Embers of Embers

Chapter 367: Time of Fury

Chapter 367: Time of Fury
What is your wish...?
042 looked at the man in front of him. The moonlight was so bright, but in his eyes, his face was extremely hazy. 042 couldn't see his appearance clearly, as if there was a thick darkness covering it.
"What is my wish...?"
042 whispered and lowered his head, his timid face reflected in the pool of blood.
"I...I don't know, this kind of thing...how could I know?"
042's voice became strange, as if he was crying, but also seemed to be laughing.
"Actually, you know people like me, don't you? I'm just blank, I don't have any persistent hobbies, and I don't have any lofty dreams."
"But there will always be something to keep you alive, right? 042, otherwise you wouldn't have risked your life to come back to me. You could have escaped directly." The man asked again.
"It's because we are friends! How could I give up on you?" 042 said.
After a brief pause, his voice calmed down. This was a rare opportunity. Everything seemed so calm, making people feel relaxed.
"Actually, I'm quite envious of you. You have lofty wishes... Each of you has lofty wishes. Go to Old Dunling and work as a detective, kill all the monsters, and usher in the golden age. All of this is pretty good. "
042 seemed to be answering the man's words, and seemed to be describing everything about himself.
"I was in pain for a while. I wanted to be like you, but then I suddenly understood that I was just a little mediocre."
"Just like what is written in those stories, someone always needs to be the background of the protagonists, one face after another that is not remembered by the audience... In fact, I am also a member of the audience. After all, the people standing on the stage will, after all, It’s a minority.”
"I'm just... just a little mediocre."
The voice fell.
The man stretched out his hand and put it on 042's shoulder.
"But you still came back to me, 042, to come back to hell to pick me up. This is not something the audience would do. When you appeared in front of me holding a nail sword, you were already the protagonist. "
The man's eyes swept across the deck, where there were countless corpses and blood soaking the deck.
"Although this stage is pretty bad."
The two couldn't help but laugh. After the laughter, 042's hesitant eyes solidified. He raised his head and looked at the night sky that he had never seen in Feilengcui.
"However, if I want to talk about wishes, I have to have some wishes... I just want to live with everyone."
042 said.
"Just like that time, we were walking through the streets of Feilengcui. Although we were hungry and full, it was a good time. Later, we joined the Evangelical Church, and later... although killing monsters was still a bit stressful, But when I think about how we can live together and have a shelter from the wind and rain, it doesn't matter.
I just want to maintain the status quo, the peaceful and beautiful status quo, but all this is gone..."
The raging fire burned through the church, and the entire Seven Hills fell into a crazy nightmare. Everything 042 was familiar with was gone and ruthlessly destroyed. Under the crazy influence, one familiar face after another Died by his sword.
"If this is my wish, then my wish has been ended. Everyone is dead. I killed them with my own hands..."
042 couldn't help but tremble, not sure if it was because of fear or something else.
"Ah...it's so bad, actually I'm...I'm...I'm scared, I'm guilty, you know?"
As he spoke, he couldn't help but lower his head, raised his hands and clutched his face.
"He had a chance at that time, he had a chance to survive...but he let me survive. I know what he was thinking. He wanted me to continue doing what he wanted to do, but...but it was me."
042 murmured crazily, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.
"But can I really do it? Will I let him down? Give such a responsibility to someone like me..."
Lorenzo Medici, can he really compare to that old man?He could obviously survive, but he chose to get out of that dry well. Should he live as an ordinary person in Old Dunling, or should he continue to inherit his great golden age?
No, no, no, 042 can't do it. Such a responsibility is too heavy for him. He has always been an audience, but he was dragged into the spotlight abruptly.
However, what if he could escape and become an ordinary person?To live up to Lorenzo Medici's instructions and use this "miracle" of survival in such a ridiculous place?
042 suddenly calmed down. After calming down, an even greater sense of despair engulfed him.
"Actually, I...I have failed."
042 laughed miserably and stared at the huge wound in his abdomen. No blood was flowing out anymore. What was flowing out of it now was the molten holy silver. In order to fight those demonized demon hunters, he also stepped into it. Within taboos.
The holy silver was destroying his body bit by bit, killing him completely.
042 has failed, and he feels guilty about it. Lorenzo Medici tried his best to only let himself live for a while, and even if he survives, he will let him down, right? ?
