Embers of Embers

Chapter 378 Love Life

Chapter 378 Love Life
121A Cork Street, Winchester Office.
With the arrival of Arthur, the originally joyful atmosphere dropped to freezing point.
Arthur looked carefully at Lorenzo's face. He hadn't seen him for a month and a half, but this guy hadn't changed much. He was still the same as he remembered.
"I think? You have opened the store openly, so you are not going to hide anymore, so the next step is to enjoy your retirement life, right? Be a serious detective?"
Arthur stood outside for a long time before coming. Although these decorations are funny, it can be seen that Lorenzo seems to be really ready to live a good life, but the mess inside is still a bit outrageous.
"Winchester Office? Sounds good."
Looking up, the familiar Winchester was hanging on everyone's head, and the little poem engraved on it was clearly visible.
But even so, Arthur still remained skeptical about all this.
"I think we are the same kind of people, and people like us have no retirement to speak of. There is only one ending waiting for us.
——Died in the corner of the battlefield. "
Lorenzo was silent. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to answer Arthur. He just looked at him with a playful smile. Under the gaze of his eyes, Arthur didn't know why. He felt that he was being observed. animal.
"Is that so? Then it seems that you came to see me after being fully prepared, a reason that I can't refuse even if I want to retire." Lorenzo asked.
"Our research on demons... is about to usher in a huge breakthrough."
"How to say?"
"During the local war at Black Mountain Hospital, Mordred, who was affected by erosion after taking office, briefly came to his senses. He talked about a lot of feelings about being eroded, as well as the more secret parts. The Ever-Moving Pump and Black Mountain Hospital have now They joined forces to conduct research on his intelligence."
Arthur was referring to the previous Merlin, that is, William. He had personally experienced the Red News incident, and perhaps he could find the story that could be concealed from him.
Lorenzo's eyes narrowed slightly, becoming more and more like a fox. After a long time, he spoke slowly.
“Did I say I was retiring?”
Lorenzo suddenly stood up, stepped on the mess, and walked to Arthur's side.
"But this office..."
Arthur was caught off guard by Lorenzo's sudden change. He had prepared many words to draw Lorenzo back into his camp, but he never expected that he would finally throw out such an answer.
"Arthur, you have an inherent prejudice. Is there any necessary connection between me opening an office and me continuing to kill monsters?" Lorenzo held Arthur's shoulders, looking intimate.
"Moreover, is there a contradiction between me being a heinous evil person and me being a kind-hearted orphanage director?"
Arthur was a little confused by Lorenzo's continuous words, but then Lorenzo sat down on the mahogany table, flattened the standing sign with his name on it, and looked at Arthur with an evil smile. Se.
He was wearing ridiculous pajamas, but at this moment he looked like a great man about to unveil a great invention.
He stretched out his hand and pointed to the blackboard beside him, which was full of messy and crooked handwriting.
It was placed here without any disguise. Seleu and Oscar had just passed by it, but no one paid attention to the troublesome words on it.
"Lorenzo... you..."
Arthur looked at the writing on the blackboard, his eyes gradually stiffening.
It was filled with analysis of demons, and the scrawled handwriting listed a simple timetable, as well as some details of some events. From the corner of the text revealed, Arthur felt great fear.
Lorenzo has been preparing these things here. He has been studying the origin of the demon, and at this moment a cold voice sounded.
"Arthur, how can I retire? This is already a blood feud, the kind that goes on until death."
Lorenzo opened his loose pajamas, and two sharp armor-piercing hammers were placed close to his body. He was far more vigilant than before.
"But, a good life also has to be enjoyed, what do you think?"
The cold face melted away in the next moment. With a smile on his face, Lorenzo picked up the wine glass from the kitchen and brought one to Arthur.
"Furthermore, I think you, the Queen Victoria behind you, has changed her mind more or less after this incident, right? As she saw, the New Order is far less reliable than me, so in the final analysis, you The most suitable collaborator for the purification agency is me."
