Embers of Embers

Chapter 382 Trading

Chapter 382 Trading
Ragnar Lodbrok, in the hundreds of years of civil war among the Viking kingdoms, he was the first person to successfully end the civil war and unify the kingdoms. The Vikings surrendered to him, obeyed his orders, and called him The King of Ice and Sea.
Lorenzo gradually remembered all this. After all, the Viking countries were relatively far away for him, and he usually didn't care much about them, but he never thought that he would be involved with this mysterious existence today.
He still remembered those people's songs about Ragnar. Some people said that he was extremely brave. As long as he appeared on the battlefield, the enemy would be afraid and lose morale. Wherever he went, people would either surrender or be plundered. Some people also said that he was an Austrian. The incarnation of God Ding...
In short, no matter whether there is any artistic processing or not, judging from his achievements in ending the civil war and completing the reunification, the King of Ice and Sea can be regarded as a peerless man in Lorenzo's eyes.
The Lodbrok that Hebold was talking about in front of him was the family of the Ice King. In other words, Lorenzo could understand it as the royal family of the Viking countries. This was from the most powerful family, Luo Renzo. De Block's commission.
Lorenzo couldn't help wrapping his pajamas tightly. Although Heybold hadn't explained what the job content was, Lorenzo felt inexplicably troubled just from what he learned now, as if he was in the far north Inside, there was a cold wind blowing against my face.
This job is definitely not going to be easy.
"Anyway... let's find a quiet place to discuss these things first."
The anxious Heybold suddenly calmed down again. Unlike what people are familiar with, this Viking was unexpectedly cautious. He looked around the auditorium, as if he was guarding against some enemy.
Lorenzo nodded stiffly, he had already got himself into it, and if he wanted to get out now, he would probably have no chance.
So what kind of virtue and ability do you have?To actually take on such a big responsibility.
After a few minutes, everyone who was supposed to come and those who weren't supposed to come were basically there.
It was still the familiar conference room, where Lorenzo had his first confrontation with the new cult, and it was filled with bad memories everywhere.
Just like before, he was sitting in a familiar position, directly opposite Arthur who was rushing over. On the other side of Arthur was Oscar, who represented Nordero. On the other side, looking out, were Seleu and the Shrike, each with a serious look on their face, like something bad had happened.
"More than these, I want to know more about whether this commission belongs to us, Nordro, and you have to clean up the mechanism."
Oscar has already put away his smile. He has no influence in Invergne Nordro. Now the place is full of people from the purge agency. He has fallen into the tiger's den. Even if Lorenzo agrees to him, he will probably be killed. The purge mechanism was snatched away with a sword, but Oscar still wanted to give it a try.
"Actually, this can be considered a cooperation between us. After all, if you really want to take on this job, you will need the assistance of the cleanup agency."
Arthur looked at Oscar unkindly, this old fox was very difficult to deal with.
"for example?"
"For example, your Nordro is just a commercial and trade organization in the end. You do not exist and should not have any political nature. Once there is a conflict with Gaul Naluo, what will you do?"
"So you are saying that this blame can be thrown to Inervig?"
"You are an organization that originated from Ying Erweg, not to mention that there are already many conflicts between Yin Erweg and Gaul Naluo. Who cares about one more and one less?"
Arthur didn't mind paying for the benefits, he just hoped it wouldn't complicate the matter.
But the conversation between the two obviously couldn't decide all this. The real decision maker was sitting at the other end. He was wrapped in ridiculous pajamas and playing with a mace that he didn't know where to find. He was incompatible with this place.
Hibold, the Viking, was obviously a little strange. He actually didn't question Lorenzo, this strange guy. It was obviously the first time they met, but he seemed to trust Lorenzo. Maybe he had heard too much. The sweet talk between Arthur and Oscar really made Lorenzo look like an expert.
And isn’t it normal for experts to have some weird hobbies?
"Rather than dividing interests, why don't you tell me first what exactly is this job?"
