable.
"Try this!"
Lorenzo threw the nailed sword in his hand, and the red-hot blade rushed towards him.
In the eyes of the demon hunter Shang Dalfeng, the trajectory of the nail sword throwing has long been determined. Now it is just a repeat of what the demon hunter Shang Dalfeng has already seen. The two nail swords collided with each other. , Lorenzo's offensive was easily resolved, but after that there was a roar of gunfire.
While throwing the sword, Lorenzo grabbed the shotgun and fired at the enemy in front of him. Even if he could see the future, some attacks were difficult for him to avoid.
The scattered projectiles pulled out a red trajectory and penetrated the body of the demon hunter Shang Dafeng. He had no intention of blocking and directly collided with the projectiles. The figure was stagnated, but after a short pause, he Rushing in again.
It has already previewed Lorenzo's firing in its field of vision, but for the current demon hunter, it is difficult for this kind of shooting to cause any fatal damage to it. It is not that it has no time to defend, but it does not care about Lorenzo at all. attack.
The sword light approached again, and under the heavy blow, the charred floor beneath their feet shattered. The two of them fell directly into the sea of ​​​​fire beneath it. Lorenzo rolled to his feet, but before he could continue to swing his sword, searing pain started from came from the wound.
The twisted flesh and blood broke free of Lorenzo's armor little by little, like a flower sprouting from the rock. A scarlet lotus bloomed from the armor. Under its charming appearance, the flesh and blood sunk deep into Lorenzo like a root. Renzo's body assimilated to him bit by bit.
Lorenzo coughed up blood, and vines of flesh and blood entangled him bit by bit.
It was that sword, that nailed sword with flesh attached to it, the flesh and blood of the witcher of Yanar.
As its flesh and blood spread, the entire Reichenbach was assimilated into a part of its body. It can be said that Lorenzo is fighting inside an extremely huge monster at the moment, and this proliferating flesh and blood is like a seed, accompanying the rest of the hunters. The demon's sword strike against him seeped into his flesh and blood, taking root and sprouting.
In a short period of time, countless red lotuses bloomed on the stone-like armor. Lorenzo tried to move, but his joints were all bound by vine-like flesh and blood.
After the sea of ​​​​fire in front of them, figures one after another stood up and approached Lorenzo.
Countless red lines fell from the darkness above, connecting the ferocious figures one after another. For a moment, Lorenzo couldn't tell whether they were going crazy because of Moriarty's power, or whether they were driven crazy by Moriarty's power. Yanar's power dominates the body.
Or... both.
"So, where is your position? Moriarty."
Lorenzo whispered, and at the same time, the armor on his body collapsed together with all the red lotuses. The roots deeply implanted in the body were uprooted as the armor fell off, as if being penetrated by a sharp sword, and the thin figure appeared. There are countless pores and scars, and blood gushes out unstoppably.
Holding the nail sword, Lorenzo looked disgusting.
Such an injury is enough to kill anyone, but as the secret blood boils, the injury will heal in just a few breaths.
Lorenzo also became a monster, an immortal monster like these demon hunters.
[Secret Blood Awakens 47%]
Leng Che's voice echoed in his mind, but then the voice gradually became blurred, and more burning pain spread from his body.
There was a faint red light under Lorenzo's chest, as if a scorching sun had turned into his heart, beating hard in the flesh and blood chest.
It's almost reaching the limit. Once he crosses the final threshold, Lorenzo doesn't know what he will become. Maybe he will turn into a crazy demon like what he learned in the cult, and a saint who will be completely melted. Silver kills.
There was no time to think about this. After being separated from the armor, Lorenzo's speed increased sharply. Coupled with the continuously boiling secret blood, while the enemy became stronger, he also became more like a monster.
They fought with the demon hunters in the sea of ​​fire. Their eyes were empty, as if the souls under their bodies had been burned away by rage, leaving only the bodies of the walking dead.
He has always been a violent person, and there is an uncontrollable rage hidden under his cowardly pupils.
The nail sword slashed roughly, and the speed of the sword swing continued to increase, and finally rolled up a rising tornado in this sealed space.
Sparks and fireworks were drawn by the sword's edge, drawing confusing trajectories.
In this situation, facing these inhuman monsters, the so-called swordsmanship has lost all its skills. All Lorenzo can do is swing the sword harder and faster.
