Embers of Embers

Chapter 383 Scam

Chapter 383 Scam
Today is really a busy day, with all the things piled up, waiting for him to do, but fortunately, the things now have nothing to do with the demon, otherwise Lorenzo would not be as casual as he is now.
After experiencing so much, Lorenzo has a general understanding of the secrets of Old Dunling. In fact, the entire Old Dunling is a tightly guarded fortress, with an efficient transportation system, airships patrolling at all times, and the mysterious Antimemetic, all of this is to protect the city and the core of the city.
Victoria royal family.
They are so mysterious that they are troubled by the king's curse. Unless necessary, they almost never appear in the eyes of the world, deliberately weakening their existence, and sometimes people even forget that this country has a queen.
Of course, regarding this part, Lorenzo didn't know whether their sense of existence was really so weak, or whether the antimemetic power of the scavengers was secretly at work.
In short, Lorenzo has too many questions about this mysterious royal family, and it seems that all of these questions will be answered today.
The legion's defense line was stationed outside the Platinum Palace. The soldiers held weapons with their muzzles pointed upward, like spears piercing the sky. After a series of inspections, the carriage slowly drove into an open area. There is nothing around, only green grass.
The splendid palace is at the end of the grassy field. Several roads lead there, and there are artificial streams in between. It looks beautiful.
Although there seems to be nothing here, it is the most heavily defended place because there are no bunkers. From those sentry towers, even a mouse running on the grass can be clearly seen.
Lorenzo was sitting in the car. He was sure that there might be several guns pointed at this place secretly. Once there was any movement in the carriage, they would directly fire the gun as a signal, and hundreds of soldiers would rush in and tear themselves apart. Crush.
"Next, follow me and don't do anything extraordinary."
Across from Lorenzo, Arthur said to Lorenzo.
"Hmm...but looking at this time, Her Majesty the Queen should be having lunch. Is there any chance I can have a drink?"
Lorenzo looked out the car window. The sky in Old Dunling was still gloomy, but at least it was much better than before the rainy season, and he could see the sun setting more or less.
"Please be serious, Lorenzo, you are about to face Queen Victoria."
Arthur said with a headache.
Many times, when strangers meet the queen, Arthur has to worry about whether they are assassins and whether they have any other intentions. But when he comes to Lorenzo, Arthur does not think that he will assassinate the queen. Instead, he thinks that Lorenzo might be the one to assassinate the queen. Perform some strange acrobatics in front of the Queen.
And the starting point of all this is probably just because Lorenzo thought it would be interesting, yes, he just thought it was interesting.
Seeing Lorenzo's dazed expression, Arthur somewhat understood.
Some people are just so boring.
He has experienced the most cruel things and encountered the most terrifying weirdness. Few things can tug at his heartstrings, so he begins to become bored and laughs endlessly because of some strange and strange things.
If people live too long, they will become like this, which is a bit crazy.
Outside the gate of the Platinum Palace, the royal guards raised their guns and signaled the carriage to stop.
They are the personal guards directly affiliated with the royal family and are responsible for the internal security of the Platinum Palace.This will be the last inspection, and they have also received news that there will be visitors today. In addition to the familiar Arthur, there is also a new guest.
It is important to know that new guests rarely arrive at the Platinum Palace, which makes these royal guards a little curious as to who will have the honor to meet Queen Victoria in person.
Is he male or female, tall or short, noble or humble... This makes everyone curious.
The car door was pushed open, Arthur got out, and soon after, another person also got out.
What comes into view is a thigh with leg hair, followed by a bare foot... No, he is wearing slippers, looking up, there is a ridiculous blue robe, wait... this is pajamas.
The expressions of the royal guards became strange. They were a little at a loss for a while. They were facing a more ferocious situation, but today's situation really confused them.
But that wasn't the end yet. The guest came down, his hair as messy as a chicken coop, as if he had just been pulled out of bed and looked like he hadn't woken up.