He was just a spectator huddled in the shadows. He was afraid of the bright lights. He would not continue to cling to that golden age. He originally wanted to escape to Old Dunling and live a completely opposite life.
But now that he is dying, such a simple thing cannot be achieved.
042 It was so painful. In the face of this pain, the hot holy silver in the body seemed to have cooled down.
"It's so exhausting, the desires, the duties, the death..."
Countless thoughts surged in 042's mind. They were like a swarm of snakes, making shuddering sounds and wrapping the coldness around every part of his mind.
In the end, the painful expression became indifferent, as if numb.
"I really want to become a wild dog. A wild dog will not think about these weird things. It will just run around happily. When it is hungry, it will pick up things to eat. When it is thirsty, it will go to the river to drink water. When it is sleepy, it will Just find a corner to sleep, and then die for some strange reason on a hazy day..."
042's wish was shattered, everything about him was shattered in this burning night, and the sharp fragments cut him into pieces.
"But you are still alive. As long as you are still alive, my wish is not over. Although you will be the only one left in the wonderful life in the future, with your strength, you will live a good life, right? You're better than me, aren't you?"
I don't know if it was because of these successive blows or the erosion and pollution, 042's eyes gradually became crazy. He looked at the man and asked expectantly.
This is just a simple, ridiculous and small wish. There is no deep hatred or ambition, just an extremely mediocre wish.
But it seems that the so-called fate is so cruel that even the humblest wish is unwilling to come true.
So the man answered with some regret.
"Is that so? But I may disappoint you. Maybe I won't be able to go to Old Dunling."
He scratched his messy hair helplessly and said as calmly as possible.
"Oh, this is really bad luck. From this point of view, we are all going to die."
Although he was very sad, in order to liven up the sad atmosphere, he still tried hard to show a smile, but the smile looked so distorted at the moment.
"what are you saying?"
042 stopped crying and looked at him in disbelief.
"I said, if this continues, we are all going to die. After all, in your current state, you probably can't defeat the demonized me, right?"
Under the exposed skin after the armor fell off, there were blue raised blood vessels, and the bones were deformed and pierced the skin. It seemed that there was some monster hiding in this skin, and it would soon break through this flesh and blood body and descend. Above this world.
The man was about to die. In the Temple of Stasis, he faced the false Holy Grail that caused the Night of Advent. He should have been swallowed by the erosion at that time, but it may be the will of mortals at work. He persisted until Now.
The darkness covering the man's face dissipated, leaving the complexion beneath it deathly pale.
042 was slightly dazed, and then his indifferent face became distorted, whether it was anger or sadness.
"No, no, 047, you can't die yet, you are different from me!" 042 grabbed 047 hard.
047 cannot die. He is different from himself. He has a long-awaited wish and the courage to continue living. They have escaped Feilengcui and his wish is about to come true. He cannot die here.
Countless scenes flashed back in his mind. If he died here, it would be too cruel for 047. 042 could not accept this.
But...but what can I do?
Faced with 047 being inconveniently eroded and devoured, 042 realized his powerlessness at this moment. He could do nothing but watch 047 turn into a monster little by little.
042 can do nothing, he can't even save himself.
"My fault...if I had died, if Lorenzo Medici had survived...maybe...maybe this would all be different."
More cruel pain tortured 042's mind. If he were stronger, if there were no monsters in this world, if the golden age could come...
047 ignored 042's madness, just looked at the beautiful night sky and whispered softly.
"Don't go gentle into that good night..."
047 picked up the bloodstained shotgun and gently stroked the writing engraved on it.
"I like this poem. It is a poem that curses death, but death is doomed and everyone will die."
"Yeah, I'm going to die, and my wish is also shattered, but if there is no such thing as a wish, can I just make another one?"
047 struggled to move his body. The armor helped him withstand most of the injuries. There were no serious injuries to his body, but the strong armor could not resist erosion and could not protect the increasingly crazy will.
"If you must have one wish..."
He grabbed 042's head, pressed his forehead against his, and looked at each other with gradually cloudy eyes.
"Live, 042, even if it's for me, for all of us."
042 was distracted for a moment, and then he felt that something was about to happen.