Finally, Lorenzo, who had been silent, asked.
He hated this feeling. Everyone in the world knew what was going on, but no one said anything. He only had an unclear feeling.
"Hmm... I guess you also know something about the Viking countries and the Lodbrok family, right?"
The scene fell silent, and then Haybold said to Lorenzo.
"Ragnar Lodbrok, of course I know this. He is known to you as the incarnation of the god Odin. He is extremely brave and ferocious. He is a born warrior."
Haybold did not react much to Lorenzo's appreciation, but after learning about it, he continued to explain to Lorenzo.
"The cause of this matter is that our Viking countries are preparing to cooperate with Yin Erweg. Currently, the industrial fire is raging, but due to the years of civil war in our Viking countries, we have fallen behind the entire world. In order to catch up For others, Nordro is willing to provide trade routes, and Inverg is willing to provide steam technology support."
This is a common approach. With the support of trade and technology, Yin Erweg used this method to implicitly form alliances with a large number of countries after the Glorious War.
"Then what's the price?"
Lorenzo asked, curious as to what the Viking kingdoms had paid in exchange for this help.
This is a cruel world, everything has a price, and it is extremely expensive.
"This has nothing to do with this commission, Haybold, please continue."
Arthur interrupted Lorenzo's question at the right time, as if he was deliberately concealing it, and then motioned to Haybold to continue.
Lorenzo did not have a fit, but just moved his gaze to Oscar's face. Surprisingly, this competitor did not refute Arthur, but acquiesced to Arthur's behavior.
They don't want more people to know what the price is, whether it's the purge agency or Nordero.
Things got interesting.
Lorenzo still looked careless, as if he didn't care about all this, but this was just his disguise, he was very good at deceiving.
"But there are problems with our cooperation."
Haybold said.
"Just before we were ready to cooperate, Ragnar's son, Ivar Lodbrok, was kidnapped."
"Is there any necessary connection between the two?" Lorenzo asked.
"The hijackers are Galnarots. They don't want us to cooperate and threaten Ivar's life, but if we are willing to open the waterway to them, they are willing to release Ivar."
Lorenzo felt that things were getting weird. He looked at Hebold. This Viking didn't look like he could lie, and Arthur and Oscar had no objections.
"Then let me guess, my job is to find a way to go to Gaul Naluo to rescue that Ivar. If it succeeds, you will cooperate with Yin Erweg. If it fails, you will agree with Gaul Naluo." Luo’s proposal.”
This is a shameful proposal, but judging from Hebold's attitude, this group of Vikings is really prepared to do this if he fails.
"But...it's just a human life. If Ragnar is really as rumored, he shouldn't care about Ivar's life, right?"
Lorenzo asked. Although he had never met the Ice King, judging from his deeds, he was definitely a cold-blooded and crazy person. Only such a person could integrate the Vikings who were in constant civil strife. country.
But how could such a person be so easily threatened by Gaul Naluo?Even if it was his child who was being held hostage.
His goal is all countries and the entire world. How can such a person be easily stumbling?
"What the King of the Ice Sea means is to do our best to save Ivar. If you succeed, the Viking countries will cooperate with you. If you fail, we will switch to Gaul Naluo and try to exchange for Ivar's life."
Haybold said seriously.
A trace of disappointment flashed across Lorenzo's expression.
"So, that's it? I thought it would be some shocking case, but it seems like it was just to save his son, and he did not hesitate to work hard for so many years, right?"
"I know this may damage your evaluation of the King of Ice and Sea, but in fact...it's just artistic processing, and you haven't seen him with your own eyes, right? This is the whole job. For Ivar, we can abandon it Lots of stuff," Haybold replied.
"So what's so special about that Ivar?"
He never imagined that a transaction between kingdoms could be easily reversed by one person. Lorenzo was full of curiosity about this goal.
"There's nothing special about him, he's just very popular with the King of Ice and Sea."
