Embers of Embers

Chapter 384 Golden Dawn

Chapter 384 Golden Dawn
"An invisible force that is everywhere, limiting our understanding of the world... I have also told Merlin about this thing. I think it can be called a [border]."
As Lorenzo spoke, the warm hall became colder and quieter, and Arthur felt a little uneasy, as if something strange was about to come.
"Think carefully, everyone, is this true? Human beings have existed for so long, but we only have recorded history in recent years. So what were we doing before that, and what were the demons doing?"
Lorenzo began his speech.
"Arthur, Your Majesty the Queen, you Yinweg have been fighting demons for so long, but have you ever thought about this? The demons we hunt are essentially demonized by humans. Monsters, that is to say, in the thousands of years that we humans have been fighting monsters, we have actually been fighting against another group of humans."
This is a terrible truth.
"Another group of demonized humans fight. This hatred continues for an unknown amount of time. Basically, it is just a civil war among humans."
Everything fell silent except for Lorenzo's voice that continued to echo.
"In fact, all this is like a plague, except that this epidemic will not kill humans, but will turn humans into monsters called monsters. So, what is the source of all this? Where is [Patient Zero] who caused all this? ?”
"[Holy Grail]."
Arthur said solemnly that this was the information Lorenzo had given. The Evangelical Church had captured the source of the demon, the existence called the [Holy Grail].
"No, this is a lie, Lorenzo Medici's lie," Lorenzo rejected it directly. "We have all been deceived by him. We still don't know the source of all this, and the so-called [Holy Grail] 】It’s just another more terrifying monster.”
"As for the False Holy Grail...
Please forgive me, Arthur, and Your Majesty, please forgive me for explaining all this in such a secretive way. You should also be clear, right? Corrosion is memetic, and it can carry information through everything. ', maybe when I say all this, you will be eroded by the information carried by my words. "
Arthur's expression became gloomy, and he realized the difficulty of the matter. Sure enough, this kind of thing cannot be carried out rashly, and this is the Platinum Palace, and Queen Victoria is not far in front of Lorenzo.
"Let's stop here for today!"
Arthur suggested that he was very vigilant. Once what Lorenzo said was true, once this information caused erosion, inexplicable terror would directly descend on the Platinum Palace.
"No, go ahead, Mr. Holmes."
The queen still had that peaceful smile, and it seemed that nothing could shake her mind.
Arthur tried to explain the potential crisis, but then the Queen interrupted.
"The purification agency was directly appointed by the Victoria royal family. I know the horror of demons better than you do, so don't worry about me."
Seeing that the queen was so persistent, Arthur couldn't say anything more, so Lorenzo continued.
"The Evangelical Church used the [Holy Grail] to develop the [False Holy Grail]. No... to be precise, it learned about the [False Holy Grail], and the [False Holy Grail] is essentially a piece of information about the [Border]. The name is just It's just used to deceive people and mislead.
Regarding [boundary], we can roughly understand it as an early warning system. "
"Early warning system?"
"That's right, once someone understands monsters too deeply and understands those parts that have been deliberately concealed, it seems that this warning will be triggered. Those hidden monsters... you can understand it as the [Holy Grail], those who have been temporarily The monsters called the [Holy Grail] will eradicate those who know the truth and annihilate them along with all the information.”
As Lorenzo narrated, Arthur fell silent again, his eyes trembling slightly, because of Lorenzo's narration, the long memory was also evoked at this time.
"Red News Incident..."
"What did you say?"
Lorenzo heard Arthur's whisper and asked curiously.
"The Red News Incident, a demon invasion broke out in the Everlasting Pump more than ten years ago. We don't know where the demons came from. In short, they just appeared underground out of thin air and destroyed everything at that time. We will call this incident Call it a red flag, and then the investigation into the incident makes no progress."
Arthur recalled the incident that severely damaged the purification mechanism. It was like going back to that time again, and his body felt endless cold.
"Just like what you described, no information can be retained, and all parties involved have been driven crazy due to erosion. No matter how hard we try, all this is just a blank.
Arthur changed his words and looked at Lorenzo who was standing up.
"Lorenzo, this is also what I am going to investigate next, so why not tell it now.
During the local war at Black Mountain Hospital, Knight Commander Mordred briefly woke up. He was a personal experiencer of the Red News incident. He said that when he was corrupted, it was as if he was trapped in... [The Gap]. middle. "
Lorenzo listened carefully to Arthur's words. He just wanted to use the existing intelligence to weave a lie that could convince the purification agency, but he never expected that he would actually swindle more information.
"Go on," he said.
"Perhaps, the consciousness of all those who have been eroded is trapped in the [gap]. Of course, this is not the focus of the discussion. The point is that through him, I finally learned about the inner workings of the Ever-Moving Pump during the Red News Incident. Do something."
Arthur's gaze then turned to the queen at the other end of the long table. She had always looked calm, as if everything was under control.
"The previous Merlin, that is, William, secretly conducted some kind of experiment. Through Mordred's information, William said he found [the truth]."
Everything fell silent, and Lorenzo's expression gradually became serious. He knew very well the importance of the word [truth]. This is what all alchemists pursue throughout their lives, and for this, they can devote everything in their lives.
"Then the Red News incident broke out...wait a minute, how similar it is, Lorenzo, how similar it all is..."
Arthur seemed to have remembered something. He looked at Lorenzo, and the information conveyed in his eyes also aroused Lorenzo's thoughts. He opened his mouth slightly and said in a mysterious way.
"Night of Advent."
They are so similar, conducting some kind of research on the unknown, and then a disaster breaks out, and all the insiders die, burying the secret forever.
"And this is what I want to say, Arthur, the [Pseudo Holy Grail] is information about the cause of these things. Once our knowledge crosses the [boundary], it will cause disaster. This is the case with the Red News incident. The Holy Arrival The same is true at night.”
