Embers of Embers

Chapter 368 Reichenbach’s Fall

Chapter 368 Reichenbach’s Fall
The sky turned into a chaotic gray, the torrential rain was illuminated by the thunder, they were like schools of fish swimming in the clouds, the silvery silhouettes moved forward with the strong wind, in the wide field of vision, there were only two airships under the roaring storm Moving forward one after the other.
Maybe they themselves can't judge the direction of travel. No matter which direction they look at, the scenery is the same. Just like the world after death, everything is monotonous and gray. The long journey cannot reach the so-called end point. It can only be here. Wandering like a zombie in the lonely world until eternity.
"what is that."
Inside the Sail to Dawn, Gareth stood up and looked at the Reichenbach in astonishment.
Since a few minutes ago, the weird and hateful flesh and blood has completely enveloped the entire airship. It is like a nest of demons traveling high in the sky, ready to bring disaster to the ground at any time.
The terrifying erosion has slightly affected this place. Everyone has a sullen face and a solemn expression. All the artillery is ready. He will never allow such a thing to land safely on the ground. It will only cause a larger wave of monsters.
But at this moment, the Navigation Dawn shook violently, and then something flew over. Gareth could see that in the flash of lightning, the black shadow crashed into the flesh and blood nest.
His eyes tightened. If Gareth saw it correctly, it was an original sin armor, codenamed Black Angel.
Exactly... what happened.
In the cabin, Merlin grasped the armrest beside him and looked at the gap that was torn open by the black angel, and the violent wind and rain poured in from it.
His calm demeanor gradually disappeared, and then he burst into unbridled laughter.
Sure enough, his guess was right. Just like the death battle with Lawrence, Lorenzo's resurrection was not a coincidence. There was some unknown force protecting him, or...cursing him. Lorenzo Renzo Holmes can't die yet, at least not today.
In the lair of flesh and blood, Lorenzo looked at the original sin armor beside him with a look of shock. Under the cold steel, blazing fireworks could not stop rising.
Countless thoughts were running through his mind, and suddenly he seemed to understand everything.
It turned out to be the case.
"It turns out...you have always been here."
The rising fireworks illuminated his embarrassed face. After calming down, he laughed sincerely in this hell.
Lorenzo was never alone.
The dense armor covered his body again, and the same white flames surged from the gaps. This time, the white flames began to spread. They burned crazily, covering the surrounding flesh and blood, and the blazing fires were also assimilated by them. , pale pillars of fire gush out from under the Reichenbach's iron walls.
The scorching pure flames burned the flesh and blood on the iron wall, and the structure underneath was also burned, leaving only the red skeleton. Light gas began to gush out as the air bag ruptured, and pure white hell descended on Lessing. Bach, at the same time it also began to fall towards the ground.
Like a dead whale, sinking into the deep sea.
Maybe everything just happened was his illusion, or maybe 047 really came back, but you don’t have to care about that now. Lorenzo pulled out a broken nail sword from the sticky flesh, and the black angel behind him It also swung its iron feather and long sword, and it was like Lorenzo's shadow.
No one is piloting this armor, but it behaves strangely.
"Is it you? 016, 047."
Lorenzo whispered softly, but maybe it was just an illusion. No one responded to him, and the only sound was the iron sound of the sword.
Red thorns came from all directions. During this long period of time, the out-of-control Yanar Witcher has been completely assimilated with the entire Reichenbach. If Lorenzo guessed correctly, he is now in this situation. In the heart chamber of a huge monster.
This is the most vulnerable place for this monster, where its body exists. This is also the location where the defense is most intense. The dead bodies are dragged up by their flesh and blood.
But facing this huge enemy, Lorenzo looked nonchalant.
Today was a good day and he was very happy.
He can't die yet, he absolutely can't die, he hasn't killed all the monsters, and hasn't witnessed the beautiful golden age, or even for those who live in his memory.
The so-called courage supported the tired will. He once again grasped the nail sword tightly. As if he had endless power, he strode forward and roared loudly.
"A beast at the end of its life! Ignorant and fearful! Nothing to look forward to!"
The iron feathers intertwined with the sword blade, and the thorns all over the sky were shattered by its slashes. The hot blood rain fell like red threads hanging down.
