Embers of Embers

Chapter 386 The Beginning of the War

Chapter 386 The Beginning of the War
Arthur had thought about what would happen if he brought Lorenzo to see Queen Victoria, but in all his expectations, he never thought that Lorenzo would show his anger so directly.
The demon hunter's power was revealed, violent and frightening, as if there was some kind of monster inside Lorenzo's body. It was roaring in a low voice, bursting the mortal body bit by bit. Looking from the broken cracks, You can clearly see the surging darkness.
Arthur's first reaction was to stop Lorenzo. Although there was a huge difference in strength between the two, this was not a reason for Arthur to be afraid. Just when he was about to shout for the royal guard, the Queen raised her hand and signaled Arthur to stop. Down.
It's useless. At this moment, neither the royal guards nor Arthur are useless in this situation. Even if the original sin armors are in this palace, they can't reverse the situation even a little bit.
Lorenzo has enough trust in his own power. After retrieving Power Gabriel, he has realized his difference. Under various incidents, he has become more and more like his mortal enemy.
The being called Lawrence.
Correspondingly, he also has enough power to support his arrogance.
"Don't worry, Arthur, am I not dead yet?"
There was no fear in the Queen's voice, and she still had that calm smile, as if she only had this expression.
"Even if I die, let me answer Mr. Holmes's question first."
Lorenzo looked at her expressionlessly, waiting for the answer that would satisfy him.
"Actually, you won't believe anything about ideals and morality. After all, you have seen too much of the despicable nature of human nature, so it is better to talk about something more realistic."
Blood flowed from the sharp iron armor. Under the influence of the king's curse, her body was far more fragile than Lorenzo imagined. In the blink of an eye, the blood dyed the skirt of her clothes red.
Arthur on the side said nothing. He respected the queen's decision, but he also stared at Lorenzo with anger.
"Mr. Holmes, you know, the war is coming."
The queen said so.
Looking at Lorenzo, the queen continued with a smile.
"In the final analysis, what is more terrifying than demons is us humans. You are too immersed in the battle between demons and demons, but you ignore us humans."
"What war?"
"The Second Glorious War."
As Queen Victoria, the highest ruler of the entire Yin Erweg, she is the person who knows the situation in the world best, and she can also anticipate the next threats.
"Monsters exist in the world. Whether it is Yin Erweg or Gaul Naluo, there are demons in them. Our recent intelligence shows that Gaul Naluo has established an organization to fight against monsters and has also cooperated with Lai Naluo. Bai secretly united and cooperated to open an industrial zone."
"so what?"
Faced with Lorenzo's question, the queen couldn't help laughing, she had no fear of facing death, just as she knew very well that Lorenzo would not kill her.
"Mr. Holmes, you are an excellent warrior and an expert among killers, but you are not a smart politician. As you said, under the temptation of demons, we Yin Erweg may degenerate into evil. dragon, what about other groups and countries with demonic powers?”
The rising fireworks suddenly stagnated, like some kind of crystal, frozen in the air.
This world is more than just the old Dunling under our feet. This world is so big that even with the development of industrial technology, there are still many blank areas on the yellowed map, which are unknowns one after another, and human beings Just surrounded by these countless unknowns, barely surviving in them.
"As we speak at this moment, there may be countless people killed by demons, and countless people have picked up the power of demons."
The sound poured into Lorenzo's ears like a spell.
“There is more than just us in this world, there is more than one purification agency, and there is more than one demon hunting sect. In that uninhabited darkness, there are too many conspiracies and tricks fermenting.
Just like our mortal enemy, Gaul Naro, we are just maintaining a poor peace now. If they want to continue to expand, there will definitely be a second glorious war between us, and now we are in the preparation stage. "
The Queen stretched out her hand, grabbed the strong iron armor, and moved the sharp edge away from her neck little by little. Lorenzo did not react, but stared into her eyes, peeping for possible lies. .
"We can guarantee not to militarize the power of demons, but who can guarantee that Gaul Naluo has the same idea as us? Even if the war breaks out again and they militarize demons and defeat Yin Erweg, then Who can stop them now?
The pursuit of power is not terrible, but the abuse of power is terrible, Mr. Holmes. "
The flames began to roll, like a surging vortex, and the light was once extremely hot, as if it was going to turn the entire area into a burning hell.
But it suddenly went out, Lorenzo's eyes returned to calmness, and the dense iron armor fell off one by one, scattering into dust on the ground.
The Queen picked up the tourniquet she had brought with her and simply wrapped it around her neck as she continued.
"I know, you may still not believe it. After all, none of this happened, it only existed in my narration. But what you can know is that the cooperation between Gaulonaluo and Leiber has become closer. Not only them, but also the surrounding people Trade among all countries has become much closer in recent years, and they seem to maintain the same tacit understanding.
Although the official has not made it clear, some people have called the countries united along the Rhine River the Rhine Alliance. "
There was a pause in her voice.
"This is a bad sign. In Erweg, in order to deal with this potential behemoth, we have united with other countries."
"So that's why you support the Viking nations so much?"
Inlvig's was not a act of generosity. Like the Rhine League, it was also a political alliance. Lorenzo only found it all disgusting.
The queen nodded, confirming Lorenzo's words.
"It can be said that, judging from the current situation in the western world, with the Baishio Strait as the boundary, one side is us Inlvig, and the other is Gaulnaro. We are all growing rapidly, but there is enough room for us to survive. There is only this space, and when we expand to the limit, war will begin."
"We don't desire war. If possible, we hope to avoid the outbreak of war as much as possible. Once the war starts, given the size between us, it will be an extremely long fight, but in this long battle , I have a hunch that when human beings fall into the deepest despair, it will be the time when demons return to the earth."
