Embers of Embers

Chapter 366 The long death

Chapter 366 The long death
Is this what death feels like?
Although he was clearly in a sea of ​​fire, Lorenzo couldn't feel the burning pain. On the contrary, he felt like he was immersed in invisible sea water, and could only feel the unspeakable coldness. It seemed that there were vines made of ice. wrapped around his own body.
This feeling is really surprising. This is not the first time that Lorenzo has faced death. He always wanders on the boundary between life and death, passing by the god who calls for death. Before the guillotine of death falls, he takes the gamble with him. Everything on the table disappeared.
But it looks like Lorenzo won't be able to escape unscathed this time.
Moriarty was not dead yet. He groaned in pain in the sea of ​​​​fire. He covered the hideous wound on his head with one hand, and picked up the nail sword with the other hand and pointed at it randomly. This guy had no idea. He didn't know much about swordsmanship. After losing his power, he was just an ordinary madman. But even though he was blinded by Lorenzo, Moriarty still refused to admit defeat.
Like Lorenzo, no one stops until they are truly and completely dead.
Lorenzo stretched out his hand and slowly pulled out the nailed sword from his chest. Blood gushed out along the gap between steel and flesh, but gradually there was no more blood, as if the body had been completely drained by the continuous injuries. All.
Death is a wonderful thing, and everyone has different views on it. According to the teachings of the evangelical church, death is a good thing. Believers will ascend to heaven, sinners will go to hell, and some people think that death will come to another. The world, that is a lonely gray and black world, no matter which direction you go, it will be endless gray and black, and you will experience almost eternal despair.
In Lorenzo's view, death does not have so much mythical color. Death is death, nothing is left, nothing can be left, just like a dream that will not wake up.
However, the slightly different thing is that Lorenzo has always felt that death is a long process, not the kind of death that is considered biologically. He feels that physical death is only the beginning of death. When the last person who remembers the deceased also remembers him, When you forget, that is the real death and the end of death.
No one remembers him anymore, and no one knows his past. Everything in his life has turned into nothingness and dust, as if he never really existed in this world.
Forgetting is the real death.
Something touched him. Lorenzo gradually remembered. He could feel the violent vibration under his chest. He didn't know whether it was due to happiness or fear.
This name is a wish...
Twisting the blade vigorously, he slowly took it out of his flesh and blood.
Lorenzo can't die yet, he is the only one who still remembers those people. If he dies, these poor guys will really die, even if it is for these unlucky ghosts, Lorenzo must live.
He was no longer the lonely witcher. He gradually remembered everything, everything that had been deliberately hidden.
The nailed sword that penetrated his chest was taken out, and Lorenzo held it to prevent himself from falling due to blood loss.
But the strange thing was that there was a twisted fragment on the nail sword. Lorenzo's vision gradually became blurred, but he could still barely make out its appearance.
Lorenzo remembered it. It was the emblem that Arthur gave to him at that time. It was said to be a small gift from Seleucid, a gift from the Stuart family. It turned out that this thing saved him. Moriarty's nail sword was not at all Instead of penetrating his own heart, it was blocked by this little thing.
"Second chance..."
Lorenzo whispered and stood up vigorously. Moriarty was not dead yet and the battle was not over yet. He staggered towards Moriarty.
The entire power room is constantly being burned and collapsed, but power is still being released in the furnace at the core. Twisted flesh and blood are crisscrossing the area. They are entangling everyone bit by bit, even Lorenzo and Moria. Ti was not spared.
"You're alive, aren't you! Lorenzo Holmes!"
Moriarty couldn't see anymore, but he could feel Lorenzo's breath and roared loudly.
The twisted flesh and blood sank into his body. With Lorenzo's heavy blow to him, Moriarty lost the ability to control the demon hunter of Yanar. Now this violent flesh and blood is out of control, and the thick tentacles Layers of layers were wrapped around the Reichenbach, covering the steel creation with a layer of blood.
They are like prey trapped in a spider's web, being devoured by an out-of-control demon.
Lorenzo remained silent and swung his sword weakly, cutting off the approaching flesh and blood. The furnace in front of him was like the scorching sun, covered with ferocious flesh and blood, and this flesh and blood was assimilating Moriarty bit by bit.