The Black Angel blocked most of the offensive, and under its protection, Lorenzo's pace began to speed up, and finally turned into a vigorous running. Countless corpses stood up, but he was not afraid, just like Lorenzo Zuo was followed by thousands of troops.
"Ordinary people whose time is coming! They are terrified! They are looking forward to it!"
He slashed down with the broken and twisted nail sword. He was as fast as thunder and disappeared in one touch. He chopped off the heads of the dead. The corpses fell again, and the flesh, flesh and bones fell apart under the red-hot iron.
He was exhausted, and he was filled with rage.
"Died again and again!"
This time he pulled out the only remaining weapon on his body and fired the shotgun at the enemy who blocked him. That was Lorenzo's last bullet, a bullet made entirely of holy silver.
"Reborn again and again!"
Yes, Lorenzo has died more than once, and has come back to life more than once. He is like a ghost wandering between life and death, clinging to everything he has.
Accompanied by the roar, the holy silver bullet was like a galloping silver spear, easily piercing through all obstacles in front of it. The fatal holy silver corroded the flesh and blood, and their wounds could not stop festering and rotting, as if they had been burned by fire. , the broken flesh and blood turned into ashes and scattered.
The power furnace was roaring, and the demon hunter Yanar was sitting under the power furnace. Its body was completely integrated with the twisted thorns. Its head was lowered, but the fireworks in its eyes were getting brighter.
The dark shadow passed over Lorenzo's head, and the black angel waved its wings vigorously. Countless iron feathers were nailed to the ground like spears, penetrating the snake-like thorns and the corpse that stood up again. .
Lorenzo jumped up high, stepped on the edge of the iron feather, and raised the broken nail sword.
"Sneer loudly, that aura is updated and iterated!"
He stood in front of the demon hunter Yanar, perhaps instinctively sensing the threat, and slowly raised his twisted head, looking directly at Lorenzo.
"Death is just a man-made concept."
Just like those miracles, they were born of mortal will and should be controlled by mortals.
Lorenzo made the final slash, and the sharp steel tore the flesh, shattered the bones, and destroyed the head, spine, and heart from top to bottom.
The burning light in his eyes fell with the judgment of death. After a brief pause, as if he had died, the burning fire went out, along with the twisted flesh and blood. The soft surface began to harden. At first, they could still Struggling and twisting, it finally solidified as if petrified.
Cracks burst out from it, sections bursting and shattering into thick smoke that dispersed.
everything is over.
The Reichenbach died, its fall beginning with increased speed and constant tremors.
The battle ended, and the hot blood gradually cooled down. Lorenzo looked back a little tiredly, and the shadow of the black angel enveloped him. Tie Yu slowly opened his hand and stretched out his hand.
Surprisingly, Lorenzo did not reach out his hand. He took a deep look at the armor and said softly.
"Please wait for me."
Lorenzo's eyes moved and fell on the dying body under the ashes.
The entire body has been burnt to a blur, the head has become shriveled, and there is no more blood flowing out of the severed limbs. This is already a corpse, but it stubbornly refuses to die, and there is a stubbornness in the shriveled wounds. Burning with little white flames.
The war is over, but the decisive battle between Lorenzo and Moriarty is not over yet, and they still cannot decide a winner until their death.
Lorenzo couldn't accept such an ending, so he walked towards the body. Similarly, Moriarty couldn't accept such an ending. Even though it was already like this, the broken body was still breathing stubbornly.
"You're right, we are very similar, we are both complete lunatics."
Lorenzo stood next to the dying body and gently touched the slightly carbonized head.
He had already remembered everything, everything that Lorenzo had deliberately forgotten, and those lost powers were tightly held in his hands once again.
Lorenzo closed his eyes, and there was a fire in the crack.
Power Gabriel.
Slowly pushing open the heavy iron door, you entered a dark ward. There was only a simple iron bed in the small space, and a window sealed by a barbed wire. The scenery outside the window was blurry and you couldn't see it at all. Not sure about the appearance.
Lorenzo rubbed his eyes. This was his first attempt to actively invade the [Gap]. Unexpectedly, it went smoothly.
"So this is your [gap]?" Lorenzo asked.