Arthur on the side breathed a sigh of relief when he saw all this. He walked towards the queen and said to Lorenzo at the same time.
"Or, to end the war in an extremely rapid way, which requires the knowledge of the Keepers... another industrial revolution."
This is the reason, the reason for seeking knowledge.
Lorenzo fell silent again. He looked at Arthur, and then his eyes stayed on the queen's face.
While hesitating, the queen's voice sounded again, she knew very well that she had to convince Lorenzo here, even if it couldn't be done, at least let Lorenzo understand the whole story.
"What's more, I think our interests overlap, Mr. Holmes. We desire higher knowledge and more powerful technology to avoid the coming of war. Similarly, aren't you also chasing the source of the demon?
If there is anyone in this world who knows the best about demons, then it is only the secret keepers. "
Whether it is Inervig or Lorenzo, no matter what the purpose is, this path ultimately points to the Keeper of Secrets.
Lorenzo remained silent, and he could smell the smoke of war on the tip of his nose.
War is doomed, Lorenzo knows this.
But what unnerved him was what might happen in the war.
Death, despair, turmoil, betrayal.
What a perfect nourishment this is, used to nourish the evil spirits of demons, and if Gaul Naluo really militarized the demons in the end...
Lorenzo couldn't dare to imagine the future scene, but he also doubted the queen in front of him and the Inverg he was in.
After a long silence, Lorenzo spoke again.
"I took this job, and I hope it goes as you said."
Lorenzo drew back, staring at the queen and repeating what she had said before.
"Chasing power is not terrible, what is terrible is the abuse of power."
“It is an honor for us in Victoria to have your trust.”
The queen did not feel the slightest anger at Lorenzo's behavior, but answered with a smile.
Lorenzo is an inseparable force, he is a humanoid original sin armor that can walk freely... No, it is more than that. As long as it is used properly, Lorenzo alone can form an army, but unfortunately this army does not Loyal to Inervig, he is only loyal to his own interests and his own goals.
Lorenzo didn't appreciate these, he said with a somewhat hollow expression and no emotion.
"Don't be so hasty to thank me, Your Majesty, please remember what you said, but please also remember that if one day, you also try to control those forces that should not be controlled and try to lead the world astray, I will I’ll make you pay the price, believe me, I can do it.”
The anger in my heart has been burning, the anger from the old church, the roar of the night of the Holy Advent.
Lorenzo Medici once tried to believe in human beings, but he was devoured by the desires of those people. They did not care about the eradication of demons or the firmness of faith. They only cared about their own status and power, and only cared about what they could do. Looking down at the world from above.
There is always some reason that drives Lorenzo, turning this somewhat neurotic guy into a demonic and terrifying existence.
That's the reason.
"It would be better if someone could supervise us. Power is seductive, and it will twist us into horrible things."
the queen said at last.
The conversation ended, and Lorenzo walked out of the Platinum Palace with a gloomy face. The door was already filled with royal guards. When the secret blood aroused, the raging erosion hit everyone's chest like an alarm bell.
They grabbed their weapons and glared at Lorenzo, but Lorenzo didn't care about this. He didn't even look at it. He took his weapon from another royal guard and strode towards the outside world.
There was no one to stop him, and there was no need to stop him.
After leaving the solemn atmosphere and integrating into the lively urban area again, Lorenzo turned into the corner of the alley, and his gloomy expression suddenly collapsed.
He took a few quick breaths, and under his pajamas, cold sweat had soaked the fabric.
I really didn’t expect that I could come out safe and sound. The surprise attack on the Queen was an extremely dangerous move. While doing all this, Lorenzo was extremely angry on the surface, but he was also worried in his heart. He didn’t know what the Queen would do next. What will his attitude be? Should he continue to talk to himself, or should he give an order and have three thousand swordsmen and ax hands rush into the Platinum Palace?
Fortunately, what happened later was not beyond Lorenzo's control, and his heart was also in turmoil. He had thought that the world situation would be very bad, but he did not expect that the storm behind the scenes would be so violent.
He didn't know how long the peace in front of him could last, and he didn't know where this job would lead the story in the end.
But at least Lorenzo succeeded.
Lorenzo is a madman, but he is a rational madman. He will take actions that are beyond common sense, but all these actions have their goals and are not just crazy.
He closed his eyes slightly. In the darkness, not far from Lorenzo, there were fires one after another, like lighthouses on the coast.
The beacon was planted.
This is the ultimate goal of Lorenzo's actions just now.
Everything Lorenzo said and did had a deeper purpose. He was not only questioning Queen Victoria, what he wanted to do was to make his secret blood boil in a seemingly reasonable way, one that would not cause any The way a person is alert.
This was a perfect performance and deception. Lorenzo successfully deceived everyone. The moment the secret blood rose, Lorenzo's erosion spread to Queen Victoria, planting a navigation beacon on her body.
Now this has become one of Lorenzo's trump cards, and just as Lorenzo said, he did not tell lies. From that moment on, he had the ability to [Gap] invade Queen Victoria, and he could easily kill her. The queen, who is heavily protected, can also invade her thoughts without anyone noticing.
And... there are those beings called secret keepers. Lorenzo doesn't know how much of the story told by the queen is true and how much is false, but at least at this moment, all these secrets can be revealed to Lorenzo at this moment. Renzo gets it easily.
It was a wonderful feeling. In a trance, Lorenzo even felt that he had become an existence higher than human beings, like some kind of god walking in the world, and a sharp sword hanging above everyone's head.
(End of this chapter)

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