A woman's voice sounded in the wind. She seemed to be saying something, and then a huge sense of hunger surged from 042's heart. He didn't know what was going on, but like instinct, he was being driven by something invisible. With.
Fear covered the will, and it seemed that 042 would do something terrible next.
"Don't be afraid, 042, we will live in your memory."
"No...it can't be like this!"
042 tried to resist, but as if some force was guiding him, the secret blood once again aroused and burned, and the sun rose in his eyes.
Power Gabriel.
The evil ghost opened his mouth, crying silently on his ferocious face. He greedily tore at the dying will, crushed it bit by bit, and swallowed it clean.
After each bite, a memory begins to shatter, until everything is reduced to nothingness.
The fire in his eyes went out, 042 fell into the dirty blood, and 047 maintained his original posture. But as 042 fell, the parts of his body that had been deformed due to erosion began to recover, and a new will came. in this body.
The sea was churning, and endless waves crashed down, swallowing up the fleeing ship. Countless bodies fell into the deep sea. Along with all this, there was a passing extreme cold, and the entire sea surface was frozen. It rose up and turned into an endless ice field.
The heavy snow dust was dragged up by the strong wind, and a bench appeared under it. 047 sat on the chair, as if he was asleep.
The scene freezes again, and the open door slowly closes at this time.
In the burning hell, Lorenzo, who was devoured by flesh and blood, was still alive, but he had also lost all the power to resist. He had not shed tears for a long time, but at this moment, blood might be gushing out from the corners of his eyes.
He had already guessed what was sealed in the last door in the Memory Palace, but he didn't dare to think about it, just like escaping.
What a pity, even this last wish was shattered at this moment.
He was going to die, taking the memories of everyone with him.
There is no more energy left to think about anything else. His consciousness has never been heavier, and the hot temperature has become warmer. Just like nestling in a soft bed, Lorenzo will sleep peacefully, and there will be nothing more. There is no sadness in killing anymore.
This is a really beautiful ending, a very tender ending.
Just sleep like this...
"Don't go gentle into that good night..."
There was a deep voice. Lorenzo was sleepy and a little angry, but he was still too sleepy to pay attention to the guy who woke him up.
He hugged the quilt and fell asleep peacefully, wrapped in flesh and blood. Like the roots of a plant, they penetrated deep into Lorenzo's body little by little, killing him.
"Even in old age, it should roar and burn as the day draws to a close!"
The voice continued to whisper, as if talking in sleep.
Lorenzo raised his head in confusion. He was a little angry and wanted to teach this guy who kept waking him up, but looking at the nothingness in front of him, the heavy memory was picked up again, and his calm face slowly distorted. Getting up, he remembered something.
The burning fire destroyed everything beautiful, and he became frightened, sad, depressed...angry!
"Rage! Rage! Rage against the dying of light!"
He responded angrily.
Infinite firelight rose from the bottom of his eyes, as if a scorching sun was about to descend from under his pupils. In the hell of flesh and blood, Lorenzo opened his eyes and let out a hysterical roar.
The broken body struggled hard, tearing at the flesh and blood around it and biting the dirty things hard.
The raging anger burned wantonly, burning the past, burning familiar faces one after another, turning them into ashes floating in the sky.
If you must have one wish...
"I want you! All monsters! Drive them all to death!"
The audience walked out of the darkness and stood under the endless light.
If you don't have a nail sword to slash, you can use your hands, nails, and teeth!Use whatever you can, by any means necessary.
"For that nothingness...but beautiful era!"
As if responding to Lorenzo's wish, the steel tore through flesh and blood, splitting open the hell. There were footsteps in the rising blood, and a familiar figure slowly walked towards Lorenzo.
The crazy figure froze, and Lorenzo looked at the comer in disbelief.
"047... You are here, no, you should be dead."
"Yeah, I'm dead, 042."
047 held the nail sword in his hand and looked at 042 with a smile. He stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder vigorously.
"But I'm back from hell."
He looked furious.
"For our wishes, ideals...
Die again! "
The pitch-black shadow pierced through the storm, and accompanied by lightning and thunder, it shattered the Reichenbach's protection one after another, reaching the core of the battlefield.
Blazing white flames spurted out from the gaps in the steel, as if there was a burning soul residing in this original sin armor.
(End of this chapter)

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