Lorenzo said as he handed the glass filled with inferior red wine to Arthur.
"But you still hide too many secrets, such as the part about the pseudo-Holy Grail."
Arthur took the wine glass, still wary in his eyes.
"I know, the reason why I concealed that part is actually because I don't know what's going on." Lorenzo sat back in his seat, "But I want to understand now."
"So you're going to explain all this?"
"Of course, the prerequisite for cooperation is that the other party can make you feel at ease, right?"
During this rest time, Lorenzo gradually understood everything based on his gradually recovering memories and the information Watson gave him when he left.
"Will you still trust us?"
Arthur was suspicious of Lorenzo's overly friendly attitude. In the previous incident of the new order, they were forced to stand on opposite sides under the Queen's order.
"of course not."
Lorenzo's answer was somewhat surprising.
"But you are the only choice. I can only believe you."
"Fighting demons cannot be solved by shouting slogans. I need a strong backup, a lethal arsenal of weapons, and even a group of troops who are not afraid of death. But all this with my own strength is still too ridiculous. And among these forces, it seems that the only one I can choose is you."
Lorenzo gave his explanation.
"Where's Nordro?"
Arthur has always been worried that Lorenzo will be taken away by Nordro and these guys. Once he leaves the mainland of Yin Erweg, the purification agency will become powerless against Nordero.
"They can't. In the final analysis, Nordro is just a group of businessmen. If the conditions are good, I don't think they would mind selling the monsters as products. But similarly, if the price is good, they can also be hired to fight the monsters."
Although the only person who had contact between Lorenzo and Nordero was Oscar, from this guy we could see the way Nordero, and the "Nation Builders" after Nordero, behaved.
Although the true purpose of these nation-builders is unclear, it can be understood that they are not absolutely opposed to the demons. If they can achieve their goals, they will not even mind the existence of the demons.
"Then cheers to our false friendship!"
Lorenzo said as he picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Arthur, and then drank the red wine in the glass.
Arthur was completely carried away by Lorenzo's rhythm. After clinking glasses, he couldn't help but drink the wine in the glass like Lorenzo, but then his face showed an ugly expression.
"What a strange smell."
"Don't worry, after all, there isn't much money left, so just make do with it."
Although he said so, Lorenzo looked at Arthur with contempt.
"Then pick a time. I want to meet Merlin. I still have a lot of important information that I need to exchange with him, and there are also..."
Lorenzo thought for a moment and finally said it.
"I want to meet Queen Victoria."
The scene fell silent for a moment, Arthur looked at Lorenzo solemnly, while Lorenzo nonchalantly picked up a corner of his pajamas and wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth.
"This is what you said, trust is really important, but that storm has destroyed the trust between us. If you want better cooperation, let me meet her in person. There are many things I need to do You can only confirm it in person.”
"I...I will apply to her."
Only with this condition, Arthur had no way to directly reply to Lorenzo.
The entire Victoria royal family is plagued by the King's Curse. With that fragile constitution, a little bit of damage may kill Queen Victoria. If Lorenzo, a lunatic, is allowed to see the Queen, there's no telling what will happen.
Say... maybe Yin Erweg just changed the queen?
"But Arthur, are you ready?"
Lorenzo's mood changed rapidly. He was smiling just now, but now he is serious again.
"What do you mean?"
"The next thing is to conduct more in-depth research on the demon."
Looking at Lorenzo's solemn expression, Arthur felt his mouth was dry for a moment, and the entire atmosphere became depressed as Lorenzo's mood changed.
"What's wrong."
"I have a rough guess about all this, the cursed knowledge, the origin of demons, and this...distorted world."
Lorenzo's peripheral vision fell on the debris, and there was a corner of a book peeking out, which was Shermans's notes.
"But I don't know what will happen next. Maybe something terrible will happen."
This is a lie. Lorenzo knows exactly what he will encounter if he continues to go deeper, those weird silent ones.
