Embers of Embers

Chapter 388 King of Ice Sea

Chapter 388 King of Ice Sea
Finally, Lorenzo boarded the departing train under the watchful eyes of Oscar and Seleu. The whistle was melodious, the steam surged, and with the bite of machinery, the heavy carriage was dragged bit by bit until it was on the rails like a beast. Running wildly.
The wind carried fine dust, which poured in through the cracks in the window and hit Lorenzo's cheek gently.
Lorenzo rarely calmed down and looked at the steel city that was moving away. For a moment, he had many indescribable emotions.
How long has it been? How long has it been since I left Old Dunling?
Unconsciously, the city became Lorenzo's fortress and his prison.
He hummed a familiar melody and enjoyed this pretty good time. The sun was shining in. Lorenzo was leaning on the piano case, with a little confusion in his gray-blue eyes. At this moment, he really looked like an artist. temperament.
But the look of such a melancholy young man could not last long. Lorenzo looked at the carriage he was in. This was a luxury box for Lorenzo alone. The seats were wide enough for Lorenzo to lie down and sleep. There was a cupboard next to it. There was still wine inside, and the glass made a crisp sound as it collided with the shaking of the carriage.
This time Lorenzo has an official background and can be regarded as an imperial envoy, and his due treatment has also been greatly improved.
Lorenzo still remembered the first time he went to Gaulnaro to look for Seleucid. He was like a vagabond. He had to do everything by himself. Lorenzo paid for the return ticket from passers-by. snatched from here.
Fortunately, Seleu was still relatively short at that time, although he is not very tall now. In short, Lorenzo only learned about the rules of free tickets for children on the train that time.
Thanks to this rule, it saved a potential passer-by who might have been robbed by Lorenzo.
He casually took out a bottle of wine. It was still a long time before the port of Rendona. Lorenzo relied on his strong teeth to bite open the bottle and started tossing it with one hand.
This can be said to be a chic life, but as soon as this chic life began, the door of the carriage was pushed open.
"Hey! Shrike! Do you want a bottle?"
Lorenzo was not surprised by Shrike's arrival. Arthur and others had reminded himself before. Judging from Shrike's serious face, the next step is to introduce the detailed workflow.
He is a rigorous guy. As a gang boss, he also has the courage to be a boss. It can be said that Arthur has always trained Shrike as his successor. Compared with several other unreliable guys, Shrike is always the most trustworthy one. .
"Before we arrive at Rendona Port, let us settle these matters first... You may be very busy."
Shrike didn't bother to accuse Lorenzo of this casual gesture. He wouldn't listen anyway, so he might as well do the thing at hand first.
"Something went wrong at work, Lorenzo."
"what is the problem."
Lorenzo immediately got up and asked, he felt something was wrong.
Don't tell me sooner or later, but he told himself after he set off. Lorenzo stared at Shrike, and Shrike looked at him without hesitation, with an expression that seemed to say, "I am just a part-time worker. This It has nothing to do with me."
"You are not alone in this operation. The Viking countries strongly request to send personnel to act with you, and they must personally confirm the operation."
Shrike said slowly, and at the same time, the door was pushed open again, and the familiar Viking walked in.
"Hello, Mr. Holmes."
Haybold looked at Lorenzo with a smile, and Lorenzo's face turned ugly.
"Acting alone and leading a group of people are completely different concepts, Shrike."
Lorenzo has a strong ability to fight alone, but if he doesn't have a group of teammates who need to be protected, it will only make Lorenzo sluggish.
"Don't worry, I won't interfere with your actions. I just need to confirm Ivar's survival with my own eyes."
"I believe the first half of the sentence, but the second half is a bit wrong, right?"
Although he drank, the impact of the alcohol on Lorenzo was almost zero. He was sober and rational.
From the alliance between the Viking countries and Yin Erweg, to the Ice King devoting everything he had to saving Ivar, Lorenzo had long smelled an ominous smell. As the leader of the countries, Ragnar ·How could Rodbrock make such a stupid decision.
Unless...unless these are just a cover-up, they have another ulterior purpose.
"You can completely ignore me and we don't even have to act together," Haybold said.