Steel collided with each other, and sparks exploded between the witchers and Lorenzo. In the end, what they held in their hands was no longer a blade.
It was just a handful of cracked, red-hot, and twisted steel.
Lorenzo was in a state of embarrassment that he had never seen before. His body was covered with wounds, each of which could be regarded as a fatal wound. The bones were deep enough to see. He had lost an untold amount of blood. His clothes had been hacked down, leaving only tattered strips of cloth. His hair was stained with sweat and blood, revealing his strong and dying body.
But at the same time, the red-hot and twisted steel in his hand also chopped the demon hunters in front of him into pieces, and their powerful bodies fell apart.
One after another, the bodies knelt down weakly, like slaves surrendered to the monarch. Their heads fell to the ground and were swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire and the flesh and blood that spread up, and they made no sound anymore.
Lorenzo continued to move forward. He was like the god of death. No matter how powerful a life was, it could not escape the fate of death. If someone refused the arrival of all this, then Lorenzo would personally execute it.
The proliferated and twisted flesh has spread to the outer wall of the Reichenbach. Looking from the Heading to Dawn, one can clearly see that the surface of the Reichenbach is covered with ferocious flesh, and a figure has appeared at the tail of the airship. Huge and twisted sarcoma, it seems that the entire airship is turning from mechanical to biological, turning into a real giant whale swimming in the sky.
The flesh and blood within the field of vision is also changing, as if a towering giant tree has descended on the Reichenbach. The flesh and blood is like the roots of the tree, intricately hidden deep under the deck.
Lorenzo kicked open the last door, and the hot air rushed in. The entire power room was covered in blood-red light. Countless tumors and roots filled the entire room, entrenched above the blazing boiler. Twisted flesh and blood, engulfed in flesh and blood, an indifferent head was inlaid in it like a jewel, and only the burning fireworks were left in the empty eyes.
That was the demon hunter Yanar who caused all this. Just as Lorenzo thought, if he wanted to completely control the entire Reichenbach, the power room was the best diffusion point.
What about Moriarty?What is that cunning snake doing now?
Lorenzo thought so, and in the scarlet light, Moriarty looked at himself with a smile.
A chill passed through his heart for a moment, and Lorenzo subconsciously closed his eyes to avoid Moriarty's gaze. It was also at this moment that several nail swords penetrated his body.
Stab into joints, cleaved flesh and blood, nailed into the ground.
No... I should have killed all the other demon hunters.
From the corner of his vision, Lorenzo saw countless red threads supporting the broken bodies. One after another, they were like manipulated dolls, obeying instructions.
Yes, they were all killed by Lorenzo. The one attacking at this moment was the Yanar Demon Hunter. Its flesh and blood assimilated the dead bodies and used them to launch the attack.
not only that.
"I still win, Lorenzo Holmes."
In the scarlet light, Moriarty's smile became evil.
In this hellish battlefield, compared to these mutilated corpses and the ferocious Lorenzo, Moriarty looks most like a normal person, but he is such a normal person, and there is a fear under his head that makes everyone crazy.
"You... took advantage of me..."
In severe pain, Lorenzo knew his mistake. Since stepping onto the Reichenbach, the two of them had been constantly calculating and testing.
Moriarty knew that Lorenzo knew the conditions for the activation of Power Raphael, so when Moriarty and Lorenzo met, Lorenzo would definitely avoid eye contact with Moriarty. The moment Renzo loses his vision, that's the perfect time for Moriarty to launch his attack.
Lorenzo's vigilance became his weakness, and the nail sword that had been in place fell down, perfectly killing him from different angles.
The joints were stuck by the nail sword, the body was penetrated and nailed, and the huge wounds were exposed, so Lorenzo had to prioritize saving himself instead of attacking.
Lost yourself?
No, not yet, the head has not been chopped off, the heart has not been destroyed, the secret blood is still boiling, Lorenzo still has a chance to fight back.
Without the slightest hesitation, the secret blood burst out toward the forbidden place. As long as the final limit was broken, nothing could restrain Lorenzo.
But the secret blood that suddenly rose cooled down, and the nail sword pierced Lorenzo's chest and penetrated his heart. He raised his head, and Moriarty was close at hand, looking at him with a smile.
Lorenzo looked at all this with some disbelief, but then he felt ridiculous for his childish thoughts.
