Embers of Embers

Chapter 377 New Life

Chapter 377 New Life
The night in Old Dunling was as usual, with thick water vapor pouring into the streets along with the rising airship, but this time there were some different colors in the streets.
The dazzling light flashed in the darkness, and the Nixie tube kept flashing on and off, making everyone who tried to see what was written on it feel dizzy. At the same time, a fierce singing voice could be heard faintly behind the door, causing Passersby glanced sideways.
Perhaps finally becoming the head of the family, the new owner of 121A Cork Street is gone in the direction of wandering forever.
The living room on the first floor is still the same as before, but with Lorenzo's decoration, there are a few more chairs and a mahogany table that looks more serious, but it just looks more serious, and it is placed casually. When we came down, it was piled with clothes, books and dinner plates. It looked like someone had just eaten here.
He hummed loudly and turned up the radio volume at the same time. A youthful atmosphere filled the old building, as if the heavy rain had made it look brand new.
On the street not far from 121A Cork Street, a carriage was parked. The people in the carriage opened the curtains and looked at the gleaming house number behind the fog.
"So he is... back?"
Seliu turned his head and looked at the guy opposite.
Oscar also squeezed over, observing the ridiculous door number.
"Looks like it is."
"Where did you get the news?" Seliu couldn't help but ask.
As Lorenzo's good friends, since the storm, except for Hercule who is still missing, the connection between Seleucid and Oscar has gradually become closer.
There are many reasons, not just the business cooperation between Stuart and Nordero. In Oscar's words, as partners who were invited by Arthur to have tea together, they are already considered brothers from birth to death.
Although Seliu doesn't want to admit this and despises Oscar's betrayal of his teammates in the end, when this guy becomes shameless, Seliu really has nothing to do with him, and sometimes this guy Oscar always brings some surprises. Such as this time.
"News? From this."
Oscar thought for a while, and took out a crumpled paper ball from his pocket.
"I discovered this when I opened the store this morning, but the guy who put up posters was chased away by the mounted police before he had put up a few posters. Fortunately, I was quick to save one."
Seliu took the paper ball doubtfully and unfolded it little by little.
The paper feels very cheap, and the first thing you see is a very rubbish typesetting, and a slogan with a few typos. It looks like a small advertisement for a black-hearted workshop, but as he read the words on it, Seliu His expression became complicated.
"Winchester Detective Agency opens today, located at 121A Cork Street..."
"Well, although it's a bit unbelievable, it is indeed something that guy can do."
Oscar spread his hands helplessly. Sometimes the truth of things is so surprising.
Pushing open the door, I saw a shotgun hanging horizontally on the wall, a guy in pajamas was lying on the sofa under it, surrounded by messy books, and writing on the blackboard erected on the other side It was full of messy handwriting and some illegible pictures.
Monotonous white noise sounded from the radio station, and the owner here was still humming some strange melody. After a while, he raised his head in realization, looking sleepy.
"Yo! Good morning."
"It's already night!"
Seliu yelled a little frantically. At this moment, Lorenzo looked like he had just crawled out of a black-hearted factory, looking like a useless person.
Oscar on the side was not surprised by the scenes in front of him. He bypassed the sundries on the ground and observed the newly opened office, then walked to Lorenzo's side and asked solemnly.
"How is business?"
"Minus eight thousand."
Facing Oscar's confused expression, Lorenzo stopped joking.
"It's all money for renovations and chaos! Wow, it's great to realize your dream, but I'm also going bankrupt!"
When bidding farewell to Mrs. Valloude, Lorenzo spent many years of savings on that distant orphanage, and he truly became a pauper. Although at the time he felt that wealth was meaningless to him, But within a few days of returning to Old Dunling, Lorenzo realized that this thing was not important, but it was necessary.
With a decadent gaze, he moved away from Oscar and landed directly on the girl behind the debris.
Seliu felt something was wrong, she could clearly feel the change in Lorenzo's gaze.
"Hey! Seliu, are you interested in lending me some money? No, would you like to invest in this firm?"
Lorenzo simply refused, pretending to be disappointed, and then looked at Oscar with some hope.
"What are you looking at? You just blew up an airship! I will be responsible for all these losses!"
Oscar grabbed Lorenzo's neck and shook it vigorously. Obviously according to Oscar's plan, this guy was already in a certain Nordro stronghold, but as a result, this guy's actions were completely beyond expectations... Oscar I even suspected that this psychopath was planning to do this from the beginning, and he was just lying to himself before.
"Oh, if you have a lot of debt, don't worry about it. I will pay you back!"
Lorenzo looked indifferent.
"Be serious!"
Seeing the two fighting together, Seleu sighed helplessly, but it was not bad, she thought it was not bad, Lorenzo was still the same as before, this storm did not distort him into a weird appearance, Seleu felt that I'm glad for this.
After briefly cleaning up the ground, the three people sat together. After the joke, everyone became more or less serious.
"So you sorted everything out?"
Oscar asked somewhat seriously. He didn't know the full story of the incident, but he had a general understanding.
"Well, those guys won't bother me anymore."
Lorenzo said very confidently.
All grudges came to an end with the crash of the airship. Lorenzo killed Moriarty and recovered the lost past... It was like the beginning of a new life, once again of.
"This is the Oscar I owe you, you, and Nordero behind you." Lorenzo said.
"Ooh, Lorenzo Holmes' promise? That's not bad."
When Oscar heard this, he smiled like a profiteer.
"Then what are you going to do next? Lorenzo." Seliu, who was sitting aside, asked.
Faced with this question, Lorenzo pointed around the room.
"Didn't you see it? The office! Now I can be regarded as a serious detective. What does it mean to not forget the original intention!"
