Embers of Embers

Chapter 380 1 Job

Chapter 380 A Job
The soft sunlight pierced through the heavy mist and fell into the gaps in the curtains, slightly illuminating the dim room.
Lorenzo only felt a warmth on his eyelids, and slowly opened his eyes, as if he hadn't woken up. He was stunned for a while, then took a big breath, stretched out his curled up body, and then walked out of the closet. Climbed out.
His eyes were a little sleepy. Opposite him was the familiar bed and the ceiling covered with posters.
There is also a vague human figure on the bed, it seems that someone is sleeping on Lorenzo's bed, but in fact there is nothing there, it is a shape deliberately made by Lorenzo.
The New Order's action against him ended in failure, but Lorenzo felt that they would not give up so easily. Although everything became clear, this time Lorenzo stood in front of everyone without any concealment.
He is dangerous, extremely dangerous.
Now the name of Lorenzo Holmes must have spread to the entire Evangelical Church's top brass. Even if they are defeated this time, as long as the Evangelical Church is not completely destroyed, there will be a steady stream of pursuers.
After Lorenzo realized this, he wanted to hide, but he gave up and appeared openly in the eyes of everyone. This is a kind of provocation and a kind of trust in himself, but like this, Lorenzo still slept uneasily most of the time. Maybe while he was having a sweet dream, a sharp nail sword would pierce his throat.
After thinking about it, Lorenzo moved the bed into the cabinet. Although it was a lot narrower, at least he could sleep more peacefully. On his original bed, he made a human shape out of the quilt to divert his attention.
After stretching, Lorenzo casually picked up a nail sword from the gap in the table beside him and walked downstairs unsteadily.
The Winchester office is just like before, full of weapons hidden everywhere, but it is more hidden than before, and these weapons also come from Oscar's funding, and they are all leftover weapons from his escape plan.
It's so free to live alone. Normally Lorenzo would not dare to walk around with a nail sword like this.
Under his design, the area of ​​121A Cork Street was almost divided. Lorenzo's room was still the original one on the second floor, and the first floor was changed to Winchester Office. As for the other rooms... Perhaps to leave a memory or something else, Lorenzo locked the rooms of Sigg and Mrs. Van Roode, and the utility room was filled with weapons, officially becoming a veritable arsenal.
He cut an apple for himself with a nail sword, and while chewing the apple, Lorenzo kicked aside the debris on the ground with his feet. He began to think that he should hire a cleaner.
Finally, he sat back in his seat, with Winchester hanging above his head. He was facing the door, and suddenly he felt like a door god.
As his thoughts gradually became clearer, Lorenzo couldn't help but think of the mysterious woman last night. Lorenzo finally sent her away instead of taking on the weird job.
Lorenzo is a free man, but the price of freedom is very expensive. Lawrence's remnants, the New Order, and the unknown Silencers are all Lorenzo's enemies.
One of the reasons why he chose the purge agency again was that Lorenzo realized that no matter how powerful an individual was, he could not fight against so many unknown enemies at the same time. He needed a team, a legion.
What he enjoys now is just the calm before the storm. In these calm days, Lorenzo does not want to cause other disturbances.
Once he really sets foot in Gallo Nalo, where Lorenzo does not have the assistance of the purge agency or even Nordero, he is guaranteed to be lost there. And judging from the woman's secretive attitude, this incident It also smells of conspiracy.
So the perfect way to handle this is to...
Of course, another reason that made Lorenzo refuse all this was that the place of work was that damn place in Nalo, and Lorenzo would not want to go there a second time in his life if he could.
He is a person who likes to see new things, except Gaulnaro, as to why...
There was a jingling sound, someone pushed open the door and triggered the bell above, and the girl poked her head out from the crack in the door.
"It's not because of you!"
Lorenzo yelled inexplicably, and threw the half-eaten apple directly towards the door. At this moment, Seleu just pushed the door open, and the apple hit Oscar directly in the face.