It seems that this guy really has no fighting ability. The most powerful thing is just the use of power. When he loses his power, Moriarty turns back into the ridiculous madman and can only struggle feebly. Devoured by demons.
This is not possible. Lorenzo wants to kill him with his own hands, but he cannot let this damn monster take the opportunity.
Moving slowly, the flesh-and-blood Moriarty also stopped. He heard the slight footsteps and laughed loudly.
"You are indeed not dead yet!"
He was also very happy. Moriarty could no longer see him, but this did not prevent him from moving. He tried to walk towards the footsteps, but most of his body was already bound by the demon's flesh and blood.
Without the slightest hesitation, the nail sword slashed down randomly, cutting off all the bound flesh and blood, whether it was the demon's or his own.
He repeatedly slashed, as if he couldn't feel the pain. In the end, Moriarty pulled out the broken arm from the flesh and blood. His right leg had been broken under the random slashes and was bleeding. But he didn't care about this anymore. He held a nail sword with one arm and moved closer to Lorenzo. Their battle was not over yet, and no one could interfere with them before that.
The broken and staggering figure grew taller in the sea of ​​fire.
"I'm starting to think you're a real lunatic."
Lorenzo said with some appreciation.
Under the sea of ​​fire, the hideous figure laughed loudly.
"This is a bad world. I can't fix it, so I can only let it fix me."
The two of them approached slowly, like desperadoes at the end of their rope, holding the only sword in their hands and stubbornly drawing out their swords, just for one ridiculous reason after another.
The sound of the sword stirred the sparks and rolled them into burning tracks.
As expected, Moriarty's swordsmanship was terrible. Lorenzo's sword avoided his swing and cut off his only arm with one blow. Blood was flying, and the broken arm was holding the nail tightly. The sword sank into the sea of ​​fire.
"I win, Moriarty."
Lorenzo said softly, but then he saw it.
On the face covered with blood, under the huge scar that almost cut open the head, there was a faint firelight in the deep darkness.
Moriarty's smile gradually turned ferocious, which was a move Lorenzo had used.
"I'm a quick learner, right? Lorenzo Holmes."
Moriarty had captured Lorenzo as early as Lorenzo blinded him. He had been showing weakness and launched a fatal blow at the last moment.
Power Raphael.
The illusions overlapped, and the severed arm turned into countless sparks and dispersed, followed by another stab with a sword. With Lorenzo's voice, Moriarty determined his position.
The sharp sword light came before his eyes and pressed against Lorenzo's throat, but after the extreme cold, it could not move an inch further.
Moriarty is dead.
In fact, Lorenzo couldn't tell whether he was dead or alive. In the burning sea of ​​fire, everyone's figure became twisted and ferocious, like an evil ghost struggling in hell.
Lorenzo couldn't see his face clearly, but he could see countless tentacles piercing his body. This madman who had been controlling others was finally controlled by others, and the twisted and growing flesh and blood destroyed him at the last moment. He gulped again.
So did you win?
I thought it would be some kind of earth-shattering battle, but in the end it turned out to be two extremely embarrassed guys, fighting each other ridiculously, and there was no winner until the end.
Because Lorenzo is dead too, at least that's what he thinks.
Countless tentacles also penetrated his body, causing his sword strike that was supposed to cut off Moriarty's head to pause in mid-air.
The fireworks that surged up in the next moment swallowed up the entire power room, and the brutally growing flesh and blood finally broke through the shackles of steel. From the perspective of the Navigation Dawn, you can clearly see that the huge airbag is also covered with vines of flesh and blood. , mixed with countless severed limbs and corpses.
Lorenzo's consciousness gradually became chaotic. After the endless heat, there was a cold like the deep sea. He heard someone calling him, so he opened his eyes.
042 opened his eyes on the deck. He was wet all over. It was not that he fell into the sea and was just picked up, but was stained with blood one after another. His own blood was mixed with the blood of others. , has spread to the other end of the deck.
He was extremely tired, holding the broken nail sword and raising his head.