"Oh oh oh! Is this the Platinum Palace? It's so big!"
The guest made a speech that he had never seen before.
"This light! This water! This...soldier!"
He was like a tourist coming to visit, and Arthur's expression became slightly ferocious. He swore that Lorenzo definitely did it on purpose.
From the moment he insisted on wearing pajamas, he did it on purpose.
"Gentlemen, give me the weapons."
The royal guards maintained their proper professionalism, and did not laugh at Lorenzo's absurd appearance, but carried out the work process.
Arthur generously took out the pistol from his waist, which was the only weapon on his body, and then handed it to the royal guard who came forward.
As for Lorenzo, maybe it was because he was wearing pajamas. Surprisingly, no one stopped him, and he didn't move, just stood there blankly.
"Let's go! Lorenzo."
Arthur really didn't want to talk to Lorenzo, and he didn't want to have anything to do with this psycho here.
"wait for me."
Lorenzo said suddenly, and then put his hand under his pajamas, not knowing what he was looking for.
This time, not only Arthur, but also the royal guards were stunned. Lorenzo took out two armor-breaking hammers from under his pajamas and handed them to the royal guards beside him.
"This thing is flammable and explosive, remember to handle it with care."
The royal guard took over the armor-piercing hammer somewhat confusedly, his eyes full of confusion.
Who is this guy?
Should I arrest him?
Where did this thing come from?
Immediately afterwards, these messy thoughts were interrupted by what was taken out next.
A beautifully crafted short-handled shotgun appeared in everyone's eyes, with a small poem engraved on it, just like a handicraft.
Everyone was stunned.
"Okay, let's go."
Lorenzo didn't care about other people's expressions and walked directly into the Platinum Palace on his slippers. In the empty corridor, the squeaking sound of the slippers was so clear and loud that it was like a slap in the face, slapping everyone on the face. face.
The rest of the journey became silent. Arthur really didn't want to have any communication with Lorenzo, but Lorenzo himself was enjoying himself.
After all, this is the Platinum Palace, and it is not a place that can be easily reached. Lorenzo was not as restrained as others when they first came here. He looked around as if he was visiting the living room of his own home.
If there weren't royal guards controlling other areas, Lorenzo wouldn't mind helping her check the defense of the Platinum Palace before meeting Queen Victoria.
"Okay, we're here, Lorenzo."
Finally, in front of a door, the two stopped.
It was a gold-plated gate with a smooth and golden surface, and the appearance of the two of them was clearly reflected in it.
At this moment, Lorenzo couldn't help but become serious. As the door slowly opened, the hazy light swallowed him up.
Behind the door is an empty and huge restaurant. The long table is placed on the red carpet. It is already filled with sumptuous food. However, it is too empty. Apart from these, there is no one. There are chairs beside the long table. It was also pushed under the table, leaving only two chairs empty, which were prepared for Arthur and Lorenzo.
Lorenzo looked forward and saw a woman, the woman known as Queen Victoria.
If you think about it carefully, people today don’t seem to know what Queen Victoria looks like, nor her name, nor even her term. This is a very strange phenomenon. As the ruler of the country, the people’s respect for her is Understanding is almost zero.
Lorenzo saw her in person for the first time here. Different from what he imagined, she was a very ordinary woman. She was not even wearing any luxurious dress or noble crown. She was like a misunderstanding. Like the ordinary people who entered here, he sat at the head seat of the long table and looked at Lorenzo with a smile.
Lorenzo sat silently in his seat. He had never seen Queen Victoria in person. He didn't know whether the woman in front of him was a stand-in, but then he saw it.
The woman's skin was pale, but it was a little more bloody under the light. In the corner of her sleeves, there was a blood vessel. Beside her, a man was standing behind her to guard her.
"Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
The queen's voice was not high-pitched, but in this empty space, it reached Lorenzo's ears very clearly.