Lorenzo did not answer his words, but looked at Shrike. He didn't know what the attitude of the purification agency was. They were probably not stupid enough to let these Vikings do anything in front of their eyes.
Shrike understood what Lorenzo meant and said.
"Don't be wary of Heybold, don't question his position until the end of the job."
"You can think of me as an inspector. After all, there are too many people involved in this job." Haybold explained timely.
This is a scandal for the Rodbrok family and a shame for the entire Viking kingdom. Their royal family members were kidnapped and they were threatened by their enemies. What is even more shameful is that they did not retaliate, but instead had to fight with the high officials. Lunaro made a deal, and if Lorenzo's operation failed, the shame would be heightened to its fullest.
"Of course, we must be on guard against others. We are also very clear about this. Although it is said to be cooperation, there must also be restrictions. In this operation, the cleanup agency will also have a role similar to an inspector to ensure that there is no Exceeded our expectations.”
Like a well-timed stage play, one character after another takes the stage as Shrike chants.
The door was pushed open again, and Kestrel walked into the carriage with a puzzled look on his face.
Looking at the confusion on Kestrel's face, Lorenzo was sure that this guy definitely didn't know what was going on, and was probably deceived in the name of some kind of public-funded tour.
"Yo! Lorenzo! You join the tour group too!"
"I said, Shrike, do you not trust me? One after another..."
"To be precise, it is precisely because we trust you that we know what you can do without controlling you," Shrike said relentlessly, "Think about the Reichenbach pendant, you told Oscar that you It wanted to escape, but in the end it turned into a counterattack. Fortunately, it crashed on the ridge. If it fell in the city..."
Lorenzo fell silent.
"What's more, Lorenzo, you should also be aware of the seriousness of the current international situation, right? And the location of this operation is Gaulnalo. If there is no restriction from us, this secret rescue plan is likely to be destroyed. If you conduct a raid on a military base, it may even trigger a military conflict between the two of us."
What Shrike said is correct, the cause of this incident was the conflicts among the countries, Inlveg, Gaulnalo, the Viking countries... This is not an easy job, although it is only to rescue one person, but it What matters is these three behemoths.
Lorenzo suddenly had a strange feeling, as if the results of this work would affect the direction of the world.
He thought his idea was ridiculous, like a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a storm.
But he couldn't laugh, he just felt unspeakable uneasiness.
"I, Kestrel, Highbould, are we alone this time?" Lorenzo asked.
"Not only that, Nordro's liaison officer will contact you after you go to sea. As for now...well...we still have an intern for this operation." At this point, Shrike seemed a little hesitant.
"Intern? Do you still have this thing in the purification agency?"
Lorenzo was stunned. He had never heard of such a type of work in the purification agency.
But then he saw that the door was pushed open again, and everyone in the action group was gone.
The girl was dressed in black, and she was holding a violin case in her hand. If Lorenzo guessed correctly, there was also a weapon hidden inside.
Her gaze was far sharper than Lorenzo was familiar with, and her whole body was like a sword that had just been forged.
With a cold expression, after scanning around the members in the carriage, his eyes finally fell on Lorenzo. Lorenzo suddenly felt a chill and felt like goosebumps were rising all over his body.
"Hey! Long time no see! Mr. Lorenzo Holmes!"
The cold expression melted, and Eve greeted him with Lorenzo's tone, her expression seemed to be a smirk.
"Are you kidding me, Shrike! Arthur will kill you!"
Lorenzo grabbed Shrike. He knew very well how overprotective Arthur was towards Eve. Maybe Lorenzo was now on the wanted list for kidnapping Eve... although this was not the first time he had done this. , but Lorenzo still felt bad.
He has finally become a good man and has a legal firm. A good life is waiting for him!
"Don't worry about Arthur, Lorenzo."
Eve said, and then she seemed to remember something, strode over, and took Lorenzo's hand.
"Get to know each other again."
Lorenzo looked at the girl in front of him, and he felt his throat was a little dry.
"Purge mechanism, reserve knight, Eve Phoenix, code name, Phoenix."
This was Arthur's codename, and it was inherited by Eve many years later.
Lorenzo had no chance to feel the softness in his hands, and had no idea to examine the girl in front of him. He said dryly.