Haybold said he didn't look like he was lying.
That's all the work is about.
Looking back and forth, Hebold stood up in silence and finally said.
"If possible, I hope Mr. Holmes can set off as soon as possible. The necessary support and clues will be handed over to you later."
He left directly, leaving the discussion space to a few people in the conference room.
After a brief silence, Lorenzo sighed helplessly.
"Either the King of the Ice Sea is nothing more than that, or that Ivar is very special, right? This can reasonably explain why he made such a ridiculous decision."
The development of various countries is so ridiculously restricted by one person. Of course, Lorenzo does not think that all this is as simple as it seems. No matter how the rumors of the Ice King are artistically processed, at least he is truly Having managed to end the civil strife, there must be something hidden here, but I just can't know it.
"I can't understand this either. When I learned this, my reaction was the same as yours."
Oscar said that from his wrinkled expression, it could be seen that he had indeed had enough of these Vikings.
"As for Ivar, I don't know what is special about him, but...if I have to say there is anything special about him, he is a disabled person and cannot stand on his feet. This is also a major reason why he was held hostage. Among Ragnar's descendants, he is the least threatening."
"Because he is not a threat, he is favored by his father? If he is so humiliated, he will not be able to go to the Hall of Valor after his death!" Lorenzo commented.
During his time in the lower city, Lorenzo came into contact with many Vikings. No matter how different they were, they all had the same thing in common: they were savage and pursued honor, the honor of the god Odin.
I couldn't help but think of the Viking named Sabo. They were all so crazy and were born to die with more honor.
But what he learned from the conversation just now made Lorenzo a little disappointed.
"So, what's the price? You are all human beings, everyone is. The King of Ice Sea sacrificed such a huge benefit to take back his son. What is this for? Moreover, the Viking countries are short of resources, and you are so kind. What is the purpose of extending a helping hand?"
With questions after questions, Lorenzo looked at everyone here coldly, hoping that they could give him a reasonable answer.
Oscar seemed a little hesitant, but he still said it.
"I can't tell you everything. After all, Nordro is not my decision alone. But at least, we just hope that the north can be under the control of Nordro."
Lorenzo's mind was slightly touched. This is a place as mysterious as the distant Jiuxia. After all, in the original legend, the "Gospel" and "Revelation" came from there.
"Our reasons will be explained to you by Queen Victoria herself, Lorenzo." Arthur said.
"Oh... huh?"
Lorenzo's eyes gradually became frightened. He looked at Arthur with a serious look on his face and didn't seem to be joking.
"Yes, Lorenzo, this job is very simple for you. You just go to Gaulnaro to rescue a person." Arthur glanced at Seleu who was aside, "You are not the first time to do this kind of job." Did it once.”
"But the success or failure of this work will affect many interests. Of course, you don't need to care about these. You just need to do what you should do."
Arthur said and looked at Oscar again. The two sides were still in a competitive relationship. The commission from the Viking countries fell directly on these two behemoths. Although they were working together on the surface, they both wanted to take a stronger dominant position. status.
"This work is outside the country, which requires the assistance of your North Dro, but in the follow-up processing, we still need our help, and there is even talk of using scavengers..."
"I understand what you mean, and I will report it to the other members."
Oscar said helplessly that in this case, he could only cooperate with the purification agency. If he had known that this would happen, he should have deceived Lorenzo away from the old Dunling first.
"As for you, Lorenzo..."
"So, are you going to meet Queen Victoria like this?"
Arthur looked at Lorenzo's ridiculous clothes and asked this question.
"Wait, there's no need to be in such a hurry."
Lorenzo felt like these people were urging him to die, as if the unlucky Ivar would die in Nalore in Gaul in the next second.
Or maybe they are like some extremely terrifying pathogen, and they want to throw themselves out of Old Dunling immediately.
"The carriage is waiting for us. The Platinum Palace is not open to the public every day."
(End of this chapter)

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