The two looked at each other, and Lorenzo suddenly laughed.
"It's me, Lorenzo Holmes, Your Majesty, but you don't seem surprised by me, and I'm looking forward to your expression."
Lorenzo stopped joking and finally became serious, and his funny pajamas became serious.
"Do you mean pajamas? In fact, if you came respectfully, I would feel disappointed. After all, this is not the same as you described in the article." The Queen replied.
"Your Majesty seems to know me very well."
"Of course. I have copies of all the information about you here. I have read it many times."
"I didn't expect His Majesty to care about me so much." Lorenzo said shamelessly.
The queen still smiled that way, and then raised her hand, letting Lorenzo see the scar-covered wrist.
"You should also be aware of the existence of the King's Curse, right? The Victoria family is trapped in this gorgeous palace, which is an exquisite birdcage... I can't go to the outside world to see you in person, so I have to learn from these words. Fortunately, my guess was good when I found you."
From those action reports, personnel's oral statements and other information, these words painted the appearance of Lorenzo in Queen Victoria's mind, a somewhat crazy, somewhat neurotic, and uncontrollable existence.
"I have heard what Arthur said about you, so now that you have seen me with your own eyes, can our cooperation continue?"
Lorenzo returned the same smile.
"of course can."
"Then it is your turn to fulfill your promise, Mr. Holmes."
The Queen continued.
The queen put down her knife and fork and looked directly at Lorenzo. Inexplicable depression surged in the entire lonely space.
"What exactly is the False Holy Grail?"
Facing this question, Lorenzo fell silent.
This is what he promised Arthur before. The two parties will cooperate again and be honest with each other. At this time, Lorenzo will explain the mysterious false holy grail to the purification agency.
But what is the false Holy Grail?
In the final analysis, it is just one of countless lies, just a ridiculous lie.
Watson is the False Holy Grail. As the product of another plan of Lorenzo Medici, she successfully "sublimated" and became this existence similar to the "Silent One".
Want to expose her?
In the last conversation we met, Lorenzo had already figured out everything. Watson was not an enemy. The only person who knows of her existence, if used properly, Watson will become Lorenzo's hole card.
Of course...Lorenzo doesn't know where this trump card is now.
Do you want to trust the purification agency?Tell them about Watson's existence?
The silence was short, but during this short period of time, Lorenzo's smile became weird, and Arthur felt a little uneasy, although Lorenzo had been at a disadvantage before, being chased and beaten , but he knew very well what Lorenzo would do when he had the advantage.
After all, Lorenzo is an uncontrollable guy. Now everyone can sit together because they have the same interests. If one day Inverg also chooses to use the power of the demon to achieve his own goals, then I am afraid that he was hiding in his pajamas before. weapons have their place.
Lorenzo doesn't mind being an enemy of the Purge Agency, after all, he has done so before.
No one knew what was going on in Lorenzo's mind, and then a voice sounded with a smile.
"What exactly is the False Holy Grail?"
Lorenzo repeated the question, looking directly at the Queen.
"Do you know the Mouse King in the Lower Town?"
Suddenly he started talking about something else.
"In fact, it is really a mouse, a very big mouse. Many people have been misled by the inertia of thinking, but similarly, this misdirection can also be reversed.
The Pseudo Holy Grail is not actually a physical object... In previous research, Abigail also realized this, didn't she? "
Lies were weaved bit by bit, Lorenzo smiled.
"The False Holy Grail is a piece of information, a piece of intelligence, a spell that will cause nightmares if you say it."
He dominated the game.
"Arthur, you should have felt this way, right? There is an invisible wall that limits our knowledge, and those who knew what was behind the wall also died strangely, and there is no information. Can’t stay.”
Lorenzo turned his attention to Arthur. The perfect deception needs to be mixed with real intelligence and an actor who can cooperate with him.
Arthur nodded stiffly, not knowing what would happen next.
(End of this chapter)

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