The scenery outside the car window flies by, and the background sound is Kestrel's howling and howling. He cursed the Shrike's deception and this unexpected journey, but unfortunately he couldn't change anything. He could only look at the action with tears in his eyes Information.
Several people had different thoughts and secrets, and under various accidents and inevitabilities, they all got together.
The train rumbles forward, and you can smell a little sea breeze on the tip of your nose. The port of Reendona is at the end of the track.
Old Dunling, Platinum Palace.
Since Lorenzo's atrocities, the security of the Platinum Palace has been strengthened. In order to prevent potential threats, Arthur even moved several third-generation armors to park here.
In the splendid palace, the original sin armors knelt on one knee like knights. They were guarded under the stone pillars like sculptures. If it weren't for the low roar of the engine and the steam that gushes out from time to time, everyone would think of them as stone sculptures. dead.
The man was not in a hurry to complete his work, but carefully observed the original sin armors who were kneeling on one knee. His hands gently brushed the cold iron armor, and there was machinery slowly operating in the dim gaps.
This is a technology far beyond the man's knowledge. He knew that Yin Erweg had powerful mechanical technology, but he never thought that they had developed to such a scale. Although the Original Sin Armor just remained silent now, the man could imagine it. What it looks like when it moves.
With a roar like thunder, all obstacles will be easily shattered. Coupled with the release of those war airships, once this weapon is gathered to a certain scale, it can easily destroy a city.
"How does it feel."
The voice came from the other side. Queen Victoria was sitting on a chair, witnessing the man observing the Original Sin Armor.
"Perfect, powerful and deadly."
Bjorn sighed.
"We still have a lot of time to see these, but before that, let's talk about your purpose. Bjorn, as a descendant of Ragnar, your sudden arrival really makes me a little confused." The Queen questioned.
According to the intelligence, Bjorn should still be in the Viking countries, but he suddenly came to the Platinum Palace and wanted to meet her. The queen was very confused, but after confirming Bjorn's identity, she still met him. I met this strange Viking.
She was curious, wondering what Bjorn wanted to do.
"Gaul Naluo has been monitoring us. They may have already known about the rescue mission. This is why I have to be sneaky - I came with a souvenir from the King of Ice and Sea."
The queen's expression became serious. The situation was far worse than imagined. Yin Erweg's precautions were quite tight, but the Viking countries were different. Although they had achieved unity, their internal conflicts still existed, and as long as there was The gap gives the enemy a chance to operate.
Bjorn smiled at the queen. The Viking was taller than expected, like a war bear.
"Haibald and the others have already set off?"
"That's good."
As he spoke, he took out the souvenir and handed it to the queen in front of him. The queen opened it and the handwriting came into her eyes clearly.
"Although the occasion is not very formal, but due to the current situation, it seems that this is the only way to do it."
Bjorn continued.
"I, Bjorn Lodbrok, hereby form an alliance with Queen Victoria on behalf of the Ice King, Ragnar Lodbrok."
The queen's eyes froze, and what caught her eyes was not a souvenir at all, but a covenant. On the side of the Viking countries, Ragnar Lodbrok's name had already been signed, and on the other side The blank space is waiting for you to write your name.
"No...didn't you say that you would make a decision after settling Ivar's matter?"
The queen didn't know what was going on. According to the Viking nations, whether or not Invigor formed an alliance was related to Ivar's survival, but now the covenant was in front of her eyes, so that share What’s a commission?
"The incident with Ivar was resolved, and it was over when they set off."
Bjorn continued with an unreadable expression.
"We Vikings like the outside world's evaluation of us, reckless, rough like a group of brainless idiots, in fact, this seemingly humiliating description, we like it very much, it will make our enemies look down on us and ignore us.
On the ice field, reckless hunters will only be killed by wild beasts, and only cunning hunters can survive to the end. "
Bjorn held out his hand.
"God Odin blesses us, happy cooperation, Your Majesty."
Countless pieces of information were integrated together, and Queen Victoria suddenly seemed to understand the reason for all this. She couldn't help but shake her head, stretched out her hand and held it with Bjorn.
"He is worthy of the title of King of Ice Sea."
(End of this chapter)

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