Everything started when Lorenzo first arrived in Old Dunling. At that time, he took over the work from the Stuart family and went to Gaulnaro to bring back the last bloodline.
This is not a difficult job, but due to Lorenzo's various actions, he himself has made the job more difficult.
In Lorenzo's words, being idle is also idle. Why not teach the client how to shoot a gun? It seems that she is very interested. There must be a target for shooting, what?Do you want to open fire on those people who bullied you?It's not impossible...
In short, Lorenzo's work eventually evolved into a great escape in Gallonaro. At that time, his whereabouts and work content were known to the enemy. A descendant of the duke was in his own territory. The Gallonaro people You can't let yourself go so easily.
As a result, a lot of bloodshed occurred. Lorenzo didn't know the specific situation. It has been so many years anyway, but what is known is that Lorenzo himself should be included in the blacklist of Gallo Nalo, or was it? The kind with a bounty on you.
Lorenzo was not afraid of this, he just simply hated that place.
Just like yesterday, the three of them sat in fixed positions again, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.
"Why are you here again?"
Lorenzo looked at these two guys who appeared regularly and asked with some curiosity.
Oscar casually picked up a piece of clothing scattered on the ground, wiped his face covered with Lorenzo's saliva, and continued.
"Do you think I'd like to see you?"
He spoke with some anger. Indeed, no one would be happy if a half-eaten apple smeared their face early in the morning. Not to mention, no matter how much Oscar pressed, Lorenzo refused to tell him why he threw the apple at Oscar.
It's just...a bit baffling.
"Then what are you going to do?" Lorenzo asked.
"A job." Seliu said at this time.
"A very urgent job, posted directly by Nordero, the price is negotiable."
Oscar echoed, he looked very eager, it seemed that this job was also thrown to him by Nordero overnight.
"You guys are singing along, does Stuart also have a share?"
Lorenzo looked at Seleu suspiciously, always feeling that this indifferent little girl seemed to have betrayed him.
Seliu looked helpless, as if she was just forced to make these decisions out of necessity.
"I represent the entire Stuart group, and I want to think about the interests of the entire group... This time the profits of cooperation with Nordro are huge."
"Wow! Wow! It's only been a few days. You've only been a Duke for a few days! Are you so dedicated to your duties?"
Lorenzo screamed.
"Stop calling Lorenzo! This job will also be very beneficial to you." Oscar took the opportunity to say.
"for example?"
"for example……"
"You haven't thought about how to fool me, have you?"
Lorenzo immediately raised the nail sword, as if he was going to kill someone.
"You owe me a favor, Lorenzo!"
Oscar finally remembered what he said to subdue Lorenzo and shouted loudly.
The scene fell silent for a moment, and Lorenzo was stunned, as if he was recalling whether he had said such a thing before, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he had just said it yesterday.
Is this retribution?And this retribution must have come too quickly.
Lorenzo felt a little uncomfortable for a while, and after his eyes wandered a few times on these two guys, he sat down obediently.
"So, since you two are so persistent, this job must have been assigned to me? Can't others do it?"
Oscar nodded and said to Lorenzo.
"Whether it is in terms of work experience or personal strength, you are the most professional, Lorenzo."
"A veritable expert." Seliu echoed.
Lorenzo looked at Seliu, his eyebrows gradually furrowed. He began to think about how much money Nordero had paid, and even Seliu was moved.
"The important thing about this work is that, if successful, it will open up shipping lanes to the north."
Oscar became serious and said to Lorenzo seriously.
“Although our Nordro shipping lanes cover the entire western world, there are still many places that we cannot touch, such as the relatively sensitive White Tide Strait, the deeper parts of the Viking countries, and the inaccessible ice sea. "
"If this operation is successful, Nordro will have more in-depth trade exchanges with the Viking countries. Now that they have just unified internally, they have a huge demand for supplies." Seliu then added.
"In other words, this time my employer is the Viking countries?" Lorenzo asked.