Lorenzo's voice was a little trembling, and the contents of Shermans' notes were confirmed. Just like what he said, there are always people better than himself. He can discover this, so why can't those people?
In fact, they discovered it, but they all died because of the [Silent Ones].
How long has this situation lasted? How long has this force called [boundary] restricted human cognition?
Lorenzo suddenly didn't dare to think about it. The [Silent Ones] seemed to want to do something. If they were conscious, what secrets were they guarding? And...
What is the connection between Gabriel and them?
"Is that so... It seems that we need to be cautious in our future research. However, the New Order doesn't know that what they have been chasing is not the weapons, but the secret information?" Arthur asked.
"This is natural. As I said, those who knew about it are dead... Regarding these, I also have a note as proof. I will give it to you later, but be careful, the power of [Border] is Like swords hanging over our heads, they will fall down at any time... They supervise everyone."
Lorenzo let out a long sigh and sat down tiredly.
He was a little unclear whether what he did was right or wrong. This did cover Watson's existence, but at the same time, he was also worried that even if Arthur knew the information, no one knew the bottom line of [Border]. Wherever, maybe a certain study on demons will lead to those nightmares again.
No... more than that.
Lorenzo suddenly felt a winter-like chill. As long as the [Border] still exists, humans are destined to be unable to understand the full picture of the demon and find the source of the disease. Likewise, this is a dead end. The closer they get to the truth, the closer they will be to the truth. Death is near.
This is an extremely perfect protective measure, isolating this source from the world's knowledge.
Why is the world so twisted?
Lorenzo thought this way, and he looked towards the end of the long table, but that was a scene that made him feel even more terrifying.
There were no monsters or strange scenes. Queen Victoria still sat there quietly, listening to the conversation between Lorenzo and Arthur.
Regarding [Border], this is a terrible fact. Perhaps from this information, we can understand the root of many unsolved mysteries in history, those countries that suddenly disappeared, groups that suddenly died...
This information is enough to drive many people crazy. Even if Lorenzo has already understood it, when he looks back again, he will be frightened by this curse-like nature, let alone Arthur, who has just learned this.
They were all trembling because of the unknown before them, but Queen Victoria was different. She still had that kind smile and calm look. It seemed that nothing Lorenzo said could touch her mind. For her, all this , is no different from ordinary intelligence.
Like a cold sculpture, Lorenzo initially thought that she might be trying to maintain her dignity as a queen and contain her emotions, but that was not the case. Lorenzo could feel that she had no emotional fluctuations at all. It's as if...as if she already knew everything was like this.
Queen Victoria also knew about the existence of [borders].
Yes, it makes sense to say so. After all, the purification agency was established by them, and because of the strange nature of [The Silent One], she deliberately concealed this information, and there was a corresponding reason.
The [Silent Ones] are so weird, when you realize their existence, they will also be aware of your existence. Lorenzo is sure that he has been exposed to the sight of the [Silent Ones], and even said that he has already been exposed to the sight of the Silent Ones. When they attacked, he was unaware of it due to various factors.
All this, what is going on?
Thoughts were racing in his mind, but on the surface, Lorenzo still had the slightly shocked expression just now, which he concealed very well and perfectly.
The intelligence is integrated one by one, and the mystery of Inverg is close at hand.
"Then I've finished my explanation, Your Majesty. Accordingly, I also have many questions to ask you."
He shouted "Your Majesty", but Lorenzo's words were rude. He looked at the Queen at the end of the long table, and reviewed these events in his mind one by one.
"What do you want to ask? Mr. Holmes."
The Queen's voice was calm.
"About the King's Curse, what exactly is it and where does it come from."
Lorenzo looked serious, and the secret blood was about to stir in his body. He suddenly had a new idea. He wanted to do this, but he didn't know what would happen if he did so.
The atmosphere fell silent again. Arthur didn't know much more about the King's Curse than Lorenzo. After all, it was a disease of the royal family and related to the rule of royal power.
The queen's silence did not last long, she still had that damn smile.
"King's Curse.
This will be a long story and a very secret story. If possible, I hope this secret can be buried in the Platinum Palace forever..."
Lorenzo tensed slightly, he could read the threat in it.
"But this is not the past, now is a new era, with machines roaring and human civilization making great strides forward. These decaying relics should also be abandoned and forgotten."
The Queen raised her hand again and looked at her pale skin. The blood vessels underneath were like red spider webs, covering the flesh.
"It's a blessing and a curse."
She let out a hearty laugh.
"Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, have you ever thought about how Inverg rose?"
Lorenzo was stunned for a moment. He knew this kind of thing very well, and many people knew it very well. This kind of thing was written in history books, and it was not a problem at all. But after being stunned, Lorenzo realized something.
History is written by the victors. Under one history that can be shown to everyone, there must be another history hidden in the shadow.
What is hidden under the shadow of Inlvig?
"This is...a somewhat complicated story, but fortunately I have a lot of time today, and we are the only ones here."
the Queen continued.
"Do you know? In fact, the Victoria family is an alchemy family. Of course, this was all a long time ago."
For a moment, all breathing stopped, not only Lorenzo's, but also Arthur's.
"The other thing is that a long time ago, the alchemists were not as you know them. They were fighting each other and chasing [the truth]. We had a sufficiently united group at first, but unfortunately, it later Split.
And this is the story of the original alchemists, about...
The story of the Golden Dawn. "
The broken sunlight passed through the gloomy clouds and fell into the glorious platinum palace. Under the reflection of the gold, the three of them were surrounded by the glow.
(End of this chapter)

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