Embers of Embers

Chapter 381 Rod Block’s Scandal

Chapter 381 Rod Block’s Scandal
Two days, three waves of people, same thing.
Lorenzo had already vaguely noticed something was wrong, as if a group of people were setting a trap for themselves.
He stretched out his hand directly, took down the Winchester hanging above his head, pulled the iron ring of the handguard, and heard a clear click as the bullet was loaded.
"Wait a minute! This thing can fire?"
Oscar said in astonishment, he had always regarded this thing as a commemorative handicraft, who knew it was really a weapon.
"What do you say!"
Lorenzo looked menacing.
This was something Hercule emphasized to him, just as the Rat King was really just a big rat and this Winchester was really a shotgun and not some ridiculous artifact.
"what happened?"
The shrike at the door didn't understand what was going on, but after seeing Oscar, he vaguely realized that as Arthur's most trusted subordinate, he also knew Oscar's identity.
"You! You! And you! Don't talk yet!"
However, Lorenzo did not give him a chance to ask. He asked everyone to be quiet while he thought about the cause of all this.
that woman.
The woman shrouded in darkness.
Lorenzo couldn't help recalling the impressive fragrance at that time.
For a woman, this is not a soft and comfortable smell, and all Lorenzo can feel in it is the cold wind of the north, which rolls up sharp snowflakes and sculpts his face.
"So, Oscar, is he your competitor?"
Lorenzo cleared his mind and pointed at the Shrike.
"Nordro and the cleanup agency are competing with each other."
Oscar did not answer himself, but judging from his expression as if he had eaten a fly, Lorenzo guessed correctly, and the reason why he was so anxious just now was probably because he knew that the purification agency would also find him.
It's a pity that he worked so hard to become like this in the end.
"Lorenzo, you said yes!"
Oscar said to Lorenzo in a panic. It seemed that he was really afraid that this business would be taken away by the purification agency.
Seliu didn't react much. She came here just to cooperate with Oscar, but what happened now was different from what Oscar said to her before. Seliu didn't know how to act.
Shrike also came to his senses at this moment. Even if that idiot Kestrel is here, he should know more or less what happened.
"Arthur agreed to your request, we will cooperate again, and there is a job here..." Shrike tried to win back Lorenzo's heart, but was severely interrupted by him.
"Wait a minute!"
Lorenzo said, and then he looked at Oscar with a confident look on his face.
"Like you said, I owe you this, Oscar, and I will help you."
Oscar was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Lorenzo to agree to him so simply, but before he was moved, he only heard Lorenzo say to Shrike again.
"Our cooperation will continue."
The scene fell silent again.
"Lorenzo, what are you thinking about?"
Oscar asked a little at a loss, from this point of view, the cooperation between Lorenzo and the purification organization should be terminated.
But Lorenzo didn't care about this, but looked like a villain who was successful.
"Don't get excited first. Let's talk about this matter slowly. In the end, won't it still be entrusted to me?"
Lorenzo said nonchalantly.
"So, one job, two paychecks, what's the problem?"
After Lorenzo sat down, the carriage became slightly crowded, different atmospheres were mixed together in the dull air, and everyone had their own little thoughts*.
In Seleu's words, she temporarily abandoned the light and turned to darkness, so she sat in a row with Lorenzo and decided to give up on the next thing.
She was not good at arguing with others, so she chose to leave this troublesome matter to Oscar, a smooth-tongued guy. After all, he was the one who proposed all this in the first place.
Opposite her and Lorenzo, two competitors, Oscar and Shrike, sat side by side. Shrike was obviously unable to resist Oscar, and his cheeks slowly twitched, as if he was holding back something.
Also, Shrike has always been a rigorous and serious guy, and Oscar is like an older version of Lorenzo, always talking nonsense. To use a sentence Seleu often used to describe Oscar, it was probably "Damn old man." thing".
"So are you sure you want to do this? Lorenzo."
Shrike asked. He felt that Lorenzo's behavior was becoming more and more ridiculous. He seemed to want to turn the competitive relationship between the two parties into a cooperative relationship.
"Otherwise? After all, it's not your fault? I couldn't refuse any job offered to me from the very beginning. It's a bunch of messy things. Now that we've been arguing about it, I know it's related to Gaul Naluo, but the rest The intelligence is clueless.”
Lorenzo moved his eyes away from the car window and looked at Oscar and Shrike sitting together.
On one side is the mysterious Nordero, and on the other side is the purification agency that he knows a little about. But in fact, due to the degree of mystery, Lorenzo feels that the Nordero formed by this group of businessmen is even more terrifying.
They have no influence in Inverge, but outside the territory, no one knows how much power they have, and these huge wealth and power are not essentially serving Nordro, Nordro is just A tool, a cover to conceal their presence.
The one who built the country.
This is the essence of Oscar and Nordero.
Although Oscar helped him, Lorenzo still knew too little about this mysterious country builder. Not only that, he also knew too little about the world.
Old Dunling cannot represent the entire world, it is just a microcosm of the world. The real world is at the end of the railroad tracks, where there are things far beyond Lorenzo's imagination.
"So, instead of choosing who to choose, why not take me to meet the client and let me know what I want to do first, okay?"
Lorenzo asked.
Seeing Lorenzo's serious attitude, both Oscar and Shrike fell silent.
Indeed, this matter is related to huge interests, interests that neither the purge agency nor Nordero are willing to give up, and currently the only person who can decide these interests seems to be Lorenzo.
After experiencing so many events, Lorenzo has perfectly proved his extremely terrifying one-man combat ability. Instead of sending an army, it is better to put a fully armed Lorenzo into the battlefield.
This is why this job must be Lorenzo. No one can replace Lorenzo, at least for now.
"All right……"
The two made a compromise, but Shrike looked at Lorenzo and was still a little uncomfortable, he asked.
"So, Lorenzo, are you sure you want to meet your employer like this?"
