Embers of Embers

Chapter 387 The Unsolved Problem

Chapter 387 The Unsolved Problem
121A Cork Street, Winchester Office.
It has been almost a week since the office officially opened. Although it is still a messy scene when opening the door, to some extent, there is already a corresponding atmosphere here.
Lorenzo got up early in the morning, still wearing the familiar outfit, and there was a row of weapons placed on the wooden table in front of him.
Nail swords, armor-piercing hammers, Winchesters, hook guns, lacquer antimony throwing knives, and various types of ammunition. These are all weapons for killing people. They are piled up together and occupy the wooden table in front of them.
But this time Lorenzo didn't have to work hard to hide them one by one under his clothes. To be honest, it felt really uncomfortable. In order to cope with this, Lorenzo had customized a weapon belt for himself. , he could hang a lot of weapons under his coat, but even so, when he ran, he was still frightened by these sharp weapons.
But this time it was different. He picked up a heavy wooden cello case, and the cello inside was thrown aside. The empty space in the case was turned into an ingenious weapons rack under Lorenzo's modifications. .
He stuffed the weapons on the table into it one by one. With the crisp sound of metal, they were arranged neatly together. As the piano case was closed, no one knew that there were so many dangerous items hidden inside.
Lorenzo can't play the piano, and he has no so-called musical talent. The only thing about him that has anything to do with music is that he likes to hum some weird songs, and he always hums out of tune.
This is the identity Arthur gave him. Probably this is the "official" convenience. This time Lorenzo's role will be a musician playing the cello, and he will go to the High School with an orchestra in this identity. Lunaro.
With the assistance of the authorities, a series of documents are placed on the other side. No matter who comes to check, there will be no doubt...because it is genuine.
Carrying the piano case on his back, Lorenzo was confident that he could play the role of a musician well, but he still had a fatal flaw. That was the piano case. After loading so many weapons, it seemed too heavy. I'm afraid it was too heavy. Only Lorenzo, who possesses the secret blood, can carry it and act at will.
However, there is the help of Nordero in this regard. Their shipping routes are all over the western world. This time Lorenzo's operation will be carried out on Nordero's ship. The path forward will be extremely smooth. No one will check Lorenzo, and no one will He will be aware of Lorenzo's existence, and he will not have to worry about these miscellaneous things until he reaches Nalo in Gaul.
Thinking of this, Lorenzo couldn't help but feel relaxed. It felt good to have two behemoths protecting him. In Lorenzo's expectation, he didn't even need any plans or tricks. All he had to do was find Ivar's whereabouts. land, then fight in, and then find a way to bring him back to Yin Erweg.
It sounds difficult, but judging from Lorenzo's mobility, it's really easy.
Humans are far more fragile than demons, and Lorenzo even felt that there was no need to use the secret blood in this operation.
Walking downstairs, Arthur was already waiting here. Ever since Lorenzo's atrocities at the Platinum Palace, this guy has never looked down upon Lorenzo.
"What, are you going to send me off in person?" Lorenzo asked.
Maybe it was the attribute of a rotten person, but his words had a sense of ridicule, and Arthur's expression became even more gloomy.
"Didn't you ask me to come?" Arthur asked.
Hearing this, Lorenzo suddenly remembered.
Lorenzo's itinerary has been arranged. He will first take a train from Old Dunling to the port of Rendona, from where he will take a ship from Nordro to Gaul Nalo. Today is his last day in Old Dunling.
"Yes, yes! Just wait a moment!"
Lorenzo almost forgot about it. He put the piano case aside, rummaged through a pile of clothes that were starting to get sore, and finally found a simple notebook.
"This is Shermans's notes... To be precise, they are the notes of the Borgia family. Regarding the [boundary] I am talking about, here is the most detailed speculation."
Lorenzo originally wanted to give it to Merlin in person, but because Merlin was busy with experiments on the previous Merlin, William, he never had time to see Lorenzo.
The Perpetual Pump restarted the research on the Red News Incident. They tried to get William to wake up so that they could confirm what happened during the Red News Incident.
"But, Arthur, I have torn out some of the pages."
Arthur took the note, but at this moment Lorenzo added.
"What do you mean?"