"[Gap]? So this ghost place is called [Gap]?"
A voice sounded from the end of the darkness. The man sat on the iron bed and looked at the world behind the barbed wire.
"I feel like I slept for a long time, so long that my consciousness was a little unclear." The man murmured.
"Yes, I don't know much about it, but now it seems that the appearance of [the gap] is led by ourselves. The scenes that are most profound in our memory will become the [gap] that carries us."
Just like Lorenzo's own [Gap], that ice field under the night sky was actually the scene of his first resurrection from the dead. That night he killed the people he loved, and that night he Lost everything.
Thinking of this, Lorenzo suddenly couldn't help but think of Dean Lawrence. He had fought with Lawrence in his [gap], in the burning wilderness under the setting sun.
Lorenzo couldn't help but wonder, what did Lawrence experience there?As a result, he was so obsessed with all of this that it even became his [gap].
He did not continue thinking, but picked up the chair beside him and sat in front of the bed.
"So this is your most unforgettable place?"
"Almost, this is my home. I have lived in this ghost place for decades. I have no impression of other places except here."
Moriarty sat up and leaned out of the darkness. He was wearing a straitjacket and had chains on his feet.
"Lorenzo Holmes, I remember we were fighting happily, I remember we both killed each other... so is this a draw? What a pity, I really want to draw a victory with you burden."
Moriarty sighed, he seemed to understand this as the world after death, he and Lorenzo were both dead.
"No, I won, Moriarty. [Gap] is a person's spiritual world. Your body is gradually dying. I also want to decide the outcome with you, so I chose to invade your [Gap]. Among them," Lorenzo said.
"So...is that it? So I'm going to die?"
Moriarty was startled, then smiled, without any fear of death.
"So you're doing all this just to show me you've won?"
"Of course, after all, we all paid a heavy price for all this." Lorenzo replied expressionlessly.
Moriarty was not surprised by Lorenzo's answer, on the contrary, he could understand Lorenzo.
He finally defeated his enemy, but his enemy died. Moriarty could never accept this humiliation.
"It's so interesting..."
Moriarty smiled, looked out the window, and then at Lorenzo, who moved to the head of the bed and leaned against the wall.
"Is this the end of the great James Moriarty? Actually... I think it's not bad."
He said, looking directly into Lorenzo's eyes, as if he had discovered something.
"You look very happy, is it because you defeated me? No... No, it should be a kind of pleasure of revenge, and the feeling you give me now is as if something warm happened..."
Moriarty's expression suddenly changed, his calm smile disappeared, and then he became frightened. He didn't show such an expression when he knew he was going to die, but at this moment everything was happening slowly. With.
"Why? Why can you show that expression? Lorenzo Holmes, is there anyone who can understand you and agree with you?"
Moriarty suddenly roared angrily, and he became violent, but the straitjacket and chains on his body were restraining him, and he could only struggle feebly.
He couldn't accept this. He originally thought that Lorenzo was the same lonely monster as him, but now it seemed that he was the only one lonely. He couldn't accept all this, but he couldn't change anything at this moment.
Lorenzo still had the same stiff expression, quietly watching Moriarty's madness.
Gradually, Moriarty also stopped. He leaned against the wall in despair and whispered.
"What a shame, Lorenzo Holmes."
"I'm in pain. I feel like I'm out of tune with this world. I seem to be suffering from some kind of disease. No...it's the world that's suffering from some kind of disease. I'm the only normal person.
We all have the appearance of a human being, but underneath that skin, we are all different..."
Facing these words, Lorenzo was still as cold as steel, but this time he asked.
"Are you repenting?"
"How could it be possible? How could it be possible?"
Moriarty scoffed, his expression angry again, he was irritated by Lorenzo.
"I am Moriarty, I am a monster, I am a pure evil person, I don't need any repentance, nor do I need any forgiveness or mercy."
But then he felt lonely again, as if someone had broken his spine, and he collapsed in the corner.
"I'm just...I'm just trapped in this human body, Lorenzo Holmes."
Moriarty is a pure madman, no one knows what he will do next, and his emotions fluctuate so quickly that even Lorenzo cannot predict it.