This is a battlefield of life and death. The enemy will not leave any chance for him. When he steps into Moriarty's trap, his death is already destined.
After all, his enemy is him, the abominable James Moriarty.
"Looks like I win, Mr. Holmes."
Moriarty said softly, while turning the hilt of the sword vigorously, breaking Lorenzo's heart bit by bit.
Death has come, but Lorenzo's reaction in the face of death surprised Moriarty.
He thought that Lorenzo would cry, wail, and plead for mercy, but Lorenzo did not do so. He raised his head, and the rising fireworks extinguished, and his own appearance was reflected in his gray-blue eyes.
Lorenzo laughed.
His laughter was a little hoarse due to this injury, and he was coughing up thick blood.
"What are you laughing at?" Moriarty asked.
"So, you are right, Moriarty, we are indeed similar."
Lorenzo ignored his words and just talked to himself.
"We are indeed similar, so sometimes your 'disorder' can actually be inferred. After all, you are me, and I know myself too well."
Lorenzo's words made Moriarty feel a little uneasy. Lorenzo had always been under his control. Even if he caused the Reichenbach's attack, he could easily resolve it. But now, this The dying guy made him feel a little scared.
It seemed like something was going to happen, something beyond my control.
"We are so much alike, a little neurotic, arrogant, narcissistic and a little crazy."
Lorenzo lowered his eyes and raised his hand to grasp the piercing blade.
"So, if it were me, if I defeated a strong enemy, with my bad character, I would be extremely happy. I would no longer hide in the darkness and watch him die powerlessly, but watch with my own eyes. He, witnessed his death, and laughed at him wantonly."
"So, Moriarty, I'm going to die. A dying person won't arouse your vigilance, right? After all, you have won. The winner must have the calmness and compassion of the winner."
"So, Moriarty..."
"So you must be the real you now, right?"
A sudden chill enveloped Moriarty, and he suddenly knew what Lorenzo was going to do.
The most troublesome thing for Moriarty is the chaotic illusion. Even if Lorenzo is on full alert, he can't guarantee that he can completely avoid it, but he knows very well that only in one situation, Moriarty is absolutely true.
When he beats himself.
"I was too obsessed with eradicating the demon, so I gave you the opportunity to destroy me. But similarly, Moriarty, why weren't you too obsessed with me? All you did was to try to destroy me. Am I turning into your ideal monster?”
When Lorenzo loses, Moriarty will step out of the woven illusion and truly stand in front of himself, laughing at himself.
This is that moment.
When Lorenzo lost, it was his final chance of winning.
"The monster has come for revenge! Moriarty!"
The secret blood detonated in the blood vessels, and the blood that had not yet cooled began to boil again. The twisted and nailed arm recurved strangely, holding the nailed sword firmly and breaking free from all restraints, and waved with bursts of thunder.
At the same time, Moriarty grasped the nail sword tightly and penetrated Lorenzo's chest hard. His calm eyes burned again. Lorenzo did not avoid looking away, staring at the day in front of him, no matter what. It burned away the darkness in his eyes.
Power Raphael.
No matter what kind of vitality Lorenzo still has, no matter what kind of strategies he has, in this case, Moriarty completely captured Lorenzo's will and dragged him into that crazy illusion.
He won.
Moriarty thought this and couldn't help laughing. Sure enough, in the constant testing and calculation, he won in the end.
But suddenly he couldn't see Lorenzo. To be precise, he couldn't see anything. There was a terrible darkness in his field of vision, followed by heartbreaking pain and the sound of steel thunder in his ears.
A hideous wound exploded on Moriarty's head.
Although he was captured by Power Raphael, at the end of his consciousness, Lorenzo still followed his instinct and swung the sword. The nail sword cut open Moriarty's head, slashed along the temple, shredded the bones, and The burning eyes were cut off together.
Moriarty covered his bleeding face and kept wailing and retreating. As his pain became more intense, the fire burned through the power room and engulfed the struggling two people into the furnace.
Lorenzo maintained the last posture of swinging the sword. His whole body stagnated like a sculpture, and his consciousness gradually became heavier. The strange thing is that even though he was in this blazing hell, Lorenzo felt that he had fallen into the cold deep sea. Among them, the smell of sea breeze was blowing in the air.
(End of this chapter)

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