Lorenzo wrapped his pajamas tightly around him, looking indifferent.
"what happened?"
He was confident.
The sun shines through the dome and falls into the auditorium. Looking around, it looks magnificent.
In the corners around, soldiers from the Purification Agency were scattered, holding unlit thermite rifles, guarding the place like sculptures.
Lorenzo still remembered the last time he came, when he met with the new order headed by Anthony. It was a bad meeting and the beginning of a storm.
It's just that he didn't expect that he came back here so soon to meet another mysterious employer.
Sitting on the soft sofa, Lorenzo looked around. Although there were few people in the auditorium, everyone's eyes were still involuntarily attracted to Lorenzo. After all, Lorenzo should have been there since the auditorium was built and put into use. Was the first one to come in wearing pajamas.
Fortunately, his pajamas didn't have any funny patterns printed on them, otherwise Seliu really wouldn't have planned to sit next to him and wait with him.
"So you know, what's going on?"
Lorenzo leaned into the sofa, treating this place as his own living room, not caring about image. To be precise, this guy didn't have any image.
"I only know part of it. Anyway, you know it well. Oscar talks to people. He talks nonsense. He only needs to tell me the part that is enough to impress me."
Seliu replied that she knew Oscar relatively well.
Lorenzo nodded, this is indeed what Oscar looks like, he will talk to himself about some weird grand plans, or talk about how to kill monsters faster, and when facing Seleu, he will talk about some girls topic, but later he found that this trick did not work well for Seleu. Instead of talking about this, it was better to talk about the interests of the Stuart family.
"Oscar said that after the success of this work, the Viking countries are willing to open safe waterways. You know, although they have completed internal unification, pirates are still rampant in the surrounding waters, and ships in Nordro need to spend We have to pay a lot of money to protect it, and there is even talk of giving up the northern channel and taking a longer route."
"Is that so..."
"Yes, and Nordro is also willing to let our Stuart group join in the trade. This is a new beginning for us. Although from the perspective of the nobles in Inverg, the Stuart group The group is still a new group of nobles, but you have to know, Lorenzo, that as time goes by, we will gradually become the 'old nobles' and fall into the same predicament as them."
It seems that after becoming the Duke, Seliu did not eat, drink or have fun, but seriously studied a lot of knowledge with Yawei. She also had a general understanding of the entire Stuart group.
"We need a change and this is a great opportunity for Stuart to continue to go from strength to strength."
Lorenzo nodded while listening to Seliu's words. He felt like a boss, and Seliu was his assistant, reporting to him the current situation of the company.
Well, he didn't know why he had such an inexplicable feeling, and at this moment, Seliu said again.
"After careful consideration, I am ready to join Nordero after this cooperation."
Lorenzo still looked nonchalant, but this time this casual look did not last long. His expression gradually became strange, and then he said in hindsight.
"What? Join Nordro? What about the merchant?"
Lorenzo looked like he had just woken up and looked at the girl next to him in shock.
Seleu had the same long pale blond hair and an indifferent expression as usual. Lorenzo rubbed her head. Judging from the touch, it didn't look like she had been hit by something.
Lorenzo's eyes were filled with "What are you thinking about?", and Seleu gave his own explanation in a calm voice.
"This cooperation is just an opportunity. We need closer cooperation with Beidro. Joining them is the best way, and..."
Seliu was silent for a while, and looked into Lorenzo's eyes.
"Besides, Lorenzo, you also need a trustworthy backing."
"What do you mean?"
"Whether it's the Purge Agency or Nordro, they are motivated by their own interests, and you just happen to have overlapping interests with them. This has been the case from beginning to end, but what happens when interests diverge?
Just like you were hunted down by the purge agency before, cooperation is only temporary. No matter who you are with, think about the worst, what if Nordro no longer helps you next time?Maybe Nordro will join in the hunt for you someday in the future?
What should you do then?Lorenzo. "
Facing these questions from Seliu, Lorenzo's expression gradually became serious. He had already guessed what Seliu wanted to say and what she wanted to do.
Lorenzo wanted her not to do this. He didn't need Seleu's help, but he didn't know how to dissuade her. When the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say. Maybe he really didn't wake up, Lorenzo. Lorenzo's mind was a little confused, and at this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps interrupted Lorenzo's train of thought.
Oscar is on the left and Shrike is on the right, like two guards, guarding the people inside.
It was a Viking, as could be seen from his body shape, as strong as a bull, his cheeks were sculpted into a stern look by the cold northern wind, and his beard was tied together and left in a braid.
"This must be Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
He walked over directly, stretched out his hand, and shook Lorenzo's hand vigorously.
"Hibald Achilar."
Lorenzo also nodded to him. The Viking didn't care about the vain etiquette and directly dragged a chair over and sat in front of Lorenzo.
"I have a job here that I need to entrust to you."
His tone was anxious. It turned out that this job was really urgent. Even the employer was so anxious. It was no wonder that Oscar and Shrike reacted like that.
"You said."
This development was a bit beyond Lorenzo's expectation. From the corner of his vision, the two guys who looked like door gods were also a little embarrassed. Maybe they didn't expect this employer to be so direct. They wanted to stop him, but they didn't know if they had a chance.
"This is a commission from the Rodbroke family."
Haybold said that the name of this family sounded familiar, and Lorenzo couldn't remember it for a while.
"We'd like you to help us with something."
He vaguely remembered that the leader who unified the Viking kingdoms seemed to have this surname.
"Scandal from the Lodbrok family."
After finishing speaking, Lorenzo's expression was almost wrinkled and frowning.
(End of this chapter)

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