"This world is too cruel, we always need something to deceive ourselves... But I am too smart, these things can't deceive me, and I can't deceive myself and others and pretend to be a normal person.
I'm a born monster, a born madman.
I thought we were of the same kind, Lorenzo Holmes, but unfortunately, it turns out that I am the only one who is like this. I really didn't expect...even you, who is cruel, had a short-lived beauty.
How jealous. "
A raging fire ignited, covering the scenery outside the window. Fine cracks spread throughout the ward. With slight vibrations, old dust fell down.
"Am I going to die? Lorenzo Holmes."
Moriarty raised his head and looked at all this and asked.
"Yes, your will is dying little by little." Lorenzo replied coldly.
"Not bad, at least we finally have a winner."
Moriarty looked sad, he finally lost.
Lorenzo stood up silently and walked towards the iron door from which he came. He twisted the cold and rusty steel vigorously and opened the heavy door bit by bit. At this moment, Moriarty's voice came again. sounded.
"Did you really win! Lorenzo Holmes!"
Lorenzo's movements faltered.
"You are the real monster, a monster more terrifying than me! I have never experienced that kind of beauty, so it is just a false word to me, but you are different, Lorenzo ·Holmos!
You have experienced the good things, and fate has cruelly taken them away from you!Would you really bow to its decision? "
Lorenzo turned around and saw a cunning smile on Moriarty's face. It seemed that everything he had just done was a disguise. This complete madman had never admitted defeat. It was not until now that the outcome between him and Lorenzo was officially announced. .
He tried to get closer to Lorenzo, and the chains abraded his skin and made him bleed, but he didn't care about that and instead roared at the top of his lungs.
"I won! Lorenzo Holmes! Look at yourself, you have become a scarier monster than me!"
The entire ward began to crumble as the will died, and blazing flames rose from the cracks. In the sea of ​​​​fire, Moriarty maintained his crazy look and laughed at Lorenzo.
"Although you killed me, I won in the end!"
Moriarty wins, and in this series of events, Lorenzo regains his lost past, but he also becomes an unknown monster, a demon that corrupts the will of others at will.
He still lost.
Lorenzo could only feel a deep coldness. Looking at Moriarty's dying madness, he wanted to refute something, but when the words reached his lips, nothing came out.
Yes, in that burning night, Lorenzo's fate was already determined, and he came to the end.
"Lorenzo Holmes! Monsters are incompatible with this world. I understand you!"
Moriarty laughed wantonly in the sea of ​​fire.
“So I bless you, Lorenzo Holmes!
May you never stop carrying hatred!May your burning anger never be extinguished!May the blood on the sword you hold never dry up! "
Moriarty's figure was consumed by rubble and fire, but in the shattered darkness, the curse of those words still echoed in Lorenzo's ears.
The darkness shattered, and among the flying ashes, the Black Angel grabbed Lorenzo, who was still unconscious, and fled toward the gap created by the shattered form.
Amidst the ashes and strong wind, Lorenzo reluctantly opened his eyes and saw that the broken body was dead after all, but the charred head still maintained an evil laugh.
The next moment, the howling wind took away Lorenzo's hearing. After a brief period of confusion, his vision became clear again. Above an altitude of [-] meters, the black angel spread his wings and glided in the roaring storm.
The roaring gunfire covered the thunder, and a swarm of burning meteors was seen passing under the Navigation Dawn, and they all hit the falling Reichenbach, completely destroying the ferocious and strange airship. The burning debris was like a falling ship. Falling like stars.
Lorenzo grasped the steel in his hand tightly and hung in the storm. His expression was a little stiff, as if he had not yet recovered from Moriarty's roar, but then a warm light fell on his face, It illuminates the dark heart.
Looking up, at the end of the leaden sky there is a gentle light that pierces the storm like a spear, and at the end of the light is the golden sky.
"It's so beautiful..."
For some reason, Lorenzo sighed sadly.
The wind and rain gradually declined, the accumulated storm began to dissipate, and the rain that flooded the streets gradually receded. The warm sunshine fell on the steel city, and the cold steel also became warm.
The rainy season in Old Dunling has come to an end.
 Poem in the text, William Butler Yeats, "Death."Dylan Thomas, "Don't Go Gentle into That Good Night"
(End of this chapter)

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