Embers of Embers

Chapter 385 The Secret Keeper

Chapter 385 The Secret Keeper
This is a good time to announce the secret. In the capital of Inverg, in the palace where the royal family lives, the sun sets and everything is shining with gold, even if Lorenzo is wearing ridiculous pajamas. This moment also seemed sacred.
Unfortunately, this brilliant light could not warm anyone's body. They still seemed to be swallowed up by the cold wind. Their fingertips could not help but tremble. It could not illuminate those dark hearts, which contained one conspiracy after another. And tricks, and those ulterior secrets.
"The Golden Dawn... originated from a small group called the Rosicrucian Order, headed by an alchemist named Roger Cruz.
There were only a few of them at first, but as the group expanded, it officially became the Golden Dawn. However, a large part of the reason why I say this is because our Victoria family’s knowledge of all this is limited to the Golden Dawn. As for its predecessor There are basically no records of the Rosicrucian Order, and no one knows whether it actually existed. "
Queen Victoria spoke slowly, lifting the veil of the past for the two of them.
"The Golden Dawn is the original alchemy group with clear records, and the Victoria family is also one of its first members. However, with the discovery of [Truth], in those distant years, what happened in the Golden Dawn that we have not yet seen We don’t know the contradiction, but the result is clear to us. The Golden Dawn split. The alchemists no longer believed in each other and entered an era of fighting on their own."
"The Victoria family returned to their former homeland, which is now Yin Erweg. We used alchemy to exchange for wealth and power, and gradually took root in Yin Erweg until we became the rulers of Yin Erweg.
But everything comes at a price, and as the price of this power, we are blessed...and cursed. "
Lorenzo stared at Queen Victoria under the light. He was only one step away from the secret of this country.
"King curse, right?"
The Queen shook her head and said to Lorenzo.
"The King's Curse is just a part, it is the price, and the blessing is what you see now."
"What do you mean?"
"What else could there be... In the middle of the Glorious War, when the old Dunling was about to fall, but at this moment, as if there was a blessing from the gods, we innovated the steam engine. The furnaces worked day and night, the factories worked day and night, and in the steel Under the torrent, we tried our best to win this desperate war.
Don't you think it's a coincidence?In this time of crisis, we have the power to reverse the situation. "
The voice was still so calm, but when it fell into Lorenzo's ears, it was like thunder on a sunny day.
"This...is a blessing."
Lorenzo whispered.
At the end of the long table, the Queen slightly agreed.
"That's right, there are no miracles, or in other words, all miracles require a price."
"what on earth is it?"
Lorenzo began to feel a little confused. He thought he knew enough about this world, but now it seems that all this is so weird and distorted, as if the hand of God is fiddled with this world vigorously. Normal human beings He struggled to adapt to this crazy world, revealing a ferocious and weird appearance.
Arthur on the side did not fluctuate much. It seemed that he had known this for a long time, but when he thought about it again today, he still felt pressure in his heart.
The pressure of the unknown, the awe of the unknown.
"After the Golden Dawn split, different branches emerged. Some alchemists chose to record this knowledge. They established libraries in the split land to guard this forbidden knowledge. Some alchemists chose to leave. .
Some alchemists, like the Victoria family, gave up the pursuit of "Truth" and instead entered the world, and relied on alchemy to achieve a status beyond ordinary people. Some alchemists continued to pursue "Truth", He wanders the world greedily. "
The Queen tells about the unknown past.
"A long time passed like this, and all the alchemists in the world gradually disappeared, and the remaining alchemists were also confused by these chronological knowledge.
The same goes for our Victoria family. "
"Then...the so-called steam engine, the so-called blessing is..."
Lorenzo asked, and he vaguely guessed the answer, but when the Queen personally verified all this, Lorenzo still couldn't believe it.
"Before I answer this question, Mr. Holmes, I want to ask you a question."
The queen stared into Lorenzo's eyes, and her gaze seemed to penetrate Lorenzo's eyeballs and reach directly into his dark soul.
"What do you think alchemy is?"
What is alchemy?
How could Lorenzo know this? He is not an alchemist...but if he had to say something...
"A singular power, power beyond present understanding."
Lorenzo replied.
"Is that so? I like the current Merlin very much, because the answer he gave is the most in line with my heart. He said that alchemy is just a 'science' that we have not yet understood."
The queen's voice was like a wooden hammer, hitting Lorenzo's chest gently and not hard, making it difficult for his heart to calm down.
"So, it is also a power beyond current understanding. The biggest difference between steam engines and alchemy is that it is understood by us. We can use existing knowledge to explain its principles, but we cannot do that with alchemy. .
So?Is it because alchemy is so mysterious, or is it that our existing basic knowledge cannot explain it? "
Lorenzo had no answer for the queen's question, which was beyond his comprehension.
“When people face the unknown, they usually seek help from others. But when others cannot explain it, people will place their hopes on some illusory gods and try to save themselves with faith...
Take a look at the Demon Hunting Order. You master the technology of demons, but you explain the principles of these powers in the name of God. And regarding the use of demons, the purification agency can look at it rationally. "
The queen's words suddenly stopped. She looked at Lorenzo playfully. At this moment, the most core secret in this country was opened to him so suddenly.
It was really interesting to see Lorenzo look a little dazed, the Queen finally asked.
"You should know what the answer is, right? Mr. Holmes."
It's clear, Lorenzo certainly knows it.
The world was covered by a layer of curtains, hiding the true appearance behind the veil. Lorenzo had already vaguely glimpsed the corner of the truth.
"The steam engine...no, all existing industrial power...all of this is 'alchemy', nothing more than 'alchemy' that we can understand and explain the principles of."
Everything about the Evangelical Church and the Demon Hunting Order suddenly came to his mind.