Arthur didn't understand why Lorenzo did this.
"Remember what I said? Regarding the nature of [Border], I suspect it is an early warning system. Once someone's knowledge crosses that limit, they will be hit... just like the Holy Night, The Demon Hunting Order has no ability to withstand that blow, and neither can your purification agencies."
Lorenzo's thoughts became sad, and he began to realize that [border] is an unsolvable problem for humans.
"Once you cross the [border] rashly, this time the entire purification mechanism may... no, the entire old Dunling may fall into the hell of erosion.
Let me keep this forbidden knowledge safe until we are strong enough to understand it. "
Arthur looked at Lorenzo. He didn't think that Lorenzo would be so kind, but it was possible. After all, they were now on the same page about monsters. But in this case, Lorenzo, who knew that knowledge, would not be so kind to him. The importance of the purification mechanism has undoubtedly increased.
For a moment, Arthur couldn't tell whether this was Lorenzo's trick or if he really meant it.
"This is an unsolvable question, Lorenzo. If I want to avoid the blow of [Border], I must understand what [Border] is and what the devil is. But in the process of understanding, we may die. ... Just like what you described as 'darkness' at that time.
Each of us is in endless darkness. Once we approach the taboo, our bodies will ignite with fire. This fire will illuminate our compatriots in the darkness and also allow those monsters lurking in the darkness to discover us. "
"When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you."
Arthur said slowly, accompanied by a cold chill.
The two looked at each other briefly, and they both read the fear of [boundary] from each other's eyes.
Yes, this is an unsolvable problem. When people try to observe the [Border], the [Silent One] will appear out of thin air and destroy all observers. This is an extremely perfect confidentiality measure that will kill all [the truth]. Death lies behind this curtain.
This is cursed knowledge, with the property that "those who know will die". Judging from what Lorenzo knows, those who know are basically dead. Now he and Watson seem to be the only survivors.
It stands to reason that I should also be endlessly hunted by the [Silent Ones], but it seems like something happened that allowed me to temporarily avoid their pursuit.
is it you?
Lorenzo had a strange thought for a moment. He looked down at his palm and could vaguely see the iron-blue blood vessels under the skin, with secret blood rushing through them.
Power Gabriel.
Is this a kind of [sublimation], or a kind of [qualification]... a qualification that can understand the [boundary]?
The clear ringing of the doorbell interrupted Lorenzo's thoughts. Someone pushed open the door of the office, and in the morning light he could see another group of people coming to see them off.
"Anyway, let's do this for now, Arthur. No matter what you are going to do, at least wait for me to come back. I have personally experienced the Night of Holy Advent. Regarding [Border] in this world, I can confidently say that I He is the only expert.”
Lorenzo smiled at Arthur, he picked up the heavy piano case again and walked towards the door.
"Shrike will be waiting for you at the train station, and he will inform you of the next steps."
Arthur said, Lorenzo waved his hand at him to indicate that he heard, and then a key flew over, accompanied by Lorenzo's words.
"Lock the door for me."
"Good morning, everyone. It looks like we won't be able to see each other for a while. I hope you don't miss me too much!"
As soon as they got on the carriage, Lorenzo started talking bad words. As one of Lorenzo's middlemen, Oscar and Seleu sat opposite Lorenzo. The two of them together represented Nordero.
In fact, it was enough for Oscar to come alone, but at Seliu's insistent request, Oscar had no choice but to let her participate.
"You only bring this luggage?"
Seleu asked when she saw the piano case on Lorenzo's back. She remembered that Lorenzo didn't know any musical instrument.
"The clothes and everything else are in the boat provided by Nordero. I have arranged a special room for Lorenzo. Everything he needs is available there," Oscar explained.
"This time you will play the role of a musician, following the Inverg Royal Orchestra to tour Nalo in Gaul. Of course, you are only an unimportant role on the list. After arriving, you will leave the band to be yourself. what to do."
Oscar explained various matters to Lorenzo.
"More detailed information, in your documents, you remember to take a look, don't reveal the truth."
"Don't worry about this! You know my performance." Lorenzo said confidently.
When he said this, Seleu suddenly remembered the relationship between Lorenzo and Oscar. From the beginning, the two of them met because of theatrical performances and other things. It can be said that both of them are cunning foxes, but One young and one old.