One of Lorenzo Medici's plans is to make 016 take the initiative to participate in [Sublimation]. In his opinion, the so-called Silent Ones seem to be the product of [Sublimation]. Instead of continuing to take risks and chase them, it is better to create one by yourself. .
In the end, the experiment was successful, and Watson appeared, becoming neither human nor ghost. In this state, she was indeed somewhat similar to the Silent One, and what followed was the sublimation of Lorenzo Medici himself.
The following story is very clear, he failed, and everything was handed over to Lorenzo, who continued to explore the [border], explore the [disease] called the demon, and look for the [patient zero] that caused all this.
Lorenzo did not dare to take risks. He was worried that if he studied all this rashly, it would trigger the Second Advent Night, and he also had a new doubt about all this.
Watson and the Silent are so similar, both invisible. The only difference is that Watson needs a certain medium to interfere with reality, just like she manipulates the black angel to rescue herself, but the Silent does not have to be like this. If necessary, they can directly Use existing materials to construct the body and then interfere with reality.
As for himself, Power Gabriel...
Lorenzo once asked Watson why the alchemy matrix he carried was obviously not this one, but he could control the power of the dual system, and the answer given by Watson was not clear.
The origin of all this, the "Revelation", has been lost, and the detailed parts are only recorded there. Everything else comes from my own speculation and the information left by Lorenzo Medici before his death.
Watson said that Power Gabriel is very special, and it is related to [Sublimation].
[Sublimation] is to refine ordinary things and promote them to a higher level. She said that maybe humans really have so-called souls, consciousness, or spiritual bodies, and the power of [Sublimation] directly acts on this deep level. Above, Lorenzo's soul underwent a qualitative change and gained this extraordinary authority.
It will not be lost due to the annihilation of flesh and blood, but will always be buried deep in Lorenzo's soul, accompanying him like a shadow.
Arthur's shout brought Lorenzo back from his thoughts. He was a little dazed at first, as if he didn't expect that he would think for so long, but Arthur, who was sitting opposite him, felt the difference in Lorenzo just now.
Lorenzo himself didn't notice that while discussing these abominations, he had already involuntarily tightened his grip on the armor-breaking hammer at his waist, as if a demon would appear in the dark corner the next second and tear the two of them apart. Crush.
"Anyway, take your time, Arthur. Compared with the entire history, our understanding of demons has made a qualitative leap in the past few years."
Lorenzo comforted him at last.
All the mysteries began to gradually dissipate and become clear. In this twisted world, Lorenzo was about to touch the deeply hidden truth.
The midnight clock suddenly rang at this moment, and Arthur heard a strange noise outside the door. He seemed very alert, and at this time Lorenzo said.
"Arthur, it's Saturday."
Arthur was a little confused about what Lorenzo was talking about, but at this moment the door was pushed open again, and a group of women walked in chattering, shouting Lorenzo's name, and at the same time they were talking about the decoration of the office. Be judgmental.
Arthur was a little confused, and the people he brought outside the door were also a little confused. As the midnight bell rang, one carriage after another stopped outside the door. They were very wary at first, and even secretly clenched the handles of their guns. , but what came out next was a group of women.
"What's going on? Lorenzo!"
Arthur was a little overwhelmed by the situation. He had the impression that some of the women were from the upper echelons of the nobility.
"First of all, I am a detective. Although it is a bit despicable to say it, I also have a fixed customer base."
Lorenzo looked like he loved life.
The members of Saturday Housewives cried to Lorenzo after seeing him. Some asked why Lorenzo had been closed for so long. Some asked how Lorenzo opened his office in such a remote place. Others asked He said that he hadn’t noticed it before and found that Lorenzo Zhang was pretty good. Are you interested...
The scene was chaotic, with various pre-written commission orders floating everywhere.
No one paid attention to the existence of Arthur, and he also deliberately avoided her eyes. He just looked at Lorenzo and left silently.
Lorenzo responded to the customers' questions with a smile, picked up the order sheets one by one, and put them together.
(End of this chapter)

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