"I mean the part about the monster."
Seleu found the key to the problem. Lorenzo was very good at using all kinds of cold jokes and nonsense words to avoid people's sight. This was what Seleu wanted to ask.
"Will you continue chasing?"
Lorenzo hesitated for a moment, then answered with a smile.
"You can never kill demons like this, Seliu. Sometimes I think they are like our shadows. We can't escape our own shadows, and we can't kill our own shadows."
"So that's all?"
Lorenzo gave an answer that made no sense, but then he changed the topic by talking about something else.
"Next, I need you to take care of the business. You must know that such a seemingly peaceful life is too precious to me."
As Lorenzo said, he took out another pile of posters, which was exactly the one Oscar showed Seleu, and he stuffed these things into Oscar's arms.
"I remember that there are many customers in your bookstore, remember to help me promote it."
Then he moved his buttocks and sat next to Seliu, with a flattering look on his face.
"As the boss of the Stuart family, there are some messy things going on among you nobles, right? What kind of inheritance competition, what kind of mistress is in charge, etc., this detective can do it all!"
Seeing Lorenzo like this, Seliu was a little distracted for a moment. She didn't know if this guy was pretending, or if he really wanted to live a good life and even thought of opening up connections to get business.
"Calm down, calm down! Lorenzo!"
Pushing Lorenzo away who was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable, Seleu got up and fled to the other side.
Taking a closer look at the room again, Seriu felt the slight difference.
Although Lorenzo lived here, he never added any furniture, and even said that he did not have any personal belongings of his own. This seemed like an ascetic lifestyle, but in fact he never thought he could live here for a long time.
Perhaps on a burning night, he would take the weapons under the bed and never come back, leaving without any regrets.
But this time it was different, he bought a lot of new things, and even decorated the place, although it was messy, it did look like an office.
It seems that he no longer wanders around, but chooses to settle here.
As for monsters, as for fighting...
Seleu is very familiar with Lorenzo, and she knows very well that this guy is used to hiding weapons in some strange places, but this time, except for the Winchester hanging high up, there seems to be no other weapons here, and That Winchester still looks like a piece of craftsmanship.
This storm may have really changed Lorenzo, making this madman put down his butcher knife and start enjoying life seriously.
Good thing!This is a good thing!One less psychopath with self-destructive tendencies and one more life-loving detective in the world sounds pretty cool.
"What are you writing?"
Oscar saw that Lorenzo's request for investment failed, so he turned around and picked up his notes and started writing.
"Bills, daily expenses, and regular remittances to the orphanage... Wow, those nuns have no business sense at all. When I took over, they were already bankrupt! Of course, I was about to go bankrupt."
Maybe this is the price of living a serious life, Lorenzo has a big head.
It turns out that there are so many things to pay attention to in life. It turns out that you don’t just live in a house directly, you also have to pay water, electricity, gas, etc., and these payment collection places are evenly distributed throughout the city. All around, Lorenzo had to run around the city every time he paid.
Not only that, Lorenzo also had to clean on time and cook his own meals. This kind of life was quite exciting at first. He could sing loudly, run around in his pajamas, and sleep wherever he wanted, but Within a few days, Lorenzo missed Mrs. Van Lude.
It feels so good to be cared for.
"In your impression, I have always been a hacker and slasher, but I am really good at detectives! Although I have always worked in the downtown area, and it also involves a little bit of hacker and slasher, but I feel that I can Very well done.”
Regarding his future plans, Lorenzo explained this.
"And strictly speaking, the old order has been disbanded, so I can no longer be considered a demon hunter. Instead, this detective is my serious profession now!"
Lorenzo finally answered Seleu and Oscar's questions in a serious manner.
The three pairs of eyes looked at each other for a moment, and then started to wander again.
"Although you have said so much, it is really hard for people to believe you."
Oscar rubbed his temples and felt a little headache.
Lorenzo is an unpredictable psychopath, and the term cunning villain is perfect to describe him.
"Relax, isn't everything fine now?"
He squeezed back into his seat with a lazy look.
The atmosphere was quite good. Lorenzo had not experienced such a peaceful life for a long time. This was a rare and precious peace. But unfortunately, this peace did not last long. There was a heavy knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open. .
Behind him was the dim street. Arthur stood expressionlessly by the door, followed by dark silhouettes one after another.
"Okay, you two, let's end today's wonderful party. Give him and me some space."
Lorenzo didn't seem surprised by Arthur's arrival, but he was relieved.
Lorenzo stood up, walked to the newly purchased mahogany table, and pushed away the messy things on it. Clothes, books, and dinner plates were stacked on top of each other, making constant clattering sounds.
After pulling up a chair and sitting at the table, he took out a standing sign from the mess and placed it on the table.
It read "Lorenzo Holmes."
Oscar's expression changed, and he didn't know what he had experienced with Arthur. He seemed to be afraid of Arthur, so he pulled Seleu out and walked out. As Seleu left, he couldn't help but look at that person. A jumbled mess.
There were dinner plates, books and clothes... She could no longer imagine the disgusting scene.
Arthur stepped on the debris and walked straight over, dragged a rickety chair from the side, and sat opposite Lorenzo.
"Are you getting ready to retire?"
He looked at the ridiculously decorated office, then at Lorenzo, and asked.
"What do you think?"
Lorenzo asked rhetorically. He put his hands on the table, clasped his hands together and dragged his chin, his expression looked like a cunning fox.
(End of this chapter)

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