The silver-binding bolt that far surpasses modern industrial technology, the extremely mysterious [Baptism of God's Favor], and the well of sublimation that is like a divine casting. All of these outline a ferocious shadow that completely envelopes Lorenzo. got up.
"After the split of the Golden Dawn, as the years passed, all of this was lost in time. Only a family like our Victoria family, which rules a country, has clear records of all of this. The rest of the alchemists All of this has been forgotten due to the outdated knowledge.
During the Glorious War, we tried to use the only alchemy we had to change the situation of the war, but as you know, this power far exceeds basic cognition and cannot be used on a large scale. And after so many years, our Victoria family The understanding of alchemy is also constantly weakening. "
Having said this, the Queen smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.
"After all, you have become the king, who cares about these alchemy skills? In fact, the Victoria family was dismissive of all this at first. The family members thought that all these were just ancient beliefs and witchcraft that should have been abandoned long ago. No one Believe in the authenticity of these things, but keep them for the sake of family history."
"Until the Glorious War..."
Lorenzo guessed the rest of the story.
"Yes, war is coming. In despair, people will frantically survive, no matter what the cost. The dusty alchemy is picked up again, but it still cannot change the situation, until we remember the alchemy left in the divided land. Teachers."
The land of Yin Erweg is shrouded in smoke, and the army of Gaul Naluo is marching. As long as you take a step forward, the old Dunling will be right in front of you.
"This is a desperate attempt. We call the remaining alchemists Keepers of the Secret. They keep the most complete knowledge of the Golden Dawn and build a huge library. We place our hopes on them. , proceed according to the position recorded in the family history.
We don’t know if they are still alive after so many years and if they are still holding on to those secrets... I don’t know what happened next. There is no record of that journey in the family. In short, after that, improved steam engines appeared, A new industrial system emerged in Yernweg, we won the Glorious War, and assumed a dominant position in the Western World. "
The queen stood up slowly. She felt a metallic crashing sound in her body, and her body shook slightly, but she still stood up hard, just like a normal person.
"As for the price of all this, it is the king's curse."
With a smile on her face, there was no pain in her face. No, to be precise, she could no longer feel the pain. In order to conceal the secret of the King's Curse, the Queen had already cut her nerves and used strange alchemy to alleviate the effects of the King's Curse.
Lorenzo could see that under the dress, her pale limbs were covered with steel nails and machinery, so that she could move freely temporarily without the help of others.
In order to hide this secret, she paid a huge price to disguise herself as a normal person.
"I don't know exactly what the King's Curse is, but I can believe that it is a curse. As the price for that knowledge, fortunately, the Victoria family is very resilient, and we have not died completely due to this curse."
The queen walked up to Lorenzo. Her body was filled with the smell of death, which was the smell of the king's curse.
"And these are the things we have to ask of you."
"About the commission from the King of the Ice Sea?"
It was this commission that allowed Lorenzo to meet Queen Victoria, and it was also because of this commission that he was told these secrets that could shake the world.
The price of the Viking kingdoms.
Cold sweat spread down Lorenzo's neck.
Yes, the price of the Viking countries, this is what Queen Victoria wanted, so what is the price?It was worth her efforts.
"The place where the Golden Dawn split is only recorded in the history of the family. It is outside the distant ice sea. We call it the end of the world. The Keepers and the libraries containing knowledge are located at the end of the world. among.
Before making the deal with Jiuxia, we visited there several times, but found nothing. It was as if these were just myths and legends and not real.
But we all know that they exist, but for some reason they no longer want to have contact with the outside world. "
the queen explained.
Lorenzo still pretended to be calm, but there was already a huge wave in his heart.
The north, why is it also the north?
Lorenzo thought of the legend circulated in the Evangelical Church. The first saints could not bear the cruelty of darkness, and in the promised land in the north, they took back the Gospel and the Book of Revelation that drove away the darkness.
Also originating from the icy north, does the origin of the Evangelical Church have anything to do with the Golden Dawn of Schism?
His gray-blue eyes were raised forcefully, and he looked directly at the woman in front of him, waiting for her to give her final answer.
"The passage to the end of the world must pass through the Viking countries. They don't know the existence of all this, but after all, they are in the north. There are more or less internal legends about the secret keepers. No matter how much they know, We need to make sure that the power of the Keeper will not be leaked."
"So the price of the Viking countries is the ice sea channel, right?"
"Everyone thinks it is a dead and desolate place, but only we know that the most precious knowledge in the world is hidden there. If they can change the world once, they can change it a second or third time."
Her voice became cold.
Lorenzo shook his head, and secret blood suddenly rose in his body. Even Arthur on the side was frightened by Lorenzo's sudden change. Before anyone could react, white anger burned in his eyes. flame.
Lorenzo himself was the most deadly weapon, with dense and strong iron armor covering his arms, like a raised dagger on Queen Victoria's neck.
Erosion spreads in this platinum palace.
"So, what do you want to do? Your Majesty, what do you want to get from the Keeper of Secrets?"
The blazing white sun shone on the woman's face. She didn't dodge at all and stared directly at the blazing fire. She didn't look away even if tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes.
"I am so familiar with all this. Just like the Evangelical Church, they used the power of secret blood to survive, but then they wanted to use this power to conquer the world. Now, it is your turn to become a dragon, right? ?”
Lorenzo felt sad for the inferiority of human beings, and the dense iron armor grew little by little, like a sword blade slowly unsheathed.
(End of this chapter)

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