"Are we going to have any potential enemies?"
Lorenzo already knew about these things, and what he was more concerned about now was who his enemy would be.
As an expert, it is in line with the expert's style to formulate different plans for different enemies. However, if he encounters something really difficult, Lorenzo doesn't mind activating the secret blood and overturning the table.
"This is not very clear. You must know that the foundation of Nordro is Yin Erweg, and Gaul Naluo is extremely wary of Yin Erweg. It is very difficult for our intelligence network to develop in Gaul Naluo, but it is certain What’s more, this time there must be official intervention from Gaulonaluo, and maybe you will still fight with the regular army.”
Listening to Oscar's answer, Lorenzo was not surprised. It can be seen from the queen's words that Gaulonaluo mainly wanted to destroy the alliance between Inverg and the Viking countries. Maybe Ivar was being imprisoned. In a certain military base, he was tortured.
Lorenzo suddenly felt a little dizzy, and he began to wonder whether his armor could withstand the enemy's artillery fire head-on.
"Is there anything else I should pay attention to?" he asked again.
"Nothing else, but it seems that the Viking countries still have some requirements. Their people are also waiting for you at the train station. They should explain it to you then, so our work is almost over here."
Thinking of those stubborn Vikings, Oscar felt a little headache. No matter how much he tried to persuade him, he couldn't persuade them, and Arthur actually didn't object and allowed them to mess around.
"What's wrong?" Lorenzo asked.
"You'll know then."
Oscar didn't want to mention this, but he still wanted to do something with Lorenzo and see what his expression would be like.
Both what should be talked about and what should not be talked about have been finished, and the atmosphere in the carriage fell silent for a while.
"So, do you want me to jump out of the car now to make room for you?"
In the long silence, Oscar looked at Seleucus, then at Lorenzo and asked.
Rarely, Seliu answered seriously.
"Wait! I'm just saying, respect the old and love the young, do you understand?"
Seeing Seleu's eagerness to try, Oscar hurriedly said that he would probably have to lie in the hospital for half a month if he jumped out of the car with his body.
"Then just shut up, okay?"
Seleu said impatiently, Oscar shut his mouth wisely.
Lorenzo was watching all this from the side, his expression was a little subtle.
He is not an idiot, Lorenzo is a cunning guy, he knows some things very well, but he has difficulty in responding, so he has to pretend to be a fool.
In fact, Lorenzo has always wanted to avoid all this. It's not that he hates Seleu, but he knows what he will face. He doesn't expect an ordinary life, he just hopes that his death will be worthwhile. , this is the ending of his life, rather than passing away peacefully in a warm and comfortable bed under the eyes of his children.
But there are always people who are expecting him, and Lorenzo dare not reply to this expectation.
"Will you come back alive?" Seriu asked seriously.
"It's just a commission. I'm not going to assassinate some high-ranking official in Gaul Naluo. Why do you make it look like I'm going to never return?"
Lorenzo likes to talk bad things. Similarly, he also likes to talk bad things when he is nervous. He likes to use this method to hide himself. This method can usually deceive many people, but the girl in front of him is obviously an exception.
"No...I just feel a little uneasy."
Seliu felt a little pressure. After receiving the title, countless information was passed into her brain. Coupled with the transaction with North Dro, Seliu faintly felt the changes in the world. It was like a roaring train. The train is moving forward, but the rails have already broken not far ahead.
She always felt that Lorenzo's action would have irreparable consequences. She wanted to dissuade Lorenzo, but looking at the way he looked like he was starting to behave again, Seleu couldn't say anything.
Lorenzo was very happy. He had his own firm and received his first case. He was like a normal person. This cold guy even loved life.
"Oh, death? How is it possible? There are strong winds and waves, and you still care about this? Moreover, after finally opening the office, the great Mr. Holmes just took the first case and ended up in Gauluna. Luo?"
Lorenzo started talking nonsense.
"In short, good people don't live long, and bad people live for thousands of years, right?"
Faced with these strange words spoken by Lorenzo, Seliu was suddenly stunned, and then smiled uncontrollably.
(End of this chapter)

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