It was a beautiful night sky, extremely clear, with stars and the bright moon hanging high above it, crossing the entire night sky, and the hazy white light fell, covering the sea area like a curtain.
"It's so beautiful..."
042 couldn't help but sigh. After living for so long, this may be the farthest place from Feilengcui that he has ever been to. He was very happy. Of course, what was even happier was the next thing. In a few more days and nights, he would be able to Seeing the city rising at the end of the sea level, he will come to a new land and start a new life.
Just like 047 often said to himself, there is a brand new life waiting for him in that place called Old Dunling.
Even imagining this, 042 would feel wonderful. He even thought it would be nice to die under this beautiful night sky just thinking about that beautiful land.
Yes, such a funeral is really good for me.
Slowly raising his hand, the blood has completely soaked his palm.
His condition is very bad now. In the fierce battle just now, in order to kill those demonized demon hunters, he was seriously injured. You can see obvious wounds on his abdomen, and the bones and internal organs are clearly visible, and there are still a lot of wounds. Blood gushes out.
042 was no longer able to fight, and the heavy gunfire on the fleeing ship continued. At first, there was the sound and roar of sword blades, but as the gunfire continued, those sounds gradually disappeared, and only The monotonous sound of gunfire remained, and finally the sound of gunfire disappeared.
Someone is walking towards 042. He is wearing an armor full of cracks and holding a short-handled shotgun in his hand. The barrel is still stained with blood.
As he advanced, the armor on his body also fell off one by one, clattering to the ground, revealing his scarred body.
He came to 042's side in silence, and slowly sat with 042 against the wall.
"Is everything resolved?" 042 asked.
"Yes." He replied, "The out-of-control demon hunters have been dealt with. They are just corpses that have not yet cooled down."
"What should we do next?" 042 asked again.
The man was silent for a long time, then smiled.
"Just like we decided before, we will go to Yin Erweg and go to Old Dunling. Now Feilengcui is in chaos. They have no spare power to come to us. As long as we change our name, we can be like Live like ordinary people."
"Sounds really good..."
042 said softly.
"Actually, if you think about it now, freedom is really heavy, isn't it?"
Since the burning night, 042 has been fighting continuously, killing people one after another and demons one after another. Together with the men, he fought his way out of the Seven Hills and broke through the Knights Templar. Surrounded by the enemy, they grabbed the ship leaving the port and thought they had survived, but their companions fell into madness one after another.
Keep killing, killing enemies, killing companions, until you kill yourself.
"But at least we got it, 042. You never thought about it, right? One day we can really leave Feilengcui and do what we want to do freely."
The man also raised his head and looked at the beautiful night sky.
"Well...it's just a pity that 016 can't see this anymore."
The man's expression fell again, and there was sadness in his gray-blue eyes.
042 also froze slightly. He was also very sad. He wanted to comfort the man, but he couldn't say anything. After a long time, he said helplessly.
"What a bad night..."
On the way to escape, the two of them had exchanged information about what happened in the Stasis Temple and what happened in the dry well.
Many people died tonight, familiar demon hunters and big shots in high positions.
"So I'm thinking, how wonderful it would be if the so-called golden age really comes. There will be no monsters, 016 will not die, and these bad things will not happen." 042 said.
"The golden age...sounds really good," the man said happily, "But don't think about those, 042, our new life is close at hand, think about those wonderful things."
"What a wonderful thing. Actually, I don't know what I should do when I get to Old Dunling. As you know, I am a bit boring."
042 also laughed as he spoke. The silent deck was filled with corpses. It sailed silently under the solemn world.
"Then why not come and be my assistant?" the man said.
"Are you really planning to open a business?"
"Of course. I've told you how many times I want to open a detective agency. With our demon hunters' physique and ability, we will make a lot of money."
"Sounds pretty good."
"It's natural!"
The man was very confident in himself, but then he became serious again and asked somewhat seriously.
"But...what do you want to do? 042, this is my wish, not yours."
"my wish?"
"Yes, what do you want to do? 042, everyone has something they are obsessed with. It is those things that support us to survive. What is your wish?"
042 fell into silence, his eyes a little empty.
(End of this chapter)

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