Seleu nodded.
Lorenzo had new doubts.
"The Viking countries entrusted you with Nordro, and you Nordro find me again, right?"
"Yes, detailed information is needed from you..."
Oscar continued to explain, and it seemed that he was really anxious about this matter. In order to convince Lorenzo, he even brought Seleu with him.
"This is... subcontracting at different levels!"
Lorenzo suddenly understood and shouted loudly.
Not only Oscar was stunned, but Seleu was also stunned. Their expressions were frozen for a long time, and then Seleu stood up and grabbed Lorenzo.
"Be serious!"
Seliu suddenly felt a little tired. When this guy was worried before, it was very heart-wrenching to watch, but now that he is happy, the victims have become them.
"Okay, okay, but it's just a commission. Why do you look so anxious? The other party still has a deadline?"
It can be seen that this guy Oscar is really anxious, and he even uses things like favors. It's not that Lorenzo doesn't want to help him, he just wants to tease him in a bad way.
"No, it's just that there will be competitors. Now this job is entrusted to more than one of us. Outside of Yin Erweg, you will have Nordro to assist you, and inside Yin Erweg, the Stuart family will provide help." After Oscar finished speaking, he pointed at himself and then at Seliu.
"In general, this job is entirely your own debt. You blew up an airship and had so many weapons. Who do you think paid for it!"
Oscar was furious as he spoke. After Seleu retreated, he came over again and grabbed Lorenzo's neck.
"It's me! I can only make a lot of money by writing books!"
"And I...the Stuart family to be precise."
Seliu reminded him timely.
Lorenzo listened to their accusations, and for a while he couldn't make any more troubles, so he had to sit where he was.
"Okay, okay, what's the job content?"
"This is still in the confidential stage. I will take you to talk to the Viking countries. However, this matter is really urgent, otherwise I would not call you, an expert."
Oscar looked at Lorenzo's office, which could barely be considered warm.
"So the holidays are over, Lorenzo."
"What about the workplace?"
Lorenzo asked casually. He didn't hate working. If he rested for too long, his body would only become rusty.
"Probably...Gaul Naluo, this is what I guessed based on the existing information, but you don't have to worry so much, you will know when you get there."
Probably due to some kind of contractual spirit, Oscar is very strict about customer privacy.
Lorenzo's face turned grim after hearing this.
"what happened?"
Seleu looked at Lorenzo's terrible appearance and asked with some concern.
Seliu is also full of nostalgia for the word Gaulonaro. After all, she grew up there. Of course, what she misses is not the dim growth experience, but the wonderful escape with Lorenzo.
"You still ask! It's not you who are the culprit!"
Lorenzo screamed as his thoughts connected.
Seliu looked confused and had no idea what Lorenzo was shouting.
Well, in fact, Lorenzo Gaul is not that resistant. He doesn't care about any hostile relationship or wanted status.
The main reason is that this time there is no one to put an end to his actions.
Although he often speaks bad things about the purification agency, he has to say that as long as it is an action in Old Dunling, or even the entire Inlvig, Lorenzo can just do it, and the rest will be helped by the purification agency solve.
But if they really arrive at Gaul Naluo this time, these assistances will no longer exist, and the matter will become very troublesome.
Lorenzo hated trouble, very much.
Just as Lorenzo was about to accept the job, the door of the Winchester office was kicked open, and the shrike came against the morning light.
"and many more!"
Before the Shrike could speak, Lorenzo directly interrupted him.
He began to feel a little uncomfortable, his eyes drifted from the faces of Seleu and Oscar, and finally fell on Shrike's face. Lorenzo recalled the mysterious woman last night, and he gradually felt a wave of uneasiness.
"A damn job, right?"
Shrike didn't understand what was going on, but he still nodded, confirming all this.
"A commission from the Viking countries?"
"The location is suspected to be Nalo, Gaul."
Lorenzo's face puckered up like he had eaten something terrible.
(End of this chapter)

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